Dont Call New RVR char Noobs, ALBION DO SOMETHING to rid of these negative influences



I find it deeply offensive to see how many people in this game get a really concerning mental attitude towards other people.

Calling people "noobs, etc etc" is really not a positive thing and fuels only anger or frustration and makes it less likely that the target of this abuse will do anything to try improve.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and new people should be encouraged NOT beasted.

In particular, no names named. The people who make comments like "well there were less noobs yesterday, cos more people listened to me" smacks of a social problem, and an inability to be a true leader.

A true leader does the following:

leads clearly
Does not discriminate
Takes Responsbility for the team as a whole
Learns from mistakes,
Communicates Clearly
Encourages and Appraises / Debriefs individuals whether they do well or badly.

At the moment, what I am seeing is poor leadership, no encouragement , responsibility , real offensive behaviour, arrogance, etc etc

in short I feel that just because someone has 18hrs a day to play this game and maybe a problem with social skills, this is only damaging too.

the people I speak about, will no doubt flame me, but in my mind that only strengthens my case.

We need to create teamwork and comradeship, not a mob that is unpredictable, pissed off and unlikely to work well as a team.

True leaders will train, encourage and develop albion, ATM all I see from the 2 "leaders of the moment" is abuse , bad feeling and ARROGANCE.

I am sick and tired of seeing so many good people leave this game, because u egotisitical nutters get so damn offensive .

How do we beat these people? how do we change what has always been?

i think, improve your circle of friends, create regular RvR groups of 8, get used to working together and if we get enough of these groups , we will see an end to running and a much friendlier and effective fight. Dont encourage poor leadership on pointless excersizes, contribute to all players, take a leevl 45 in group if they need experience :)


I think if you play this game too much you become pretty bitchy, just my opinion from what i have seen some off the more prominent players.


yeah that may be a very valid point jiggs now u come to mention it. Probably frustration


just imagine irl: how hard is it to organise a party or get 100 people together for something. DAMN HARD!!

why people think its gonna be easy in a game??


Heh, I think people go in thinking the zerg will be like a real-time-strategy game to control...

just draw a box around them and point at the milegate :) that'll work...

alas not :(


just draw a box around them and point at the milegate

Where do I get a plug-in that lets me do that????

I know!!!
Just yell 'DONT CHARGE!!!!!'
then sit back and watch.


Firstly, Ody: it's against the CoC to use it, so i won't tell you =)

Secondly, cplcarrot: a good leader, in order to lead well, requires first and foremost: people who are willing to be led.
If someone experienced does all the things you said, he just gets - sorry, but its the only word - noobs who ignore him, or come out with crap like "who put you in charge" etc...


noob = unexperienced
if your new in rvr your unexperienced


"Who put you in charge sums it all up".


Cant agree with this thread more.I noticed an increase on the hate against beggers too (this is aimed at no one) as for instance a certain 45+ (no names mentioned) other day was being asked 'Plz sir may u spare sum money' an was greeted with a 'f**k off u begger',after me then saying 'dont be so nasty' he replied 'u can f**k off too' (i gave the poor guy/gal 5 old as i was playing a low alt an then suffered with green armor for a few lvls).I think ppl get too much into this role playing thing,Get a life its a game,no one deserves such abuse,especially those who just start playing (we all asked for sum spare gold when we started,or got given gold by sum kind hearted veteran passing),Being at high lvl dosnt give the perks to abuse ppl,we all stop at 50,so you,ll get no higher than next man,i just hope these abusive ppl will realise the up and comming ppl now are the ppl who shape albion the way u high lvls treat them.Set an example.

There are no bad groups,only bad leaders!!!!


Yick I hate beggars :)

But that's because Fingoniel's a mean ole scotsman that got to where he was the hard way. He doesn't do anything unless there's a profit...

I usually give them a politer, more sarcastic response than the above fellow... that's just plain rude :)

I'd probably have taken him to task about the 'plz' too :)


I have to agree with what CPL said. The atmosphere in this game is so negative.

There is no need to be offensive towards others in RvR. Calling people “noob” is certainly no way to get them to follow you as a leader.

I’d like to see a leader who let people know they were planning something a week or so in advance. That way people would know who to follow. I’ve seen it done and it works.

I know it’s hard to organise a huge bunch of players, but shouting “U R ALL W*NKERS” in cg really isn’t leadership.


in response to the people who are willing to be led.

Interesting angle this one, and to an extent I think you are right.

However, a good leader will make people wanna join him, if he proves sucessful in a small group. Look at killgorde and his mid team in sauvage, with 8 people they do well, no doubt that guy has a list of "people who want to be led" as long as his arms, cos people know that it stands a good chance of success.

Noob == inexperienced. U cannot punish people for not having experience, u must bestow experience on them.

I for one are someone that wants to be led, but on something constructive and not with leaders who insist on being abusive to people.

IF (and its only an IF, cos I dont want management in my spare time, I do that in RL !)

I led an attack and I had people refusing to be led, or trying to take control, then their is a simple answer.

1st occurence , warn them that u are the leader for this chat event.

2nd occurence, say ok, lead a second chat group, and /cg kick

simple as that


i remember when i was about level 15 some guy gave me 5g because i helped him transfer loads of money/stuff.

i remember thinking wow 5g thats so cool :D

just never occured to me to beg


Lol @ this true leader crap. A true leader needs true followers and until you can say you are that just shut it. Without true followers the leader has to resort to being the fucking nanny that you list above.


is that offensive enough?

how mate, do u expect people to change when your input is as offensive and agressive as that? that is my point exactly

also , if u read I said

"IF (and its only an IF, cos I dont want management in my spare time, I do that in RL !)"

thats pretty clearly saying I will follow, and I know many albs who will also - IF IF IF IF IF they have a good leader to follow


Bah, lead yourselves in future, if flames are the reward for trying to organise people, sod it. TBH I personally get more RPs in the gorge anyway by ganking Talivar 50 times a day.


Sad fact of the matter is that the only leadership I and many others will respect comes from within our own guild or alliance.

Ill happily go with the flow if the only 'leader' around is making good decisions and treating people with respect, But as soon as I see 'FFS u noobs' or anything like that its bye bye.

And as for beggars.. they can get pretty bloody annoying, but giving them 2cp or having a bit of banter is much better than the ole' go f@#k yerself routine.


um.. thanks Goldenbone :D

Nah.. it's gonna be survival of the fittest for a week or two on these boards with a few people wanting to be god of everything. I'm happy having the respect of the people I know and sooner or later I hope everyone else feels the same because this bitching gets nobody anywhere.

TO ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO LOOK UPON THESE FORUMS FOR ADVICE - Normal service should resume soon :)

ps. I need someone to knock me up AF49 cloth set... /me looks at Fangrim :p


I'm never this offense ingame I just use my anon-nick here to express some feelings. Besides I wasn't very offensive here either.

You can follow IF you have a good leader which you judge by your nanny standards? Well gee that will get us far. First of all how do you know who is a good leader without trying? Secondly you can go a very long way towards making a good leader by just listening. But then there's the problem of who specifically should be the leader on site and here's the problem that most guilds prefer to listen to "their" leader which really is nothing wrong at all.

Nah m8 you have no point here I'm afraid. People won't like you getting them killed, you can't blame them for it. They didn't voulenteer to teach you the game so you can't really expect it. Learn from your guild, from your common sense, from reading.


calling someone a "n00b" gives the user a feeling of superiority because they happened to buy the game weeks/months before u did. and quite frankly its bollox :)

WE WERE ALL N00BS ONCE! so plz stfu and try contructive critisism and not skoolyard name calling.


well said cplcarrot.

As someone who is only mid 30 lvls i'm looking forward to RvR someday soon BUT from reading these posts (and many other similar) it seems..

1. If u havent been to, say Emain, and dont know your way about then you shouldn't be there at all. Therefore we will never learn the area and judging by some peoples mentality Albion will be better off if we never do.

2. If you do ignore all the negative comments and decide to go and have a look around / learn the area / have a dabble by following or joining a group of similar people trying to learn and enjoy (yep it's a game folks) the part of the game that is RvR. you get the piss taken out of you for not knowing that u should stand in a group of neutral mobs / not sit down / etc.. (yep theres loads of experience and advice to be passed out to us fellow Albion brethren from you experienced RvRers but do it nicely please?).

I've had people abusing me for even entering our frontier at lvl 20 with my lvl 50 GM and my lvl50 mate who were trying to show me around. I've had people stand over my corpse giving me a /s idiot message etc.. for getting killed (which i expect happens to everyone at some point or other)

As the saying goes if you cant say something nice, say nothing at all :)

I mean cmon folks we are supposed to be on the same side, if we all helped each other we would ALL enjoy the game more.

Instead what happens is you get guild only groups that wont group with anyone else and to be honest its no wonder is it?

I think that some of you experienced RvR people would help yourselves and your realm by taking the time to train and help us RvR newbies instead of taking the piss cause those of us that do get crap off you certainly wont be listening to you in the future will we? If you took the time to train / help / offer non sarcastic/arrogant advice we might be inclined to follow you suggested actions (orders) in the future because we have belief in your abilities and know you are genuine good guys trying to help the realm.

Instead of pricks with elitist bad attitudes :)


Its true that u dont need call new players a noob.

but when lvl 45+ act like idiot then u can =)

no matter where, usually u can call when he/her runs in mmg camp past IDIOT LINE !!!


bah Wildfire u imagineing killing me 50 times, i only counted 48 :) maybe u dream of me :)


I know you are putting all your negative experiences together to create one big bad "elite" player that just shouts abuse all day. It isn't so. Most of them are just competetive people that don't like dying and yes they can use bad words when making a good point, but it really REALLY doesn't make it less of a good point. As for giving people advice, that alone is usually offensive to so many and even if not so rarely hard that why bother? You see alot of good people come here and make posts on how to act in certain situations, does anything change? No. I myself will answer any question if asked, asking shows a will to learn, else I will assume (and it's generally true) you don't have that will and not try.

The answer for learning is your responsibility and there are many ways to do it. Don't go putting the blame on someone else, Emain is the "real" thing to many and not suitable as training ground.


Tigerius - :clap: a voice for reason!

IMO (this is categorical) ppl play this game to roleplay/play a knight, a scout, a cleric etc. Some of the 'systems' of accruing rp's are not exactly in convention with medieval combatting the obvious one being a lack of body block. That one factor alone has a huge affect on DAoC RvR. Its not entirely apparent to new people. Neither are many other things. This takes time (which can be divided by the amount of help they recieve or multiplied by the amount of abuse they recieve) and practice implying that they will screw up from time to time.

We are ALL humans. Its part of the attraction of playing isn't it?

The competitive streak is the most counter productive element in all of this. It's excessive and possibly obsessive behaviour for a good few players. Ppl who set rp targets on a daily basis for themselves are bound to become irritated at needless deaths whereas to others (incl. myself), well, its just part of the pie. Perhaps the competitive ppl should try to form their own zerg--rrX(3/4?)+ capped force and let other ppl just enjoy themselves without uploading megabytes of abuse to main chat.

The simple fact is that for a great many ppl, once the fun/action/adventure goes theres not much else left.

A toon is a datafile. RP's indicate time-spent and nothing else.

Friendships and experiences are what remain long after......well after whatever......



Originally posted by Uriron
well said cplcarrot.

1. If u havent been to, say Emain, and dont know your way about then you shouldn't be there at all. Therefore we will never learn the area and judging by some peoples mentality Albion will be better off if we never do.
So true, you got the point.

Originally posted by Uriron
Instead of pricks with elitist bad attitudes :)
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: True again, soooo true.
Stay as you are, we need more people with that view of things.


WE WERE ALL N00BS ONCE! so plz stfu and try contructive critisism and not skoolyard name calling. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well spoken even though not all will understand this Konah


Originally posted by K0nah

WE WERE ALL N00BS ONCE! so plz stfu and try contructive critisism and not skoolyard name calling.

Oooh thats how i do this right or...

Still well spoken Konah

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