Dragon Raid Club



The Merry Men - count us as half :D were only ikkle.



Just a wee note from the Merry Men -
We are not a huge guil(only just got 1mil RPs) and may or may not be able to scrape together a respectable group every week, but will certainly be able to do it the majority of the time, most of the players are enthusiastic, but the guild as a whole are known piss heads an lyers... so dont trust anything we say :D



More emphasis on the pissheads please. :) (And we aint kidding.. I'm steaming) :(


i'm sorry but the club is full ;>

Participating guilds
- Guardians of Light
- Defectu Virium Elite
- Flemish Lions
- Shadowlord Society
- Raven Claw
- Dragon Knights
- Equilibrium
- Humberton Guard
- The Ministry
- Herfolge Boldklub
- Legion of Darkness
- ASq

I'll put the other guilds on a waitlist till some guild wants to leave or gets kicked from the club T_T


oi Aussie- check yer PMs :p

(and while we're here, everyone go to your profile, 'edit options', and change the 'Pop up a box when you receive a Private Message' to 'yes') :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Just wondering - is there any good discussions going on about the dragon tactics?

From what I've seen it seems that "aggro at range" means the dragon will use it's nukes (i.e. aoe) and clear out the place...

if it works like any other caster monster... they'll fight up close and cast spells at range...

How do you get aggro at range?
nukes, arrows, heals, spells, pets turning to aggro, everything.
Group members getting aggro and dying...

So what might be an idea is - split everyone up from their guild groups, put all the tanks in pure-tank groups. Put all the rest in other groups, damage buff everyone, tanks run in and kill it.

Everyone not using melee weapons handles the adds.

Admittedly this sucks for casters scouts and healers because they can't use their defining abilities - but if it stops the dragon toasting everything in sight surely it's a good thing?

question - how much damage does the dragon hit for in melee? is it possible to do a main assist ala Legion raids on it? or is it just too damned nasty?

ok here is an idea:

we know archers can get agro because of their range attack. and same for caster. Dragon nukes if the caster is out of range:p what if the archers and caster stand within melee range and nukes? then the dragon dont have to spit to hit. That way casters can nuke it without it spitting right?:p


I think he automatticly AE's when someone attacks him with ranged weaps......does that make anny sence ?


i hope The Brethren can join, ill talk to te GM today, count us half in :)


You guys should all stand in melee range. Casters can't do damage on it, so don't bring too much anyway. Just let them do support: EB, PBT, stuff like that. Don't heal, just rez, that's much easier and the cleric doesn't get aggro that fast.

Stay all really close to the dragon so he doesn't have to use the AoE firely-nuke but can do his melee on everyone.

One screw-up of anybody getting out of melee-range, he will put his toasters on and you're dead.

So basically just bring tanks and a really few support-characters for the EB, PBT and idiotic things like that.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
You guys should all stand in melee range. Casters can't do damage on it, so don't bring too much anyway. Just let them do support: EB, PBT, stuff like that. Don't heal, just rez, that's much easier and the cleric doesn't get aggro that fast.

Stay all really close to the dragon so he doesn't have to use the AoE firely-nuke but can do his melee on everyone.

One screw-up of anybody getting out of melee-range, he will put his toasters on and you're dead.

So basically just bring tanks and a really few support-characters for the EB, PBT and idiotic things like that.

what if a caster stands within melee range or a healer heals from within melee range?


Originally posted by old.Second

what if a caster stands within melee range or a healer heals from within melee range?

You're OK. Just stay all in melee-range and he won't AoE-nuke you. But whenever ONLY 1 gets out of melee-range and the dragon for some reason wants that guy out, he will wipeout a lot of guys with his AoE.

So even casters should get in melee-range. And don't bring too much casters, you need tanks. Loads of tanks.

It's no fun for a caster as well:



IMO i think this is pretty selfish, sorry club FULL!!!
omg why not have more guilds. Just so u have more chance of a drop. last dragon bow u didn;t really need but noooooo u selfishly kept it and sold it


BTW a little more advice:

If you wanna HEAL (which is almost impossible coz +3000 hits aren't that extra-ordinary from the dragon, I would advice against it and I would use the cleric to do rezzes only) use a cleric FROM ANOTHER GROUP to heal. That way you keep the aggro spreaded equally over all groups and don't get complete group wipe-outs.

Furthermore, it's useless for a caster to try to nuke the pet. It won't work. That's why you need tanks, only melee and nothing more. Few wizzy's and/or theurgs to do EB and stuff.

I don't think PBT works on the dragon, I think the odds on penetrating the BT are skyhigh, but I never tried it to see it.

But please, make SURE all members in all groups know they have to stand in melee-range. Only ONE screw-up of someone standing out of melee range can easily result in a total wipeout.

I know this strategy from a mate of me who plays on Lancelot/US and they killed the dragon loads of times just by using this strategy. To my surprise it's not common knowledge to stand in melee-range so please use it. If done correctly and no screw-ups you should be able to take him out if you gather enough people (at least 130-150+ people). Something strange about the dragon by the way: If you try with, for instance, 70 people you won't hit it. Really odd, but it's true: There's something stupid about it, with 70 guys you just won't hit it. Dunno why, but that's what he told me as well.


did the drag not get nerfed a bit in last patch?


Originally posted by znipers
IMO i think this is pretty selfish, sorry club FULL!!!
omg why not have more guilds. Just so u have more chance of a drop. last dragon bow u didn;t really need but noooooo u selfishly kept it and sold it

Organise your own damn dragon raids then, bye now!


wee i'll never see the dragon now then.. hell I 'll come leech someday ;)

/me off to solo the dragon :clap:


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Organise your own damn dragon raids then, bye now!

Omg how lame can u be? Not all of us want to be in the large guilds but it shouldn't stop us from joining grp's ?

For that reply u wont get a rezz when u get ganked by hibs. mwuahahaha :)


Originally posted by Adralend

For that reply u wont get a rezz when u get ganked by hibs. mwuahahaha :)

thats very mature too..


LoL I hope someone can take a joke.. and who are u to judge me ? after all u are named after a Farmingtool m8 ;)


rofl, FL aint big, we where just fast enough to join ;)
altough we will get enough ppl to join in, it will be hard, but our guild is vry persistend :p


after our first attempt tonight (after gole aoe'd) i was still alive when the order to back off and rez came. when i got to the edge of the lair there were at least 2 scouts dead there. correct if i am wrong, but that ain't within melee range, so maybe thats why we all got nuked. :(


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Something strange about the dragon by the way: If you try with, for instance, 70 people you won't hit it.

Not that strange at all - its the standard melee combat rules. You receive a to-hit bonus based on the number of people in melee combat. You need a very large number of people to compensate for the level of the dragon.

I had thought this was changed in last patch (removal of level based to-hit code), but maybe this was for PvP combat only?


there are 2 open spots in club now

if you can bring 12 ppl then you're in.


first of all /cheers for aussi
not many albs out there who would have the patience and time to do this

why 12guilds
kinda easy
he drops 4 uber items each raid
so evry 3raids every guilds gets one drop

as suggested every guild shows up with at least 12 members
12*12 = 144
plenty enuff to kill em easily and get some routine on the job
still only 75 peeps showed up to day as i remember
15 of em bein flemish lions
we are a cusy lill guild and it makes me wondrin about the enthousiasm of the other big guilds out there :/

really hope alb shows up with the appropriate numbers sunday or else we will fail again and ppl will start feeling less motivated then they are today


Originally posted by rayzor_e_w
after our first attempt tonight (after gole aoe'd) i was still alive when the order to back off and rez came. when i got to the edge of the lair there were at least 2 scouts dead there. correct if i am wrong, but that ain't within melee range, so maybe thats why we all got nuked. :(

Ranged damage is only dangerous if the ranged people get aggro. Magic damage might be aoe creating, but people have done it while nuking with anything but fire damage(fire heals him). I'm not sure about the offensive magic thing though, so don't quote me on it.

But Archery is not the reason he AOE'd this time. If you look at logs you will see that the AOE started after someone tried to stun him. Stunstyles(do NOT slam) and cleric stuns must NOT be used.


Well I've been ranged all draongraids I've been on. But according to instructions I should be ranged INSIDE the lair :). Which I was. And there were lots of reports people using procweapons(which weren't allowed?). I guess that may be the reason :).

However I went melee ranged at the second attack when Outlaw told so. But I'd rather not go close if it's really not needed, scouts do VERY GOOD damage to dragon (prob best) and that should be used as much as it can.


Idea has merit

Its just a pity you have excluded the smaller guilds with the numbers tho.

Coukd could also end up with the same 120 people killing the dragon every day to the exclusion of others but that is unlikely to happen with the numbers needed

did u actually manage to get 144 level 50 peeps ?

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