enchanter pet



aye i would say a 'pet' damage shield came under the 'pet buffs' description :)

however i think hibernia damage shields are all mana spec so maybe thats the reasoning

basically i think Belth's point is that its too easy to play a chanter, you dont really have to trade anything to be great in one thing:

i.e. you got uber pbaoe already and u also get a shield which makes soloing a whole lot easier, AS WELL as a freakin debuff so your baseline nukes are effective (but thats another point)

f.ex compare with a full fire wiz, what ELSE can that class do other than nuke hard from range?

a very low level pbaoe or low level gtaoe/aoeroot....

hardly as versatile as a chanter is it?

Sharp Thing

they can spec ice, get the same pb dmg but on different resist, a snare DD with low variance, etc


thats an ice wizard, soooooo whats that got to do with a fire wizards utility?

ice is weakest pbaoe in game, so whats ur point?

give ice wiz 50% heat debuff for his/her baseline fire DDs lol THAT would be fun :D

dam u r confusing ;)

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