


Thanks to Jamza and the urm L50 paladin, cant remember ya name. A really fun time was had in odns gate MG with some friendly duels.

Didnt realise Skald and Thanes were THAT powerfull - ok so they were a level or three higher - but damn it was fun.

Sorry it had to end with some albs rushing in and killing us three mid's too - how were they to know it was a friendly dueling match, will try to organise it somewhere more private next time.

Anyway - thanks - it was fun, nice to see some people from Alb and Mid using the game to actualy have some fun :)

And finaly, lets say a quick prayer to the poor Hib who logged on in the MG in between us dueling, bet they never knew what hit them, well it was a L50 paladin, L40 paladin, L43 Thane, L41 Skald ohh and a L12 Skald..... muwahhaaaaaa.... sorry :)


My honour

I must say it was fun

poor little hibby -wondered what was going on-

3 middys - 2 albs

i was rather angry to see all them albs come chargeing at you

altho i spam


but ahh well how were they to know till it was 2 late

but yes im up for comeing to dual again - when im level 45 tho ill stand a better chance -

cheers nxs


Supose the same goes for anyone else too - if you want a one on one speak to me or jamza, might be able to sort it out.


The unnamed level 50 paladin was Lamagra of Griffon Knights.

Duelling is lame chaps, and we were perfectly in our right to kill members of an enemy realm. So the spam was a waste of time.

Hearty congratulations to the Midgard forces who engaged in proper RvR a bit later, and shame on you Albs and Mids at the milegate for piddling about with silly duelling.


whats wrong with dueling?
if both parties agree beforehand to duel then there is no problem...i guess were alll entitled to our own opinio but i dont see anything wrong with it..and im a spiritmaster :p

staff duels rock


umm.. yeah

seems a good idea

If anyone would like to test out there char (Against a same level middy char contact me)

Some people dont agree on duals tbh i find it rather fun

me being level 40 atm - i always get ganked in rvr

it was fun to dual a level 41 and lose :) <covers head>

Feel free to msg me in game and ill see what myself and nxs can come up with

-this game is fun we should extend fun to as much as possable-

i play around 4pm to about 4am :) under jamza



/em invites all the people with more time and inclination to give all the arguments against organised duelling heard a million times before.

Spur of the moment duelling is one thing -- but organised duelling? Please.

We're at war with Midgard, the Albions who killed NXS & MckFly can in no way be criticised. Those playing cards and drinking beer with them, shame on you!




are they hated within alb ?

it really dosent matter who they are / next time i may not be dualing mckfly and nxs

The fact is i injoy dualing -maybe you should respect that. its not like im doing any body harm-

If i am i will stop i honestly dont see the harm (and yes myself and nxs arranged the duals b4 hand)

and i asked the guild if this was ok -lam was there to rezz me if some thing went wrong-

Please tell me fellow albs have we done wrong ?


Organised duelling is much better RvR than what this server currently has. It's so boring, I go into emain, join a massive middy force, we wipe out the albs who then regroup, gain more people and wipe us. Then the whole process repeats itself...where is the fun? it's just a big RP farm. I would love to test my skills against an equal level opponent 1 on 1....I mean I play a shadowblade for crying out loud, mass ganking is not why I chose a stealth character, if I had wanted this route I'd have been a skald :p

Turamber, you are seriously misguided...your version of proper rvr is what I've described above? it's dull and repetitive, and there is no chance for individuals to shine or feel any sense of accomplishment. You go back to your zerging, I'm sure it makes you feel like a big boy.

There is no chance to duel someone, and the reason RvR sucks so much and bores me stupid is that it all comes down to who has the biggest group of people. There are no tactics, no cunning, nothing. I welcome duelling as it actually sounds like fun :p Where do I sign up?


Originally posted by old.Mobius
whats wrong with dueling?
if both parties agree beforehand to duel then there is no problem...i guess were alll entitled to our own opinio but i dont see anything wrong with it..and im a spiritmaster :p

staff duels rock

It's against the CoC, so you could have you char deleted for dueling (not gonna happen but could) if GOA wanted to to. Its also known as Rp farming. :p

If you are gonna duel... and yes I have done so, make sure you pick a private place and dont post on here about it, also dont cry about it here if others just join in and wipe you out.


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
Turamber, you are seriously misguided...your version of proper rvr is what I've described above? it's dull and repetitive, and there is no chance for individuals to shine or feel any sense of accomplishment. You go back to your zerging, I'm sure it makes you feel like a big boy.

/em shrugs

So fighting 1v1 winning/dying resting/being rezzed then going again isn't repetitive?

Proper RvR is fighting the enemies of your realm. Taking their keeps, reclaiming your keeps, defending them, out maneuvering them on the battlefield.

Where are the tactics in duels? Win/lose live/die earn realm points.

The realm points are in the game to award abilities in the next patch. By duelling you will win an unfair advantage over your fellow players who are actually going about playing the game in the manner it was designed to be played.

And Jamza, I made the point about duelling irrespective of who the other silly people were you were playing patta-cake with. If it's official policy for the Griffon Knights to support dueling I'll eat my hat. (Well, buy one first but you get the picture).

As for individual actions being worthy of note in fully fledged RvR, the other day I managed to sneak into DC alone through a pack of Midgard's finest. When I got into the keep I found all the defenders, bar one wizard were dead, so I raised the dead and helped them continue the struggle till a relief force arrived.

Hell of a lot of fun, and much better than playing duels with your buddies.


So I am at a disadvantage in your 'proper rvr' because I don't have a) speed b) decent armour but I do have a) stealth b) critical strikes.... Now tell me how are these skills useful to me when all rvr consists of is one army charging at another one? Assasin classes are built to solo people, not to just run in and wallop things.

Maybe people wouldn't want to duel if RvR had any qualities other than what i've already talked about. Sure I can solo people if I camp the amg at some antisocial hour of the day, or spend half an hour running to the gorge or sauvage...I might manage to kill someone every 30 minutes when I get there, what joy! RvR is built too much around big groups, which sucks in my opinion as it defeats the point of my class, hence why I am seriously considering not playing here anymore and waiting for the pvp server.


Elrond, seeing as your realm is in such short supply of healers - and you don't appear to enjoy being a stealther - why not bring the healer out of retirement?

Although, speaking as a good tin can I'd much rather you went to the PvP server ... Fear the AoE mezz !! :p


if you cant find ways to earn your RPs in "proper" RvR, youre doing something wrong.

Death did not get 1 million RPs for camping MGs in ungodly hours (he camped yes, but not always) .

Theres a reason the top 10 (give or take) are stealthers, ie, Solo characters. and its not PK or MG camping. its grouping, and getting your kills right.

feel free to duel. just dont tell others about it, and dont whine when we kill you, and anyone you might duel. oh, and dont blame anyone for reporting you, after you posted here, that you broke the CoC :p


And Jamza, I made the point about duelling irrespective of who the other silly people were you were playing patta-cake with. If it's official policy for the Griffon Knights to support dueling I'll eat my hat. (Well, buy one first but you get the picture).

Sorry Jamza as Turamber says its not our official policy, then again its not against our official policy which to me if I remember right is just to have fun. :)

Jamza go to our fourms and talk to me there via pm's or message in the private section, will talk to you more there.


Originally posted by Gimly

It's against the CoC, so you could have you char deleted for dueling (not gonna happen but could) if GOA wanted to to. Its also known as Rp farming. :p

If you are gonna duel... and yes I have done so, make sure you pick a private place and dont post on here about it, also dont cry about it here if others just join in and wipe you out.

How can the dueling we did last night be against CoC - when no one died ?? We had a little respect that you get your oponent down to 10% HP.... then BACK OFF !!! no RP's were exchanged in our little fun lastnight - no one died in our little duel, till the albs rushed in.

But I agree with earlier posts too, Mid and Alb are at war and hey yes if you see the enemy realm kill them - ive no problem with that. Hell if i was in a group of 8 mids and saw some alb's playing around with some other mids, id jump in and kick there butt too.

This is NOT a flame
This is NOT a bitch at albs.

Just saying thanks for lastnight - it was fun :)


Originally posted by Turamber
The unnamed level 50 paladin was Lamagra of Griffon Knights.

Duelling is lame chaps, and we were perfectly in our right to kill members of an enemy realm. So the spam was a waste of time.

Hearty congratulations to the Midgard forces who engaged in proper RvR a bit later, and shame on you Albs and Mids at the milegate for piddling about with silly duelling.

Lame ???? well tahts your opinion and your obviously entitled to one. But all 4 involved had fun... still cant get over that poor Hib who pop'd right by us when we were sorting out who faught who next... muwahhhaaaa..... I'm sooooo sorry...... :)


1) Point uno --> I despise organized duelling as such but love the random one on one encounters. <That only happened once though, when i was a mid and camping MG in Odins.>
2) People do indeed duel most times for RP farming. Encounter X. Late night, Emain Macha , somewhere near Alb PK. Bunch of Albs and Mids are duelling. Infiltrator XXX joins up to show off what a Xbow can do vs con purp tank --> was jumping up and down when the bolt hit the target. After a few minutes of whatching the 'big boys' duel <not to death> i got PMd that one of the mids wants me dead, when i asked why and who it was they said that Hunter XXXX needs XXX RP for next realm rank. treat this as you wish.
3) Duelling as a Stabber till 10% of HP ---> No buffs, No Poisons used, Cant stab properly because the person knows you are close so they start moving chaotically. Is there something im missing out ? But i always thought Assassins trait is to hit when less expected, thus gaining an advantage ?

Please someone enlighten me



Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight


Originally posted by Gimly

It's against the CoC, so you could have you char deleted for dueling (not gonna happen but could) if GOA wanted to to. Its also known as Rp farming. :p

If you are gonna duel... and yes I have done so, make sure you pick a private place and dont post on here about it, also dont cry about it here if others just join in and wipe you out.

sorry i didnt make myself clear, if i ever duel its never to the death.

Brannor McThife

If noone died, and no RP's were "exchanged", then I do not believe it's against the CoC. However, if you had gone for killing each other, then rezzing, resting, and then repeating, THAT would be against the CoC.

I've had lots of being /bang /beckon /wave at me out there, and you know what? I /wave back and then flatten them with as many friends as I have around. It's war, people die, they are the enemy.



Oh boy, here we go again.

What is it with people these days and the constant whining?
So a few people decide to have fun and organised a duel, Jamza asked me to go with him and rez him or kill the mids if they should kill him. Now what's wrong with that.

Everyone says it's against the CoC to duel, I agree, it is against the CoC in some way. But when nobody gets killed it can't be classed as rp-farming so it's not against the CoC.
I know it's walking a thin line here but it's just the way it is.
You won't find anywhere in the CoC the words "dueling is forbidden" because it's not in there. That would mean that a normal 1on1 encounter would be against the CoC. What is against the CoC is organizing an rp-farming session where you kill your opponent, let him get rezzed and kill him again.

If I ever see someone duelling and someone dies they can be sure I'll do anything to kill the people involved. But when it's a few friends that try to test their damage against each other and they don't have an entire army with them I couldn't give a damn.

How do you think the TL reports are written for the various classes. You think they just invent the numbers? No, the TL's also do duels from time to time to test out weapondamages and class balances. And in the end we benefit from that since we learn how to spec ourselves to be better, how do you think it all started on US? We didn't have any perfect templates there, we just tried out different ones with different chars and did duels to test it out. (And yes I have been playing daoc in the US from the beginning so don't start saying "How do you know?").

So my point of vies is very simple, if people are duelling to rp-farm I'll do anything to stop them but if someone asks me to go with them and rez or help them should they die while they try out their weapondamage I have no problem with that. But be assured that if anyone dies more then twice I won't consider it testing anymore and they can expect a gimped paladin to try and kill them :)


Lamagra, I value you as a friend, but I feel that your view this time is incorrect.

I test out my skills many times on different foes (see my post about weapons in the SoTL sale thread).

However, I do -live- testing.

It's the only way to accomplish anything which will be of any real benefit.

As an example...

I used to test stuff out on equipped mobs, to see how i'd far against a mid. I discovered that shield mobs block a fair bit, and so it's a great idea as an inf to have ricochet loaded up on your quickbar (thrust move, chains off a block).

Tried it in RvR a few times, got owned -everytime-. It's pointless. Stick to garotte and wait for an evade to either dragonfang or hamstring, depending on how much endurance I have left. Block returns are pointless.

Now I know this isn't the same as duelling, but I do feel the principle is similiar. If it's a "Friendly" duel then you're not going to use all of your abilities necessarily.

One non style hit + lifebane on a yellow con dwarf caster will take off half their HP.

So for many, it would be virtually impossible to fight to their best ability and -not- kill the enemy.

Also, while it's not strictly against the CoC, GOA did state quite clearly that they frown upon it, and don't be surprised if a number of purple guards turn up and wipe you out.

Frankly, whenever I see duellers, I go in and kill the rezzer if I can. Maybe that's ruining the fun of things, but I do think that it kinda goes against the grain to start a fight with an enemy of the realm and not kill them.

To summarise...

Duelling will always take place, and there are opinions on both sides. I try to discourage it or put a stop to it where I can, but I accept that others wish to play the game this way. That's up to them, but don't be surprised if a gank squad joins in the fun.

Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight


Originally posted by old.Jadow

To summarise...

Duelling will always take place, and there are opinions on both sides. I try to discourage it or put a stop to it where I can, but I accept that others wish to play the game this way. That's up to them, but don't be surprised if a gank squad joins in the fun.

Well put :) I have no problems, moans or gripes with anything thats been said here. Yes ok so dueling goes on and people like to try there skills against the "human" factor, aslong as your not RP farming I dont think theres any harm. And if a group of fellow players happens to wander past and kill the oposing dueling team well then so be it, its the frontier and thats what its designed for.

Can it be we are having a civalized discussion here ? <faints>




Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight


Well Jadow, I agree with you for the most part and I know an inf can never test his skill in a dual since his skill is to kill an opponent as quick as possible.

But for a tank it can be very usefull to try out some different weapons since as a tank you'll hardly ever solo an opponent.

And I also tend to break up duels when I see them (remembers Crauchon Gorge last month) but as I said I don't really have anything against it as long as it's civil (that's why it's called a duel and not a war or a fight).



I have been to a duel that was organised by an alb and a friend of mine from hib, we got there and i watched my freind get taken down by several albs, while i stood stealthed in the corner.

Duels are not honourable, to die in battle testing your skill against another is, but not if it doesn't help your realm.

My hardcore line on duelling had weakened, but that instance has once again hardened my resolutions. All duellers will die!

p.s i got my ass kicked shortly after since i decided to see if i lasted longer then my lvl 40 friend....... took the albs by surprise :D


how can someones view be wrong in this.... why the fuk do people whine about what others do for fun?!?

some of you make me sick when you constantly whine because you dont do something so you dont let anyone else do it.

this supports nxs's thread about albion being the worst realm.


Kladen this thread was begun by someone whining that others interupted their dueling. The anti-duelers, myself included, point out that we were quite right to kill enemy players.

Those of us who realise that RvR means Realm versus Realm, and not the saddos who enjoy standing around comparing penis sizes, resent the realm point farming that goes on at such events.

With any multiplayer community we all have different views and values, but do not be so dismissive of those whose views fit in with the game ethos. If duellers find RvR dull then please go play another game and don't whine about those who wish to play the game the way it was intended.

And if Albion is so crap please go elsewhere, you will improve the standard of our realm a great deal by leaving.

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