


Ive been reding some of the previous posts on casters in Hib this morning, what im after is a DAMAGE dealing caster for RvR.

Ive previously played a Void Eld to 24 on excal and was happy with the damage but with spellcrafting and cold resists I dont think the frontier would be as forgiving.

PBAoE scares the crap out of me, all those mobs up close while your casting, but if this is the main source of RvR damage they I guess ill have to suffer that.

If I was thinking about specing a mana caster, then looks to me like a chanter would be better than an eld purely for casting times/damage output.

Is there anything in 1.53/1.54 or future known patches that affect casters in Hib ?

Anyone have any more usefull contributions other than what has already been posted before ?


they just fixed ice wizards casting slower than mana enchanters so I imagine they'll fix the eldritch too :)

Don't forget you get an AoE dd/snare and an aoe disease too...
disease will do an unbreakable snare on your opponents so is not to be sniffed at (it breaks mezz however so hard to get to use sometimes)


Aye, but thats a mana eldritch.

Have to admit i did like the void one i tried on excal with the bolts.

Am i also right in that Light spec is fire based for resists ?

There was a post on the boards that listed all the different casters and compared damages. Looks like the mana chanter won hands down on single targets and group's. is an eldritch really that week ?

Stuff groups and PvE i've had enough PvE characters, its about time I made one specificaly for RvR


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Aye, but thats a mana eldritch.

Have to admit i did like the void one i tried on excal with the bolts.

Am i also right in that Light spec is fire based for resists ?

There was a post on the boards that listed all the different casters and compared damages. Looks like the mana chanter won hands down on single targets and group's. is an eldritch really that week ?

Stuff groups and PvE i've had enough PvE characters, its about time I made one specificaly for RvR

the mana chanter beats an eldritch for pure dmg dealing but an eldritch has far more utility than a chanter, they have fun abilities like: ae mez, ae disease, ae debuff shouts, nearsight which used properly can be of great service to your groups. They also have bolts which allow a lot of long range dmg to casters (not much good vs anything else I hear cos of bugs tho -- blocked/miss all the time)

eld light spec DDs are also cold afaik, however for reasons stated above, a solid DD will generally be better to you than a bolt would, also you then would get ae mez and nearsight too as part of light spec..


the reason the enchanter does so well is because he's nuking for two :)


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

eld light spec DDs are also cold afaik, however for reasons stated above, a solid DD will generally be better to you than a bolt would, also you then would get ae mez and nearsight too as part of light spec..

You get a usable ae mezz and perfectly fine nearsight as a void / light eld too. Only advantage a light eld really gets over void is spec DD..., and you lose Bolts, GTAOE and AOE to get them, hmm....

If you want versatiliy, range, or to play an active roll in keep attack/defence, and can accept gimped DD go void eld (doesnt sound like what you want).

If you want to use PBAOE I guess chanter is the best choice, though the practicalites of standing next to a tank to nuke it have never appealed to me! Enemies take a lot more taunting than mobs ;)

Light chanter or ment I guess for you, most of rvr is stabbing the DD button and light DD's like a machine gun (though as I said the eld line is just yawn....).


Well ive narrowed it down to a Void or Light eld, PBaoe just does not appeal to me either in PvE or RvR.

When playing my Hero, I always go for the healers/casters first in the battlegrounds, tanks always come last. so doing PBAOE is just plain suicide if other people have the same mentality as me :)

As I had a void eld on excal/hib I guess ill make this one full light spec then... I can always change it all to Void on a respec at 20.


Void Eldritches bolts are purely meant for PvE (Mythic statement)

And if you go light, go light mentalist instead of light eldritch


Most of the people that never had a light eldritch think they aren't good, most of the people that did have a light eldritch absolutely loved it.

Nearsight is an extremely powerfull spell in RvR, because it almost eliminates an enemy caster or archer if you decrease his range with 70% with a very fast spell.

AE mezz is very usefull when there's 1+ people bashing you and the bard doesn't see it.

The specline DD is cold and hits for massive damage, more than the mentalist light-spec dd (slower). This DD hits about as hard as pbaoe, advantage is the 1500m range, disadvantage is non-ae.

The baseline DD is heat and also hits for massive damage, less damage each spell but it's faster.

Dex/qui debuff shout - Matches light enchanters attack speed decrease. It's single target and recast time 5 secs (shout).

The baseline bolt still has about 50% to hit for a good ammount of damage and it just feels good to fire one now and then :)


The light Mentalist is often prefered because of the following spells:

Charm - even though it eats mana fast it can be great fun to charm a monster once in a while.

Specline nuke - a little slower casts than the light eld but its heat instead of cold, which is better in most cases (I heard, but tbh with spellcrafting most resists will be high or capped). Same baseline damage as the one light elds get - massive damage.

AE nuke - this is something light elds lack - aoe damage. It's not great, but better than nothing.

Baseline dot - not great, but certainly better than most bolts of the light eldritch.


Light enchanters- Less versatility, but you get speed and a pet.

Specline DD - as good as the one light elds get I think. Massive damage. Also heat which is seen as an advantage by most people.

Hinder attack speed shout / AE hinder attack speed shout / hinter attack speed spells - Well.. like it or not but this is all you get aside from a nuke and a pet.


Hope you get the picture now. Light enchanters just nuke and nothing else. Light mentalists have some usefull goodies like POT and AE dot (spare points in mana) and charm and an ae nuke (!) but basically it's just a damage dealer also. Light elds (my favorite) get a nearsight spell which simply ruins an enemy caster faster than anyone else can. AE mezz is a usefull tool for self-defence and defence for others. The nukes of all three light casters are amazing, so make your descision on the other spells.

I have a light eld myself and I love it, I prefer nearsight/ae mezz to protect my friends over more nuking power, AE dot, a pet, speed etc.

Good luck choosing :)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy

The specc nuke for eldritch enchanter and mentalist is the same except eldritch is cold resist.

Light Mentalist get the same AE as void AE. So it is a choice for keep defence GTAE + DDAE or AEdot + DDAE,

Played eldritch, enchanter, love my Mentalist.

Edit: to much quote for little answer

Edit 2: AE mez is close to useless in RvR, Nearsight don't do much in group versus group encounters. Light eldritch are pure damage dealer like it or not.


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Void Eldritches bolts are purely meant for PvE (Mythic statement)

I find this hard to believe with void eld's getting GTAOE ?

Anyway ive spec'd void and now at L8, if i do respec at 20 it may be to light, but we'll see.

Thanks for all the tips :)


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Void Eldritches bolts are purely meant for PvE (Mythic statement)

And if you go light, go light mentalist instead of light eldritch


Originally posted by old.Iunliten

The specc nuke for eldritch enchanter and mentalist is the same except eldritch is cold resist.

Light Mentalist get the same AE as void AE. So it is a choice for keep defence GTAE + DDAE or AEdot + DDAE,

Played eldritch, enchanter, love my Mentalist.

Edit: to much quote for little answer

Edit 2: AE mez is close to useless in RvR, Nearsight don't do much in group versus group encounters. Light eldritch are pure damage dealer like it or not.

Ah you're right the enchanter/mentalist/eldritch lightspec nuke is the same speed/damage. My bad :p

AE mezz is far from useless actually in RvR. You can quickcast it on people attacking you (solo aswell as in groups) to get some range for your nukes. My light eldritch is only level 29, but I've already saved lives (not only mine) using my AE mezz. In BG's its hardly impossible to kill a lightspec eldritch one vs one because of the QC mezz.

"Nearsight don't do much in group versus group encounters" - Excuse me? Have you ever been nearsighted for 65%? Trust me, a healer that can only heal from 1000 range is seriously in trouble. And so are mages that try to cast anything because they will get 'target is out of range' all the time. By the time they got into range a proper group is already half way to victory :p Oh and nearsight has the longest range and shortest casting time of all the spells in the game so you can nearsight other casters in rvr without getting in trouble.

[edit] Playing a light eldritch can be great fun really.. In group vs group you can nearsight enemy healers/casters so they're all in big trouble because their spells are 1000m range instead of 1500. If the bard is under attack you can defend yourself and others with the AE mezz. If you see someone being attacked you can also use your stun and kill them before it wears off. If you put your spare points into void your baseline bolt will do really nice damage and you get GTAoE. Spare points into mana will give you a pbaoe and some debuffs.

A light mentalist can nuke.. just like light elds. They can stun.. just like light elds. That's all they do, no mezz no nearsight. AE nuke is often useless in rvr because you will break mezz. Sure its good in keep defence, but so is nearsight. Light ments don't have a bolt but they have an okay DoT and a small heal. Spare points in mentalism will give you cure mezz (?), some heals and a (single target) mezz. Spare points in mana will give you a better dot, AoE dot, PoT, HoT.

Mentalists get more goodies for keep defence/exp'ing. Eldritches get more goodies for solo rvr, group vs group rvr and its easier to find groups if you have spare points in mana for PBAoE.


Love your dreamworld.

Yes I have been nearsighted, it do shit at all for my ability to function in a group, on the other hand it severely reduces you in MG standoffs and keep defence.

First of all Bards are gonna be pissed at you for breaking their healers/cleric out of mezz if you nearsight a mezzed enemy healer.
They will just start spamming groupheals or run up and fire instas at you.

Then the bards will get pissed when you use your mighty 31 seconds COLD :)rolleyes: ) based mezz, or should I say 23 seconds long since close to everyone got capped cold resists.
Wait was that a resitance buff(Frigging groups always needing to bring friars/shammies), darn we are down to 16 seconds´.
Wait wait wait you say it is a tank, Ouch that is determination 3.
8 seconds.
AE mezz drop off? 6 Seconds mezz.
Wow life saving, and that is if it isn't allout resisted.

You have made the mistake of thinking BG is the same as real RvR.

I know one lvl 50 Light Eldritch, Reedemer.
He wish he was a Light Mentalist.

Also with decent buffs and moa 2 (standard too in RvR) You are very close to to the cap 1.5 seconds so nearsight won't be much faster then normal DD, stun, mezz and so on.

And you telling someone she will get groups using a half specced PBAE?

Your dreamworld is fantastic.


Iunliten what are you on? The scenario you tell is how a bad/less experience player might play. No matter what class/spec anyone can make mistakes. I've seen PBAOER run up to mezzed enemies and starting PBAOE and the group getting wiped bacause he breaks the mezz, same thing goes for menta casting AE dot. Nearshight is a debuff and you have to know it will break mezz, as any other debuff do.

First, is there a bard, let him do the ccing. Eld mezz is for emergancy or if the group is lacking a "true" mezzer.

If there is a mana chanter in the group, use /assist and let chanter debuff and nuke away. It's one of the most deadly combinations in RvR and manachanters aren't even rare. Otherwise just use /assist on your main tank and help him killing the enemies he picks or solo an enemy caster ;).


I am just telling her, that reality is different from what she belives it would be.

Sorry if I got heated.


Originally posted by kalid
Iunliten what are you on? The scenario you tell is how a bad/less experience player might play. No matter what class/spec anyone can make mistakes. I've seen PBAOER run up to mezzed enemies and starting PBAOE and the group getting wiped bacause he breaks the mezz, same thing goes for menta casting AE dot. Nearshight is a debuff and you have to know it will break mezz, as any other debuff do.

First, is there a bard, let him do the ccing. Eld mezz is for emergancy or if the group is lacking a "true" mezzer.

That's what I meant :p

Use nearsight when you see someone casting a spell, not when the bard just mezzed him/them.


Iunliten, nearsight is the most powerful spell in game, it totally cripples a class that is based on doing dmg from range. Believe me it has it's uses in all kinds of rvr.


I have a lvl 25 Void Eldritch, its fun but I was light until lvl 20. I specced void to try it out and to lvl fast becuase me and a friend (mana chanter) and soem others group up and the aoe is good for when the chanter pulls like 5-10 mobs at once.

Both light and void are good though.


Ehum, Iunliten I must agree with u 100%. Okay I'm a mentalist, but it is true tho, light elds work as a damage dealer just as ments do. I've grouped so many times with light elds in smallscale rvr (1 fg vs 1 fg combat) and tbh u don't have the time to twinkle around with spells like nearsight (and pls don't use ur mezz if a bard is around).

Baseline stun then nuke nuke nuke, run away from tanks assasins, stun nuke nuke nuke.

That's the scenario, believe me.


zync have you ever played a light eld? no? then stfu about how they are in rvr, im r8l4 i think i know a bit more than you. dont judge a class for how you see another players is playing him.


8 realmranks of camping AMG?

To clarify Nearsight Is and I state IS useless in a fight except for 1vs1 (Yeah like all those 3 times I have done it, then it was the pet that killed me.)
Milegate standoff (BORING!)
Keep offence (good luck targetting 8+ enemy mages in defense)
And when Ligen/cain is camped.

in 1 FG versus 1 FG Nearsight offers nothing you can't do with stun/DD.

In Zergs well, nada again.

Nearsight might be a irritating spell if you survive after being attacked by it, but if you survive the enemy mage/group is doing something utterly wrong.

Maybe you can use it as a good way to knock people out of speed... but that is about it.


in 1 FG versus 1 FG Nearsight offers nothing you can't do with stun/DD


- Nearsight before bard mezzes
- Nearsight everyone casting that purged / resisted mezz
- Then start nuking

If you only use stun/dd their casters will kill you sooner or later. By the time they got into range after nearsight you can kill alot more before you get flattened yourself.

It does help to play and learn a class before saying it's crap, nearsight is a very usefull spell when you use it right and you obviously didn't (never have?). :p


Vodka have you even played a caster in RvR?

You got 2-3 spells tops before you got a tank down styling on you.

I am sorry that I need to ask this but what is the name of your great light eldritch?


Originally posted by Tyka
zync have you ever played a light eld? no? then stfu about how they are in rvr, im r8l4 i think i know a bit more than you. dont judge a class for how you see another players is playing him.

Yes, i have tried a friends light eld and seen him play.

First of all, I am NOT talkin about MG standoffs, keep defences/assaults. I'm talking what i find most fun in RvR and that is, as i stated in my previous post, 1 fg vs 1 fg.

Secondly, What does being rr8 got to do with it? Yes, you have played the char alot more then me, but the elds I've played with isn't bad players either. What I've noticed is that they do far better work protecting group members with their stuns and fast nukes. That is just my oppinion. It isn't that hard circling around the combatants to get yourself in range again, at least it isn't for me.

And I certainly won't "stfu" just because you so kindly tell me too.


I have lvl 50 light eld,i have saved many casters life by nearsighting casters where bard allmighty mezz dont reach so he/she haves totally free hands.

Only someone silly uses his/her ae mezz when there is bard on group but seems even that is rare sometimes.

Iunliten,i can kill tanks by that 9 secs what stun gived to me,now it's bit reduced but i just hide as i have natural ability to that being a luri,Light eldrtich is much more versatile light enchanter can never be.

Charm is nice but i wont trade my 65% nearsight for some silly pet :)


One which haves nearsight and ae mezz..haven't seen them on mentalist lately :D


Originally posted by old.Downanael
One which haves nearsight and ae mezz..haven't seen them on mentalist lately :D

So.. how much free time do you have? When I left prydwen a while back Niu (sp?) was level 24ish and your light eld very low level. You have 3 level 50's now? :)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy

So.. how much free time do you have? When I left prydwen a while back Niu (sp?) was level 24ish and your light eld very low level. You have 3 level 50's now? :)

Niu is my light eld :) was referring to Iunliten as her haves light mentalist so only 2 lvl 50 ;)

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