Zhapabjosti - Shaman 47 aug RR5L4, Mota4, Ser2, MoH2, WH2, MCL, Aug Con 1, Thoughness 1 + more. SC and all capped. +25 ToA Buff = more capped buffs
Been on 10+ DR, one failure
STANDBY: Can fit in any groups higher up - all ppl who applied including:
Shammy (aug): Matrix
Healer (mend): Lenore
As you will see if you compare this hunts groups to the wednesday hunt I am trying my best to fit as many ppl in my Dragon Raids as possible but as usual plz plz PLZ do show up at WS as there is always ppl who drop out or cant make it.
would prefer to be on standby to being in group4 tbh m8, nothing against being in group4 just i have never done the job needed for group4, and don't wanna learn either
if then a spot comes in g1-3 whilst on standby then i'll join IF a space comes up and i'm needed
STANDBY: Can fit in any groups higher up - all ppl who applied including:
Shammy (aug): Matrix
Healer (mend): Lenore
Light tank: Bullen
As you will see if you compare this hunts groups to the wednesday hunt I am trying my best to fit as many ppl in my Dragon Raids as possible but as usual plz plz PLZ do show up at WS as there is always ppl who drop out or cant make it.
Oh, specc
4 sec pbt and 7.3 damageadd on the RM
40 mend 36 pac on healer, if she would be needed for some odd reason (on same acc tho, so you don't get both)
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