ever met someone you wish you hadn't?


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
"ever met someone you wish you hadn't?"

More so than not. Other than immediate family and immediate close mates, I've realised that human beings will fuck over other human beings in a heartbeat for personal gain (except those immediate and trusted friends and family).

Maybe I've been unlucky, maybe I'm a cnut magnet.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
"ever met someone you wish you hadn't?"

More so than not. Other than immediate family and immediate close mates, I've realised that human beings will fuck over other human beings in a heartbeat for personal gain (except those immediate and trusted friends and family).

Maybe I've been unlucky, maybe I'm a cnut magnet.

You've been lucky if your trusted friends and family don't f*ck you over.

Welcome to the...world. Leave nothing at the door.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
I guess I come at this from another angle (probably thanks to my depressed, self-hating EmoBrain(TM)) but I generally feel happy that other people have been willing to spend a few hours/days/weeks/months/years of their limited time on this planet with me. I've had good relationships, bad relationships and indifferent relationships but I'd argue that all these (including being beaten up *a lot* at school) have contributed to the privileged position I currently find myself in (alive, fairly healthy, steady job).

Conversely I often wish that I could somehow erase myself from other people's lives. I would love to be able to erase the nagging feeling of guilt that my presence has in some way ruined or tarnished the lives of those around me. Pretty much all my relationships end with me dumping the other person "for their own good" which is essentially a euphemism for "I can't handle the guilt and torment of knowing that you're wasting your life with me".

So I guess the answer would be that yes, I have met many people that I wish I hadn't, but only because I believe their lives would have been improved by not meeting me.

Does any of that make any sense? Remind me never to write a self-help book :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You could write a self-hate book titled "How much you suck" :D

10% for the idea thank you very much ;)

Know what you mean though, it's a variation from the "Ooh i hope i have no enemies" syndrome. What you have to see is that if you were so bad, they wouldn't stick around.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
No matter how bad any relationships have ever been (and I'll be honest most of the people I've met have been great - even the weirder ones) I'd never give any of them up as it might mean that I wouldn't have met the people after them in the revolving door that are my friends and acquaintances.

Bit boring I know but not one of them is worth giving up what has come afterwards. Might be coloured by the fact that the only person that I've ever had a proper dislike for is my old German teacher and that was *cough* years ago.

I've even had a house-share where I lost everything while away on holiday and even that I wouldn't give up (though I moaned like a biatch at the time).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'd happily erase the memories of some of the kids from my school years. Plus a few other persons. There's one person who I think broke something in me (and I think I'd have been a better person if that hadn't happened), but I'd still not want the memory of her gone.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Yeah. Goes in the same category as "stuff you wish you could have done different / things you wish you didn't do / if only I did this when I was younger / why did I get that tattoo of Tweety Bird?". Ah, hindsight!


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
...or if you put $1 in a jar everytime you had a wank.....

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