- Druid Pets have been adjusted in the following manner :
All Bears will have the same attack speed as current pets pre 1.83, and have a slight boost to defensive capabilities.
All Lynx will have a slightly faster attack speed than bears, and also have a chance to evade.
All Wolves will have a slightly faster attack speed than lynx, and a slight boost to offensive capabilities.
All Nature spec 32 pets have a chance to proc "Rabies" (single target disease).
- A new Druid pet has been introduced at spec 45 in Nature Affinity which has a chance to do melee styles with varying effects.
- Druids may now choose which pet to summon at spec 32 and 45.
my spec - 41nat, 35,reg
maybe spec - 45nat, 29reg, 14nurt
-now isit going to be worth going 45nat for the "melee styles with varying effects"?
-will we get more points to spec in?