Evade skill +



I've aquired a +2 evade belt, which would put me up to evade 8, which seem to be rocking.

Ive tried to test a bit on greys, and i seem to evade more, but everybody keeps saying to me, that +evade dont do squad.

Anyone got a fancy quote/link to clarify this?


it does diddly squat mate.

Q: Do +pac items actually do anything at this time?

A: It appears that +pac, +evade, and +beserk items do not actually affect the skills in question at this time. I would not suggest throwing them out, however – the items will be useful in the future, either by working as advertised or changed to something that is useful to the characters likely to have such items. By the way, the rumor that +envenom items do not work is not true – the item designer personally verified that they DO work. He has a natural 49 in envenom, and has a +1envenom item, and sure enough, can use the 50th level poisons. To the best of my knowledge, all the other +skill items are effective. Do you disagree? Start a thread at your favorite board, or email with +SKILL as the header.

In most patch notes after this you see a few items being changed from +evade to +dex/qui (the 2 modifiers that affect evading)

- Pathfinder -

+ pac etc actually boost you Pac skill; doesn't do anything though. + evade doesn't boost anything; it's a legacy of US BETA where Evade was originally a trainable skill. These items are changed later AFAIK ;)


+pac supposedly lowers the resist rate (at least vs mobs). He prolly meant +chant ;)


- Pathfinder -

only your level comapred to target's level affect resists, so it's valid for all spec lines with no variance spells :)

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