Does this game have....



The thingy what allows you to use headsets and speak to people? :x


I thought that was teamspeak. :p
Whats the difference? :)


Teamspeak is an external comms program. People have to organise using that separate to playing Planetside.

Planetside also has built-in comms, which you can use on the fly within a squad you set up. They aren't quite as good as Teamspeak, but they aren't bad either.


In game voice com is pretty good tbh but i, and a few other i know have a lot of probs getting connections through firewalls and the like. The great thing about havingin game voice on ofcourse it that joining a random squad with a headset can just join in.

Agree with Efour on teamspeak tho, find it much clearer and when you run the server you control the bandwidth. Needs to be administrated tho with permission, log in names and the like so your only likely to use it with regular outfit/team players. Check the link Mobuis, worth looking at to see which you prefer.


Hey Mobius, joining us in PS then :)

What faction are you going to join?


If you join VS and want an outfit, Sovereign Guard are always recruiting.

Little point to note tho, we do not use voice comms at all at the moment, and we don't know as yet whether we will even be moving to use them at any point in the future :)


Rootz. :D

Yep going to give it a try, looks like fun. :)

I'm not sure on what faction thingy, is there like a rebel type? :)


That would be the NC.

New Conglomerate - Blue and yellow wearing rebels with big guns

Terran Rebuplic - Red and balck wearing evil rulers with spray and pray guns

Vanu Soverignty - Purple and yellow wearing technology freaks


Are there any that totally own the other 2 or is it fairly even?


Originally posted by Will
Vanu Soverignty - Purple and yellow wearing technology freaks

Hehe, Will, he must have never killed Vanu, we wouldn't be seen dead in yellow, it's well out of season.

Mobius, take it from someone who wears this stuff, we are Purple, full stop, higher battle ranks have a more bluey green and purple...NO YELLOW.

Actually, purple and yellow is almost blue and yellow, hey Will, you got a lot of greif points ;)


hehe loaded question :D

The TR have some very nice MAX suits and a lovely AV device which everyone else loves.

The NC have the king-of-the-heavy weapons, the jackhammer, a very nice bit of AV weaponry and a lovely tank.

The VS were the weaklings of the game for a long time but have been buffed a fair bit. Our AV is good for sniping and our tank is very different to the NC one but still darn sexy. Not sure we have any standout stuff though. Apart from our ultra-skilled players of course ;)


Enough of the Vanu are weak crap, Lagmowers are the best tank, Lashers are as good as Jackhammers, Pulsars are as good as the guass maybe better, Quasar MAX kills infantry very fast, Starfire kills air damn quick and the Lancer is the only AV weapon able to kill MAXs and infantry in under one clip. So what if the Beamer sucks, use an AMP like most of the NC infils (Scatter pistol also sucks). Everyone and their dog has Darklight so glow in the dark knives make little difference. Comet is pretty crap, but no worse than the Falcon. Threshers gun is fairly crap as well, but the ability to straf-and-mow more than makes up for it.

NC is the most challenging to play ;) But can be the most frustrating as we always seem to be defending our home continents :(

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by shilak
Enough of the Vanu are weak crap, Lagmowers are the best tank, Lashers are as good as Jackhammers, Pulsars are as good as the guass maybe better, Quasar MAX kills infantry very fast, Starfire kills air damn quick and the Lancer is the only AV weapon able to kill MAXs and infantry in under one clip. So what if the Beamer sucks, use an AMP like most of the NC infils (Scatter pistol also sucks). Everyone and their dog has Darklight so glow in the dark knives make little difference. Comet is pretty crap, but no worse than the Falcon. Threshers gun is fairly crap as well, but the ability to straf-and-mow more than makes up for it.

NC is the most challenging to play ;) But can be the most frustrating as we always seem to be defending our home continents :(

The jackhammer is still effective at none pointplank range where as the lasher is NOT. It would be very good if the lashes didnt move so slow in the air, a snail could dodge them.

The pulsar aint better then the gause but its certainly not a big gap like Lasher and Jackhammer. The Pulsar still stands up well vs the other empires..


Werner Vanu are the best vanu in PS.

Magmower is very good admit it.


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
The pulsar aint better then the gause but its certainly not a big gap like Lasher and Jackhammer. The Pulsar still stands up well vs the other empires..

Spoken like a true Vanu ;)


Originally posted by shilak
Enough of the Vanu are weak crap

Err just where did I say that? I just don't think we have anything that stands out other than the afforementioned magmower.

Our AA Max is now as good as the NC AA Max but the Quasar is a joke! It's weapon is a beamer for goodness sake!!

All medium assault weapons are very balanced, I like my quasar but there are no 'stand outs' in this category.

We used to have the best whiners, but the TR/NC proved they have equal nouse in that category too when they got the buffed lasher nerfed :p

TBH I don't think any one faction is much more powerful than the other 3 factions, although I would like to see the VS be given another standout weapon.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Turamber
although I would like to see the VS be given another standout weapon.

Like in "Lasher" and "Magrider"? They might not 'stand out' if you play as a Barney - for the ones of us who die from splash damage through closed doors or behind cover - they do stand out. ;)

Teh Krypt

Yes the Magrider is very good (although I find the thresher MUCH more fun) at runing over targets... Im sure this will be sorted. But face it, thats the only thing we have thats better then the other empires, I would much rather have a good gun which you use more or less all your Planetside time then a vehicle that can maw people down..


What about the Lasher, Krypt?


Oh, and the Pulsar, that seems to own me quicker than Gauss.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Yus, Gauss pretty much sucks... :(

I changed my "assault" favorite to Punisher/JH.

Teh Krypt

Riddler, lasher is indeed good at point blank range. But at medium range you dodge it SO easy. (even at short range you can effectivly dodge it while you kill the guy)


I would give up my Jackhammer for a Lasher in a heartbeat.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by .Asmo
I would give up my Jackhammer for a Lasher in a heartbeat.

Wish the other NC's would realise the jackhammer is too powerful and would wish to tone down with a lasher.



Originally posted by Xtro
Shock...a VS whine thread!

Discussing game balance, and in a thread started by someone considering joining the game, could hardly be accurately described as a whine thread.

And it's also been flame free which is always nice, if unexpected ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

The PS forums are flame free. :)

And I don't feel the need to flame anyone due to no retarded people around (hardly at least...).

Nerf Turamber anyway. :flame:

Sorry... I slipped. :(

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