Originally Posted by leatherface
bah, figured it wont hurt to say it anyway..... being so close to te actual announcement.... dont think i'll get in trouble since it'll be gold by the time any "official" people readit
i work at a EB distribution center and i help mamange all of activisions incoming/outgoing stuff......
we've got the doom 3 boxes, cd (and yes, DVD editions, regardless of what Todd Holleshead said about no DVD version a while back) cases, manuals, and pamphlets allready to go....... The boxes you see for the preorder look NOTHING like the actual retail boxes..... they have a much better image on them and no poly-ated looking hell knight......
Activision gave us word that we should be expecting copies of CD's to fill the orders with within the next 7 days, and they have allready confirmed the game has gone gold, but id software themselves will not state this until thursday or friday of this week
Then a few lines later....If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up).