Donations for a Rez



Originally posted by Zenox

Thats naughty! ;) You shouldnt accept in my opinion..unless uve got only 30coppers and lvl 1 armour at lvl 40 :)
With a level 23 friar of course I will. Not too much money then yet....


Healers are there to help people in need and not to become the guilds asset manager. Besides healers need less money than warriors as they dont need to use weapons and their armour does not wear out...

Erm- not true m8.

We could debate this all day. Me I accept that warriors need good armour as I play both a warrior and a healer - but then I know from experience a dead healer isnt gonna rez neone - so healers do need good armour which costs alot. The repair of armour is irrelevant, most suits of armour last for about 3 levels before you need to look at replacing it (I havent spoke about repairing it - but this is also needed at least once every other level - this is AS a druid - my warriors armour has been ok so far). I DONT charge for a rez - but then I wouldnt refuse payment. At least a charging healer actually does something! Most of the beggers that I have seen wandering about do bugger all but sit and ask pcs for money.

If you don't want to pay the healer - fine - don't. To be honest alot of people take healers for granted. Yes most of us do heal whenever possible - but if you think that I play a healer just so I can wander wherever rezzing people then you are sorely mistaken




This always comes around a few times with rez classes :)

Anyways, just to add a voice / vote - I don't charge for a rez, but I do expect a thankyou.

Somebody who I take 10 minutes to get to, med, rez, and they run off without saying anything might not get a rez next time.

In RvR I'll rez anyone I can - usually a low pow 'ghetto' rez, unless its agroupmate or guildie...

old.Elerand Fiornol

Originally posted by fatgit
hmm OK, Im a tank so...

The mob I see hitting a rezzer will cost 5g for me to hit it off
The casting mob will cost 7.5g
Two mobs will cost 10g
If I have to run more than 10 paces to intercept the mob, there will be a 1g per pace fee

My earth theugist should charge 2.5g for a casted BT, and 5gper 30mins for his pbt.

See where that gets us ?

I DO remember people that rez me, several have had large discounts on their armour (you are talking the 50g+ range here), some have had rare drops from me etc.

I agree with you all the way, we are dependant on each other a great deal, I'll run in to battle to save a healer if it looks grim and just because a few people will scour the ends of the earth looking for a rez does not give sufficient weight to a pro payment arguement.

I only look in my immediate area for a rez, same zone/dungeon etc. I ask nicely, if I get a refusal I give a nice reply, that's it, everyone should work this way...if u spam a healer who says he is busy or too far away don't spam him with trash, if u do you are a total jerk and really belong on everyones /ignore list!

I have logged off as a tank to bring in my druid when needs must and that's plenty enough for me, some healers forget how often tanks die to save the "support" characters or die when the same "support" characters leg it too soon but I'm not complaining :p


Obviously, if a cleric is in a group, they should be ressing :)

If they've just popped round the corner then a thanks is the least the ressed can offer...

If they've ran halfway across a dangerous aggro zone then an offer of money is polite (tis upto them if they feel they need to accept it - if they've taken a horse to get there it's only fair).

Bearing in mind they've saved you X silver/gold/whatever depending on your level by ressing you, you could give them a small percentage of it. Of course it should be entirely optional - if yer feeling poor...

Demanding cash for a ress I totally disagree with, however. That's just rude. Refusing a ress coz yer the other side of the realm, fair enough.


Rez and get rezzed :)

I'm a Pal lvl 40 now. Since lvl 30 I've had the privilege to help ppl in need of a rez.
Donations is ok, If someone offers me something I can use, I accept, but I really don't expect to get anything in return but at least a "Thx m8".

Sometimes though, when someone sends me about a rez, I say no. That's when I'm to busy in my own group (chainpull, combat, etc.) or think the way is to long/dangerous to get there.
We all play our classes of choice and as a paladin of The Church of Albion, it's my duty to help ppl on my way in need for a rez. Hell I got the skill, don't I !
It's a choice for all, free rez, payed rez, how long you wanna go, throug which dangers ?

I'll say go /anon if you're tired of ppl spamming rez requests.

So IMO expect at least a "Thx m8" for a rez, anything else goes as nice surprises...


I'm a wizard and I charge 10g per spell. Take it or leave it :p


Originally posted by warriorgirl
I believe it has been raised before... but healers are starting to ask for donations (5gold) for Rez.

I accepted this as a common feature of EQ - there were good reasons... but this is a different arena.

Imho we are fighting against a common foe and training for RvR - to claim money for a Rez is maybe like a Warrior claiming protection money from the healer,,, which is clearly absurd.

I totally agree with you. In EQ I know it is a common feature but this should not be happening in DA. What if you dead on the battle field and they then start asking for donations???

If they cant make the journey to rez you then it should be a polite no.

For all you healers out there if you are a rezzer do not lower yourself by asking for a donation. You'll be sure to get a short sharp reply from me in the negative and I wont be protecting you on the battle field.

Moodel Varason
28th Armsman, Excalibur

'Proud to be guildless'


I have never asked or will ask for a donation for my resses.I have have on many occasions gone out of my way to ress ppl but i do this to help out my realm players as there has been many occasions where other ressers have gone out of their way to ress me and my group.If i was offered a donation i would decline,but I suppose its upto each individual if they choose to accept donations but i have not encountered any of this on albion/excalibur.At my lvl paladins do most of the resses now to save the clerics power.

43 cleric (praetoria Legion)


On the old forums...

many healers complained of not even being told "thank you" after rezzing somebody, thats why many got annoyed. Asking for a small donation if your poor is something i find not unreasonable, if its done AFTER the rezz, as im in severe money troubles on pretty much all my chars. Asking for 5g from someone thats below level 20 is absolutely ridiculous. Going out of your way to rez someone is very nice but shouldnt be expected. Stuff like: "but its your duty to rezz, I COMMAND YOU TO COME REZ ME! NOW!!!!" should automatically ban the people who are saying this bs (i do have some rezzing exp despite my signature, as my sister has a lvl 15 druid on prydwen)

I dont agree that we all play the character to our liking - i have 4 and i like em all equally, im just training one more now to get forward a bit. And as someone above stated: "just because they are a healer doesnt mean their a nice healer"

To all healer badmouthers :upyours: and i hope you will keep a firm bit of grass in your mouth for most of your DAoC life.


Originally posted by chesnor
fatgit, you have missed the point mate. Healer classes in general and especially middy healers are 100% support class. Your amrsman/theurgist are not. Obviously it would be ludricrous for any class to stand and watch another die while demanding money. That clearly sucks, and isn't being discussed here. I bet you can count on one hand, how many times you have been msged with 'Hi, please can you come to <insert some badass place here> and get aggro off me pls.'

I often see clerics in need, respond to help requests, whatever the class, often getting killed in the process


I was reminded reading this thread of an amusing incident that happened to my healer when i was around lvl40. I was chilling out in Gna Faste awaiting my group, when some high 20 msged asking for a res in Skona. I was close, and bored, so I said I'd come. After many half-arsed directions and my explaing the /loc system to them, I found their corpses and ressed them. After the obligatory 'thanks' fat troll turned to me and said 'Wow, lvl40, can I have some gold please?' I can only assume the troll was attempting to kick start a new trend of charging Healers when they ressed him.....

Natch, I told him to fo....then congratulated him on having balls the size of church bells.


I gotta agree with the bit about the saying thanks after someone resses you.

If I res ya, I don't expect money, I hardly ever accept money if offered (occasionally I used to be desperate) but I do expect a thank you.

If you ain't slightly polite, you ain't getting another res. I may wander a fair way through infested caverns to res you, but without a thanks, don't expect it again.


I've got a level 15 healer at the mo on Middy, Pryddy and the idea of charging someone for resing them is ridculous.

If you didn't want to go around ressing people and healing them then why become a HEALER in the first place?

I pretty much agree with most of what people have said in here.

I've been amasing coins pretty well from just being in groups and not really needing to spend much money.

A lot of the armour I wear is items that have been obtained from quests or been donated. My weapon is a drop item and still cons yellow to me.

Chances are, if you're getting attacked by a high level monster and your group aren't quick at pulling it off you, you're gonna die no matter how good your armour is.

The next time you see a naked Healer, that'll be Ursus the Middy, Pryddy Healy Man. :)


i have never been asked for money for a res
i have never asked for money as a res (i play regrowth druid aswell as shade)

its the same as me charging to hunt down alb\mids near ligen, when i do it i usually have to go out of my way (and frequently takes me a few tries before i or someone else gets them)

charging for doing what your class is meant to do is stupid. healers can get exp by healing people not in your group that are higher level than you, and the exp gain is based on the level of the monster compared to the person that you are healing, and it dosent steal from their exp (im sure ive read that somewhere, correct if wrong)


So should one name and shame them on these forums? Or am I right in thinking that that is taking matters too far?



Name and shame them!!!! Thats even lamer than the behaviour you want to name and shame for !!!!!!

Let me attempt to bring this debate to an end. DAOC is an MMORPG, the RP is for roleplaying ( although I suspect this comes as a massive shock to many people ). Now, if someone chooses to play a bad-tempered selfish dwarf healer whose only interest is to amass gold, then so be it. How goes about playing the role he has chosen in the game is his business. To bitch about or stand in judgement because his morals and ethics differ from yours is shallow in the extreme. Please, please remember, people play this game for their own enjoyment. Hell, even griefers have a right to grief ( as long as they dont break any REAL rules ) even though they derive their enjoyment from the misery of others.


Some 'Healers' don't need protecting...

Point well made about the roleplaying side.

One of the things that uber-tanks seem to forget is that not all of us 'healers' actually need your protection in combat.

Our order provides us with a staff to protect ourselves from the creatures that roam our lands and the teachings of the church to try and convert the wrong doers of our realm.

I don't charge for resurrecting dead players, I do actively watch for player deaths in the area that I may be preaching in and ask my fallen realm comrades if they might need some assistance, if they are close to the area I often head that way to see if I can assist without being asked. Many times I have arrived on the scene of a total party wipeout before the dead team has had a time to do a /who areaname and see that there's a friar or a healer close to them.

I don't play my friar because I wanted to be a backup healer to your tank, I play him because I can deal whirling death with my staff, preach to the creatures of the realm and heal myself and my comrades after the creature or creatures have decided they don't want to listen to the words of my church.

Please do not take us for granted, it's not a right to expect us to resurrect you, and we do so at our own pace and using our own methods.

Sherriff Tuck
<Covenant Of Zak>

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