Dont Call New RVR char Noobs, ALBION DO SOMETHING to rid of these negative influences



-Leader /y "DON't RUN TO XXX (insert random popular ambush place at xxx) ITS A TRAP YOU WILL GET KILLED"

<4 Albs run off ... 6 more ... 8 more and leader is standing at the old spot alone with his group and a few other "whise albs">

-Leader /s "Sigh idiots will the never learn this is the 24th time this week they fall for this watch the deathspam in a few seconds" ... 40 seconds later deathspam <bystanders chuckle>

soon several albs can be seen running towards the leaders position chased by a few groups of hibs/mids. Albs yelling HEELLLEEEEP FFS ! INC

<Mids/hibs mop up the leaders remaining group and the few albs that ran back>

-Killed albs who did not listen and ran off: /cg "This leader sucks he doesn't help he got us all killed and then calls us idiots WTF we killed 5 ! we did good"

-leader /group "sod albs lets go gorge/odins/sauvage"


One does not get respect. Respect is earned.
Sad, but true :p

Ofcourse if people won't trust someone blindly they will hesitate, and even disagree. Of fear. If people see someone do something successfull, they will want to join. Start with the small things, get a few successful groups going in _our own frontier_. Kick those invaders out. Then you will get followers. In our own frontier. Do the same in Emain and then it will happen there(as it has been done). Do it somewhere else. "The grass is always greener...."

Can you remember that this has happened earlier on this server, in several of the realms? I can.


Originally posted by Pickles14113
we all asked for sum spare gold when we started,or got given gold by sum kind hearted veteran passing

No, no one had spare cash when I started. We had to do it all on our own. And anyone sending me "gold plz" at lvl 5 will get my reply of "Go kill mobs".

While anyone /sending Hi, I'm 3s short to buy my new iron weapon. Could you help me out? will get the iron, steel and alloy version crafted by me ;)

Most abusive terms aimed are beggers are usually aimed at the ones with "gold plz" and then start saying that I as a lvl 50 have plenty of gold and could very easily give some to them and keep bugging for half an hour.

The lack of money at starting levels is meant to be there to teach people to look for quests, do killtasks and thus learning the game and the realm. The beggars are too lazy for this.


Originally posted by Tranquil-

One does not get respect. Respect is earned.
Sad, but true :p

eh...........what ARE you talking about?


I agree 100% with cpl here. People who run around emain trying to dictate how we should gank the hibs/mids have no right to stick their heads up their own arses (well they can if they want).

Take some keeps, dont worry about rp's, if you think the hibs/mids are so much better then reset your account and off you go. How are newcomers to rvr supposed to react when all they see iin the cg s a couple of people sitting on their 'high horse' rubishing the whole of albion because they don't do exactly what they say.

People who have experience of rvr should try and paas on their knowledge to fellow realmies, not just sit there going 'omg albs suck so much'. If you dont like it then fuck off and play something else.


Originally posted by Jimli

No, no one had spare cash when I started. We had to do it all on our own. And anyone sending me "gold plz" at lvl 5 will get my reply of "Go kill mobs".

Entirely true but a different issue. I tradetasked my tailor all the way to 650 (yes even 1-100) to gain money, stupid? Aye. But it's what we got used to. People who expect others to help them need to learn something.


"if you think the hibs/mids are so much better then reset your account and off you go"



I make a habit of calling everyone noobs! Yes, that means you...and you...oh, and you in the corner trying to look like a non-noob, you're a noob to! Mwa ha ha ha! you're all noobs! and this is Noob City. And I am the mayor of Noobville! Worship me in a noob like fashion!


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I make a habit of calling everyone noobs! Yes, that means you...and you...oh, and you in the corner trying to look like a non-noob, you're a noob to! Mwa ha ha ha! you're all noobs! and this is Noob City. And I am the mayor of Noobville! Worship me in a noob like fashion!

:clap: :eek:


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
"if you think the hibs/mids are so much better then reset your account and off you go"


Please do as I am sick to death of listening to you pissing and whining about how shit everyone is asides you. Fuck off to another server where you belong. You wont be missed.


I'd imagine things are the same in Hib and Mid in terms of frustration in RVR so why re-roll there when at least the hours you in here won'tbe wasted.

The true template for success in RvR to be organised and follow orders. The more successfull guilds in RvR in general (FC, CE, etc cant be arsed naming u all u know who you are :) tend to stick to guild groups only and follow a leader at all times. We would have much better RvR if Alb had more dedicated RvR guilds with players whose sole concern in the game to RvR 100% of the time. However we all have friends of lower levels, alts, guild business, levelling lower lvl guild players etc. which makes this difficult to acheive. We all have friends in our guilds and it's hard to join another guild that is pure RvR and leave friends behind etc. I'm not suggesting this is what we all do merely that there IS a pattern of success in RvR in this game whether this will ruin the nature of the game to acheive is another matter entirely...

I really would like to see more guild only groups. In such groups everyone can follow a leader in a respectful way and use cg still. Everyone in a guild group tends to behave better and is more disciplined in general. Yes it takes time and trouble to acheive but the net benefit is worthwhile I feel :)


"Please do as I am sick to death of listening to you pissing and whining about how shit everyone is asides you. Fuck off to another server where you belong. You wont be missed."

Pardon me but... who the fuck are you? I don't think I've ever met you or spoken to you before in my life... Thanks for the tip though, right now it seems like a really good idea.


Sorry, that message wasn't really meant to be directed at you. Just at anyone who constantly insults people.

I'm sure you don't know me. I'm pretty quiet in RvR.
Some people however, are not. When the "You are all stupid noobs" messages appear in cg everyone sees them and it is really spoiling the game for me and many others.

I know it must be very frustrating trying to lead a large group of people when they all run off in different directions. I always try to follow a leader but when others don't or something goes wrong I have to listen to a torrent of abuse.

There is only so many times I can hear "You're crap" without it starting to annoy me.

I rarely play now due to this and I'm sorry if my anger was somewhat misdirected but I pay the monthly fee the same as everyone else and I feel I have the right to complain if a few player's outbursts are spoiling the game for me and many others.


"Sorry, that message wasn't really meant to be directed at you. Just at anyone who constantly insults people" seems pretty personal to me... re-read... you quote me and then...

"Please do as I am sick to death of listening to you pissing and whining about how shit everyone is asides you. Fuck off to another server where you belong. You wont be missed.

Show me a screenshot of me _EVER_ calling people n00bs, of me _EVER_ saying that people are crap.


Ok, seriously now. Although you are all noobs, and always will be, one thing that does piss mee off is the leader /y FFS are you stupid and other comments that could relly have been done without. I have lead large events, not all a success. It is actaully possible to keep your cool and treat people with respect. the FFS comments don't serve anyone any good, although some people say "It's the only way to get them to listen" Let me ask you this, How's it working out for you so far? Oh it's not? well then. The FFS only serves to piss iff the non leading members of the zerg or whatever, it doesn't make them stop and thing, Oopsies, I done bad, me better shut up and listen cuz Mr.Leader man say ffs and me stupid alb. Quite the opposite actually.


Perhaps I should have said "you people"

Your reply of "temping..." to a post suggesting people who thought hibs/mids are much better than us should restart gave me the impression you were one of the alb haters who thinks themselves above others and as I see your name a lot in cg I presumed you were one of the people spamming "noobs" all the time.

You say you are not so I retract and apologise.

For those that do think themselves above everyone else and spam "noob fool" all the time, I still stand by my first post.


btw 90% peeps even dont read all answerers...

so i pay 1P ro sweet chick who can swallow my pallys load


Originally posted by old.Wildfire

Show me a screenshot of me _EVER_ calling people n00bs, of me _EVER_ saying that people are crap.

Roflmao Wildfire, you do know this would be like the easiest thing in history to do. I'm not saying you really mean it, but you sure as hell say it on an hourly basis.

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