I am very sorry for not showing up!
Around 14.00cet I lost my internet connection.. didn't get hooked up again until 21.00-22.00'ish and by then I had already gone to bed because I was sick.
Hope everything went as it should though
Im sorry m8, my graph card died at arround the starting hour, now im at my office pc, Im very sorry, the worst part is that the card have less than 1 year, and now i need get another one uke:
Hope u finally killed the dragon and again im sorry.
ty for the raid, killed dragon, so was a success, given your problems you had getting the groups together i suggest you make a note of those that were reliable and showed, those that came on standby and those that got rushed their last minute as replacements and give them priority next time. Rl and machine problems are unavoidable but at the end of the day around 1/3 of the mentioned people didn't show up letting down the raid and the others on it, hardly fair to miss reliable people
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