droid engineer or architect?



Just made it so i can now wear the title , engineer :D
Now, where is it the money is, droid engineer or architect?
can i be both? :)

edit: i was thinking if i did buildings and installations ladder in architect, any room for droid engineer too?


when serber gets up , its archi, when its been there little, then droid


You can do both.

Best income comes hands down from mining.
You dont need to but spec points in anything to do that and if your really into making big bucks then take a killer PvE template so you can do missions. Even more so do faction missions and sell the points.

Second best income would be armorsmith followed closely by weaponsmith.

Then architechts and then droid engineers.

After those comes the tailor and far behind the chef.

Master Artisans can make swoops that sell nicely too.

Taking a crafting profession will limit your potential as professional miner as you consume the stuff you dig so if you want to do both mining and crafting then consider renting or trading lots. (you might want to do that anyway so you dont have to use your own lots for factories)

Also you will need few points in Merchant for additional vendors and planetary advertising.
(nobody will find your shop without it)

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