Can't get enough of FH
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- Dec 24, 2003
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I wanted to tidy up the previous thread, this is the write up by a PvE god on Lancelot, a nice guy called Melk with just about every PvE title and quest done you can imagine. While this relates to Midgard, the variance for Hib and Alb is small, knowing where to start each part is all you need, as the content is very much the same.
Lailen in Jordheim
Skipta (chapter 1 in Huginfell, chapter 2 Vaushiem, Chapter 3C Svarhamr in Malm)
Barkeep Kanar in Vasuheim
Thaelen in Huginfell
Kiaja in Svarharm in Malm, near to teleporter
Eerla in Svarhamr in Malm, next to teleporter
Storr in Svarhamr in Malm, next to bindstone
Stefur in Svarharm in Malm, next to tower near bindstone
Svartalf envoy in Vasuheim
Aud in Vasuhiem (aka Healer npc)
The xp amounts will slittly varies if got Guild Merit xp bonuse up and if got orion belt, nightshround bracelot and Lephrecan Lucky Charm buff up (any where from 100-300 million extra xp). Underpopluation Bonuse, Guild Outpost bonuse and your realm owning 9 or 13 keeps doesnt seen to effect the xp of quests)
CHAPTER 1 (FYI, all but Word to the Wise and Dark Rituals are unavaiable to get from any npc, until as mythic said in opening of campain will be rerelease but in smaller version)
The info post here about Chapter 1 is for background info and those who care
Q1 "Word to the Wise" lvl1 from any name guard in mainland, ie Stellan in Jord, Bork in Huginfell. requires are 2 gp no exp
Q2 Seek The Dragonslayer lvl 1 (Lailen)(0gp, 0 xp)(aka lvl 1 quests)
Q3 Dark Investiagtion lvl 49 (Lailen) (165gp, 1,680 billion xp) (aka NF quest)
Q4 Rending of the Earth lvl 49 (Lailen) (165gp, 3,200 billion xp) (aka malm quest)
Q5 Draconic Collaboration lvl 49 (Lailen) (661gp, 6,720 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q6 Dark Materials lvl 38 (Lailen) (114gp, 0,367 billion xp)+Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q7 Dark Rituals lvl 48 (Lailen) 301gp, 1,638 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q8 Searching The Next lvl 45 (Lailen) 147gp, 1,638 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
+Dragonslayer Faction
after all the Malm and NF quests are done you get
Q14 Meet Me Outside lvl ?(Lailen, Jord) (36gp, 3,685 billion xp)
Q15 Hatchling lvl 45 (Lailen in East Svealand) (73gp, 3,276 billion xp) (DRAGON EGG)
At any time you during the Malm and NF dragon quest, or even after the Hatchling you can do the lvl 1 quests related to Seek the Dragonslayer
To get Speaking of Dragonslayer quests, talk to Thaelen first (next to Skipta )before you ever talk to Skapla otherwise you have to wait until completed the quest Dragonslayer skaplu to get it
After Dragonslayer Skipta quest is done 3 quest open up to you, Retired Weapons, Message from Mentor, Getting Up To Speed
Q9 Speaking of Dragonslayers lvl 1 (Thaelen) (0gp, 0xp)(aka NF quest)
Q10 Dragonslayer Skapla lvl 1 (Skapla) (6gp, 0gp) you get back gold and exp from other lvl1 with (155gp,3,360 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q11 Retired Weapons lvl 1 (Skapla) (155gp, 5,040 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q12 Message to Mentor lvl 1 (Skapla) (155gp, 6,720 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q13 Getting Up to Speed lvl 1 (Lailen, in jord) (155gp, 5,040 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Once these the quests have been locked down, im sure the names, number, gold and xp values will change at the end of the 6 months epics
Chapter 2 Summary
Dragon Epic Chapter 2A
Medical Supples lvl 5 (Aud in Vasudheim) (30gp, 1,587 million xp) (THIS QUEST NO LONGER FINISHABLE NOR CAN YOU RECIEVE FROM NPC AT THE END OF CHAPTER 3)
-----------(Talk to npc in jord)------------
The First of many lvl 45 (Barkeep in Vasudhiem) (72gp, 3704 million xp)
-----------(Kill a mob near by)-------------
The Dragonslayer Mentor lvl 1 (Skip in Vasudhiem) (72gp, 3704 million xp)
-----------(Talk to npc in VF)--------------
(((after Medical Supples is done you can do)))
Rescue Operation lvl 1 (Aud, in Vasudhiem) (30gp, 1587 million xp) THIS QUEST NO LONGER FINISHABLE NOR CAN YOU RECIEVE FROM NPC AT THE END OF CHAPTER 3
-----------(clicks on 3 bodies in Vaushiem)---------
Chapter 2B
Dragonspawn (lvl 47) Lailen in Jord (155gp, 3528 million xp)
-----------(Kill a Dragonspawn, aka baby dragon at a Nest)----------------
Living Wood (lvl 47) Barkeep Kanar, Vaushiem (226gp, 2880 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(click 15 wood in Rauimark)----------------
Old Stones (lvl 47) Barkeep Kanar, Vaushiem (226gp, 3024 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(click 20 stone in Rauimark)---------------
The Enemy Appears (lvl 48) Skipta, Vaushiem (155gp, 3292 million xp)
-----------(kill 3 Dragonsworn in Malm)---------------
Chapter 2C
Melting the Ice (lvl 40) Barkeep Kanar, Vausheim (110gp, 3129 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(kill 10 Fire Elementals in Muspheim)---------
Face the Raiders (lvl 47) Skipta, Vausheim (155gp, 5292 million xp)
-----------(kill 6 mobs in Huginfell)----------------
(((Need to have The Enemy Appears quest done before you can get next quest)))
Mission: Infiltration (lvl 48) Lailen Jord (155gp, 3528 million xp) (a cool tempary Dragon Helm, that gives you instance dragonsworn faction, full dragonsworn armour shapeshift)(dont get near Rolvier or Mulge as the helm doesnt protect you from either of those 2 aggroing you)
-----------(talk to enemy mob in malm with helm on)------------
Chapter 2D
(((need to have Mission: Infiltration quest done before you can get next quest)))
Testing the Manual (lvl1) Lailen Jord (155gp+55gp, 3,625 million) DRAGON MANUEL OF ARMS
-----------(talk to npc in jord, need 6 dragonsworm patterns drops)------------
Once more, to Huginfel (lvl 47) Skipta, Vausheim (155gp, 5,280 million)
-----------(kill 11 mobs in Huginfell)------------
To get the Dragon Manuel of Arms you need to do quests The Enemy Appears (Skipta, Vaushiem), then Mission: Infiltration (lvl 48) Lailen Jord, then Testing the Manual (lvl1) Lailen Jord
Cool thing about Mission: Infiltration quest is you get a helment that gives you dragonworn faction, you can make the helment as many times as you like, however if you port or zone the helments disppear, if finish the quest, the npc removes it from you. Have fun running around with a white head and the new dragon armour patterns on your body when you equit this helment on your head.
You can no longer get the two quest Medical Supples or Rescue Operation from npc or finish either of two quests if there in your journal as they bug, even if got all steps done, the npc will not responsed
Chapter 3a quests
Absence Make the Heart Grow Wary lvl 47 (Lailen Jord) (155gp, 3,806 million xp)
-------------(Visit the Dragon Lair i think)--------------
(((Need to have Once more, to Huginfel quest done before you can get next quest)))
The Hunt Begins lvl 47 (Skipta, Vasuheim) (155gp, 5,710 million) FYI THIS A GRP CREDIT ENOUNTER NOT BG.
-------------(Kill on adolescent dragon in malm)---------------------
Stole Supplies lvl 47 (Barkeep, Kanar) (135gp, 7,056 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST (fyi they fix the xp, it used to give 0, now 7,056 million xp)(some of chest are bugged and dont work, the best way to do this quest is with the shapeshifting helm from Mission Infiltration, otherwise its is quite easy to wipe as the dragonsworn BAF in 3 and have super repop timers)
-------------click 10 supply chest near dragonsworn fort------------
aka Cloak Quest
(((Need to have 4 different quest done quest done before you can get next quest, Melting the Ice (aka Elemental), Living Wood (aka Wood), Old Stones (aka Stones), Stole Supplies (aka Barrels))))
In addition your realm needs to do a certin number of these quests in total to unluck the Cloak quests, kinda like the unlocking the mauler class, there reports on other vn post that some realms cant get the cloak because the havent done enought elemental, wood and stones quests, you talk to a npc in the middle of each town that has been destoryed to find out the status of your realm)
Honoring the Hard Working lvl? (Barkeep Kanar) (45gp, 2007 million xp) MIDGARD CLOAK OF MIGHT OR MIDGARD CLOAK OF MAGIC
------------talk to npc in Vausheim-------------
here the VN post about the cloak quests
VN Boards - New Cloak Quest
Chapter 3B
A Plea for Help lvl? (Svartalf envoy, Vasudheim) (21gp, 82 million xp)
-------------talk to npc in Malm, Svarhamr--------------
The Return & the Transformation lvl 48 Lailen, Jord (251gp, 7,647 million xp)
-------------Visit Dragon Lair, kill 4 Drakulv----------
(((Need to have negtive faction with Svartalf to get this quest, not postive or neutral))) (if talk to npc with quest step completed but your faction is neutral or friendly, you will fail this quests and can only get again if you aggro to svartalf)
Common Ground lvl 35 (Storr in Malm) (12gp, 280 million xp) Increase faction with Dragonbane Svartalfar (but i didnt get the message)
-------------kill 3 Missionary Drakulv------------
Chapter 3C
Triggering a Distraction lvl 47 (Storr in Malm Bindstone) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill Burr----------
Battles in the Mist lvl 49 (Stefur in Malm Tower) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill 25 Different Drakulv------------
(((Need to have Once more, to Huginfel quest done before you can get next quest)))
The Great Hunt lvl 49 (Skipta in Malm) (110gp, 5,292xp)
-----kill all 4 Adolescent Dragons, Varrhorith, Jarkkonith, Tolkkarth, Ljoridkorith----
(((Need to have The Great Hunt and The Hunt Begins quest done before you can get next quest)))
Medal of Honor lvl 49 (Thaelen in Huginfell) (55gp, 2,646 million xp) MEDAL OF HONOR NECKLACE
------talk to npc------------
Two Quest that either come out during Chapter 3C or 3D (im guess 3C, i didnt notice them because they come from a npc that we only used for chapter 1 and from npc that only lvl 1 quests
Your Enemies Closer lvl 48 (Thaelen in Huginfell) (100gp, 5,040 million xp) FROSTRYDER SIGNET OR TEMPEST FURY SIGNET
------kill Mulge in Malm-----
Absolute Power lvl 48 Thaelen in Huginfell) (100gp, 5,040 million xp) FROSTRYDER SIGNET OR TEMPEST FURY SIGNET
------kill Rolveir in Malm-----
Chapter 3D
The two new faction quests
The Road to Svarhamr lvl 48 (Kioja in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (10gp, 425 million xp) Dragon Svartalf Faction (dont spam increase in chat) REPEATABLE
------kill 5 Drakvlv Missoniares------
(((cant do this quest if you got Friendly faction with Svartalfs)))
A Letter for Home lvl 48 Eerlu in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (50gp, 2,126million xp) Dragon Svartalf Faction (dont spam increase in chat) REPEATABLE
----Talk to npc in Aegir-----
(((need higher Tier of Friendly faction with svarhamr (more then just port faction) and Battles in the Mist quest done before you can get this quest))))
Yar the First born lvl? (Kioja in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill Yar in Malm--------
(((need to have higher Tier of Friendly faction with svarhamr & the Cloak, the Necklace & Yar quests done))))
Dragonslayer (Class) Armour lvl? (Skipta in Malm) (0gp, 0xp) DRAGONSLAYER CLASS CHEST, ARM, PANTS, BOATS, GLOVES & HELM
-------Talk to Npc------------
((((need to have HIGHEST Tier of Friendly faction with svartalf (more then just buying port stone faction) & completed Dragonslayer Class Armour quest)))))))
Dragonslayer lvl? (Skipta in Malm)(165gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill and click all 3 Realm Dragons, Gole, Cuuld & Gjal-------------
(Class) Dragonslayer Weapon lvl? (Skipta in Malm) (0gp, 0xp) DRAGONSLAYER CLASS WEAPON
-------Talk to 2 npcs--------------
Lailen in Jordheim
Skipta (chapter 1 in Huginfell, chapter 2 Vaushiem, Chapter 3C Svarhamr in Malm)
Barkeep Kanar in Vasuheim
Thaelen in Huginfell
Kiaja in Svarharm in Malm, near to teleporter
Eerla in Svarhamr in Malm, next to teleporter
Storr in Svarhamr in Malm, next to bindstone
Stefur in Svarharm in Malm, next to tower near bindstone
Svartalf envoy in Vasuheim
Aud in Vasuhiem (aka Healer npc)
The xp amounts will slittly varies if got Guild Merit xp bonuse up and if got orion belt, nightshround bracelot and Lephrecan Lucky Charm buff up (any where from 100-300 million extra xp). Underpopluation Bonuse, Guild Outpost bonuse and your realm owning 9 or 13 keeps doesnt seen to effect the xp of quests)
CHAPTER 1 (FYI, all but Word to the Wise and Dark Rituals are unavaiable to get from any npc, until as mythic said in opening of campain will be rerelease but in smaller version)
The info post here about Chapter 1 is for background info and those who care
Q1 "Word to the Wise" lvl1 from any name guard in mainland, ie Stellan in Jord, Bork in Huginfell. requires are 2 gp no exp
Q2 Seek The Dragonslayer lvl 1 (Lailen)(0gp, 0 xp)(aka lvl 1 quests)
Q3 Dark Investiagtion lvl 49 (Lailen) (165gp, 1,680 billion xp) (aka NF quest)
Q4 Rending of the Earth lvl 49 (Lailen) (165gp, 3,200 billion xp) (aka malm quest)
Q5 Draconic Collaboration lvl 49 (Lailen) (661gp, 6,720 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q6 Dark Materials lvl 38 (Lailen) (114gp, 0,367 billion xp)+Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q7 Dark Rituals lvl 48 (Lailen) 301gp, 1,638 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
Q8 Searching The Next lvl 45 (Lailen) 147gp, 1,638 billion xp) +Dragonslayer Faction (aka malm quests)
+Dragonslayer Faction
after all the Malm and NF quests are done you get
Q14 Meet Me Outside lvl ?(Lailen, Jord) (36gp, 3,685 billion xp)
Q15 Hatchling lvl 45 (Lailen in East Svealand) (73gp, 3,276 billion xp) (DRAGON EGG)
At any time you during the Malm and NF dragon quest, or even after the Hatchling you can do the lvl 1 quests related to Seek the Dragonslayer
To get Speaking of Dragonslayer quests, talk to Thaelen first (next to Skipta )before you ever talk to Skapla otherwise you have to wait until completed the quest Dragonslayer skaplu to get it
After Dragonslayer Skipta quest is done 3 quest open up to you, Retired Weapons, Message from Mentor, Getting Up To Speed
Q9 Speaking of Dragonslayers lvl 1 (Thaelen) (0gp, 0xp)(aka NF quest)
Q10 Dragonslayer Skapla lvl 1 (Skapla) (6gp, 0gp) you get back gold and exp from other lvl1 with (155gp,3,360 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q11 Retired Weapons lvl 1 (Skapla) (155gp, 5,040 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q12 Message to Mentor lvl 1 (Skapla) (155gp, 6,720 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Q13 Getting Up to Speed lvl 1 (Lailen, in jord) (155gp, 5,040 billion xp)(aka NF quest)
Once these the quests have been locked down, im sure the names, number, gold and xp values will change at the end of the 6 months epics
Chapter 2 Summary
Dragon Epic Chapter 2A
Medical Supples lvl 5 (Aud in Vasudheim) (30gp, 1,587 million xp) (THIS QUEST NO LONGER FINISHABLE NOR CAN YOU RECIEVE FROM NPC AT THE END OF CHAPTER 3)
-----------(Talk to npc in jord)------------
The First of many lvl 45 (Barkeep in Vasudhiem) (72gp, 3704 million xp)
-----------(Kill a mob near by)-------------
The Dragonslayer Mentor lvl 1 (Skip in Vasudhiem) (72gp, 3704 million xp)
-----------(Talk to npc in VF)--------------
(((after Medical Supples is done you can do)))
Rescue Operation lvl 1 (Aud, in Vasudhiem) (30gp, 1587 million xp) THIS QUEST NO LONGER FINISHABLE NOR CAN YOU RECIEVE FROM NPC AT THE END OF CHAPTER 3
-----------(clicks on 3 bodies in Vaushiem)---------
Chapter 2B
Dragonspawn (lvl 47) Lailen in Jord (155gp, 3528 million xp)
-----------(Kill a Dragonspawn, aka baby dragon at a Nest)----------------
Living Wood (lvl 47) Barkeep Kanar, Vaushiem (226gp, 2880 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(click 15 wood in Rauimark)----------------
Old Stones (lvl 47) Barkeep Kanar, Vaushiem (226gp, 3024 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(click 20 stone in Rauimark)---------------
The Enemy Appears (lvl 48) Skipta, Vaushiem (155gp, 3292 million xp)
-----------(kill 3 Dragonsworn in Malm)---------------
Chapter 2C
Melting the Ice (lvl 40) Barkeep Kanar, Vausheim (110gp, 3129 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST!!!
-----------(kill 10 Fire Elementals in Muspheim)---------
Face the Raiders (lvl 47) Skipta, Vausheim (155gp, 5292 million xp)
-----------(kill 6 mobs in Huginfell)----------------
(((Need to have The Enemy Appears quest done before you can get next quest)))
Mission: Infiltration (lvl 48) Lailen Jord (155gp, 3528 million xp) (a cool tempary Dragon Helm, that gives you instance dragonsworn faction, full dragonsworn armour shapeshift)(dont get near Rolvier or Mulge as the helm doesnt protect you from either of those 2 aggroing you)
-----------(talk to enemy mob in malm with helm on)------------
Chapter 2D
(((need to have Mission: Infiltration quest done before you can get next quest)))
Testing the Manual (lvl1) Lailen Jord (155gp+55gp, 3,625 million) DRAGON MANUEL OF ARMS
-----------(talk to npc in jord, need 6 dragonsworm patterns drops)------------
Once more, to Huginfel (lvl 47) Skipta, Vausheim (155gp, 5,280 million)
-----------(kill 11 mobs in Huginfell)------------
To get the Dragon Manuel of Arms you need to do quests The Enemy Appears (Skipta, Vaushiem), then Mission: Infiltration (lvl 48) Lailen Jord, then Testing the Manual (lvl1) Lailen Jord
Cool thing about Mission: Infiltration quest is you get a helment that gives you dragonworn faction, you can make the helment as many times as you like, however if you port or zone the helments disppear, if finish the quest, the npc removes it from you. Have fun running around with a white head and the new dragon armour patterns on your body when you equit this helment on your head.
You can no longer get the two quest Medical Supples or Rescue Operation from npc or finish either of two quests if there in your journal as they bug, even if got all steps done, the npc will not responsed
Chapter 3a quests
Absence Make the Heart Grow Wary lvl 47 (Lailen Jord) (155gp, 3,806 million xp)
-------------(Visit the Dragon Lair i think)--------------
(((Need to have Once more, to Huginfel quest done before you can get next quest)))
The Hunt Begins lvl 47 (Skipta, Vasuheim) (155gp, 5,710 million) FYI THIS A GRP CREDIT ENOUNTER NOT BG.
-------------(Kill on adolescent dragon in malm)---------------------
Stole Supplies lvl 47 (Barkeep, Kanar) (135gp, 7,056 million xp) REPEATABLE QUEST (fyi they fix the xp, it used to give 0, now 7,056 million xp)(some of chest are bugged and dont work, the best way to do this quest is with the shapeshifting helm from Mission Infiltration, otherwise its is quite easy to wipe as the dragonsworn BAF in 3 and have super repop timers)
-------------click 10 supply chest near dragonsworn fort------------
aka Cloak Quest
(((Need to have 4 different quest done quest done before you can get next quest, Melting the Ice (aka Elemental), Living Wood (aka Wood), Old Stones (aka Stones), Stole Supplies (aka Barrels))))
In addition your realm needs to do a certin number of these quests in total to unluck the Cloak quests, kinda like the unlocking the mauler class, there reports on other vn post that some realms cant get the cloak because the havent done enought elemental, wood and stones quests, you talk to a npc in the middle of each town that has been destoryed to find out the status of your realm)
Honoring the Hard Working lvl? (Barkeep Kanar) (45gp, 2007 million xp) MIDGARD CLOAK OF MIGHT OR MIDGARD CLOAK OF MAGIC
------------talk to npc in Vausheim-------------
here the VN post about the cloak quests
VN Boards - New Cloak Quest
Chapter 3B
A Plea for Help lvl? (Svartalf envoy, Vasudheim) (21gp, 82 million xp)
-------------talk to npc in Malm, Svarhamr--------------
The Return & the Transformation lvl 48 Lailen, Jord (251gp, 7,647 million xp)
-------------Visit Dragon Lair, kill 4 Drakulv----------
(((Need to have negtive faction with Svartalf to get this quest, not postive or neutral))) (if talk to npc with quest step completed but your faction is neutral or friendly, you will fail this quests and can only get again if you aggro to svartalf)
Common Ground lvl 35 (Storr in Malm) (12gp, 280 million xp) Increase faction with Dragonbane Svartalfar (but i didnt get the message)
-------------kill 3 Missionary Drakulv------------
Chapter 3C
Triggering a Distraction lvl 47 (Storr in Malm Bindstone) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill Burr----------
Battles in the Mist lvl 49 (Stefur in Malm Tower) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill 25 Different Drakulv------------
(((Need to have Once more, to Huginfel quest done before you can get next quest)))
The Great Hunt lvl 49 (Skipta in Malm) (110gp, 5,292xp)
-----kill all 4 Adolescent Dragons, Varrhorith, Jarkkonith, Tolkkarth, Ljoridkorith----
(((Need to have The Great Hunt and The Hunt Begins quest done before you can get next quest)))
Medal of Honor lvl 49 (Thaelen in Huginfell) (55gp, 2,646 million xp) MEDAL OF HONOR NECKLACE
------talk to npc------------
Two Quest that either come out during Chapter 3C or 3D (im guess 3C, i didnt notice them because they come from a npc that we only used for chapter 1 and from npc that only lvl 1 quests
Your Enemies Closer lvl 48 (Thaelen in Huginfell) (100gp, 5,040 million xp) FROSTRYDER SIGNET OR TEMPEST FURY SIGNET
------kill Mulge in Malm-----
Absolute Power lvl 48 Thaelen in Huginfell) (100gp, 5,040 million xp) FROSTRYDER SIGNET OR TEMPEST FURY SIGNET
------kill Rolveir in Malm-----
Chapter 3D
The two new faction quests
The Road to Svarhamr lvl 48 (Kioja in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (10gp, 425 million xp) Dragon Svartalf Faction (dont spam increase in chat) REPEATABLE
------kill 5 Drakvlv Missoniares------
(((cant do this quest if you got Friendly faction with Svartalfs)))
A Letter for Home lvl 48 Eerlu in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (50gp, 2,126million xp) Dragon Svartalf Faction (dont spam increase in chat) REPEATABLE
----Talk to npc in Aegir-----
(((need higher Tier of Friendly faction with svarhamr (more then just port faction) and Battles in the Mist quest done before you can get this quest))))
Yar the First born lvl? (Kioja in Malm Svarhamr, Near Hasnter/Teleporter) (110gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill Yar in Malm--------
(((need to have higher Tier of Friendly faction with svarhamr & the Cloak, the Necklace & Yar quests done))))
Dragonslayer (Class) Armour lvl? (Skipta in Malm) (0gp, 0xp) DRAGONSLAYER CLASS CHEST, ARM, PANTS, BOATS, GLOVES & HELM
-------Talk to Npc------------
((((need to have HIGHEST Tier of Friendly faction with svartalf (more then just buying port stone faction) & completed Dragonslayer Class Armour quest)))))))
Dragonslayer lvl? (Skipta in Malm)(165gp, 5,040 million xp)
-------Kill and click all 3 Realm Dragons, Gole, Cuuld & Gjal-------------
(Class) Dragonslayer Weapon lvl? (Skipta in Malm) (0gp, 0xp) DRAGONSLAYER CLASS WEAPON
-------Talk to 2 npcs--------------