Dragon raid Sunday 21 July



This sunday coming i am trying to get people up for a dragon raid

Based on last weeks effort from teador (good job from him) im sure many of us are sparked to take that giant lizard down

Therefore all members of Albion are welcome to join us at Cornwall station at 5pm where festivities will be taking place ready for a 6pm departure from Cornwall station

If people have any suggestions about how to tackle the mighty beast then i would love to hear them. And anyone wanting to help organize people, please feel free to have a word with me :)

This is just for fun, and if we do it then all the better
We are armed with knowledge from last weeks raid and i have some ideas i wish to try which im hoping will lead to a succesful raid
If we can do it then it will be a MAJOR accomplishment for us Albs so feel free to come, in fact please do :)

Your realm is counting on u, and it will be a great day!!

-Your Fellow realm mate, Delket

Note : Should we kill the mighty beast then unique drops will be lotto'ed to 50's this time round. All drops being handed to a preset collecter on the day. This is just to make sure people get fair handouts (unlike them Exscallywags)
Non unique loot can lotto to anyone 35-40+ depending on item
Please dont come for loot tho, come for the realm, if we pull this off it'll be a regualr thing


Just wondering about the level 50's, will there be a limit of items per guild unique wise?


Well the 50 items rule isnt trying to be biased, its sposed to make 50's feel like they got 50 for a reason
Alternatively we could do % based on lvl kinda stuff

Overall tho, the main thing is to kill the thing, if we can kill it before deciding who loot goes too it would be great. I have some plans and will ask opinions from raid members
This is for albion, not one person or a small group ; - the realm


I don't think it is worth worrying about loot until we've killed it. As long as everyone knows who is to hold the loot should we actually manage to then we can work out the finer points later on.


Probably better to sort out first, people will argue more so if they dont know.


Hmmmm...ermmm...I'm doinmg my hair that night.

Shivian the 47 Minstel!!

edit: don't mean to sound cynical but why should I risk my exp if I got no shot at the unique loot.


Fair point Shivian -- though I always work my socks off to level or reach a mini ding before heading off into deepest Dartmoor.

One point from last weeks show -- those who lagged behind the main group got left to be killed by the giants respawning. A few of us stopped to help, but the main body marched onwards.

Any chance we could have some of the organisers (and lvl 50's) marching not just at the front of the column but the rear too? Just a thought.

But a grand idea, and I'd love to come along just for the chance of being a 'dragonslayer' :)


the timesets, are they in CET or GMT or whichever?
would hate to be an hour late :)


I notice all you Hibs and Mids are keeping quiet about plans for relic raids during the dragon raid. :p


ehm, doesn't Albion, um, need some relics to steal before they can be stolen? just, um, another point to be made :D


Just a few points
After speaking to poeple i have decided on a % to lvl idea for the lotto which is a system used on US a lot
Whereby the higher lvl you are the more 'entries' into a lotto you would have, thereby meaning the lower lvs would have a fairly good chance tho. For unique dragon loot the lower limit would have to be 40 of something just to be fair

Aside from that we are trying to kill it, anyone worried solely about loot is a bit selfish in my opinion since if we do kill it then it wont be the 1st time in 100% sure.
This is for the realm, to band together and do something as a whole without guilds bickering and general hard feelings

I am open to all suggestions here and the idea of a rear man is brilliant and i have taken that under my wing for Sunday.

As it goes now, at 6pm i will give a briefing to everyone, so people know their roles and dont feel in the dark. This will lead to an assigned job for some people or just general does and donts

Either way i advise anyone to come because, if we kill it, its a thing to say 'hey i was there the 1st time Gole' droppped' and if 150 people are there, the chance of gettin one of 16 drops is low anyway

Having said that i will try to play fair on this raid, so tell me how u feel rather than having a go
This is a learning experience for me and the rest of albion but above all its going to be fun!


*Suggestion* Take along 3-4 Trebuchets and see what kind of damage they do.


i dont think the items should go to the lvl 50s as they have enough items as it is, (most have more than 10 different lvl 50 weapons)

i think the items should go to the lvl 45-49s as they need it most methinks (lvl 50 items are orange to em)


ill try again then

What timezone are these hours listed in?


Yadayada people. Whining the only thing you can do?


I do'nt know if it will be done this way anyway,but we could try attacking the dragon in waves....1 large grouping goes in and melees the dragon until they are dead and then a second wave takes over while the 1st is rezzed ad infinitum.
I do'nt know if rezzing will have the same effect as casting near the dragon,but possibly not.
Like i said it may be stating the obvious.... <shrug>


Time is GMT, 6 pm GMT at Corn station we set off

Unique dragon loot will be lottoed to higher lvls, but 50's should of course get a chance for it, since its lvl 51 loot after all (16.5 dps, AF 102 etc), and if lower want a chance too then np

Siege weapons, I dont think these work from reading us forums, dont hit much and if they do it becomes an AE fire fest = bad

Again on the matter of loot, it will be collected and anyone wishing to lotto for it can contact me and ill take notes of who enters (till say a 12pm closing point) and will work out who gets what at random (i wont enter in case u wonder)
Like i keep saying tho, please dont come for loot, come for the realm, this is about ahchievement and unity instead of loot

So please come and just have fun


I will be there just for the fun, to slay the dam thing and live up to my surname :p


I will be there, it should be a laugh. The people moaning about the loot are just concerned that all the drops will goto one group ie (SoTL). I can understand that concern but if Del says that a fair way of distributing the drops will be worked out then I am happy take his word for it.


"i dont think the items should go to the lvl 50s as they have enough items as it is, (most have more than 10 different lvl 50 weapons) "

they do? im lvl 50 and have 2 lvl 50 weaps and lvl 40 epic i use for gate bashing ....


Stop discussing the loot ffs, dragon loot is mostly for lvl 50/48 blabla, around that, but why shouldn't our best figheters/levelers have the best weapon? if your lvl 40ish, there are loads of other drops, that are easy to get, and use, untill higherlvl.

Anyways, lets just do the raid, stop talking about the loot, if the raid is successfull, we can always do more, and eventualy, we'll have alot of loot to share.

Lets give it a go! be there my brethern!


Originally posted by Delket
Here here :)
Slay 1st, loot after

Make like the beegees and concentrate on staying alive first :p


Agreed, never mind about the loot -- let's have a good turnout, kick some dragon ass and have a tale to tell our grandchildren :)

Thanks for organising this, am looking forward to it very much.


Originally posted by old.Turamber
Thanks for organising this, am looking forward to it very much. [/B]

This is what i want to hear, lets have some fun :)


We will be there also, hopefully with two teams .Saying that cause 90% of the guild is on vacation :p

Sth tells me its gonna be me ziggy and Toxii :p


I really really hope to make this, would love to be there - but have a guest this weekend and it looks like they may not leave in time (damn them!)

So I'll be thinking of you all and hoping you manage to do it!


Nim, lock your guest up in the bathroom while the raid last, he/she will understand I am sure.

Templars are informed and I hope we will have a good turnout, I know I will be there for sure :D


Heh i will be there, me and my no guild army =) cyas all there!


Good grief, its official, DAOC has me in its evil grasp.

Went for kip at 1am, woke up 15 mins ago and noticed it was 7:23 and thought 'feck I missed the raid'.

Threw myself out of bed and stumbled to the PC to login and see what happened. I do a /who dartmoor to see if anyones around.........none........hmm ok then /who.......68 players.....wtf?.....then i notice its 7:23am and I have only been asleep for 6 hours odd (I like to sleep a lot you see and 18 hours wouldnt surprise me if I am REALLY comfortable).

Its really rather sad dont you think :(

Back to bed for me :) cya later tonite peeps.

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