Everquest Europe...



Ahh yeah, the principle whereby if you can't stay logged in for those two hours right now to retrieve your corpse you're screwed over that much more? :)

Or can you logout for a bit, come back later when you have the time and get your corpse back? or do they decay/disappear?


Originally posted by Fingoniel
I'm just responding with my opinion to your belittling of DAoC. I'd call killing a dragon a challenge, getting to realm rank 10 is quite a challenge (noone's done it yet). To say there are no challenges in Dark Age of Camelot is pretty far off the mark in my opinion.

I did say that I was trying to avoid getting into an argument about it because 99% of the people here are DAoC fans (it being a DAoC board and all). My point of view comes from having played both which is a lot more than you will find in most people who are critical of the game. At the end of the day if I felt the game was challenging I would still be playing it.

I'm not.

There isn't much more to say other than based on that fact alone I disagree with most of what you wrote above.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hmm... EQ has a lot of aspects I actually like: better (much, much, much) quests and crafting - both very important to me.
Oh - and tons of more faces, hair colors, races to pick for your avatar.

But -
EQ is the powergaming hell. Want to twink your character with l50 items without suffering from penalties?
Go right ahead and play EQ.

Want to deal with crazy and insane people every time you log on (people openly abusing each other, cybering etc. tralala)? Revz says you will have to invest huge ammounts of time. True... and a lot of people go lala over it.. I've seen EQ ruin relationships, breaking up friendships over loot, xp, in-guild fighting... . Want that? This has been my main concern... and finally my reason to quit + all the good people I met during DAoC beta *salutes pixie.pebr*
Go right ahead and play EQ.

Want to enjoy crappy graphics that require a Cray II to run smoothly?
Go right ahead and play EQ.

Want to "book" spawns? Want to wait for DAYS for a certain mob to respawn?

Oh... and the horrendous downtimes...

I could go on and on and on ... but in the end agree with Revz *gasp;)*
If it's not for you, don't play it. It was certainly not for me.
By the way - Shadows of Luclin does not enhance the graphics for the whole game. The old zones still looked blocky and crappy.

old.Trine Aquavit

I'd certainly recommend that anyone who hasn't tried EQ, but likes DAOC should give it a go. DAOC is EQ-Lite in many ways, it has more content, more variety and it's more challenging.

But EQ is DAOC-Lite too. It has a poorer interface, weak PvP model and worse down-time*.

In truth we'd all like to be playing a game that has the best of both, but MMORPGing is a serial hobby, so we must choose.

Funnily enough, the major reason I play DAOC and not EQ has nothing to do with the game: it's the fact that I started DAOC at the beginning, whereas my EQ experience started after it had been running for 2 years - it makes a huge difference.

*The mind boggles as to why they haven't sorted this out yet.


I played EQ way before DAoC and Its a better alround game, DAoC is after all only just gone one year old. I enjoyed EQ alot had a lvl 47 monk /31 druid/ 24 nerco the reason I stoped was because the server where in US and to gain exp and level I would have to stay up into the night.

EQ is much better at high Level than DAoC is and maybe every will be, there is so many things for you to do where in DAoC its RvR or kill the 10 or so uber mobs or farm for gold. Yes it is all PvE content but it takes some sort of skill where as in DAoC number are everything in EQ tactics are.

Also I didnt like the fact in EQ you couldnt solo and gain EXP once you'd gone past lvl 20 unless you picked a nerco/druid(migh be couple more but I never tryed them :p ) or had 1xxxxx plat to buy uber item01.

i didnt know about EQ-EU maybe ill give it ago if the beta is still open.

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