Easymode infil(skills in thugs lanuage)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Have played tons of sbs. Tried them in every type of setup. They all crap unless you play in a totally different way such as PKJ and Weaklin. Damage difference between an inf and an sb if they rely on standard setups is absolutely disgusting and defies belief. No inf can really understand how poor an sb is unless they roll one. That is why Honed, PKJ and Weaklin all fight in an unorthodox way as it is the only way I could figure out how to get some damage down.

Anyways back to Call of Duty. Hell offa laugh that game is for sure. Godda bad head now though from firing a monster machine gun.

thugs you fucktard. sb's hit fine, you just speccing full axe and spamming anytimes isnt gonna get you anywhere.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
No inf can really understand how poor an sb is unless they roll one.
I recently rolled a SB got legendary great sword, mp weapond, fully capped SCed armor. I use a bb. I don't know but I guess many others are too, at least I see many losing buffs when I kill them. I can't rly say SB's are poor, I haven't lost a 1vs1 fight yet since got my armor done.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 27, 2004
when i was researching my hunter spec, im pretty sure i remeber people saying no need to go over 13 BC at lvl 24, becuase u get a blue pet, pet doesnt get any better over that lvl or summit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Been playing an sb on mid excal recently, with all the str relics and it's a joke how easy they are. Was running around in dropped armour and weapons (mourning rage axe admittedly :p) and winning most fights. Now I'm sc'ed I rarely lose, even against duos. The occasional caster kites me when I miss perf as I lag too much to keep stuck to them even when sprinting :(, But apart form that, it's even easier than when I played my inf. I've hit for well over 700 on perf several times, garotte caps at 313 without crit, and have even 1 shot a blue con unstyled by accident :p Again, no real tactics needed... Just PA/BS then garotte with hamstring as back up works every time.

Damage in this pic was unbuffed btw, but like most alb excal players, these casters havn't noticed they have base af buffs available to them :p



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Well stop hitting soft targets then you bully and find some tougher opponents. No wonder you can kill stuff like that with the Mourning Rage axe - 100% drop. Dead boring killing casters. BE A MAN AND ATTACK ANYTHING BAR CASTERS LIKE I DID FORRA FULL MONTH.

By the way for about 2 weeks all I did was to hunt other stealthers. Try that and see how long you last.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Thugs said:
Well stop hitting soft targets then you bully and find some tougher opponents. No wonder you can kill stuff like that with the Mourning Rage axe - 100% drop. Dead boring killing casters. BE A MAN AND ATTACK ANYTHING BAR CASTERS LIKE I DID FORRA FULL MONTH.

By the way for about 2 weeks all I did was to hunt other stealthers. Try that and see how long you last.

come and duel my 'soft target' caster, with one of yer lvl 50's :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
like that skin ur using...can u leave a link where to get it plz :) ?

Morimdin said:
Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7

Screenshot 8

There you go mester thugs, now roll on the duels..
it's not hard to "be king of thidranki and win gold in the world championschip of hillsprinting mountainbiking president bumping etc." that you claim to be :touch:

no, this is not a brag thread, i'm just trying to stuff it into thugs head YOU DONT NEED SKILLS TO KILL SOMEONE IN THIDRANKI!

ps.! names outlined for not making fun of people that dropped fast etc. unlike thugs do -_- :flame:

can u leave a link to where u got that skin plz m8.... looks cool :cool:
jamie :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Lol thugs. Because I post 1 image, you assume thats all I kill? As I said in my post, I can easily kill any class in the bg. Class balance is pretty good in the bg, and so whoever has the relics has a huge advantage....The only skill there is to playing a stealther is landing a perf/BS especially on other stealthers. The rest is just spam styles, swapping weapons if you feel the need, lag strafing again if you feel the need (both of which I don't need to do and wouldn't want to even if I was outgunned).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
oh and btw......thugs u do realise u not the only or first person to realise you can run through targets?? it happens all the time to counter qc and stuff like that so dont think u special cos u can do it. However most people think its a lame way of doing things so its nothing to be proud of either.

p.s. go get a life and not pretend u drunk and brag about killing lvl24's lol


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
think its pretty sad if anyone think they r that good, remember pusinboots giving killspams constantly but evrybody dies eventually and those wo say they dont die are lieing.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Finish this thread

Could be this guys remarks are gonna get me banned from Freddys soon so I gonna finish this thread once and for all before that happens.

Here is Shenysh. My record stands for over 1000 rps without a one on one loss and growing longer by the day. This guy hits like a truck. Over 2x my sbs damage. How many rps did he get before he dies I wonder? And who does he die too? You guessed it - me.

You gonna make these threads you take the consequences. I made far worse ones and got all your backs up and lived for over 3 re-rolls of Thid and never lost and I still ain't one on one.


End of this guys record attempt before it hardly started - by me.


May 14, 2004
yes, belive it or not, i actually died! OMG!! IMAGINE!! DIE IN THIDRANKI!!! OMG I MUST BE BAD PERSON AND ALSO I MUST BE A TOTALLY NOOB!!!!!11111111 i agreed to duel you with my infil that is specced with 24 critstrike, all based on a hard PA - starting unstealthed. and with the dirt tricks you are using and i still nearly beat you i'd say you shut up and go to bed


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

That duel reflects how things would be if I found you in the game. No inf ever perfs or bs's me so you have to melee me in a duel. Rolled over 3x now and no perf when I hunting. I get perfed if I chasing someone already but never one on one.

You lost in a duel m8 even hitting over 2x my damage.

Dirty tricks? Wot are they? That film of us fighting shows you moving not me. I never run-through or popped potions or anything. Twas all you.

Pity. Accept defeat for some respect m8 which I am willing to give but your attitude stinks.

Edit: weird now I can post on this computer? Tempory IP block then.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
There is a Maori proverb: "Waiho ma te tangata e mihi."

Translated to: "Let someone else acknowledge your virtues."

I think you've started off on the wrong foot, Thugs. The way you've been carrying on, bragging about yourself, proclaiming yourself the 'King of Thid', claiming to be unbeaten and unbeatable, has ensured that you will not have the respect you so obviously crave.

It won't matter how many duels you win, how many DoTs and diseases you apply to your weapons, how well you can run through someone to make them miss you. In your efforts to achieve acknowledgement for your achievements, regardless of how valid or not those achievements are, you have torn the foundation down from under your own feet.

Humility breeds respect. Arrogance breeds contempt.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Remember me?

Wanna make a bet?

Anyone ever asks who was the best sb in Thid ever who they gonna talk about? There is only one option - me.

That is the only recognition I need.

Even if I die against anyone now I have played solidly for 5 weeks or more soloing and never lost a one on one fight. 1100 rps now and no one on one losses.

Fecking remarkable and totally unbeatable record and will stand for ever more than likely.

The above is sure good enough for me.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
I never said a thing about people remembering you or not, Thugs. I was making an observation: that people are less than likely to give you any kind of respect, something you very obviously crave, because of the way you've been, and continue, carrying on.

People will undoubtedly remember you. But they'll remember you for your obnoxious, self-aggrandising tone, not your supposed 'unbeatable record'.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

I don't think so. In the back of their minds there is some rational thought process going on. For someone to be so obnoxious and yet still never lose is incredible in my opinion. My techniques though ridiculed and frowned upon are used a great deal in Thid now I notice. Run-through is used more by my opponents than myself now infact.

Respect? That will come intime when the animosity has left. Who the hell likes to lose? Well those loosers are upset so they bound to post nastily. When they calm down maybe they will realize how hard my sb is to play. Infact I just wish all these people actually try and play an sb cos they gonna be badly shocked to see the damage they do - tis pitiful.

If I was an outsider looking in and looked at my postings and films (the best film is to come) I would be astonished how my sbs fight. Even takes my breath away sometimes how easily I can kill. I mean are sbs supposed to kill all alb armsmen? Well my sbs do - quite easily too and no nasty perf to start the fight off.

Nah, my sbs are totally unique because they are so hard to play which is great to me. I can make films and show the things I do and yet not make my opponents any better or sbs any different cos hardly anyone can bring off all the things I do in a single fight. I can't do them if I out of practise or not sober. Ain't exactly sober now infact :) . Hard run and a few beers go straight to my head.

Respect? Nah don't need it. I set a record and it is getting longer - 1100 rps at Thid level. Hell and for a few hundred of them I been unbuffed.

Beat that for my respect else shut the f*** up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
thugs no one respec a teen that is bragging about him beaten up kids in the sandbox...because thats what ur doing..in daoc...u go in thid..u fight free gear dude..and shout out im the king etc...but one day..one day...maybe u dare to go against other "teens" when that day come..and if u (i doubt tho) manage to preform well u probaly earn respec...in mean time..have fun killing kids thats playing with plastic spoon and bucket


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

How dare you post that crap m8. You cant' be upto date. Look through this posting fully for my films and fights.


Here I make it easier for you.

Buffed sc'd Luri ns - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/luri.jpg

Buffed sc'd Friar - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/friar.wmv

Buffed sc'd Ogre polesman - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/sorceran.wmv

Buffed sc'd slash inf - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/chan.wmv

They all buffed me unbuffed cept Shenysh duel. That one had never lost either unbuffed.


There are other films in that posting too if you care to take a good look.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004

Your capacity for selective reading comprehension is rivalled only by your delusions of grandeur, just like my disgust at your being a player of Midgard is rivalled only by the relief that we don't share a server.

I'd wish you luck, but my gorge rises at the thought.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Wot the hell. Can someone ever beat my record?

Nope - am happy - very happy infact.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
ye but that frair pwned u tbh...he seems to be little lost at start maybe distracted or what ever...but when fight end ur at 10%...when he hit u for first time he had 60/70% hp...

half orge arsman...looks to be free gear...semi afk...u playing ur lame as "skillfull" tricks base buffed ye but having SC>free gear and basebuff

and whats this with the 2 inf...whats great about this? u kill one bring 1 down to 60%?...nothing spesial about that...

so to sum it up...stop harrasing the kids in the sandbox imo...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2004
Thugs said:
How dare you post that crap m8. You cant' be upto date. Look through this posting fully for my films and fights.


Here I make it easier for you.

Buffed sc'd Luri ns - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/luri.jpg

Buffed sc'd Friar - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/friar.wmv

Buffed sc'd Ogre polesman - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/sorceran.wmv

Buffed sc'd slash inf - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/chan.wmv

They all buffed me unbuffed cept Shenysh duel. That one had never lost either unbuffed.


There are other films in that posting too if you care to take a good look.

Freaking ****, luri is still a ranger, you must be the dumbest person ive yet to encounter in daoc tbh. And please learn that having 29 evenom and killing ppl with poisens isnt skilled ROFL! How hard can it be, debuff ppl for half thier hits and poisen them to death. GOGO EASYMODE!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Dipper said:
Freaking ****, luri is still a ranger, you must be the dumbest person ive yet to encounter in daoc tbh.
oh he is a good killing a ranger with 21/24bow maybe 10pierc? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Fair enough

Good try m8 but I can see when my leg is being pulled.

All them players are long term ones with the best gear. Already talked to them. Nothing but the best.

Had enough posting for today.

Borvo - nevermind me - beat the record or at least try and last longer than Shenysh did. When I am not around it will be a lot easier for anyone to try it for sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Thugs said:
Good try m8 but I can see when my leg is being pulled.

All them players are long term ones with the best gear. Already talked to them. Nothing but the best.

Had enough posting for today.

Borvo - nevermind me - beat the record or at least try and last longer than Shenysh did. When I am not around it will be a lot easier for anyone to try it for sure.
ur record means nothing as u have selective memories and forget what u wanna forget...
edit: play ur lvl 50 sb that u claim to have and duel my ranger!!! :eek: pwn u anyday...then u will know how easy it is when u got better gear/utility


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
One last post then


That looks to me to be a luri ns else how the hell am I poisoned. Ain't Littleluri but Piercingmas.

Prove me wrong on that one too.

By the way Valkybabe was killed earlier by PKJ no prob.


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Borvo said:
ur record means nothing as u have selective memories and forget what u wanna forget...

lol, seems that way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Anyone ever asks who was the best sb in Thid ever who they gonna talk about? There is only one option - me.

they wont though, they will name randomsb23 as better than you because 1) you suck, 2) inflating your ego has negative consequences for the rest of the world, and c) you are a monotonous, self-important, schizophrenic* with delusions of grandeur.

good night.

*(from your behaviour, you should know, 'having studied psychology in great depth, freud and jung etc')


May 14, 2004
Thugs said:
How dare you post that crap m8. You cant' be upto date. Look through this posting fully for my films and fights.


Here I make it easier for you.

Buffed sc'd Luri ns - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/luri.jpg

Buffed sc'd Friar - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/friar.wmv

Buffed sc'd Ogre polesman - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/sorceran.wmv

Buffed sc'd slash inf - http://sites-4u.com/weaklin/chan.wmv

They all buffed me unbuffed cept Shenysh duel. That one had never lost either unbuffed.


There are other films in that posting too if you care to take a good look.
that socalled buffed ogre polesman of yours is a 2h armsman with keltoi/DF armor.. selfownage meighty?

and Margaret - i truly deeply madly love you :worthy:

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