yaruar said:People are just into making as much money as possible and are under the misguided impression that thanes are total gimps... Which is totally untrue for PVE where we excel. I've done dragon raids as both hitter and entrance guard and done the job well, but unfortunately most of midgard is totally obsessed with optimising characters and making as much money as possible.
I wonder what would happen if i started banning people from my ML raids because of their class.......
ketorgerhall said:lol why dont u just take all stones and drops and remains because ur leading the raid and maby if someone is nice ull throw em some of ur tablescraps
basically ur taking what remains 3 stones and a drop?
only one claiming more things on raids would probably be akyma's old tg raids taking all items after first round lotto
cemi0 said:Ok. I made the list. We need a 6sec pbt RM ^^
Urme the Legend said:Can you make the list public? :touch:
A gde napisano, 4to kto pervym zapisalsja, tot i pojdet na raid? Na moih raidah eto tozhe ne rabotalo. Vse na usmotrenie leadera, flame razvodit' nechego, vse-ravno leader prav.Haldar said:Summ, ya ego otvet uvidet ho4u. S ob'yasneniem pri4ini. Kakogo, bla, dermovogo rojna on tak sdelal.