


Originally posted by Turamber
Kladen this thread was begun by someone whining that others interupted their dueling.

Read first post you will find nxs was saying thanx to me and lama
Originally posted by Turamber
The anti-duelers, myself included, point out that we were quite right to kill enemy players.
Correct but some times the more mature side of alb would accept some one is doing there own thing haveing fun and 95% of the time would leave alone or join in
Originally posted by Turamber
Those of us who realise that RvR means Realm versus Realm, and not the saddos who enjoy standing around comparing penis sizes, resent the realm point farming that goes on at such events.
Reading that -personal question- Did your dad try anything with you when you were younger (you can get help you can there are people out there)
Originally posted by Turamber
With any multiplayer community we all have different views and values, but do not be so dismissive of those whose views fit in with the game ethos.
ummm.. is that so thought about becomeing a MP ?
Originally posted by Turamber
If duellers find RvR dull then please go play another game and don't whine about those who wish to play the game the way it was intended.

Do you think people would play the game if rvr was dull .. the answer would be yes .. PVE to some people.. is better (As it is a Roll play game you get to chat joke e.c.t. -interact-
and as about whineing ?
- only person on the thread that seems to be whineing is your self - (and you are not doing yourself any favours mate)
Originally posted by Turamber
And if Albion is so crap please go elsewhere, you will improve the standard of our realm a great deal by leaving.

Ummm.. now getting at people for no reason seems point less (you will improve the standard of our realm a great deal by leaveing.) - To me hes sick and tired of people like you Not accepting what others do. I enjoy the game i enjoy alb and i also Enjoy RVR - and if i get some one offerd me a friendly dual i shall accept because i find that fun (i would not have have not moaned about my fellow dual partners to whome i compair penis sizes with dieing)

(now i dont want to seem unfair of and arse hole because officaly i have not yet done anything wrong just try to understand there are all sorts of people playing the game the way you like it to be played or not there is nothin you can do about it
(Its not harming anyone so just accept it)


I apologise Jamza, your post - the second one in the thread - was the whining one which assumed everyone should respect your "right" to play little games with your troll buddies. If anyone is daft enough to advertise these silly duelling competitions on Barrysworld believe me I won't be the only one turning up to bash the enemy players.

The fact remains that you had your personal rezzer there, so you were well equipped to farm realm points. We only have your word for it that you weren't breaking the CoC.

In my mind duellers are in the same league as beggars. A nuisance we have to put up with, however much we dislike them. Maybe all idiots will go to the PvP server when it opens, good lord I hope so.

It really pains me that duelling events have gone on in the past during relic raids and guild based RVR -- so when the new patch is available people who have put their own selfish enjoyment before the good of their realmmates will be getting realm abilities, whereas many who aren't so selfish will be struggling for realm points.


Originally posted by Turamber
And if Albion is so crap please go elsewhere, you will improve the standard of our realm a great deal by leaving.

will do once i get to lvl 50 and see the epic armours and jup/lunars wedding


Originally posted by Turamber

In my mind duellers are in the same league as beggars. A nuisance we have to put up with, however much we dislike them. Maybe all idiots will go to the PvP server when it opens, good lord I hope so.

You do realise Turamber that you're saying to about half of the realm that they are idiots here. I'm sure a lot of people remember the first real days of rvr on this server where there were large scale duels in front of the alb pk in emain and a lot of people participated in those duels back then. But it seems that the majority of people has chosen to forgot those duels like they never existed because back then there weren't that many level 50's and it was fun to do it and get some rp's.
I myself never participated in a duel, the only exception was when Jamza asked me to go with him to make sure nobody got killed and what do you know, I get labeled an idiot for doing so.



see flames can end with out sleep loss - and depresion



i remember the biggest duel in emain,not sure when it was,but after that,the game just started to be more exciting,that is the best part of game,rvr-ing,but its even morewhen its 1 on 1,when every1 has some chance of wining not like when u go to yggdra,travel 30 min,kill a yellow and then he gets help and 10 50's come and gank ya before u can do anything!
i was in yggdra today,i saw a green that tried to get away,i sat near him and we were waving eachother and boving n stuff,but i didnt kill the poor fella,he didnt stand a chance so it's not even a bit fun killing some1 with 2 smites!
all i am saying is that if we have fun with dueling we should have that more often!


The fact remains that you had your personal rezzer there, so you were well equipped to farm realm points. We only have your word for it that you weren't breaking the CoC.

^^ lame tura lame wtf are u a gm? does anybody pay u mate?

It really pains me that duelling events have gone on in the past during relic raids and guild based RVR -- so when the new patch is available people who have put their own selfish enjoyment before the good of their realmmates will be getting realm abilities, whereas many who aren't so selfish will be struggling for realm points.

^^ lame too, tura to u imply that the top rp holders are nothing but rp farmers? tsk tsk

i would suggest u guys all get a real life and start playing this game to have fun. if u duell expect that some ppl will come that dont aggree with that what u do and will either kill u or ur opponents. for gods sake stop stupid threads like that it gets annoying seeing ppl whining all time. and dont talk all time bout coc and goa and shit just play to have fun.

i prefer duells over zerging but ...

anyway my 2c



Ok can we let this rest now - for info check out RightNow, search for dueling and the following answer is shown


About duels.

Many players have been wondering what was the official stance of the event team regarding duels. In order to answer this question, we need to clarify what is hiding behind this simple word; duel.

- The unexpected duel, one versus one, leading to the death of the escape of one of the two fighters.
- The organised duels with “healer” classes, able to bring back to life slain players.

In the first case, it is an honourable (or not so honourable) duel, with which we have no problem as long as it is unplanned and exceptional.

In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call “RP farming”, the act of “farming” realm points doing many “controlled” duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!


So in short, although not against the CoC or GOA policy it seams they would rather you didnt do it, but your not gona get your account banned if you do.

END OF THREAD - please, no more personal abuse :)


Diabolus, why post a whining thread then say I am whining :rolleyes:

I certainly didn't accuse "the top rp holders" of duelling, but I know of a lot of people who do it. I find it distatesful. If people want to fight 1v1 battles then either (1) go play a different game or (2) join a PvP server.

The whole premise of the conflict in this game is realm versus realm, not individual versus individual. I also pay my subscription so stop whining about my viewpoint.



Your extreamly weak !

Cant you just ignore people (posting on BW and talking in game are diffrent)

your not helping yourself - you have said what u think so maybe you should use your brain and not reply-

Btw: Bump Bump :p

Hey Nxs you barstard when ya gonna come say hello irl :p or are you locked in ya room all week ? Dont make me get 2 accounts and become a spy


Originally posted by -jamza-

Hey Nxs you barstard when ya gonna come say hello irl :p or are you locked in ya room all week ? Dont make me get 2 accounts and become a spy

Urm, you need to pay for a first account in order to have a second, which will be expiring soon... shame


Shushhhhhhhh (Daoc did not know)

dont want me banned now do ya Damn you nxs
(Now get here and give me a hug!)
(h4xxor!) - umm.. still 134rnin6 7h3 w4y 0f d4 L337 !

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