Pudzy said:As your obviousely thick as shit mate, and a cocky ****, I'll explain.
You've said you don't have much experience of RvR on alb, and you expressed your opinion, having played both realm's, and using my powers of thought, I decided, you was wrong ;o
Also our country, England, doesn't need a debate team, they agree with everyone :/
i am thick as shit? u obviously have a reading problem as in my post i more or less said 'as a mid this is how i (and probably a lot of other's) see it, tell us how it is from your side' - i also said 'please dont just say 'you are wrong' - explain to my dumb ass why i am wrong'. u do the exact bloody opposite in the next post.
i don't have any experience of RvR on alb, i could only ever level 1 character to 50 and play relatively little RvR on that char before this piece of crap toa came.
u giving someone u dont even know abuse on an internet board makes u look like a twat, i realise though u do kinda know every one and their dog on this server so i will expect more of the same from ur bandwagon. i am from northern ireland though, so we dont agree with everyone