EM2 vs TD on Tuesday



Well well well, more controversy. Where WOULD we be without it.

Last night, Sunday, Stamper trained with EM on Snowblind in preperation for the matches which the tribe will play against TD and BR this week. He played with EM2 for the session, and was thus privy to all teamchat and global chat on the map. His nick while playing was [EM2]Stamper.

Today on Tribesnation it is reported that Stamper has signed with TD. He confirms this and is now playing as [TD]Stamper.

This, 24 hours before EM2 are due to play TD on... you guessed it, Snowblind.

It stinks of a setup: in the words of our beloved admin himself: "<UKTL-Poker> sounds like he pulled a lame trick on you"

Now, I don't personally know whether it was a stupid mistake or a deliberate "lame trick", but I do know that TD are VERY openly hostile towards EM. Attempts to discuss it with them on IRC this evening led to comments like:

[20:55] <ruWank> Shinji stfu u paddy assed wanker

[20:57] <ruWank> EM2 tactis = pick potatoes

[20:57] <[TD]Fusion> Shinji, its not my fault you're an annoying paddy

[20:58] <[TD]Fusion> oh god, what a cunt

[21:00] <[TD]Fusion> ohh, you're such a little hitler

...Which, as you can imagine, were not very conducive to getting anything sorted out. Fusion also attempted to blame the entire mess on EM, claiming that it was our fault for not telling Stamper that it was Tribe practise he was playing in. I'm sorry... everyone on the server was EM, the server was passworded with a password that clearly indicated it was EM tribe practise, and he somehow thought he had wandered onto a public server with EM2 tags that accidentally fell onto his shoulders? Okaaaay.

As a result, EM2 are formally requesting from the UKTL that either the map for tomorrows match be changed and the match postponed. If TD or the admins have any other suggestions we're prepared to talk them through and are open to mediation, but for now, to be quite frank, we've had enough of TD's insults, hostility and general bad attitude.



As I said at the time (shame you chose to report my private message selectively and out of context) 'I do not see this as an issue for the UKTL admins'.

If you do see it as an issue, please explain which rules have been breached and how.

You are more likely to get a rapid and full response if you mail the admins rather than post here too.


Poker mate, that comment is fully in context and I challenge you to prove otherwise.

As per your suggestion, yes I will mail this to the admins direct as well. But I'm not letting this behaviour pass without it being public. This will NOT be sorted behind closed doors.



Unfortunately it appears tribes has gained its 1st wanker in stamper, but this simply doesnt involve the uktl, and itd be wrong for Poker to be forced into acting :/

All we can hope is that td take it upon themselves to kick him out immediately

[BR] Ewan


I can vouch that stamper has said nout to us about yer tactics...we're gonna wh00p you anyway


PlantPot : don't you or any of the other normal decent folks at TD take this the wrong way, but there is no way I can hand on my heart believe that Stamper didn't tell you anything about our tactics, or positioning on SnowBlind.

Perhaps its human nature, or perhaps its because he is so infernally scummy to pull something like this, but we can't simply believe that he wouldn't say anything - even if you were His Holiness

On another note: another bit of Tribal controversy, and apologies for any heated discussions in IRC, but what can you expect ? Its also human nature to get extremely pissed at people who break a bond of trust just to stitch you up, and then need to vent thine spleen... or something

My regards to the rest of TD - I do hope they will see that their Tribe is being tainted by this, and rectify the situation.



He didn't say anything!!!

As for the rest...I aint said anything


I cannot fucking believe this shit Shinji, maybe i shoulda meant what i said.
After all u freakin' demented twat, i said *joke* after and stuff...u seemed to acknowledge that fact but still acted like an asshole by writing this bullshit.

Anyway, on another note Stamper has not given us tactics etc...just 'cause someone applies for a trial does not mean u have to use your OWN tactics while testing him. It seem's pretty dumb to me as he COULD say piss off to join EM2 and shed his your tactics to others.

I think you should re-organise your selection scheme and not treat it like a tactical match, rather beat the fuck out of them and see how they react etc. hehe

All regards to EM and EM2 'cause yes *some* of them r greAt, other's such as Sinji should be kicked the fuck out considering the abuse he gave Stamper in that iRC chat and also what he said to provoke us TD'z.



Hav'nt you got better things to do EM than write pages and pages of crap.
Infact it worries me that you have 2 teams of 8 players but have a total of 10 members ,Hmmmm maybe you have some bots or somethin ,well so the rumour has it.
[TD]Stamper has been asking to join TD for a while now, and I said yes tonight coz we needed some defence. So he's officially left EM and joined a more friendly team. The fact is that it does'nt change anything in Tuesdays game, unless your a player short then we will just have to play 7 v 7 , hence without [TD]Stamper if it stops you from crying your pantz off.


Well, I'll start off saying that I am sorry for all these problems, though half of them have been made up or blown way out of proportion.

1. A while back in WP open tribes, KOS asked me to trial for EM. So I hung arround in their irc room for a while, and eventually got a trial, my propper trial was supposed to be against IS, but as they never turned up, we didn't play and so I didn't get my trial.

Yesterday[sunday] I was told we were having a practise match against EM, and to turn up as this would be my trial, I did at no point know that these tactics would be used for a match against TD. I did not even know that they were playing TD.

All I knew was that it was a match for EM to practise for their match against BR as would be tough opposition.

Once we finnished, we went back to irc and they said I could join the clan, when someone asked the EM2 capt for his oppinion of me, ie did I play well, all replied was "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." No good, no bad, just hmmmmmmmmmmmm. This was a bit dissapointing to say the least.

So, the next day, I was asked to join TD, now I've heard lots of reports about this, about me asking to join all the time, and blah blah, thats all crap. The truth is that I asked a while back if I could join, but was never given a trial, this must have been about 2 months ago. After that, a certain player said they needed better defenders and would I be interested, of course I said yes, but nothing more became of that offer. Now about a week ago arround the same time as being asked about joining EM, I was again aproached by this player, telling me the same story, I said yes but didn't think very much of it regarding what happened last time. But today they had players down, and needed replacements and fast. I have always admired the TD style of play, yes, and do enjoy playing public games with some of them, so of course I jumped at the chance of joining without a trial also.

So there lies the problem, 2 clans, at the end of the day it is my choice, and too be quite honest I don't like EM's reputation with other clans, and so I chose TD.

Now I was waiting to tell vaggabond this, him being the one who recruited me, but waiting on the irc chanel all day I had not seen him, and thus went into a game of tribes. After comming back, Velvet had publisised it on his website, and I was now the well known scandal of tribes. Having had a bit more time and more privacy, this matter would not have arrisn.

I must stress these points though
- I have not had any access to private em boards/messageboards/forums whatsoever. No passwords or anything have been given or asigned to me
- I did not know at all, even for one second that the practise/trial was for EM2 practising for their match against TD. I did not even know about this match, not being in the uktl. I think they have changed their minds about this as tactics were always discussed for EM V BR, nothing else. I heard someone had a demo of this practise and hopefully we can have an admin to watch this to verify it.

- As soon as this problem arised, I set up and irc room to explain to all the problem, and tried to solve it with them, trying not to provoke any arguements, though some did arise and the chat resulted in chaos.

-I have not and will not tell TD your tactics(which I have to say are nothing out of the ordinary)

I do feel though this matter has been blown out of all proportions, mainly because of the big EM v TD atmostphere that there is, I feel I am merely a target for their anger.

If you have any more questions I will gladly answer them.

Once again, I am sorry for all the problems I have caused


Firstly id like to say im sorry about the whole incident but TD knew nothing about Stamper trailing and/or joining EM whatsoever.

Stamper insists he never joined EM only trailed and has made no mention of any EM secret tactics but I don’t expect you to believe me.

I’ve read the UKTL rules and I don’t see how Stamper playing for us tomorrow breaks any of them.



Okay firstly, Ru wrote '*joke*
' after that comment, but you've edited it to make RU look bad.

I think its pathetic that you bring these private matters onto these message boards.

What exactly had TD done wrong here? I'll tell you.

We asked Stamper to join, simple as that. We were totally unaware that EM had been in contact with him and he never said anything to us about it.

We're guilty of asking a player to join our Tribe, that is all. I cannot acount for Stamper's side of the story but he informs me that it was just a trial, if thats the case then I believe him.

Stamper is a decent guy, you ever spoken to him? You're making him out to be an asshole which is totally uncalled for.

The real asshole here is you Shinji, you bad-mouthed us on IRC despite us telling you that we knew nothing about Stamper being in touch with EM. Not to forget you cut, pasted and edited messages to make us look bad.



I appreciate you commenting on what happened from your POV stamper but you missed out one important detail. The bit after the game where vaggabond (I think?) welcomed you into the clan, and you responded with 'Stamper blushes'

regards KingOfSnake


The insult slanging match that developed between some of our members was again regrettable but it was not one sided.

I think a couple of players on both sides like to wined each other up.



Though only one side resorts to racial slurs, which is completely unacceptable.



Indeed, Zach.

There were people to blame from both sides, me being one of them.

However, this still has little to do with the fact this issue needs to be resolved, and could be easily resolved if TD refrain from playing Stamper tomorrow.



I don't want you to take any offense KOS, but what is your point if I say I blush?


Of course Shinji, you sit there implying that it was us throwing anti-irish insults around, you fail to mention that we were being provoked.

Perhaps being accused of cheats with no evidence was substantial enough for us to lose our rag with the Em2 players who took great pleasure in throwing accusations around left right and centre. You also were more then happy to throw insults at Stamper and when I defended him I was thrown insults.

Also, this could have been handled over IRC, but it doesn't surprise me that this was posted over BW messageboards, anything to cast us in bad light.

The implication that we used Stamper to steal Em2's tactics is absurd. I get the impression you know you're in for a kicking and you're using this merely as an escape goat.

I have two suggestions for Em2 players.

1) Face the reality that Stamper chose to play for TD and not Em2. Accept the fact that TD knew nothing about Stamper talking to EM2. Believe what you want, I know we did nothing wrong so I haven't got anything to worry about. If you want to come up with these fairytails then fine, but keep us out of them.

2) Restrain from bringing mindless, pointless topics like this onto the messageboard. This is no one's business but ours and I cringe when I read stuck-up comments from outsiders like Jade who clearly know F-all about what is going on.

I'd rather play the game tonight in good spirits but I just can't see that happening sadly.


If you would please tell me why I should not play, I have given my word that I have not told TD your tactics, not that I knew they were, I'm not that sort of person and I keep to my word, you should understand that as some other respectable members have backed me up.


My point is you acknowledged our welcoming you into the tribe. Earlier in your post you said all we gave you was a 'Hmmm'


Once we finnished, we went back to irc and they said I could join the clan, when someone asked the EM2 capt for his oppinion of me, ie did I play well, all replied was "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." No good, no bad, just hmmmmmmmmmmmm. This was a bit dissapointing to say the least.


The above said statement though where you acknowledged being welcomed into the tribe occured regardsless of what you are saying. You knew you were in EM - thats a fact.

regards KingOfSnake


Please bear in mind that there will always be someone online who acts in wot you consider an unacceptable way. Its unlikely they will change just cos you dont like it.

My thoughts on the matter are : Let it go, and lets just play. Newbies are also the life blood of any game, and how do you think the community of Tribes will appear when they see such slanging matches occuring. Ok, you are not happy, but points and opinions can be made without resorting to abusive language. There is no point to it, and it just bolsters further bad feeling between ppl.

If it comes to the crunch, then maybe a Code of Conduct for Tribe players is required.

There must be a better solution to this! Surely it is down to the parties involved to sort this out, in a amicable way.



[WTc] Chadman
Attack Womble


My first and only post on this matter.....

we are never going to agree it seems, fine.

IMHO, I thought shinji's last post should have ended it..

Fusion surely u can see how frustrated we are by this, and indeed why people could think certin things, foundation or not, true or not.
Imagine if the roles were reversed....I think u would be as upset as we were/are..

lets agree to disagree and end it there

I ask one more thing, no more jokes about countrys or religion they dont go down well even tho they were suposed to be jokes, and please please please no one moan or gloat before, during or indeed after tonights game.




As an outside observer I can't believe TD are getting away with such crap ! After all the abuse EM got of TD, they had the cheek to offer a place in thier Tribe for someone they knew was in EM, read thier private messages, tatics etc. Of course TD would deny this, but c'mon, we are all not that stupid.

All I can say is that Brit and the other people who are arranging the European Tribes league take note what TD has done, since the UKTL admins decide to ignore this obvious case of cheating.

And EM, you should try and nick someone from BR or whoever 2 days your due to play them. I bet thier complaint will be upheld.

Look on the bright side, TD where worried of the trashing they would have gotten tommorrow, so licked up to stamper to get him in. If EM win, great, well played against the odds, if EM lose, you have a very good and valid excuse for losing.

Good luck tomorrow EM,


Jade, aka Paddy the shamrock growning, guinnes drinking, Irish bogger lepercon, or Pat for short

[This message has been edited by Jade (edited 06 July 1999).]


I'd held off replying as I'm not one to subscribe to the level of abuse that we've seen this evening - but I wont have [TD] being called cheats...

We have had discussions with Stamper on and off for a while and certainly had no idea he'd even spoken to EM2 until after my story on TribesNation got read by [EM2]Vaggabond...

Admitedly the aftermath has been less than ideal but personally I'd like to forget about it all... Its not good for the game if we feel like this towards other tribes...

I wish EM2 the best of luck for the rest of the season, in the discussions I've had this evening Vaggabond has come across as a top bloke and personally I'm sorry about the situation... Unfortunately its just one of those things that happens but we should all just get on with what we're here for - TRIBES...

Hope to see everyone in a calmer mood tomorrow evening for a good game in the snow...

Neal aka [TD]Velvet


You all own your own words, TD. If Fusion and ruWank have a problem with those words then they are free to withdraw them with a public apology. Describing the person who calls attention to them, and to what begins to look more and more like a stupid, cheating little stunt on TDs part, as an "asshole", is only digging your own hole deeper. There's no point making me out to be the villain of the piece just because I'm not prepared to take this shit and turn the other cheek.

Whether you say "*joke" after those phrases or not makes no odds. And Fusion, you didn't even do that.

Quite frankly I am sick to the gills of the mudslinging effort by TD, which has gone far beyond the spirit of the original poking fun that went on between EM and some of the other tribes and has descended into racial and national slurs directed at members of EM (one member was accused of being a "fucking terrorist" the other night, I'm told), personal insults, and now this sort of shit directed at us.

I was prepared initially to believe that it was an honest mistake. TDs automatic hyper-defensive and insulting response has convinced me otherwise. You guys were cheating, or at least some of you were - I don't believe that someone like Velvet, for example, would be in on a silly stunt like this, but there are people in TD who I believe would do it in a flash.


[This message has been edited by Shinji (edited 06 July 1999).]

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