


But you have a level 50 ns aswell don't you? :)


Originally posted by old.Downanael

Niu is my light eld :) was referring to Iunliten as her haves light *mentalist* so only 2 lvl 50 ;)

What is the * for?


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
But you have a level 50 ns aswell don't you? :)

Nope i dont have NS,i'm not patience enought to play one

Iun,that is one of my types :)


aha but u used to have ome downy, i remember having to run rezz missions with my warden to rezz him, can't remember the ns's name but it was deffinately u playing it, since after about an hour we got bored of players just kamaikazing to get rp's and decided to lvl past it.


Eniole was her name,but it was loong before Ns's got improved and i grow bored her ability to not solo blues


Nearsight is really powerfull spell, lot of rangers and casters are unhappy that it hasn't same imunity like stun or mezz. But as all spells it depends when it is used. When your friends are nuked from hill side by some casters, or you are attacking keep, nearsight is very very usefull. In quick encounters there is little time to use ANY utility spells - it's all about mezz/stun/nuke. But that's not proof that utility spells are no use. Have you ever seen Sorcerer that can't land mezz properly because she is nearsighted? She can't use it at full range, when your mages can nuke her from safe distance without fear. And so on for aoe dots etc.

I have experience with keep conquer, when i was targetting any enemy that showed up (few shamans/hunters/runnies) and nearsighted them. Not only i was out of range for most of them (only rangers could hit me) but i also gave a chance to other casters come closer and spam aoe/gtaoe without fear of beign hit, because enemies couldn't hit back. No wonder that i was usualy theirs prime target after nearsight wears off.

Arguing of Iunliten is with lot of love for her mentalist but doesn't shows any proof that nearsight really IS useless. And while i agree with her that light mentas AOE is great stuff (and would like to have aoe nuke instead aoe mezz) she should be carefull when talking about something she doesn't knows well.


I had a lvl 38 light eldritch called "drum-roll" Iunliten on Hib/Exc in the old days when not everyone was 50.

Nearsight is a fun spell, but you are overestimating it, Close to all my damage is done from 700> below range, With every RvR group moving at mach 5 or 6 tanks close in on me so fast that stun is what I get off and 2-3 nukes before I need to start running.

and it is untrue utility spells like debuffs have their use (resitance debuffs and insta stat debuffs) but what does nearsight solve that a mezz/stun doesn't. No you need to come up with harder evidence of it being useful.

Nearsight still only in my opions is viable in:
Keep offence (Pet far more worth though, nothing like seeing a nuker pet DD)
MG encampment (Yay, Fun or not)
BK encampment (even funnier)
1on1 (1on1 with a mage in the frontier which usually the pet is the main issue anyways)

In defence area is the key and in FG engagement your DD is the main source.

Wouldn't recommend anyone rolling a DD mage for a RvR group though. Exception would be the enchies with their heat debuff that makes em hit for more then 244(-312) damage.

Bloody friars/shamans :m00:


Originally posted by old.Iunliten

Edit 2: AE mez is close to useless in RvR, Nearsight don't do much in group versus group encounters. Light eldritch are pure damage dealer like it or not.

How wrong can one be...


LOL Iunliten if you think that nearsight is only good in camping milegates well then i guess you never ran around in 1 or 2 ganking groups, i do it daily on excalibur, and usually we take down groups that are twice our numbers. Nearsight is the same as killing a mage/healer, the most powerful spell in game, believe it or not, your post about camping milegates just makes you look silly. Just because u have a lvl 30 eld on excali does not mean you know everything about it.


Eldritchs are cool!
But i dont regret making an enchanter cos they cool aswell :)


Originally posted by Sarnat

How wrong can one be...

So what is an eldritch if not damage dealer?

Hardly like you rely on the eldritch AE mezz in RvR.


Originally posted by Tyka
LOL Iunliten if you think that nearsight is only good in camping milegates well then i guess you never ran around in 1 or 2 ganking groups, i do it daily on excalibur, and usually we take down groups that are twice our numbers. Nearsight is the same as killing a mage/healer, the most powerful spell in game, believe it or not, your post about camping milegates just makes you look silly. Just because u have a lvl 30 eld on excali does not mean you know everything about it.

Now I bow down to your excal leetness, How can I know anything since I wasn't the supah lvl:er that pwned early in the beginning.

Next to all my RvR fights are fighting at below 750 range, Dunno how it is on excalibur because I got tired of the leet kiddies and left it for the much more inviting atmosphere on prydwen, but on prydwen, you close to never engage in equal or bigger number of enemies without getting attacked after you cast your first spell. From then all fighting is at short short range.

I fail to understand how Nearsight makes you able to take down 2+ FG.

And no I don't camp Milegates.

I am gonna End the discussion with Tyka here though, as I have given my point of view and arguments for why Nearsight is easily replaced with altenartive spells/abilities like Pet, Stun, Mezz, and regular DD.
And your: "LOL PWN 3k grey albs kk, Me good me RR8 kk, STFU AND BOW IDIOT! YOU STUPID. 1 ALT YOUR NOT 50 kk STFU me Excal ME KNOW ALL!" Is not gonna change my Point of View
So Sorry Tyka, your I do pwn pwn pwn, instead of explaining how nearsight would be superior to stun/pet/mezz and Regular DD don't intrest me.


lol those words come out of your ass, besides, you were the one saying that we only camp milegates, so dont come with that elitist shit, newbie. Still i'm going to say what i said from the start, if you think nearsight is crap, you either dont have enough experience in rvr, or you are just stupid.

grow up.


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
and it is untrue utility spells like debuffs have their use (resitance debuffs and insta stat debuffs) but what does nearsight solve that a mezz/stun doesn't. No you need to come up with harder evidence of it being useful.

So you think that a spell that stops a caster casting almost every spell in his book, can be cast at enormous range, with almost no mana drain, has no visible tracer, and very quick cast time is ... 'not that usefull'...?

A caster who cant cast for 2 mins may as well be dead!

ok, want more tedious explanation, in case you still dont get it...

Your group meet another group (1fg vs 1fg)
You see a mage in their group.

Do you ..... .

a). mezz / stunn the caster and then dd him until dead? (hoping he aint gonna qc stunn back at your noob ass, or get healed, or get out of range before you kill him...).

b). ns the caster before your even inside his range and move onto taking out another player...



Do people stand still on excal or what?

Okay enemies here line up, 2300 units away do some nearsighting at my mark run up to 1875 so everyone got time to fire bolts.
Sorry just don't happen, Get the Mids/albs Direction. 2300 units is moved down in about 4-5 seconds with mach 5 or 6. Range have been nullified in this game. Now at 2300 units you identify targets in the big stickagoo of 1-2 FG, unstick move to favourable position in the back and you succesfully nearcast before Bard mezz land? If that is so I am impressed because that timespawn needs godly reflexes.

Range has been nullified in the game, Mids running around with 5 classes with instainterupt, 6 if you count ichor of the deep.
Albs having only 4, will interupt you if they see you move around casting the ickly blue bubbles at people (they changed the GFX of it yet?) and move at mach 5. No with the short distances spells already are it don't do much difference. You are close to always forced to try spamming the moc button after 1-2 casts anyways.

powercost is 2/3 of a DD and stun 20 compared to 29 and 30.

Edit: Excal people, To insult me with Noob, Stupid and et cetera comments are not gonna help me change my point of view.


Your problem old.Iunliten, as is obvious from your posts, is that you dont understand how a group should maintain range, or more importantly how a cloth wearers should try and keep and use range.

When our group meet another group bards and tanks go in first, healers and nukers hang back. This does make battle lines, and groups from other sides tend to do this too, I dont think its an Excal thing, just fairly obvious that the mages and healers want to keep distance from enemy tanks.

Sounds like you just /stick to a tank until hes in melee.


Woei some backup from excal/hib. Go! Go! :p

I have found nearsight to be really usefull the times I was grouped & doing RvR combat. Maybe it doesn't work on you, because you're always within 700m range, but alot of others obviously aren't. Lots of people appreciate nearsight, reading the US boards alot of people appreciate nearsight, how come you don't? Seems to me like you havn't used it often enough to see the effects.


Not really boni, enemy tanks stick me.

When the bard mezzez the inc tanks, healers and mages the case is pretty much settled it is just to start taking down any purgers, mages, healer, tanks in that order. And there I don't see how nearsight would help.

And if it is the other way around and the enemy jumps and mezzez us, well I can accept to get 3-4 swords and one slam down my throat.

In an unmezzed fight this might actually decrease effiency, but usually each of the enemy mages/healers got a tank chopping down on them which renders them ineffective.


Why do you keep bitching at Iunliten? She is just telling you her oppinion (same as mine). And i just don't see how hard it is to understand the scenario she is giving you.

Battlelines you say. Whatever tanks do your enemies have that just let your mages stand whistling and maybe nuke a little bit once in a while? For god's sake I get attacked by both tanks and assassin's like 5-6 seconds after we engaged. So alot of running around (sigh, I hate running).

I get nearsighted alot by runies (for example). So, do you think i just stand there the next 2 minutes? Hell no. As i said in a previous post I always try to circle/strafe closer and from a 45 degree angle to the fight and try taking out some targets before i go running around again. So do nearsight "kill me" in a battle? No. Simple really.

I still agree it is a very good spell, and it is bad there isn't a cure for it. However a nearsighted mage/healer is not "killed".



im a lvl 24 eldritch...called zelgadis graywords on hib pryd...well im specced in light and it works damn well...respecced from mana, and i can see great differences between these two specializations...with light i killed lots of ppl in the bgs, and nukes r devastating...i think light spec is much better than mana, more damage aoe mezz nearsight and dex qui debuff...this ones works nice with archers. My bolts still hit for good damage, taking a eld to 50 with 50 light and the rest points in void for the bolts seems to be very good. Btw sorry for my english :p. Good luck.

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