The boy stood on the burning deck, with Captain Pugwash splicing his mainbrace.
X Xtro Guest Sep 28, 2002 Thread starter #31 The boy stood on the burning deck, with Captain Pugwash splicing his mainbrace.
K kameleon Guest Sep 28, 2002 Thread starter #32 what makes me laugh is that people shot and scream at paying £24 a year to play games then pay £70 to go and play at a LAN for 3 days
what makes me laugh is that people shot and scream at paying £24 a year to play games then pay £70 to go and play at a LAN for 3 days
S Sar Guest Sep 29, 2002 Thread starter #33 Originally posted by Tremor. Have you been drinking Mr Sar? You seem very angry....but right Click to expand... Heh, more than likely had been on the booze tbh. Edit: Checking the date of that post, then yes. I was fucking hammered at the time.
Originally posted by Tremor. Have you been drinking Mr Sar? You seem very angry....but right Click to expand... Heh, more than likely had been on the booze tbh. Edit: Checking the date of that post, then yes. I was fucking hammered at the time.