Dont Make the same mistake i did :(


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
anioal said:
tierk dude, after a period of shelving, i logged my hero back and i was kinda astonished noticing he's missing some items from his pve template and also the champ weap. i was that bugged about it i even complained on /as about it.
well, the missing items were all in the horse inventory on the pages 2 and 3...
have you checked that?

I have searched everywhere for em house vaults cm's charcters vaults nothing doing. Just got horses without any inventory and tbh i know they been jacked cuz they been repped with shitty items which i wouldnt bother with on the toons they missing from.

Also i think maybe u taking frostor to literally mate he was just showing me what to look for on the forums and wasnt, as he stated quite clearly in his first post, making accusations. I dont think he was implying anything and i certainly wasnt even thinking that when i read the post matey and so dont take it to personal.

If u look through the forum u will note that yers is just the first one with sililias in it posted AND there are numerous peeps selling the neckie and the sleeves.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
anioal said:
1. you could had pointed tierk towards trading section w/o mentioning my thread, but no. you had to bring my name in it which i still think it is a uncalled insult and it demands appologies.

appologies ? f*ck no , like i said , i was only giving an example as i know not evryone trolls these forums as much as ******

anioal said:
2. tierk knows exactly to whom he has shared his account so again no point to give names unless you are in his circle of so called 'friends' and you know i am in that circle too (which i'm not as tierk pointed out)
check answer #1

anioal said:
3. both of you made it sound that sililia's neckie is some sort of unique thingie and automaticaly the one being sold it the one tierk owned...
heh, sililia was my main source of plats in the last 10-12 months.
i don't care about ur source of plats and bragging how u can farm it , i just know its a rare item so i just c/p the first one selling it


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 27, 2004
tierk said:
I went away on holiday for 3 months and before i left some ingame mates asked if they could use my account for farming etc. I, trusting twat that i am, decided that yes i would do so and now i regret it totaly.

I have come back after 3 months to find that certain items that i paid shit loads of money for are now missing off me druid BM and CM tbh i am sad and disappointed as i thought the people i lent the account to could be trusted and have, cuz of the actions of one of them, (dont know which) lost faith in all of them. I have learnt the hard way NEVER-EVER give account details to anyone as NOONE can be trusted in this game.

Missing items so far ... Sililia's Necky, Scale Sleeves from Foppish Mob amongest other stuff (these two are the ones that hurting me the most as i paid a shed load of money to buy these and as i am not a active farmer and rarely have money for buying stuff).

If anyone can shed any light on this let me know either here or Pm me or ingme.

Thanks in Advance.

unlucky! i dont lend my main account out ever just shitty bot account i dont care about

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