Epic mob drops


- Pathfinder -

Thought I'd compare notes with you Excal people on how often the LB mobs drop now :) For us it's been roughly 50% (usually one drop or nothing, but the King dropped two items alst night).


Still think it needs to be raised some more :D

Like the named mobs in Dartmoor :)


We got 4 drops over the 4 we killed last night, 2 from one and 0 from one ('fanc :/). I'd definately agree with droprate being 50% if not more. Bring on the good stuff.


We killed 3 of em last night and got 1 16.x thruster.

Afanc - bugger all
King - King's Nail Thrust 16.1 2.8 93%
Fester - bugger all

- Pathfinder -

We got a Bow of Doom off Teaz :p At least the scout was happy :)


Teaz and the Mouth Refused 2 show but we were scewed up on Mordred and he killed us but he was down to less than 10%(someone attacked after thurg EB but thurg had BT up or any power)


LB Drops

After some good 2 guild hunts in Llyn Barfog we got a drop rate of around 80% on epic mobs, pretty nice drops, the mobs seem to change from really easy to as hard as it cna gets in 1 spawn tho. :p


Re: LB Drops

Originally posted by old.Yoshiki
After some good 2 guild hunts in Llyn Barfog we got a drop rate of around 80% on epic mobs, pretty nice drops, the mobs seem to change from really easy to as hard as it cna gets in 1 spawn tho. :p

Aye, our last hunt was a real success tho! *cough*


All 6 mobs, 7 drops so a 116% score :) Was a damn good night. They all said Afanc and Mordred were toughest one, well I kinda laught at them.. had only 3 deaths at Mordred, but a lot at afanc, but we managed (nice beaver btw). Tanx for a great night (after being away for 5 days due to cable problem) Illuminati.

And whenever Exiled needs a ress send a call to a resser not a tank please...

- Pathfinder -

Only three deaths? Heh, you shouldnt lose anyone against mere Epic mobs (unless Mordred/Afanc pop at an uber level; we tried Mordred when he dualed for 2x 900 +1025 proc, instakilling tanks gawd ^^). If it was possible to judge the level of the mob in an efficient manner, we would avoid small group wipes in LB :) As thigns are now we tend to send a lone tank towards an Epic mob; if he hits for 1-2 with a style it's a high lv pop ;)

/me polishes Arms of Doom :)


We killed some more last night and saw ur graves Yoshiki & Waemohs.

Afanc (wipeout with him on 10%/rez'd then killed him) was hard this time but we screwed the grp up a bit and Mordred easy though with the rest the same as normal. These 2 definately seem to be the ones with the biggest lvl range.

Normally a fair test of how hard they are is me smiting them. If they resist they're pretty tough, although by the time I find that out we're already well into the fight and it's not that useful :(


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Only three deaths? Heh, you shouldnt lose anyone against mere Epic mobs (unless Mordred/Afanc pop at an uber level; we tried Mordred when he dualed for 2x 900 +1025 proc, instakilling tanks gawd ^^). If it was possible to judge the level of the mob in an efficient manner, we would avoid small group wipes in LB :) As thigns are now we tend to send a lone tank towards an Epic mob; if he hits for 1-2 with a style it's a high lv pop ;)

/me polishes Arms of Doom :)

The deaths that were first were usually clerics.. (what is pretty obvious in my eyes)

/me polished his awesome Malevolent Breastplate :)


Out of interest how many guilds are capable of killing Afanc/Mordred on Excal? We are the only guild who have killed them on Prydwen; an alliance of three tried Mordred but got wiped out.

As for drops the only one that needs tweaking is Fester. We've gotten FOUR festering staves (level 50 spirit focus) and one putrid staff (level 50 wind focus) off him plus ichor coated boots. One useful drop in six and we must have killed him over fifteen times now (some of those prepatch of course). He is the only one who drops caster loot so something needs to be done to make him more appealing.

Also the spawn levels of Mordred and Afanc leave something to be desired at times. I don't mind a challenge but one shotting tanks is a bit stupid, all it does is make the fight very messy. One of the best fights we had was against a high level Teaz with only one group. It lasted about ten minutes but we beat him in the end with only one death. High level Mordred fights just mean you need more people as you can't control aggro or sensibly heal tanks when he can just one shot them no matter what.

We've had tanks hit for nearly 3k damage from one blow. There is nothing in the game that can let players survive that :|


That Teaz fight was amazing. Had to sit down 6 times to regain all my endurance before the fight was over. :)

And shame you didn't mention the fact that Afanc used his special 'new power' on you to throw you into the middle of the lake. :p


What about stfu about drops cause hibs dont even have armor drops from epic mobs, and the drops we have are 91% qua ... (12 drops in total from all the epic mobs, while one albion epic mob can drop up to 10 different items)

EDIT: dont even get me started cause i've pretty much ranted 24/7 in irc about epic mob drops ;)




Nope I'm talking about the "same" mobs, as epic as they get ;P Our Cursed Forest is your Llyn Barfog, except we dont have the uber drops :/ There is torso part armor drop from Queen Cliodna, im not excactly sure if it was 94% but that's the closest thing we got for the Cailleich? Boss :/ It's af100 though. (nevermind the stats are utterly crap)


Here's a link to the drop list:


some are obviously nice but I'd rather take a full set of armor over any of the items listed (would take longer to get but atleast there's a chance of getting them!) Also Hib doesnt have a bow drop and albion has 2, and mid 1

EDIT: also nice to note that there's no hammer drop, and 3/12 are slash items, only kickass item from the lot is the spear, the reset are half decent stuff ;(


And you are sure? We've found a weapon that wasn't in gamebanshee's database (considering daoc has been played from september (I believe) in the US). Maybe a lot of those players where Hibs are uber haven't posted a lot of drops...


We've gotten all the drops listed but nothing else, after ganking the "epic" mobs enough times to make them aggro ;P (our best looking epic mob is a normal midgard troll, just 4x the size)


Just noticed Hib doesnt have a shield drop either ;)

EDIT: editing sucks but anyway, the raids after patching to 1.48 have dropped 100% of the time.


flood time i guess ~~

here's the quick summary

hibernian drops: less drops, no armor, no bow, no hammer, no shield: 25% bon, 91% qua

albion drops: more drops, full sets of armor for each type, bows, shields, 30% bon and 93% qua

midgard drops: more than hib but noticeably less than alb, no full sets of armor, more melee weapons, bow and a few shields, also has the "special" af100 vest, but unlike hib they also have a helm i hear, these drops are also 30% bon and 93% qua

also the AF100 vest in hibernia is 25% bon, unsure if it was 93% or 91% qua


- Pathfinder -

Banshees listing is flawed - we've had 10-15 items at least from DM/Llyn that weren't on that list :) And that one casualty vs Tez just had to be me /cry


As always with Albion, more players, more classes, more drops for the different classes, more unwanted drops.

Staffs with 50 levels to a useless specline, Friar only staff, Friar only Robes, several 2H drops that's a well known less useful specline, Scout only studded, Scout only Bows. Several drops mean several unwanted drops.

Haven't you really got anything better to do than site here and whine about your poor little realm?


Originally posted by old.Eleasias
Just noticed Hib doesnt have a shield drop either ;)

EDIT: editing sucks but anyway, the raids after patching to 1.48 have dropped 100% of the time.

Well u might have less but at least u get a drop when u kill one, it's just a bit annoying 2 take a high Afanc or Mordred and get nothing :(

Mythic at their best again then spose, just assumed that the Epic drops were pretty similar across the 3 realms which kinda suks for Mids and Hibbs if u don't get the same sort of range as us.

Roll on 1.49 I guess.

PS sort out the old. it really isn't that hard :)


Originally posted by Tigerius
Several drops mean several unwanted drops.

Full set of armor for the tanks in Alb, nothing in Hib
Full set of armor for the light tank/cleric in Alb, nothing in Hib
Full set of armor for the stealthers in Alb, nothing in Hib
Full set of armor for the casters in Alb, nothing in Hib

I bet none of the plate or chain drops were unwanted.


But Midgard has some weapons that give even more then +6 to skills. I can't remember seeing one item in Albion that gives more then +6 to a skill.. And about Hibs :( Don't know why but we all know that Hib ain't really a finished realm (in my eyes).

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Khalen
But Midgard has some weapons that give even more then +6 to skills. I can't remember seeing one item in Albion that gives more then +6 to a skill.. And about Hibs :( Don't know why but we all know that Hib ain't really a finished realm (in my eyes).

Want some helpt? :p Bow of Doom, +7 Longbow, and some Mace (off Mouth) with +7 crush. Plate gloves with +5 slash/crush/thrust are ok as well. Those are the weapons with +7 I can recall us finding in LLyn, so there'll be more :p

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