Enough Already!!



Might be *slightly* too serious for this off-topic forum ... but will Bush put a sock in it and stop threatening yet another country. If the coalition forces invade every country with chemical weapons they will be fighting for a long time. One would also suggest they should get their own houses in order first, particularly the US which has the largest stock of chemical and biological weapons in the World.

Might does not equate with Right.


US trying to build a new empire, on oil. Trying to do what the British did hundreds of years ago. I think somebody should tell them ;



Hmmmm, oil stocks set to run out in 2010?
Iran next, then on to Russia. Syria will need to be neutralised so that they don't have them coming in from the rear when they move on Iran. Russia has lots of oil too, so they'll be a good target.
Unfortunatley, the US won't be allowed to continue with such expansionism so expect Europe and Russia to intervene.
Conventional combat will lead to small nuclear exchanges in the middle east, Korea flares up into a nuclear slag heap dragging Japan and China in with it.
Turkey moves in on Iraq whilst the US is busy with everyone else, Palestine and Israel follow on with large scale retaliatory attacks resulting in the use of nuclear arms, Jerusalem is the primary target.
India and Pakistan go for broke too in the ensuing chaos, and once again, nuclear weapons are employed for a fast strike to eliminate armies stationed on both sides of the border.
"Briefcase" nuclear weapons are detonated in London, Paris and Berlin by neo-nazi groups hoping to cash in on the ensuing world devastation.
Australia is forced into having a big barbeque and some beers.
Meanwhile, America launches several ICBM's with the aim of removing the capital cities of opposing forces.
The UK and Russia retaliate causing a global chain reaction and all countries in possesion of nuclear missiles launches at their primary adversaries.
Australia throws another shrimp on the barbie. And has another beer.

Oh and just to make you happy, France is completely annihilated, including GOA's offices, so we can never play DAOC again......So we don't want that to happen do we?


Hmmm you sure its gonna happen in that order... I think the Aussies will fire up the BBQ alot soon if I have to be honest...and the amount of tactical deployed beer will be awesome...


And there will also be several devastating games of knifey-spooney.


Hmmm open conflict with Russia is not going to bring in profits... Unlike Iraq we have missiles carriying 40 warheads each at once delivering them to the target .. no AAW can handle this, period. Not to mention US cant handle some silly Iraqi fighters with ghetto equipment, no artillery or air support.
If the military budget for Iraqi conflict is headed towards astronomical numbers. Thats not even including the costs of reconstruction thats going to have to be carried out after war. Imagine what kind of money US is going to have to collect to face an "almost" equal opponent.
Besides Hitler tried, so did Napoleon... Mongols... Teuton order ... Hungarians... the list goes on. Did any of them succeed ?
The next target for US would be Korea the way this is going, then back to crush Siria..

PS: imho Brits fight much better than American so-called professionals, this war has shown many cases of insubordination, hell some cases of destructive friendly fire.

My biased Russian opinion.


Originally posted by old.ivan
Besides Hitler tried, so did Napoleon... Mongols... Teuton order ... Hungarians... the list goes on. Did any of them succeed ?
You forgot about the vikings who gave Russia its name :)


Im only talking about the times after the Rus tribes united and settled down :)


Well I'd like to see The US dethroned as a superpower.

Power corrupts, superpowers do what they f***ing like.


Originally posted by mung
Well I'd like to see The US dethroned as a superpower.

Damn-fucking-right, no country should have that much power. Especially not a country that is so arrogant that it can't see past it's own wants/needs and tries to pull the wool over other countries eyes while they try to get what they want.

Kharok Svark

Don't worry ... Bush will soon hear about the USA and invade them ...


Originally posted by Kharok Svark
Don't worry ... Bush will soon hear about the USA and invade them ...


Yeah but only if someone shows him where it is on a map.


A few minor skirmishes my beloved country and our staunch allies have overlooked in the past few decades etc,China invading Tibet,
Russia invading Afghanistan,president Mugabe slaughtering thousands of british passport holders,I also remember a big debate on terrorism between the powers that be,"how can we help fight the IRA" said uncle Sam, my answer would have been
" stop funding them would be a great start".

In the nutshell,if we want to be the mouth pieces of the world fighting tyranny,despotism and dictatorships,let`s not hand pick the ones we know we can win,or ones which may hold financial benefits.

Going back to when China invaded Tibet,which forced the Dalai Lama to seek refuge in India,his views on war;-..............
" let the resolution of conflict be through peaceful means only".
This statement from a man who has just seen a large slice of his countries population wiped out.

Enough said.


It's all over. Guess who won?

George Bush won!


Good for him. Now lets see him f@ck over another country.

Incidentally, what a coincidence that his middle east bases in the UAE and other are being closed down, and he now has plans to put bases in Iraq....

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