EU pricing change


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
It was a 'live' event with Dev's running stuff so it's not a normal event.

Remember when GOA ran events with their GM's? What would you have said to a Yank or Aussie that complained about not being able to take part??

Slightly different scenario now. Back when GOA was running it was a Euro server, with only a minority playing from outside the area.

Mythic should realise they are running "World" servers now, not US servers and change accordingly. They could for example have run the event on a Friday, this would have given more EU players the chance to play. They ran the event twice, and chose to run it on a Wednesday each time which gave EU players no chance to play it.

It does seem strange that will other game reducing their pricing and going free to play that they choose now to put the prices up.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Slightly different scenario now. Back when GOA was running it was a Euro server, with only a minority playing from outside the area.

Mythic should realise they are running "World" servers now, not US servers and change accordingly. They could for example have run the event on a Friday, this would have given more EU players the chance to play. They ran the event twice, and chose to run it on a Wednesday each time which gave EU players no chance to play it.

It does seem strange that will other game reducing their pricing and going free to play that they choose now to put the prices up.

I'd say the the Euro's should realise they're sat on a US server with US support and due to the fact that the game has a got a tiny userbase and no real resources allocated to it they should be happy they can log their toons on.

Putting the price up is a strange decision but it may well be that the number of subscribers has fallen so low that in order for service to be maintained we have to pay for it so prices rise.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I'd say the the Euro's should realise they're sat on a US server with US support and due to the fact that the game has a got a tiny userbase and no real resources allocated to it they should be happy they can log their toons on.

Putting the price up is a strange decision but it may well be that the number of subscribers has fallen so low that in order for service to be maintained we have to pay for it so prices rise.
Considering most ppl play with 2 accounts at least to be competative (without BBs we would all be fooked), I think they are not looking at the bigger picture here, we dont just pay $15 to play do we? This is commercial greed and the fact their flagship game - Warhammer - is a financial epic fail. Any MMO worth its salt should recoup its losses within 2 years of launch, from what I read, they didnt even make back 75%, so need to get it elsewhere, so we are being punished for their crappy game making.

Its also not just "us euros" if you dont mind, the yanks and other countries that are complaining, this forum just makes us look like the only whiners.

The playerbase is low because this game is old, poorly advertised (word of mouth only) and poorly maintained, all of which are mythics fault. If they gave the game a gfx facelift (like the Crysis ones), had advertised it in the first place (GOA were worse!) and had CSRs thatgave a shit (banning ppl for silly things like rude names yet allowing the multibox farmers to kill PvE) then they might have a playerbase that would stay, but alas, they dont listen to us.

Sorry, but I hate it when ppl justify corporate greed.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Considering most ppl play with 2 accounts at least to be competative (without BBs we would all be fooked), I think they are not looking at the bigger picture here, we dont just pay $15 to play do we? This is commercial greed and the fact their flagship game - Warhammer - is a financial epic fail. Any MMO worth its salt should recoup its losses within 2 years of launch, from what I read, they didnt even make back 75%, so need to get it elsewhere, so we are being punished for their crappy game making.

Its also not just "us euros" if you dont mind, the yanks and other countries that are complaining, this forum just makes us look like the only whiners.

The playerbase is low because this game is old, poorly advertised (word of mouth only) and poorly maintained, all of which are mythics fault. If they gave the game a gfx facelift (like the Crysis ones), had advertised it in the first place (GOA were worse!) and had CSRs thatgave a shit (banning ppl for silly things like rude names yet allowing the multibox farmers to kill PvE) then they might have a playerbase that would stay, but alas, they dont listen to us.

Sorry, but I hate it when ppl justify corporate greed.

The 'Euros' reference was with regards to playing hours with regards to the events. The Yank whine was mainly that the whole event was shite (though ofc there was a bit of 'I live on West Coast and it was East Coast times'). TBH I don't think the Euro's whine half as much as the Yanks and when we do it tends to be more constructive than - it's not fair blah!!!

Any MMO should recoup it's dev costs but I reckon that at the moment DAoC is probably struggling to pay the ongoing costs (man hours / server space / electricity / hardware maintenance /backup costs) at as such it's either cough up for what that costs or shut it down. I’m not justifying corporate greed; I’m being realistic as to what it costs to keep things in tickover mode when you’ve got a declining user base.

Player base is low because the game is old - End of. Once upon a time it had loads of players (ok loads before WoW rewrote that rule book). Time has now passed (I can’t remember when beta finished but I know I was a lot younger then and playing all night before going to work was as easy as getting drunk 3 nights in a row on a ‘school’ night and I can’t do that anymore) and the game is now what it is. Unless it has a spectacular Indian Summer then people aren’t going to come back and that means that there will never be anymore investment in DAoC over and above keeping it switched on while it’s viable to do so. If putting the price up makes it viable for a short while then fair enough.

We can say they should have advertised but at one time they had very healthy population on their servers so no doubt they felt little need to do so. Gfx updates are never going to happen due to the cost implications. That leaves only the CSR’s to improve – the Yanks have always been ‘stronger’ on language and stuff in their chat channels and I can’t reason why but that’s how Mythic CSR’s are. Multi boxers were once championed (almost) as innovators by Mythic (Team Wizzie et ‘al) and coming from that point maybe they found it hard to crack down on multi-boxers?

Anyway, I’m not here to justify corporate greed (that’s just how corporations work in a Capitalist Society).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I do agree with most you say there, but like anything that gets old, the price should reflect its age. We paid for years towards the development of the game, and now there is none, other than a few tweaks that a few CSRs that know the programming mechanics rather than true developers. We also paid for expansions to boost profits too.

ATM they recon to be 5000 (from a Mythic rep on VN in a post a couple of months ago) active paying accounts, thats $45,000 per month, which to me is a shed load of dosh for a game with no future to it as it is now. There is no new hardware, bandwidth in the states costs next to bugger all, Mythic now resides in EA property (rent free tbh) and so all it is paying for is the CSRs, which I understand that dedicated to DAoC are only there for 18 hours a day, 2 CSRs per shift, that still means the game is generating lotsa moolah.

In fact despite Mythic refusing to give over the population of WAR, which the playerbase estimate to be LESS that DAoC, I still believe we are subsiding WAR as they never broke even on it, rather then the other way round!

Anyway, were mug enough to keep paying, heck, I love the game still, but love a good moan (typical brit!).


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
I'm still there too ;). I also love a moan as much as the next bloke but I do like to put my realist hat on from time to time. Though I haven't vented my spleen about warcocks or zerging ahats for a while.....

$45,000 a month sounds a lot but..

Rent (I forgot that) + electrics (server farms aint cheap and it's not just server power) + hardware maintenance (even if they're not upgrading - though they may have for Ywain - they have to keep what's there covered) + rates (not just bandwidth) + man power means that it's not all that. If you think EA are letting them have any of that for free then you obviously dont' think EA are indulging in any Corporate Greed which is as likely as BP not trying to find ways to save some of the oil they've spilt while taking their time to fix the leak.

Problem is that Mythic dropped the ball a couple of times over the years and that probably put any nail in the coffin over DAoC 2 (I'd have settled for a DAoC 1.5 tbh).


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
I renewed lastnight with a game-card for... € 12,99 .. Anyhow, I'm in no rush to give EA/Mythic/Bioware my CC-details with the 'incident' they had 3-4 months ago.

Will see if they can even get that price-increase patched on their servers :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
OT but xfers from French servers >> Ywain to be enabled on Thursday. Guess only a short matter of time till the Germans are inc also.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
which is good news. Finally can get my Eldritch then also my druid but that gimp needs to be templated !


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Fuck yeah! If they do the same thing with german servers I'll be able to transfer my druid aswell! 50 nature for farming noobs :flame:


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Also forcing the french and german on to an english speaking server makes me feel so fucking good and I will never pay for another GoA product ever in my life


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Maeloch said:
OT but xfers from French servers >> Ywain to be enabled on Thursday. Guess only a short matter of time till the Germans are inc also.

Great news :D

Thx for the 1v1 the other day, was long but fun :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Great news :D

Thx for the 1v1 the other day, was long but fun :p

Ah Boltoss I thought it was another EU. I ran off the 2nd time as was a mid zerg on stick behind and Lordmalla or one of those clowns pinging arrows at me.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
seen u in df blowing peeps up but thought u was someone else bud :p.. i'll make sure i say hi next time i sneak past ya :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Once upon a time GOA actually did events. I remember Kemor - top bloke he was.

Was spreading some Rep for ya for this, cause Kemor was a TOP block, but i had to spread some more around :s
Hence the quote ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Also forcing the french and german on to an english speaking server makes me feel so fucking good and I will never pay for another GoA product ever in my life

Those lazy bastards need to learn real language anyhow.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
I have no germ chars, fools went straight to US init!

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