Dragon Raid - Wednesday 2nd June


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Inca said:
While its a big gratz to all the people who are applying especially to those that don't get listed but still make it last minute it is very frustrating that last week group 4 had 3 people in it.

The 3 of us were damn good though.. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Bluesky - I lotto for thane items.. as always m8y :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Hi =) I have not posted before but i can be there with a Shammy ML6 Capped aug if you need to fillspot in any groups.

Name: Skata


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
I missed this new thread :( I was looking all the time at the old thread and wondered why it didn't get more updated :)
I was in the raid two weeks ago and couldn't come last time becouse of work.
But I'll be one tonight with:

Kordoch - lvl 50 warrior, maxed Hammer, Shield and rest in Parry. With artifacts, epic armor and TG/LGM weap.

I'll be rolling for warrior, I hope I can be of help, even though I know the groups are set :/

It was very fun the last time :) and oh, one more thing. I'm on a 100 Mbit full duplex line and have so far never gotten one singe LD ;\/ KEKEkekekeke ...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Really sorry about this Bluesky but something has come up last minute 4 me irl that means i can't be there tonight. :( I have however asked a guild mate to turn up in my place (same spec). He's a very good player (a damn sight more 50s than me...) and he's been fully briefed on what's what, so you'll have no worries with him. His name is Brightbot. :clap:

Hope the raid goes as well as it usually does i.e. that you kill the mutha!!
See you on the next one i hope...




Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
great work as usual guys and gals - was hard work tonight but you did me proud :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Another excellent raid well run again Bluesky.

Still though out of 32 people listed a large number didn't turn up. I had a virus that wiped my full machine 2 hours before the raid started and still managed to be there before we set off and yet again 5 or 6 people didn't make it with no reason or warning and had to either be replaced or simply slots left open.

Again gratz to those that did make it and battled through to get Blueskys big 8, but i just hope those that didn't turn up will miss raids and the ones that did will be rewarded for their loyalty.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Yes it was really fun this time .. and three-in-row-nuke :) Allmost made a full whipe, but it feels even more rewarding to see her sink through the earth after such hardship.
Next time I hope you can fit me in a group, been on standby every time. (allthough partialy my own fault for not checking enough) but it would be nice to have a guaranteed spot for ones. After all, I have been there and active every time even though I didn't even have one.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Inca said:
Another excellent raid well run again Bluesky.

Still though out of 32 people listed a large number didn't turn up. I had a virus that wiped my full machine 2 hours before the raid started and still managed to be there before we set off and yet again 5 or 6 people didn't make it with no reason or warning and had to either be replaced or simply slots left open.

Again gratz to those that did make it and battled through to get Blueskys big 8, but i just hope those that didn't turn up will miss raids and the ones that did will be rewarded for their loyalty.

firstly... thanks Inca hehe :)

secondly... thats just one of the things that always happens m8 some ppl feel they are only worthy of a g1-3 spot and cba to tell me if they wont be turning up. I do thank those that tell me in advance or get a mesg to me as it makes running a raid a lot less stressful and will in no way mean they wont be included in a future raid.

thirdly... aii was a almost total wipe we recovered from and I think its the worst I have seen us come back from :) also... yes inca I do keep a few regulars every raid - few reasons tbh - familiarity with the raid and the setup and how it all works etc. and yes I generally drop ppl that dont bother to tell me they wont be turning up or just dont turn up at all.

Organising Dragon Raids is a lot more hassle than FFA raids imo as to pull off this type of raid we need a specific group setup with a little room for manouver with varied classes in group 4 but overall its a proven setup that works :)

ok i better post next weeks thread now hehe :)

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