Does GOA know there are warriors ?



Originally posted by Slipurson
yeah we are main tank but read 1.53 patch info:

Added new realm abillity called "charge" to blademasters mercenaries and berserkers only bla bla bla.....

All these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their RA's bla bla...

what is warriors then ???support tanks ?

and eble u could not solo me 1on1 :))

is that a challenge? ;)


bah, give warriors what warriors in legend of mir got...flaming sword!! :p

a chance to "proc"/"crit" raised by your skill in "Flaming Sword"

add that to the chance of a regular crit + "flaming sword" and it would be nice :p

haha, in fact...give them all the skills a LoM warrior had!

Fencing - err..increaded dmg

Slaying - small "proc"/"crit"

Thrusting - very increased dmg when there were more then 1 target lined up in front of u (that would be 2 max :p) (worked like a whip and happened every hit as long as there were 2 targets lined up hehe)

HalfMoon - used mana (warrs got manabar at lvl 28 ;) ), and you could hit all players/mobs in range of the halfmoon as well as regular melee to ur target

Shoulder Dash - ability to shove away ur opponent as long as there was nothing blocking his "way", used mana ;)

Flaming Sword - well err...never got to lvl 35 with my warr so not exactly sure how it worked hehe, but think it was like Slaying, just very very higher dmg, or maybe it was like Slaying+Thrusting...cant remember :p

fs, too many flashbacks while typing that...and i think i nearly miss the game fsfsfsfs :p


Originally posted by Eblessair

is that a challenge? ;)

you are no challenge for me :D I beat u twice on GORRE when it opened 1.50 :) (ok i had dexbuff so i blocked to much maybe :p)

but we can have a go again if u want ;)

and riddler plz make mythic give us all that :)

Sigurd Volsung

As a 40 Warrior I must say, it gets kind of annoying sometimes. Every other class has an appealing ability... Warriors get none. However, we are the best fighters in the game - IF we reach the damned caster/archer - but really, some extra ability would be nice, doesn't have to be really useful, just fun - how about RA Slayer - you do double damage on a purple monster and don't miss for 15 seconds, with a 15 min cooldown... or maybe the ability to hurl your weapon at a target and stun them for several seconds... that would be a great one.

Anyway, if anyone has tried levelling a Warrior it is tedius as hell, and a lot slower than say a Skald or Healer. But you are feared... much less likely to be targetted by a stealther - and respected... and I have often been the last man standing in a battle, or one of them, with a pool of bodies around me.

One last thing: Armsmen get plate, yes, and polearms... but they still die pretty easily. I've never been beaten by an armsman my level. Heroes get spear and deer/moose form (LOL) but come on, hibs are crappy fighters anyway... they are the caster realm.

Warriors get no abilities because we are the best damn fighters around :D

Just sometimes it gets a bit boring :(


warriors the ability to use bows. YEAS please

they say we could weild any weapons why not bows then..

Tafaya Anathas

The typical evolution of threads like this:

1. First post
2. Whine about class not as good as other realms equivalent.
3. Nerf Infils
4. Nerf Dragonfang



Originally posted by Tafaya Anathas
The typical evolution of threads like this:

1. First post
2. Whine about class not as good as other realms equivalent.
3. Nerf Infils
4. Nerf Dragonfang


someone saying "omg a savage talking about Infs1! looooool"

but u dont seem to have a savage :C


TBH infs need a major nerf I mean 12 second stun when they click you, wtf?!


yes warriors are gimps. they are so much gimps that every hero/arms wish they were one...

dont think u understand how nice it is to specc a weap and get it maxxed both 1h and 2h.


Didn't warriors get a big weaponskill boost some patchs ago? giv armsmen and heros weaponskill boost!



Mods cant ya spank twats that bump old threads liek this for no reason whatsoever? :D


just give em the interrupting shout thing they gave to pala's.


I've always enjoyed playing Warriors..where some say "boring", I say "useful in all situations" and I love 'em.

I agree that a Warrior-only thing would be nice...PLEASE don't let it be anything to do with Thrown, Thrown is just a pulling thing for Warriors...I like the idea of a HP boost every 10 lvls, but how about a special 2H weapon skill/dmg effect?


i really enjoy playing my 50 kobby warrior, he has great survivability

in pvm he shines, holding massive boss monsters with huge block rates while the other grp/raid members take down the adds in tuscaran

in rvr he has great survivability too, a well timed slam can change a small group action, and again, hes as tough as hell to put down.

now here is the meat of the matter.........

heros have moose and spear

armsmen have plate, polearm, and soldiers barricade.

yes, warriors are solid, dependable group members, and yes, id welcome some spice, here are some ideas, instead of that crappy doom bringer RA- cost 10 pts

these are just ideas mind :)

shield of tyr - 30 seconds the entire group (lets say within buff range) counts as if the warrior has guard on them, for high shield spec this would block a few hits id imagine. (maybe a cool shield graphic above head and a battle cry sound fx?) (and all those nice dok dok dok block sounds)

bravehearts charge - you know that bit where mel gibson chucks that bloody great 2h sword at a bad guy, what about something along that 2h styled hit, that has lets say, hmm, 1000wu range, on a 7 min timer? so when battle is joined between 2 grps, or during (for a canny old warrior) the warrior basically launches a huge bloody axe/sword/hammer at 1 guy within the range, (click on target and click on ra button).......with all the potential for

a) killing a fleeing foe
b) interrupting a caster
c) interrupting a healer

maybe it could somehow be tied into the fact that he is in fact launching his 2h weapon from his back, so his 2h is greyed out for 60 seconds until he is considered to have retrieved the weapon from the poor enemies head, chest, stomach, balls.

i dont think either of these are too over powered, and are in the flavour of warriors, and with a nice sound fx and graphics they would really spice things up, lets face it, we all like the fights, but we all get the enjoyment when some1 goes moose, vendo, a fireball lands etc.

more spice, without being overpowered.

anyways, just a couple of ideas, 1 is partly pinched or in my subconscious and 1 is off the top of my head.

any thoughts?



Not 100% convinced by that, but I agree it should be based around our 2h weapons. Someone in here a while ago suggested a sort of "knock-them-off-their-feet" weapon style, every X amount of minutes...liked the idea of that. In melee knocks an enemy out of the fight by X amount (not ridiculous distance) of map units...


Warrior uniqueness

It was nice looking at an old thread that I made a vaguely intelligent comment on! ;)

So far, the only thing unique about warriors is that their abilities, weapons, styles are NOT unique. I think every other class has something, no matter how small, that makes them different from any other class.

Agreed that Block / Parry is a top skill... and also agreed that any changes made to a warrior should be purely cosmetic.

I don't think warriors are utter gimps, but neither do they require nerfing, because I don't believe they are overpowered. They just need something to make them a little bit less dull to play.

I find pirouetting with my 1h sword / shield spec warrior, no matter what sword style I choose, to be a tad :sleeping: ... Even the slam style could look a little bit more fancy...

...I guess some people are just never satisfied! :D


Originally posted by Eblessair
For supposedly being midgards main melee class, warriors are gimps :(

Yeah but they are still more in demand than us thanes.... Now if you want to talk about gimps ;-)


How about this to make warriors more fun to play:

A new baseline ability, Mighty Blow

Level 10 - a 10% chance to penetrate all defence (block, parry, evade)
Level 20 - a 25% chance to penetrate all defence
Level 30- a 50% chance to penetrate all defence

This would make Warriors the best 1 on 1 fighters, as their description suggests they should be, but wouldn't overpower them against casters etc.

It could use a bit of tweaking but I think has promise...

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