Event npc



think its about time the event kicked off

seems to have been forgotten


Maby it has allready happened, but we missed it. Like i noticed that it rain just as much as usuall last night, that might have been the event.............

By the way i noticed that the east gate of cam has gotten a porticullus( i think its spelled that way, you know like a fence that can be let down in front of the gate) i usually notice stuff like that so i think its new, but then i am getting old so it might just be my memory thats failing.

Oh and in case somebody might have missed the other new npc threads here they are:














Hmmmm far more threads than i thought, maby somebody just have to connect the dots and find the answer................. or maby its juts the rain


is this event stuff ever gonna happen ? summer is almost over ffs


Well GOA is propaly waiting til after summer adn will make it during night time. Easier to make an campaign when nobody is on.


Events have happened, just not on excalibur yet...
I have heard that the leader of Exaclibur( cant remember his name) is very strict on rules and such, so maybe some of the rules set out by Mythic is in the Event teams way..


What? There's an event? Why wasn't I told?


ohhhhh the EVENT...ok...yeah, forgot about that. I'll miss it I'm sure, if it ever happens...summer is over for me, time to study. Damn you mythic for not letting me see the event =(


No, not armsman quest....I can´t remember where I got it, but it is not an entirely armsman quest(you get from trainers).


Find out where you got it Galie, just do as always, delete Galie and start a new armsman and then when you get around lvl 45 notice where you get your quest ;)


Hibs have events now

I would like to point out that I was part of an event yesterday on Hib/Pryd, a nice one too. So they ARE happening.

I just think there isn't too much animo for these events on Albion and no one bothers investigating them.


Yes, they are happening all around us, not excalibur included
..maybe the excalibur-event-team went on holiday for a month or half year.
Personally, I have lost faith in that we will ever see anything on Excalibur, and will no longer come in doubt when I see a mob that looks new..It will not be a mob that has something to do with any events, since they are not happening on this server.
I think most of the people on excalibur has come to the point when we have the /ignore events, because we wont believe its an event.
This is kinda sad:(


i believe GOA said sooner or later everyone would notice the events and something big will happen, so it cant be that it happend alrdy


ahhhh, I know!

They meant thru put the summer of 2003, not 2002!


Naaaah dont think its 2003 Galie more like 3002.

I just got this idear, i think i remember hearing somewhere that the french go on vacation late in the summer, so maby they wont start the event until september. Any french people out there, who can answer this?


Been thinking about this campaign thingy, as you might have noticed i have tried to follow it closely(se all my other posts).

Some things have turned out to be duds, like the prophet of the storms in loyness. But somehtings havent been eksplained.

We have a storm in barfog with alot of rotten fish and stuff being washed up on the shore. We have some ghost like NPC's standing around who only talks to sorcs and tell something about slaves and creatures from lower realms. We have an message about troops hiding under the leaves in camp. forest. We have an stranger running around asking about the strength of our army and a knight without honor. We have alot of strangers in camp. forest.

okay here comes some thinking.......... Around the time that we started getting this new stuff was when we started getting info on the ad on. The ad on has avalon as a new island and have the lord of death allying with us against Morgana. So we get a new island and theres a shipwreck. Camp. Forest is the home of the avolonians, who i guess fled from avalon ages ago when the lord of death took over or something.
So i have been thinking could the campaign be linked to the ad on in some way. Maby we have an army from the new island who is gonna try to invade us to flee from Morgana or something. The only talking to sorcs NPCs could be describing some aspect of the Lord of Death.

Well just some thoughts.


Okay dudes lots of funny things happened to me last night that i havent heard anybody talking about and it sounds kind of promising.

Ok first thing, which is actually the one i find most funny, i was out playing with Strongarm my armsman, hes lvl 6 so he was killing some bears and spiders in south black mountains, just on the north side of the twin towers bridge. I see this gobbie(or rather thought it was an gobbie at the time) and was a bit pussled, cause i know there gobbies nearby but usually not in the direction this was comming from(it was walking on the road from North black mountains towards the twin towers). So i go a bit closer and see that someone is walking just behind the gobbie, at this point i see its not a gobbie(looks like a gobbie with some sort of short afro hair). The gobbie is called an bwgan and the one following the bwgan close behind is lieutenant Morgana, yup the one that usually partrols near the round table in cam. So i go in closer(not to close since the bwgan is purple and hostile), my first instinct is to right click Morgana which i do and i get the usual message, the one she use to give in camelot(being busy and stuff). Now the fun part happens, i want to write some randoms words, you know like bwag and stuff but before i get to do that, she runs of, first in one direction, then in another, you know the kind she seems a bit confused. Well finally she decides to run towards the twin tower bridge. Naturally i decide to follow(propaly should mention that by this time tge bwgan is long gone, just kept going after i stopped Morgana), well i am a bit behind Morgana and not really gaining or loosing ground to her, she throws herself into the water, me still on her heals, but after a while she gets quicker, so i decide to turn on sprint, but she keeps going faster than i do(she most have that fast swimming RA), my endurance runs out and she just keep speeding away in the distance and i loose sight of her.

Now i know some has been talking about Inigio or the Drunk Kobbie might be traitors, maby we have been looking at the wrong persons...........
Since this message has gotten so long i will post new ones about the other fun stuff out found out.


Okie next thing.

A bit later i decided to hike over to camelot hills and kill some sprites and stuff.

Well just behind the river sprites by the boat(same side of river as camelot is) i meet these 3 strangers. One of them reacted to me like this.

[05:15:49] You target [stranger]
[05:15:49] You examine stranger. He is hostile towards you.
[05:15:49] ##stranger says, "Greetings friend. That was some adventures! Anyway, I be glad to see you! The journey from Caer Witrin was very [tiring]."
[05:15:49] stranger gives you a dirty look.
[05:15:51] ##stranger says, "Yes, I was heading toward Camelot, to sell some skins of freshly kiled bears, when I was attacked by a [pack of giants]."
[05:15:52] ##stranger says, "Most of my companions felt under the number and I have to flee alas...I have to admit that I am now a bit lost. What is the direction for Camelot already?"
[05:15:57] @@You say, "north"
[05:15:57] ##stranger says, "Ah, very well. And, what is the closest keep? I need to warn the army of these giants before they do anymore victims."

I kind of messed the chatlog, so last part is missing, luckily i kept a screen shot of it, told him nearest keep is pryd castle and he says thanks and stuff nothing really exciting.

Ok first of i am pretty damn sure that these are spies, they look like the spitting image of an norseman, well some of them do any.

Second yes i know its pretty stupid telling spies about the location of our capital and where the closest keep are. But i tried lying and that didnt get me anywhere, so looks like they are programmed only to respond to the truth.

But go have a look at them yourself, looks like we are getting an invasion.


Last fun part, there are some new things happening at prydwen keep, theres a new female avalonian paladin in there, she jappers alot about herself and stuff, nothing special about her.

But the smith in the keep talks some, first he talks about himself and his brother then abit about the new paladin and then..... He start talking about the lost isle of Avalon..... yup exspansion isle, well he tells me i can go to the swamp to look at it myself, but he doesnt think i am strong enough yet for the hard journy. Well swamp isnt that hard so wondering why he thinks it should be that hard, but most interesting that he thinks i can go se Avalon island. In many ways this could fit in with my earlier theory that the campaign in some way could be related to the ad on...... just hope it doesnt mean that the campaign will get here same time as ad on. Well me be much tired now, so will collapse on floor when i have pressed the submit button


erm the lost isle of avalon is that island in marshes with alot of undead knigsts and stuff:p

its another quest that tells you to kill some dude there, and they refere to lost island of avalon, or lost city of avalon(cant remember)


nah, you're thinking of Dark Bishop Burhoff and stuff...

that's not Avalon..

Avalon was north of the docks... but it sunk into the mist (got removed in beta) and has apparently been taken over by Morgana le Fay's Drakoran...



I thought Avalon was west of Campacorentin Station? You know the road stops there at the river bank. On my (American) map the city of Avalon is printed there.

Also, I find it very odd that in a zone habited by pixie imps and mini wolves who do not exceed level 7 or something, the guards con red to me at lvl43. Thats way higher than WD and Salisbury Plains guards or Camelot ones.

Throughout the realm, guards have a level suiting their place of station. Except here


Thanks Fing :) But boy did the characters look funny then.


Originally posted by old.Second
erm the lost isle of avalon is that island in marshes with alot of undead knigsts and stuff:p

its another quest that tells you to kill some dude there, and they refere to lost island of avalon, or lost city of avalon(cant remember)


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