• Thread starter old.JACKDARIPPA
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K about 6 months ago i helped my m8 who is knew to pcs buy a p.c.
After warning him off all the ones he would have bought ,the ones like compaq etc ,cause they need their own internal stuff and aint very compatable with other hardware
anyhow eventually we got one of the premade base units with
17 inch monitor ,750mhz 128 ram tnt64 ,k anyhow the comp i got for him was ok i got the price down a lot

thats not the problem ,the problem is the way their ppl go about the insurance
the guy selling us stuff was heavily keen on selling insurance for 400 pounds, he said that it was total coverage ,and that even if we dropped it outside etc they could swap it, and i agreed cause we all know ow much pcs fook up ,also he said that we could swap it for same value pc in 4 years or so.
now here comes the gay stuff , we went home i put in my old geforce and a net card, the net card was fine but the agp slot wouldnt work ,neither would it work when i put back in the tnt ,so i stuck in my ol voodoo banshee till we could take it back and get it all fixed up like new

but noooooooo when we get there they say "no your not supposed to go inside your pc for a whole year or you validate your warranty
now this was a bit gay because i had been saying infront of the sales man about how wed be changing the gfx card and upgrading memory etc!!!
and also the pc hassss to be dead in the water after 4 years for the exchange,,,erm how many ppl out there would want to buy the pc and never upgrade it untill it dies ,just so you get money back after 4 years
that would be like me still on my old p200

now a boy in my college class wants to get one from there hes quite sure hell get a good deal,well mayhaps he will ,but i wanna know if anyone else has had probs with pcworld,plz you would be most helpful

compared to the service support ive had from comapnys like "dan" and "evesham micros" pc world insurance sucks ,,not olny that it seems like the ppl working there will push it on you so they get a precent of insurance(am i wrong about that)
i mean they are more pushy than those dodgy clothes shops with the pakistan ppl trying to sell you 20 pairs of joe bloggs jeans and all the cheap bomber jackets etc(p.s that wasnt meant as racist but in inverness theres three of them in town center and they are all owned by pakistan ppl so its fact not racist b4 ppl start =O


My m8 had probs with PC world. I think they basically say "don't touch the PC for a year" because they want you to come to them for any upgrades etc, which means they can charge you extra instead of just for the part you want to stick in.
Realistically, you should check the small print, although if you were blabbing on about swapping gfx in front of the sales dude he should have mentioned something.

The only advice I can give you is to go back and make as much noise as possible. They don't like it when people kick up a stink coz it makes them look bad. Demand money back, grab the sales dude and ask why he did'nt say anything, jump up and down, cry, make shit up; do whatever it takes.

Let me know how you get on.

Luv and hugz


1) I shudder to think how little your friend knows about PCs if you (being his 'PC knowledgeable' friend) recommended he buy one from PC World.

2) They're sales people. They make a lot of money from insurance. You weren't forced to buy it, so why are you complaining?

3) Did you actually read the T&C's on buying your pc, and your insurance? I bet they said "opening the case will invalidate your warranty" didn't it. So again, you're complaining because you made a mistake.

4) After this experience, you're still going to recommend another friend buy a PC from PC World?

5) Your last statement explicitly shows what is implicit from the rest of your post. You're an ignorant imbecilic bigot who deserves everything he gets.


Hey Stu-, you just got upgraded!!

Trying to be a little more helpful though, the thing about opening your pc invalidating your warranty has been disproved in court back when pcworld first tried to pull that shit. It goes something along the lines of 'by the very nature of it being an upgradeable product it will be necessary for the machine to be opened' and of course they can't insist that it is just opened by them. Take it back, shove it up there arse, make lots of noise. They hate all that and will do anything to get you out.

Never, ever buy another computer from there.


Oh that's why i love my computers. I assembled them all. Bought the parts where they were cheaper. No company will pull that crap from me. :)


indeed...make your own (it isnt that hard)!

sure you dont get all that shitty software and your have to get the money up front but for the same money you get a better PC.

I suppose the main reason why people get PC's from PCWorld (or other superstores) is because you can pay it off monthly rather than having to pay for the whole lot...which can seem alot to a student :(

There are better companies out there which can build to order (I think gateway do this to a degree) tho most companies seem unwilling to sell there stuff! (my brother tried for a month to get one from gateway LOL!)


Originally posted by JACKDARIPPA
..we went home i put in my old geforce and a net card..

Doh! Doh! Doh!

These insurances from PC World and the like are great for one type of person only imo. The family with 2.3 children who will buy another one (at a massively inflated price) after about 5 or 6 years ..... and pay for the cover again. When asked "whats the problem with the pc sir?", they respond "errr, it's broke".
Anyone who is confident enough to know that they will open it open and upgrade something themselves at some point, should just buy the parts and build it themselves. It's wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy cheaper, you get exactly what you want and it's enjoyable to do. If anything goes wrong in your pc, it is not going to cost you an arm and a leg tbh.
I once bought one from PC World a few years ago and regretted it ever since (although I did not take out the extended cover).
Imo, tell ya mate to buy the bits. Just get an ATX case, motherboard, CPU, HDisk, Floppy, CD drive, Sound and graphics, etc. They all plug in so easily, despite sounding like quite a dauting task. If it comes to it, there's bound to be a 'Bob's PC's' down the road, who will give you loads of advice. This guy will know about pc's, while pc world teenage staff will know how to play games on them, but thats about it.
Whatever, dont buy the warranty unless you wanna be stuck with an out of date pc in no time at all, or pay pc world through the nose for doing upgrades for you.
PC World, Dixons, Currys, blah, blah wind me up ........ you might have guessed :D
D I Y :)



omg I am officially a spamm0r? :)

Meddle: tbh, I was prepared to be helpful, until I read his "pakis" statement at the end.


If PC WORLD are so crap, how come they do so well?

PC WORLD is fine for those who really know nothing about PCs since they're unlikely to upgrade them like I or most of you do.

At the end of the day Stu is right, you should always read what you sign but to often people just sign without reading and end up getting stuffed later on.


Originally posted by Embattle
If PC WORLD are so crap, how come they do so well?

Because the most successful businesses in every market are those that sell average (or below-average) large scale goods to people with similarly average (or below-average) expectations. It's only the 'experts' in the field that recognise their crapness (crapicity? craptitude?)

Pile em high, sell em cheap (or not so cheap even) - oldest business model in the world, and it still works.



^^ saw that and came in here to say....


i often buy things from PC World tho...but not a whole system + insurance, that's just plain stupid - i mean, tiny pc are just waaaaay better ;)




Would anyone buy a car from a dealership that tried to flog u a 55 year extended warranty for £4000? and then says u invalidate it by openning the bonnet?????

Thought not.........


I had to purchase a PC from PC World for my brother, entirely because of the 0% interest though, an Advent PC.
The first things I did when Mr Geek wandered over to us to sell us a ridiculously expensive PC was make sure that
a) Being a PC technician myself, I could upgrade and carry out minor repair on the pc without invalidating warranty
b) It contains stuff that I want it to contain, not what they think (which is always wrong)
c) That I know more then they do, so from then on, I shall choose which PC I will purchase.
To this day the PC has been a pile of shit, I've carried out minor repairs to it to keep it running without a 20 mile run to pc world, and the warranty still stands. It is always worth checking this stuff.
Oh, and of course, just because you have opened your PC up and fitted a graphics card does not make you "knowledgable" in the field. The best thing you can do for your friend is get prices together for him, build him up a pc for less money anyway, get a little bit for yourself for doing it, offer your own guarantee as such, as in, if something goes wrong, you will see to it that it is corrected : plus, you get the seperate warranties on the different parts, 3 years for your screen, 10 for your hard drive etc etc.. rather then 1 year all in... and it still works out cheaper.
If you really MUST have a PC pre-built I suggest gateway, dell or panrix, but for the price... save him a hundred quid or so, and put some money in your own pocket at the same time. But, if you aren't that knowledgable, which it seems you are not, go for a basic pre built by the names I recommended.

Oh, and welcome to the semi-spamm0r rank Stu :)
(you know when you get too bad when you have 1000+ posts :/)


You can buy a new fuckin' PC for 400 quid... christ, if something goes wrong it's most likely cheaper to swap the part out than have a 400 quid insurance!!!

And PC World? LOL please noooo.............


Originally posted by Stu-
Because the most successful businesses in every market are those that sell average (or below-average) large scale goods to people with similarly average (or below-average) expectations. It's only the 'experts' in the field that recognise their crapness (crapicity? craptitude?)

Pile em high, sell em cheap (or not so cheap even) - oldest business model in the world, and it still works.

Some is true but not all. At the end of the day its successful because more people are happy with the outcome than are unhappy.

Originally posted by TUG
christ, if something goes wrong it's most likely cheaper to swap the part out than have a 400 quid insurance!!!

Out of all the people who have PCs, a higher percentage don't even know how to open them, let alone find the problem.

[Edited by Embattle on 02-11-00 at 16:55]


Yeah but local PC shops know wot to do if they're any good and it's a damn site cheaper than paying 400 quid for insurance :) If you have hardware competent m8s then get them to sort ya PC out for you too for freeeeeeeeee :)


Originally posted by TUG
Yeah but local PC shops know wot to do if they're any good and it's a damn site cheaper than paying 400 quid for insurance :) If you have hardware competent m8s then get them to sort ya PC out for you too for freeeeeeeeee :)

As I know since I fix my m8s :)


k thx to the ppl who helped by sharing experiences with pcworld, which is what i asked ;)
now hmmm
ah stu yes u do talk to much arf!=O
i never recommended he bought one from pc world ,i recomended he let me build one,i suppose i should have said also how hard it is to explain to newbies to tell them to shove there free table+chair+printer+scanner deal.

I havnt built a whole one as of yet, but ive upgraded my mobo and changed psu and case. Ive fitted new cards and upgradeded ram and hd's, ive got a perfectly partitioned hd done in dos ,
and ive had 3 pcs since 8086 and i was 12 or so then, i may not be what YOU would call his knowlegable friend, i sure think im knowlegable enough to build one,
and with pages like toms hardware and sharkey and the other hardware sites then who cant get the knowlege?!

stu said "your last statement explicitly shows what is implicit from the rest of your post. You're an ignorant imbecilic bigot who deserves everything he gets." lololol
i'd hate to think what that makes u, you come to inverness

so as i am Scottish and if i was living in Pakistan and i had a shop,would the Pakistan person be wrong by saying thats a Scottish shop?? no i think not!
shhh stu b4 you hurt yourself

But yes we didnt read the small print, stupid i know. Have none of yous ever made a mistake of not reading full warranty b4 youve done something wrong.

Also as i said the guy SAID to us we could upgrade and stuff no problemo which is why i asked ppl if they've had that done to them aswell.


ah sh*t* that line didnt come out prop stu ,
i meant you come to inverness and tell me what kind off a shop it is,but then i thought that didnt sound the way it was supposed too.
anyhow im off to get stoned and play red alert 2 woohoo.


Originally posted by JACKDARIPPA
and with pages like toms hardware and sharkey and the other hardware sites then who cant get the knowlege?!

People who are getting there first :)


heh, tsk tsk.
i could say something about me starting off with pc's when i was 5 just to stick my foot in somewhere but still :)
anyway, noone reads manuals or learns shit from sites :)
if so, everyone would be going round purchasing AMD cpus for their g4

tsk :)


Thought I'd add my 2c worth. About 18 months ago I purchased a top of the range PC from Evesham Vale. At the time, it was the fastest thing I could get my hands on (P3 500, Rage 128 AND V2 SLI, all sorts of stuff that is just becoming standard now - ZIP, 19 inch monitor, 128Meg RAM). Quite an upgrade from a clonking old P200 with voodoo 1. I decided to get a ready built PC as I'd had enough stress in the past building my own and other people's PC's, and really couldnt be fucked anymore. Since buying it, the service I've had from Evesham has been top notch. When they forgot to send out the Win98 manual and disk, after ringing up they sent it out and it arrived the next day. When the hard disk made funny noises and died (It was a Quantum after all), they sent an engineer out 2 days later who replaced the hard disk with a bigger one no questions asked.
Try getting this kinda service off PC World.

The moral of this story? BUY EVESHAM BUY EVESHAM :). Seriously, if you must buy a pre-built PC, get on from Evesham, Dell, etc. Less likely to get ripped off and more likely to get well served.



The trouble with building PC's for ya mates is that u end up being a techinical help line at about 9:30 am on xmas morning, because they've :-

1) Thought the bios was a game.

2) Deleted/moved/lost a file because they didnt know what it was.

3) Created folders called dll, exe & sys and moved all files of that extension there to 'tidy' up the hard disk, then wonder why windows wont boot.


"The trouble with building PC's for ya mates is that u end up being a techinical help line "

heheeheh it happan all da time eh!


Originally posted by Embattle
Some is true but not all. At the end of the day its successful because more people are happy with the outcome than are unhappy.

Exactly my point. Why are they happy? Because their expectations when buying are lower than that of your "expert" user. For a similar reason, Aiwa make an awful lot of money peddling crappy mini systems, because the people who are shopping for them are expecting exactly what they get.


btw Kryten, please, stop this "I've been playing with PCs since I was 5" crap, before someone can actually be bothered to make a fool out of you.


Yea i got an evesham micro's one too , v nice cover
i guess i expect other companys warranty to stand up to the same standard


but i wouldnt have expected it if the pcworld salesman hadnt said it covered all the same things =(


jack: if the PC World salesman actually explicitly told you at point of sale that you would be ok to open the case without invalidating the warranty, then it becomes an implied term of contract. You can claim reliance (ie you can say that without him saying that you wouldn't have bought the PC, so you have every right to do it).


Just dont buy PC's from PCworld, they suck

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