Elkie New Chanter temp:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Huntingtons said:
looking at example, body, its only sorc/caba lifedrain that poses a threat to a caster and cold is only rm/sm dd/lifedrain that poses a threat. If we take noaims scenario of body nukers being in pairs of 4-5, then body will be obsolete for hib because i can garentee (sp?) that at least 1 will be a body debuffer, and therefore neglecting all your body resist. (chances as hib facing cold debuffer is quite high as well, but not mandatory for mid grp)

First off, just because you have a debuff nuker, that dosent mean you should skip out on heat resists or body resists. If I get a jump on Grawen I nuke for perma 645 compared to low 5xx to mid 5xx on a 40-50% resist target. Havig low in body and beeing debuffed gives a good enough damage boost to get 2 shooted :)

Second, you have alot of other stuff then just damge from body if you look on the list again.

healer stun, mezz,
skald mezz, dd (even thou not that big a deal)
BD LT (its not rare that I get a bd stuck on my ass)
Sorc dd, caba dd
Caba debuff lasts longer

Im not gonna mention minstrel dds etc cause thats to rare in fg scenario.

Cold is something ive been thinking about skiping out on, but im quite happy with +45% pp and dont ive done the priority to skip out on heat insteed. Due to only wizard beeing the only threat. And those grps running wizards are usaly shit. (yes there I said it). Sure getting added on is anoying but usaly they fire off 2 bolts and u have time to reposition (usaly).

Cold is:

Theurg ice pets (dont forget the snare effect that lasts forever with low cold which disables you from alot in a fight).
BD dd, rc rm dd, dark rm dd, Dark SM dd, debuff from RM lasts longer.

Im not gonna say hey heat is totaly useless, but its not good enough for me to let other things lack, like AF and %pp


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Huntingtons said:
comparing power to hp was my goal :p will try and explain. you got xxx amount of power, a powerpot gives yy amount. if you have 10% more power and is exactly yy amount from hitting 100% in your max pool then having 0% more power would be wasting a certain amount of the powerpool (same for heals, xxx amount of hp getting healed to exaclty 100% in a temp with +100 hp - without +100 hp you'd lose you on some hp, but in most cases its insignificant) you could say neglecting resist and hp you make the life of your druid harder than it already is :( THINK OF THE DRUIDS!

Well not sure if I understand you right, but powerpots gives u a fixed value of power, so your +pp% dosent help you there. I think most casters dont use it when your close to max power. I usaly use mine after first dead target. How much power I have can vary but in fg fights its rarely more then 95%, prob less.

Having 10% bigger buffert to play around with is 10% more spells besides your base powerpool, but also this:

27,5% from MCL insteed of 25% (+2,5%)
27,5% from Sash insteed of 25% (+2,5%) (usaly 2 in group so you have to double that).
55% from CL staff insteed of 50% (+5%)
22% from mordoms mind insteed of 20% (+2%)

If im struggling for power, its not unusual to use atleat 2 of these tiowmers.
Depending how you combine them it goes from +4,5% extra power upto 7,5%.
Taking into account you have 10% extra, your up to a total of 14,5% - 17,5% more power pool. And this is only from 2 timers. Using more of them from either grouped ppl (sash) or for your own good, the amounth will increase.

100 extra hp will never have saved me really, if I die, I die to such horrible damage. If I die to slow DW merc or zerk and their puny dmg, well then sure 100 more hp would have saved me, the day that comes ill prob just cry at our druids for positioning better.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Slightly off track, but still semi usefull information:
The archmagery effect from JS also gets better the higher your powerpool is.
Most ppl count it as a 10% addition to your PP, but that's not quite correct.
It's a 10% chance for your spells not to use any power. For a template that has no extra powerpool that comes out to 10%, but for a template with 50% powerpool that comes to 15% extra powerpool ( 10% on 100%, vs 10% on 150%).



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Reno said:
Slightly off track, but still semi usefull information:
The archmagery effect from JS also gets better the higher your powerpool is.
Most ppl count it as a 10% addition to your PP, but that's not quite correct.
It's a 10% chance for your spells not to use any power. For a template that has no extra powerpool that comes out to 10%, but for a template with 50% powerpool that comes to 15% extra powerpool ( 10% on 100%, vs 10% on 150%).


yeah but its harder to calculate since its nots every 10th spell but random 10%. Making it less or more effecient.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
my old chanter template 25 heat 12 af..... the only thing that ever wtf pwned me out of blue was a wizzie 2hitting me or rm 2hitting me

new template with 48af and 2percent heat made a HUGE difference regarding damage i took from bolts

for others
if u need the 25cold because ur getting hit by caba's sm's etc in 8vs8 u should be ashamed


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
statued said:
my old chanter template 25 heat 12 af..... the only thing that ever wtf pwned me out of blue was a wizzie 2hitting me or rm 2hitting me

new template with 48af and 2percent heat made a HUGE difference regarding damage i took from bolts

for others
if u need the 25cold because ur getting hit by caba's sm's etc in 8vs8 u should be ashamed

caba is body, and if there was other stuff to put into sure I would drop cold aswell, but there aint so why not have it when its decently common.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
Stallion said:
caba is body, and if there was other stuff to put into sure I would drop cold aswell, but there aint so why not have it when its decently common.

aye ino im after realising my mt i was meant to say body not cold


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Stallion said:
Cold is:

Theurg ice pets (dont forget the snare effect that lasts forever with low cold which disables you from alot in a fight).

They are spirit actually :p

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