

Blue Ix

Except the music they (Lacuna Coil) produce is something that is or is very similar to other goth (with a progressive touch) music, today.
I do know something of what goth is, as a lifestyle, and what goth people are like. Just not a lot.

Oh and I just listened to Evanescense - Fallen, the album, it wasn't what I was expecting. Sounded a bit too commercial to me, Linkin Parkish. Easy to listen to, easy to dismiss as just another band.

Just downloaded a couple of The Gathering's albums, anyone listened to them?

Originally posted by mirieth
<Twitch, twitch> I wish people would stop defining every other gimp dressed in black and eyeliner as "goth"!

If there was ever anything that was "goth" music it was The Cure, Joy Division, Morrisey - stuff like that. Goth(ic) was an art movement a long time ago (I don't know the exact details) and, I think, a race of people or a group of people - the goths - or something. I'm no history expert, but I know that much (not much :)).


I saw a Goth the other day.
They think they are so damn serious.

It makes me laugh.....

Queue Goth death threats...


Originally posted by mung
I saw a Goth the other day.
They think they are so damn serious.

It makes me laugh.....

Queue Goth death threats...

erm, you think they are serious?

I dont think they are seeing as they couldnt really care less about what people think.

You should talk with some, most are really nice people and a good laugh once you get to know them ;)


I don't think that Evanescence are 'Goth' by any stretch of the imagination. I have got the album, and it seems ok (although only 2 listens so far, so too early to say).

To me, the music and voice was more like something from the soft rock era of the Eighties. Being a Goth at the time, this was music that all self respecting goths absolutely hated!

Goth has changed a lot through the years....in the 80's they tended to look a bit miserable, but were really just rebelling against the 'trendy' look. You'd rarely see a fight in a goth pub/club and you could happily talks to people of both sexes without getting your head kicked in. Music was Sisters of Mercy, Cure, Fields of the Nephilim, etc.

The Goth population dwindled a lot in the early 90's, and have since begun to be more popular with Marilyn Manson, particularly in America. I'm not sure what they stand for now, but they are a long way from the early goths....the only similarity is they tend to wear black i think.....oh, and I guess another similarity is that goths have always had to suffer the narrow minded idiots that can't tolerate anything that doesn't look or act like themselves.


Originally posted by old.Plebo
.....oh, and I guess another similarity is that goths have always had to suffer the narrow minded idiots that can't tolerate anything that doesn't look or act like themselves.

I never said I couldn't tolerate them. Back when I was at schoool (late eighties) goths were everywhere. Even I went around wearing nothing but black clothes, I just didn't aspire to their total "gothicality" (made up word people).

At social gatherings it was funny to see them huddle together, and in a schoolboy way, we all made fun of them. Just as they made fun of us nerds. So, the scores even there.

I resent the narrow minded comment (not the idiot though, that's provable), I have never been called narrow minded or bigotted in any way shape or form. I live and work in a multi-ethnical environment and I take great pleasure in seeing people get on with each other in this one brief life we share. Goths included. (but i still giggle when I think of them at school).


mung, i wasn't referring to you in any way in my post, so wasn't calling you a narrow-minded idiot! ;)


I was in a club one christmas time (not christmas day..) and downstairs on another floor was a goth club.. It was pretty amusing.. everyone seemed to be sitting about holding these black baloons filled with helium and frowning a lot.. truly surreal.

I've had plenty of goth pals though and its impossible to categorise them with any generalisations (other than a liking for black).



Pure hibby killing music imo ;)

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