Dragon Campaign (Spoilers inside!)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I wanted to tidy up the previous thread, this is the write up by a PvE god on Lancelot, a nice guy called Melk with just about every PvE title and quest done you can imagine. While this relates to Midgard, the variance for Hib and Alb is small, knowing where to start each part is all you need, as the content is very much the same.


Lailen in Jordheim
Skipta (chapter 1 in Huginfell, chapter 2 Vaushiem, Chapter 3C Svarhamr in Malm)
Barkeep Kanar in Vasuheim
Thaelen in Huginfell
Kiaja in Svarharm in Malm, near to teleporter
Eerla in Svarhamr in Malm, next to teleporter
Storr in Svarhamr in Malm, next to bindstone
Stefur in Svarharm in Malm, next to tower near bindstone
Svartalf envoy in Vasuheim
Aud in Vasuhiem (aka Healer npc)
The xp amounts will slittly varies if got Guild Merit xp bonuse up and if got orion belt, nightshround bracelot and Lephrecan Lucky Charm buff up (any where from 100-300 million extra xp). Underpopluation Bonuse, Guild Outpost bonuse and your realm owning 9 or 13 keeps doesnt seen to effect the xp of quests)
CHAPTER 1 (FYI, all but Word to the Wise and Dark Rituals are unavaiable to get from any npc, until as mythic said in opening of campain will be rerelease but in smaller version)
The info post here about Chapter 1 is for background info and those who care
Q1 "Word to the Wise" lvl1 from any name guard in mainland, ie Stellan in Jord, Bork in Huginfell. requires are 2 gp no exp
Q2 Seek The Dragonslayer lvl 1 (Lailen)(0gp, 0 xp)(aka lvl 1 quests)
Q3 Dark Investiagtion lvl 49 (Lailen) (165gp, 1,680 billion xp) (aka NF quest)
Q4 Rending of the Earth lvl 49 (Lailen) (165gp, 3,200 billion xp) (aka malm quest)
Q5 Draconic Collaboration lvl 49 (Lailen) (661gp, 6,720 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q6 Dark Materials lvl 38 (Lailen) (114gp, 0,367 billion xp)+Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q7 Dark Rituals lvl 48 (Lailen) 301gp, 1,638 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q8 Searching The Next lvl 45 (Lailen) 147gp, 1,638 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
+Dragonslayer Faction
after all the Malm and NF quests are done you get
Q14 Meet Me Outside lvl ?(Lailen, Jord) (36gp, 3,685 billion xp)
Q15 Hatchling lvl 45 (Lailen in East Svealand) (73gp, 3,276 billion xp) (DRAGON EGG)
At any time you during the Malm and NF dragon quest, or even after the Hatchling you can do the lvl 1 quests related to Seek the Dragonslayer
To get Speaking of Dragonslayer quests, talk to Thaelen first (next to Skipta )before you ever talk to Skapla otherwise you have to wait until completed the quest Dragonslayer skaplu to get it
After Dragonslayer Skipta quest is done 3 quest open up to you, Retired Weapons, Message from Mentor, Getting Up To Speed
Q9 Speaking of Dragonslayers lvl 1 (Thaelen) (0gp, 0xp)(aka NF quest)
Q10 Dragonslayer Skapla lvl 1 (Skapla) (6gp, 0gp) you get back gold and exp from other lvl1 with (155gp,3,360 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q11 Retired Weapons lvl 1 (Skapla) (155gp, 5,040 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q12 Message to Mentor lvl 1 (Skapla) (155gp, 6,720 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q13 Getting Up to Speed lvl 1 (Lailen, in jord) (155gp, 5,040 billion xp)(aka NF quest)

Once these the quests have been locked down, im sure the names, number, gold and xp values will change at the end of the 6 months epics

Chapter 2 Summary

Dragon Epic Chapter 2A
Medical Supples lvl 5 (Aud in Vasudheim) (30gp, 1,587 million xp) (THIS QUEST NO LONGER FINISHABLE NOR CAN YOU RECIEVE FROM NPC AT THE END OF CHAPTER 3)
-----------(Talk to npc in jord)------------
The First of many lvl 45 (Barkeep in Vasudhiem) (72gp, 3704 million xp)
-----------(Kill a mob near by)-------------
The Dragonslayer Mentor lvl 1 (Skip in Vasudhiem) (72gp, 3704 million xp)
-----------(Talk to npc in VF)--------------
(((after Medical Supples is done you can do)))
Rescue Operation lvl 1 (Aud, in Vasudhiem) (30gp, 1587 million xp) THIS QUEST NO LONGER FINISHABLE NOR CAN YOU RECIEVE FROM NPC AT THE END OF CHAPTER 3
-----------(clicks on 3 bodies in Vaushiem)---------
Chapter 2B
Dragonspawn (lvl 47) Lailen in Jord (155gp, 3528 million xp)
-----------(Kill a Dragonspawn, aka baby dragon at a Nest)----------------
Living Wood (lvl 47) Barkeep Kanar, Vaushiem (226gp, 2880 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(click 15 wood in Rauimark)----------------
Old Stones (lvl 47) Barkeep Kanar, Vaushiem (226gp, 3024 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(click 20 stone in Rauimark)---------------
The Enemy Appears (lvl 48) Skipta, Vaushiem (155gp, 3292 million xp)
-----------(kill 3 Dragonsworn in Malm)---------------
Chapter 2C
Melting the Ice (lvl 40) Barkeep Kanar, Vausheim (110gp, 3129 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(kill 10 Fire Elementals in Muspheim)---------
Face the Raiders (lvl 47) Skipta, Vausheim (155gp, 5292 million xp)
-----------(kill 6 mobs in Huginfell)----------------
(((Need to have The Enemy Appears quest done before you can get next quest)))
Mission: Infiltration (lvl 48) Lailen Jord (155gp, 3528 million xp) (a cool tempary Dragon Helm, that gives you instance dragonsworn faction, full dragonsworn armour shapeshift)(dont get near Rolvier or Mulge as the helm doesnt protect you from either of those 2 aggroing you)
-----------(talk to enemy mob in malm with helm on)------------
Chapter 2D
(((need to have Mission: Infiltration quest done before you can get next quest)))
Testing the Manual (lvl1) Lailen Jord (155gp+55gp, 3,625 million) DRAGON MANUEL OF ARMS
-----------(talk to npc in jord, need 6 dragonsworm patterns drops)------------
Once more, to Huginfel (lvl 47) Skipta, Vausheim (155gp, 5,280 million)
-----------(kill 11 mobs in Huginfell)------------
To get the Dragon Manuel of Arms you need to do quests The Enemy Appears (Skipta, Vaushiem), then Mission: Infiltration (lvl 48) Lailen Jord, then Testing the Manual (lvl1) Lailen Jord
Cool thing about Mission: Infiltration quest is you get a helment that gives you dragonworn faction, you can make the helment as many times as you like, however if you port or zone the helments disppear, if finish the quest, the npc removes it from you. Have fun running around with a white head and the new dragon armour patterns on your body when you equit this helment on your head.
You can no longer get the two quest Medical Supples or Rescue Operation from npc or finish either of two quests if there in your journal as they bug, even if got all steps done, the npc will not responsed

Chapter 3a quests
Absence Make the Heart Grow Wary lvl 47 (Lailen Jord) (155gp, 3,806 million xp)
-------------(Visit the Dragon Lair i think)--------------
(((Need to have Once more, to Huginfel quest done before you can get next quest)))
The Hunt Begins lvl 47 (Skipta, Vasuheim) (155gp, 5,710 million) FYI THIS A GRP CREDIT ENOUNTER NOT BG.
-------------(Kill on adolescent dragon in malm)---------------------
Stole Supplies lvl 47 (Barkeep, Kanar) (135gp, 7,056 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST (fyi they fix the xp, it used to give 0, now 7,056 million xp)(some of chest are bugged and dont work, the best way to do this quest is with the shapeshifting helm from Mission Infiltration, otherwise its is quite easy to wipe as the dragonsworn BAF in 3 and have super repop timers)
-------------click 10 supply chest near dragonsworn fort------------
aka Cloak Quest
(((Need to have 4 different quest done quest done before you can get next quest, Melting the Ice (aka Elemental), Living Wood (aka Wood), Old Stones (aka Stones), Stole Supplies (aka Barrels))))
In addition your realm needs to do a certin number of these quests in total to unluck the Cloak quests, kinda like the unlocking the mauler class, there reports on other vn post that some realms cant get the cloak because the havent done enought elemental, wood and stones quests, you talk to a npc in the middle of each town that has been destoryed to find out the status of your realm)
Honoring the Hard Working lvl? (Barkeep Kanar) (45gp, 2007 million xp) MIDGARD CLOAK OF MIGHT OR MIDGARD CLOAK OF MAGIC
------------talk to npc in Vausheim-------------
here the VN post about the cloak quests
VN Boards - New Cloak Quest

Chapter 3B
A Plea for Help lvl? (Svartalf envoy, Vasudheim) (21gp, 82 million xp)
-------------talk to npc in Malm, Svarhamr--------------
The Return & the Transformation lvl 48 Lailen, Jord (251gp, 7,647 million xp)
-------------Visit Dragon Lair, kill 4 Drakulv----------
(((Need to have negtive faction with Svartalf to get this quest, not postive or neutral))) (if talk to npc with quest step completed but your faction is neutral or friendly, you will fail this quests and can only get again if you aggro to svartalf)
Common Ground lvl 35 (Storr in Malm) (12gp, 280 million xp) Increase faction with Dragonbane Svartalfar (but i didnt get the message)
-------------kill 3 Missionary Drakulv------------
Chapter 3C
Triggering a Distraction lvl 47 (Storr in Malm Bindstone) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill Burr----------
Battles in the Mist lvl 49 (Stefur in Malm Tower) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill 25 Different Drakulv------------
(((Need to have Once more, to Huginfel quest done before you can get next quest)))
The Great Hunt lvl 49 (Skipta in Malm) (110gp, 5,292xp)
-----kill all 4 Adolescent Dragons, Varrhorith, Jarkkonith, Tolkkarth, Ljoridkorith----
(((Need to have The Great Hunt and The Hunt Begins quest done before you can get next quest)))
Medal of Honor lvl 49 (Thaelen in Huginfell) (55gp, 2,646 million xp) MEDAL OF HONOR NECKLACE
------talk to npc------------
Two Quest that either come out during Chapter 3C or 3D (im guess 3C, i didnt notice them because they come from a npc that we only used for chapter 1 and from npc that only lvl 1 quests
Your Enemies Closer lvl 48 (Thaelen in Huginfell) (100gp, 5,040 million xp) FROSTRYDER SIGNET OR TEMPEST FURY SIGNET
------kill Mulge in Malm-----
Absolute Power lvl 48 Thaelen in Huginfell) (100gp, 5,040 million xp) FROSTRYDER SIGNET OR TEMPEST FURY SIGNET
------kill Rolveir in Malm-----
Chapter 3D
The two new faction quests
The Road to Svarhamr lvl 48 (Kioja in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (10gp, 425 million xp) Dragon Svartalf Faction (dont spam increase in chat) REPEATABLE
------kill 5 Drakvlv Missoniares------
(((cant do this quest if you got Friendly faction with Svartalfs)))
A Letter for Home lvl 48 Eerlu in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (50gp, 2,126million xp) Dragon Svartalf Faction (dont spam increase in chat) REPEATABLE
----Talk to npc in Aegir-----

(((need higher Tier of Friendly faction with svarhamr (more then just port faction) and Battles in the Mist quest done before you can get this quest))))
Yar the First born lvl? (Kioja in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill Yar in Malm--------
(((need to have higher Tier of Friendly faction with svarhamr & the Cloak, the Necklace & Yar quests done))))
Dragonslayer (Class) Armour lvl? (Skipta in Malm) (0gp, 0xp) DRAGONSLAYER CLASS CHEST, ARM, PANTS, BOATS, GLOVES & HELM
-------Talk to Npc------------
((((need to have HIGHEST Tier of Friendly faction with svartalf (more then just buying port stone faction) & completed Dragonslayer Class Armour quest)))))))
Dragonslayer lvl? (Skipta in Malm)(165gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill and click all 3 Realm Dragons, Gole, Cuuld & Gjal-------------
(Class) Dragonslayer Weapon lvl? (Skipta in Malm) (0gp, 0xp) DRAGONSLAYER CLASS WEAPON
-------Talk to 2 npcs--------------



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Part 2....

SIDE NOTES, some stuff listed adove relisted here again
Only two quests from Chapter 1 can be done at the end of Chapter 3, Word to the Wise and Dark Rituals
There are several different Tiers of friendly faction with Svartalf, Lowest one lets you port to and from svarhamr & buy dragonslayer weapons, one lets you get the Yar Quest, one least you get Armour quest, one least you buy the Svarhamr porting stone from npc and one lets you get the Weapon quests. All seens to be different Tiers of faction, the best way to increase faction is do all the quests and kill as many Mini dragon and main dragons as you can.
Rescure Operation Quest is either bugged or removed from the game, all the npc that you would click in Vaushiem no longer exist. And Even if got the quest in your journal with all steps dont the NPC Aud, doesnt response to complete you quests. I dont know if you can even get the quest Medical Supplies or Rescure Operation from Aud anymore
Command Ground, Need to have negtive faction with Svartalf to get this quest, not postive or neutral. If talk to npc with quest steps completed but your faction is neutral or friendly, you will fail this quests and can only get again if you aggro to svartalf

Even though we know the quest Mulge & Rolveir finally have in the game, however the use of Appraisal of Mulge the Slayer & The Grand Plan is yet unknown. You can finish the quest Your Enemies Closer and Absolute Power with this items in your bag, but they are no remove on complettion. I personal doubt there any real us to them now that all Chapers and Quest have been release. It is safe to say if get this two nontradable items you can destory them. However before you do shift-i them and read the interesting stories (the only real use for them i think). I dont know if they redrop after you destory them or they are OTD from those mobs. If some could destory them, then kill these two named mob and lets use know if get the items back or not. (im guessing there OTD, as it would be annoying to get those 2 items over and over again on varies raids)
Another side note, if go to a npc and doing the last step of the quest by talking and get Quest Window and dont hit the FINSIHED button, you cant get a new quests from that npc even if they got yellow circle under them until you hit finish on the previous quest they give. However you can collect all the quests from one npc (as long as there quest doesnt have prequirest quest) just dont do any of the steps until you get all quests.
I have named the Adolescent Dragon, Mini Dragons for short or a MD raid (MDR). Adolescent is too hard to spell correctly and the term baby dragon is confuse as there oj/red dragons at the nest still. Pass along the term MD and let see if term stickys, unless someone else has a better one.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@----------SUPER IMPORTANT----------------------@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
copied from the herald
On completion of all four quests, the town leader will grant players a Cloak of Might or Magic designed by the King’s herald. This reward is limited to the duration of the campaign. Variations may be made available in future campaigns.
Once you have completed these tasks, you can return to the towns you have defended to receive your reward (Medal of Honor). See Thaelen in Huginfel. This reward is given in times of trouble for outstanding service, so it will only be available during the culmination stage of a campaign.
This means after the campain is over with (which is a few days or another week), you will not get able to get cloak nor the necklace, which means without the cloak and necklace you will not have the pre-reqs for the armour nor the weapon. As i think Vaushiem will be total repair by the end of the campain, there is no need for the npc to give out quests for the cloak and feel midgard will push out the attacks out of huginfell (if you read the Gerik writtings)which mean the pre-regs for the necklace will be avaiable.
For all those who care or are caring, im Quest capped on my main Melkorjrrt-L, ive done every quest in the game, but my /quest is full so i cant do the new dragon quests. For last 6 months ive been doing all the quests on my Healer, Nightshadejrrt-L and posting the quests every two week here. If you could plz send feedback to mythic requesting to increase the quest cap, as of now you can only have 400 quest complete in your /quest. However there like 600-900 quests total. The 1-15 NPC Quest remove doesnt work on Melk because all my quests are 15+. Also send feedback to mythic request the increase of personal bag space and personal vault space, as Melk all so have 60+ NON-TRADEABLE items on his horse, bags and personal vault and will all new dragon quest items all of them are non-tradeable as well. Between dragon weapon, CL weapon, 20-40 artyies, 2 sets of epic armour, port stones, npc merchent stones, mythirin and other quest items, i doubt many aged toons have room for much else in your personal vault, saddlebags and personal bags.

A few WC & Fletching can creat faster weapons now
Q) From 1.89a "Further research of the Dragonsworn Manual of Arms has resulted in the discovery of a strange new alloy that allows for the production of lighter weapons. A great debate has risen among various scholars about whether it should truly be considered an alloy at all, because it doesn't actually require any extra ingredients. Many question whether the Dragonsworn truly understand what the word "alloy" actually means. However, the recipes described as using this "alloy" do seem to create faster weapons, so most crafters have simply decided not to ask questions about it." So, my question is, where do I find this stuff? I looked all over: merchants, dragonsworn at the camps, granite giants. Whats more, I didn't see any new recipes in my Weaponcrafting window... What gives?
A) Only 12 new items were added with this patch note, primarily in Midgard, so if you’re in Albion or Hibernia, you’re likely not to notice them at all. Basically all we wanted to do is make faster alternatives to various existing Dragonsworn weapons available to the select classes that would benefit from them (classes with useful style procs). In Albion and Hibernia, there are already fast alternatives for many weapon types because the left-hand useable weapons are fast (and the Flexible Dragonsworn weapons were already fast in the first place). Midgard was the most lacking in fast alternatives because only axes are left-hand useable there. So while a Midgard crafter would notice many introductions to Dragonsworn Weaponcrafting, Albion crafters would only notice a couple Fletching additions, and Hibernian crafters would only notice a single Fletching and a single Weaponcrafting addition.
Q) I was wondering if the quests offered by Mayor Palastam, the healer next to him, and the other npc that give out the quests to collect wood and stones from Lyonesse, to kill the water elementals to the N of Cornwall Station, and to kill the Dragonsworn quest in Dartmoor are supposed to be repeatable? Sorry, the names slipped my mind. I finished them on my paladin and received them again right afterwards. Thanks in advance!
A) Yes, these are meant to be repeatable. In fact, how many times your realm has completed them contributes to the repairs in town. Right now this is most noticeable in two aspects: having gathered enough elementals (water in Albion, fire in Midgard, and light in Hibernia) will unlock a new quest to retrieve stolen supplies from the Dragonsworn, and eventually it will call casters to start fighting the various magical infestations that linger in the towns. This stolen supplies quest is also intrinsic in earning a cloak reward from the king, and in the future other quests may be offered based on the state of repairs in town.
Are you seeking information regarding the new quests available for "A Dragon's Revenge?" Then look no further! The Camelot Campaign Guide is here to help:A Dragon’s Revenge is drawing to a close.
In recent weeks, quite a few new rewards have been introduced, which are available primarily to those who have participated in many aspects of the campaign. This guide should help you get started on achieving these rewards, allowing you to embark confidently upon the path to Dragonslaying glory.
Cloak of Might or Magic The kings have granted a reward to those who have assisted tirelessly in the reconstruction efforts. The town leaders are overseeing these efforts, and will grant the king’s boon.
Barkeep Kanar is in charge of the Vasudheim Reconstruction, and offers the following quests:
Melting the Ice: (level 40) Gather fire elementals in Muspelheim.
Old Stones: (level 47) Gather stone in Raumarik
Living Wood: (level 47) Gather wood in Raumarik
Stolen Supplies: (level 47) Retrieve supplies from the Dragonsworn camps in Malmohus.
On completion of all four quests, the town leader will grant players a Cloak of Might or Magic designed by the King’s herald. This reward is limited to the duration of the campaign. Variations may be made available in future campaigns.
The Medal of Honor The kings have also been in touch with the Dragonslayers, and means to grant the realm’s highest honor to those who have participated most valiantly in the realm’s defense.
Skipta in Svarhamr will recognize players for the following tasks:
Face the raiders (level 47) Defend Huginfel from dragon minion attack.
Once more, to Huginfel (level 47) Defend Huginfel from an adolescent dragon.
The Great Hunt (level 49) Take the fight to the adolescent dragons in Malmohus.
Once you have completed these tasks, you can return to the towns you have defended to receive your reward. See Thaelen in Huginfel. This reward is given in times of trouble for outstanding service, so it will only be available during the culmination stage of a campaign.
The New Towns With attention focusing on the dragon homelands, contact has been made with the residents of those lands. Gaining the trust of these new allies is the key to attaining many rich rewards. Svarhamr in Malmohus is the home of the Dragonbane Svartalf. Storr, the Dragonbane Svartalf Emissary is your first point of contact. If you are already neutral or friendly with the other Svartalf in the realm, speaking with him will give you a head start on your efforts here:
Common Ground (level 35) Prove yourself to the Dragonbane Svartalf, gaining neutral faction.
Triggering a Distraction (level 47)
Perform additional services, gaining experience and faction. Kiaja and Eerla offer further quests:
The Road to Svarhamr (level 48) Help clear the way so more adventurers can arrive safely.
A Letter for Home (level 48) Transport a letter back home to Aegirhamn.
In addition to these quests designed especially to grant you faction, any quest you discover within the bounds of the dragon zones will grant significant faction. More difficult quests and non-repeatable quests grant faction in larger amounts. Killing the named adolescent dragons and named minions will grant larger amounts of faction as well. In general, more difficult mobs are worth more.
Dragonslayer Armor Once you have attained the cloak and the medal and gained friendly reputation with your realm’s new allies, you are on your way to achieving the Dragonslayer Armor. But though you have proven yourself to the Dragonslayer with your success against the dragons, you also must truly impress the leaders of the new factions. Go to Svarhamr to finish your work in Midgard. Stefar offers:
Battles in the Mist (level 49) which sends you to hunt some of the more dangerous werewolves.
Taken from the Herald just MID Requirements to get DragonSlayer Armor and Weapon.
You must then reach sufficient faction for Kiaja to believe that Raxnathor is ready to trust you. When you become able to use the teleporter, you are nearly to this level of faction. A single additional completion of either of the repeatable faction quests will bring you over the cusp at that point.
Kiaja then offers Yar the Firstborn (level 49) in which you fight the most powerful of werewolves.
If you have the cloak, the medal, and have completed the Yar the Firstborn quest you may speak with Skipta. She will grant you your reward: the Dragonslayer armor.
Dragonslayer Weapons Those who have received Dragonslayer armor can then work to achieve Dragonslayer weapons.
First they must attain proper faction. Each town has a merchant who sells Dragonbane weapons. When you reach the proper faction, he will also sell a stone that allows you to return instantly to their town. When you are able to purchase this stone, you should be qualified for the final quest. Players must also be level 50.
Skipta will offer the Dragonslayer quest in Midgard. Once you have completed that quest, you may return to your dragonslayer. They will offer a selection of weapons appropriate to your class.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Taken from The Camelot Herald - this is the guide in its final stages, some of the older quests were removed.

Are you seeking information regarding the new quests available for "A Dragon's Revenge?" Then look no further! The Camelot Campaign Guide is here to help:

A Dragon’s Revenge is drawing to a close. In recent weeks, quite a few new rewards have been introduced, which are available primarily to those who have participated in many aspects of the campaign. This guide should help you get started on achieving these rewards, allowing you to embark confidently upon the path to Dragonslaying glory.

Cloak of Might or Magic

The kings have granted a reward to those who have assisted tirelessly in the reconstruction efforts. The town leaders are overseeing these efforts, and will grant the king’s boon.

Mayor Palastam is in charge of the Ludlow Reconstruction, and offers the following quests:

Dousing the Flames: (level 40) Gather water elementals in Cornwall.
Old Stones: (level 47) Gather stone in Lyonesse.
Living Wood: (level 47) Gather wood in Lyonesse.
Stolen Supplies: (level 47) Retrieve supplies from the Dragonsworn camps in Dartmoor.

Barkeep Kanar is in charge of the Vasudheim Reconstruction, and offers the following quests:

Melting the Ice: (level 40) Gather fire elementals in Muspelheim.
Old Stones: (level 47) Gather stone in Raumarik
Living Wood: (level 47) Gather wood in Raumarik
Stolen Supplies: (level 47) Retrieve supplies from the Dragonsworn camps in Malmohus.

Master Lucyn is in charge of the Ardee Reconstruction, and offers the following quests:

Cleansing with Light: (level 40) Gather light spirits in the Bog of Cullen.
Old Stones: (level 47) Gather stone in the Cursed Forest.
Living Wood: (level 47) Gather wood in the Cursed Forest
Stolen Supplies: (level 47) Retrieve supplies from the Dragonsworn camps in Sheeroe Hills.

On completion of all four quests, the town leader will grant players a Cloak of Might or Magic designed by the King’s herald. This reward is limited to the duration of the campaign. Variations may be made available in future campaigns.

The Medal of Honor

The kings have also been in touch with the Dragonslayers, and means to grant the realm’s highest honor to those who have participated most valiantly in the realm’s defense.

Elia in Grimspound will recognize players for the following tasks:

Face the raiders (level 47) Defend Humberton from dragon minion attack.
Once more, to Humberton (level 47) Defend Humberton from an adolescent dragon.
The Great Hunt (level 49) Take the fight to the adolescent dragons in Dartmoor.

Skipta in Svarhamr will recognize players for the following tasks:

Face the raiders (level 47) Defend Huginfel from dragon minion attack.
Once more, to Huginfel (level 47) Defend Huginfel from an adolescent dragon.
The Great Hunt (level 49) Take the fight to the adolescent dragons in Malmohus

Lirazal in Tailtiu will recognize players for the following tasks:

Face the raiders (level 47) Defend Tir na mBeo from dragon minion attack.
Once more, to Tir na mBeo (level 47) Defend Tir na mBeo from an adolescent dragon.
The Great Hunt (level 49) Take the fight to the adolescent dragons in Sheeroe Hills.

Once you have completed these tasks, you can return to the towns you have defended to receive your reward. See Sir Gregory in Humberton keep, Thaelen in Huginfel, and Falorn in Tir na mBeo. This reward is given in times of trouble for outstanding service, so it will only be available during the culmination stage of a campaign.

The New Towns

With attention focusing on the dragon homelands, contact has been made with the residents of those lands. Gaining the trust of these new allies is the key to attaining many rich rewards.

Grimspound in Dartmoor is the home of the Stonecrush.

Koz, the Stonecrush Emissary, is your first point of contact, offering:

Common Ground (level 35) Prove yourself to the Stonecrush, gaining neutral faction.
Stonecrush Smash (level 47) Perform additional services, gaining experience and faction.

Cadwallon Madoc and Gertrude Madoc provide further assistance, with repeatable quests:

The Road to Grimspound (level 48) Help clear the way so more adventurers can arrive safely.
A Delivery for Home (level 48) Transport resources back home to Avalon.

Svarhamr in Malmohus is the home of the Dragonbane Svartalf.

Storr, the Dragonbane Svartalf Emissary is your first point of contact. If you are already neutral or friendly with the other Svartalf in the realm, speaking with him will give you a head start on your efforts here:

Common Ground (level 35) Prove yourself to the Dragonbane Svartalf, gaining neutral faction.
Triggering a Distraction (level 47) Perform additional services, gaining experience and faction.

Kiaja and Eerla offer further quests:

The Road to Svarhamr (level 48) Help clear the way so more adventurers can arrive safely.
A Letter for Home (level 48) Transport a letter back home to Aegirhamn

Tailtiu in the Sheeroe Hills is home to the Azure.

Cailean the Azure Emissary can get you started here, offering:

Common Ground (level 35) Prove yourself to the Azure, gaining neutral faction
Whispering Light (level 47) Perform additional services, gaining experience and faction.

Cairn and Ellehara offer additional quests:

The Road to Tailtiu (level 48) Help clear the way so more adventurers can arrive safely.
A Gift for Home (level 48) Transport a gift home to Domnann.

In addition to these quests designed especially to grant you faction, any quest you discover within the bounds of the dragon zones will grant significant faction. More difficult quests and non-repeatable quests grant faction in larger amounts. Killing the named adolescent dragons and named minions will grant larger amounts of faction as well. In general, more difficult mobs are worth more.

Dragonslayer Armor

Once you have attained the cloak and the medal and gained friendly reputation with your realm’s new allies, you are on your way to achieving the Dragonslayer Armor. But though you have proven yourself to the Dragonslayer with your success against the dragons, you also must truly impress the leaders of the new factions.

In Grimspound there are several important people:

Keranne offers A History in Stone (level 49) which sends you to hunt some of the more dangerous giants:

You must then reach sufficient faction for Dannen to believe that Grogotos is ready to trust you. When you become able to use the teleporter, you are nearly to this level of faction. A single additional completion of either of the repeatable faction quests should bring you over the cusp at that point.

Dannen then offers Moran the Mighty (level 49) which has you facing a powerful giant.

If you have the cloak, the medal, and have completed the Moran the Mighty quest, you may speak with Elia. She will grant you your reward: the Dragonslayer armor.

Go to Svarhamr to finish your work in Midgard.

Stefar offers Battles in the Mist (level 49) which sends you to hunt some of the more dangerous werewolves.

You must then reach sufficient faction for Kiaja to believe that Raxnathor is ready to trust you. When you become able to use the teleporter, you are nearly to this level of faction. A single additional completion of either of the repeatable faction quests will bring you over the cusp at that point.

Kiaja then offers Yar the Firstborn (level 49) in which you fight the most powerful of werewolves.
If you have the cloak, the medal, and have completed the Yar the Firstborn quest you may speak with Skipta. She will grant you your reward: the Dragonslayer armor.

Tailtiu is your destination in Sheeroe.

Tristram Callaghan offers Heir to a Lost Homestead (level 49) asking you to kill strong glimmers.

You must then reach sufficient faction for Cleuram to believe that Azure Sonfinin is ready to trust you. When you become able to use the teleporter, you are nearly to this level of faction. A single additional completion of either of the repeatable faction quests should bring you over the cusp at that point.

Cleuram then offers Maldahar the Glimmer Prince (level 49) setting you against a formidable glimmer.

If you have the cloak, the medal, and you have completed Maldahar the Glimmer Prince you may speak with Lirazal. She will grant you your reward: the Dragonslayer Armor.

Dragonslayer Weapons

Those who have received Dragonslayer armor can then work to achieve Dragonslayer weapons. First they must attain proper faction. Each town has a merchant who sells Dragonbane weapons. When you reach the proper faction, he will also sell a stone that allows you to return instantly to their town. When you are able to purchase this stone, you should be qualified for the final quest. Players must also be level 50.

Elia will offer the Dragonslayer quest in Albion.
Skipta will offer the Dragonslayer quest in Midgard.
Lirazal will offer the Dragonslayer in quest in Hibernia.

Once you have completed that quest, you may return to your dragonslayer. They will offer a selection of weapons appropriate to your class.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Pictures I have are here , if I get more I will add them, but here is a taster of the armour and weapons:




Hope this helps you all on the way :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
One small tip, dont look if you dont want to know tricks :)

When you get the Mission: Infiltration quest, if you are not after the dragonsworn book (ie, not a crafter), then dont complete it quite yet, as with the disguise on, you can wonder around the Dragonsworn camp all day, especially handy for the "Stolen Supplies" quest! Just use the disguise and they all ignore you :)



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
One small tip, dont look if you dont want to know tricks :)

When you get the Mission: Infiltration quest, if you are not after the dragonsworn book (ie, not a crafter), then dont complete it quite yet, as with the disguise on, you can wonder around the Dragonsworn camp all day, especially handy for the "Stolen Supplies" quest! Just use the disguise and they all ignore you :)


Took me 2 hours to get 5 champ levels by doing this quest with a Tailtu recall stone
Bind in Mag Mell
grab speed from hastener NPC
Port to Tailtu
Run to dragonsworn camp
collect 15
healer/speed in mag mell
run to old man for reward
get quest again
Port to Tailtu

and 2 hours and 8 plat or so later I went from CL5 to CL10


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Took me 2 hours to get 5 champ levels by doing this quest with a Tailtu recall stone
Bind in Mag Mell
grab speed from hastener NPC
Port to Tailtu
Run to dragonsworn camp
collect 15
healer/speed in mag mell
run to old man for reward
get quest again
Port to Tailtu

and 2 hours and 8 plat or so later I went from CL5 to CL10
Another lil tip :)

If you dont have freindly factions, just neutral, bind at svarhamr/hib/alb one, do the quest, suidice or, use ya guild/house bind, port to jord/mag/cam visit dude, personal port stone back, rinse and repeat :) or, even better, Sojourner binds at svarhamr, grp port back time and time again :) sooooo easy! Kerrrrching and lots of phat XP :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I got a lvl 35 version of the quest The Enemy Appears on my lvl 47 Scout, Kill 3 Dragonsworn in Cornwall, problem is that i cant find the camp at all. I know about the camp in Dartmor, but killing Dragonsworn there did not help my progress, anyone know where to look for the camp? or even have /loc



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
You should find it dead center of the map, around 35k,35k, they are yel/oj to 50 and a word of warning, they play like players, not mobs... So when one starts healing, look for the cleric, when one is hard, look for his buffbot!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
i did get the lvl 48 one quest too, but i still have the lvl 35 of the above one, good or bad iam dunno :)

Anyway i dinged 50 after i had done a few runs of the wood and Stone quests, and jumped in to Dartmor to get rid of the quests there :clap:


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
What version of the Dragonslayer armor do you get at the end? Or can you choose? I'm asking cause allakhazam has some armor versions listed for friar/mauler/infil while some of the same version list as mauler/friar or mauler only.

Also, is there a nice overview of what the Dragonslayer weapons are?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Mid: Allakhazam's Magical Realm: Dark Age of Camelot
Alb: Allakhazam's Magical Realm: Dark Age of Camelot
Hib: Allakhazam's Magical Realm: Dark Age of Camelot

Armour (not armor dammit!)
Hib: Allakhazam's Magical Realm: Dark Age of Camelot
Alb: Allakhazam's Magical Realm: Dark Age of Camelot
Mid: Allakhazam's Magical Realm: Dark Age of Camelot

According to the Herald, these items are to become permanent quests, while the Medal of Honor and the Cloak will only be available for the duration of the campaign.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
anyone know why people on the german servers run around in the dragonspawn armour already ? :eek7:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
If you havnt got the Dragonsworn Manual of Arms, then maybe they are wearing the loot they drop that goes by the same name. Most of it is 16.2DPS or AF100 gear, reasonable stats and looks the shiznay.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
hrm, afaik the Manual should only be attainable with the next update to the campaign.
Haven't seen any armour drops from the dragonspawns in Malmohus yet, just the broken items for the crafting recipes.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
hmm have the level 15 version of The Enemy Appears but no sign of any dragonsworn at Salisbury camp :s


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
did get the 35 one, but same for me no sign of the dragownsworn but i did also get the one to kill them in Dart and they are atleast there, but i cant get the quest to collect water elementals .. dunno if that one is active atm or not.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
anyone know why people on the german servers run around in the dragonspawn armour already ? :eek7:

It was a bug and you could craft that shit for a short time. Guildie of mine has a dragonsworn helm with +3 archery =)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Does anyone know what version of the cloak VW's get?

Also I didn't get the lvl 40 quest. I asked RN, but maybe I can get an answer here faster ^^


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Does anyone know what version of the cloak VW's get?

Also I didn't get the lvl 40 quest. I asked RN, but maybe I can get an answer here faster ^^

Update: I asked a US guy and he said VW's get the choice.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Sigh, I made a Bard template with the Medal of Honor, is anyone selling those on US servers and if so for how much are they on CM?

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