Does GOA know there are warriors ?



I mean every class has gotten some new stuff/style/change ... and what has warrior gotten ? nothing at all... and i mean we are not that uber :D some new nice "style" like zerks "charge" or something else that is not RR dependant...

I mean as it is now the only things that is good with warrior against zerk is shield and chain, and yes shield is real nice and they will do changes so we block/parry more but that is for ALL classes i would like some "warrior only" thing...

Can't talk for fighter classes of other realms but heroes get "moose" and armsmen get plate... (maybe more, i don't know :p )

But what i mean is Sword/axe/hammer and a shield alone is not fun anymore i want some changes :D

This is not a whine in the old sence... it is more like a "I-Want-some-Fun" Whine ...

ooh.. just remembered we have a spell :) the Epic-Hauberk Afbuff ..

wolvon fury

Well, the 1.53 parry/block rate may be very nice for warriors,
Due to haveing to ablity to have high weapon/shield/parry skills,

Seen this log on the VN Boards, of a Skald v s/s Armsman

[12:10:15] Slur beckons you.
[12:10:18] You bow to Slur.
[12:10:20] Slur bows to you.
[12:10:23] You auto-stick Highlander.
[12:10:25] You cast a Warbellow Spell!
[12:10:25] You hit for 145 (-9) damage!
[12:10:25] You cast a Battle Howl Spell!
[12:10:25] You hit for 186 (-12) damage!
[12:10:27] You enter combat mode and target [Slur]
[12:10:27] You prepare to perform a Plague!
[12:10:27] Slur blocks your attack!
[12:10:29] You cast a Paralyzing Shout Spell!
<waiting for DDs to cycle here>
[12:10:49] You cast a Warbellow Spell!
[12:10:49] You hit for 145 (-9) damage!
[12:10:49] Slur attacks you with his shield!
[12:10:49] Slur misses!
[12:10:49] You cast a Battle Howl Spell!
[12:10:49] You hit for 186 (-12) damage!
[12:10:50] You enter combat mode and target [Slur]
[12:10:50] You prepare to perform a Plague!
[12:10:50] Slur blocks your attack!
[12:10:53] Slur attacks you with his shield!
[12:10:53] You are hit for 172 damage.
[12:10:53] You cannot move!
[12:10:53] You prepare to perform a Plague!
[12:10:56] Slur attacks you with his sword!
[12:10:56] You are hit for 205 damage.
[12:11:00] Slur attacks you with his sword!
[12:11:00] You are hit for 186 damage.
[12:11:03] Slur blocks your attack!
[12:11:03] Slur attacks you with his sword!
[12:11:03] You are hit for 272 damage.
[12:11:05] You prepare to perform a Plague!
[12:11:06] Slur attacks you with his sword!
[12:11:06] You are hit for 172 damage.
[12:11:07] Slur blocks your attack!
[12:11:08] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[12:11:08] You stand up.
[12:11:12] You cry at Slur!
[12:11:14] You cry at Jarnis!

As you can see, Warriors, will be a walking friggan fortress,
This is a huge balance if you ask me,

Casters = Tanks = Assasins = Casters
Tanks can now protect the casters with guard ect much better,

s/s Tanks will just laugh at Assassins, as they block and parry the hell out of there speeding attacks,
A Warrior v Armsman both s/s spec, WIll the Battle every end?

Well it all sounds good to me, People who moan, wtf, my Spear can't hit the tank, how i ment to kill it,

My Answer, Support your local caster :D


Firstly i did not whine or moan :) ... warriors is still good classes in bith PvE and PvP it is not that.. i just that i want soem fun stuff to 2play" with :) maybe better possibillity to stun (since slam will be nerfed) maybe a RA for stun/mezz, could change that "draw all aggro" yell to stun for 5 sec yell :)

Originally posted by wolvon fury
s/s Tanks will just laugh at Assassins, as they block and parry the hell out of there speeding attacks,
A Warrior v Armsman both s/s spec, WIll the Battle every end?

Well it all sounds good to me, People who moan, wtf, my Spear can't hit the tank, how i ment to kill it,

My Answer, Support your local caster :D

Tried some Duells (on GORRE) against armsman S/S Spec and it was a long battle indeed and some changes between 1h and 2h :) ie. SLAM switch to 2h and deal some dmg 1-2 hits then back to 1h do block :D


so, slam's 6sec stun is nerfed and you want another one? The other one would be nerfed even worse since it's a shorter duration to start with... jeez...

Haven't we said this enough yet?

Do people not actually read up on their classes before rolling? I mean, even slightly? A single look at a warrior forum would have shown 20 "when do warriors get something interesting?" threads and even just looking at the char description would have made it frightfully obvious that you hit stuff, hit stuff more, hit other stuff and then for a change of scene HIT STUFF....


yeh ppl need to get into their head that goa dont make the game they publish the game

old.Max Payne

Heh, when I was at a duelthingie with my Mercenary, a lvl 50 s/s armsman and a sword/shield warrior did duel... I sat down.. watched for about a minute or so.. I went for something to drink and when I came back they were still fighting :) both with ~40-50% health left..

Took them ages but the Armsman won with 1% health left. :clap:

Shield ppl = damn wall :) they blocked allmost every damn hit so I think warrior isn't that bad at all..


i dont think GOA give a fuck if there was Warriors or not seen as they dont make the patches.


ooh god damn i am so so so so sorry for typing GOA instead of Mythic... won't happen again.... damn i am stupid :p ... even if u all know what i mean.... well in sweden the time was like 5-6 AM and iw as bit tired i know GOA just holds the EU servers and don't MAKE the game... again i am so so sorry

and i did NOT want a shorter stun just one more insta/shout-like RA stun/mezz... or something... the 5sec was an EXAMPLE... but i guess some ppl just can't understand irony and post written with it... if ppl could read the posts instead of just the topics ....

All i wanted to say was that i would like some NEW stuff... not exactly a stun/mezz just some new stuff... i was just jealous of the other classes getting presents :) i know what warriors get and i knew it from the start and i did choose warrior just cuz i knew that he is what he is i a BIG MEAN Tank... played the game since beta so i think i know a fair deal about the game... (oh and before someone flames me for that i just have to say that many people know more then me...).. i still like my warrior as he is, i just wanted some fun RA's to play with... (think that it was in the 2'nd post i said that)..

so i hope everyone understand that this is not a "why can't i solo this and that" thread... just i a "i want some fun useless stuff" thread :D


For supposedly being midgards main melee class, warriors are gimps :(

i beat one in a melee duel fs :(

they better get some loving in the next patch.....or something

prehaps they could get the abilty to turn into a big white yeti! :D
20% chance for 150dd cold proc for 30s.......would be cool......but im not do i care? ;)


yeah we are main tank but read 1.53 patch info:

Added new realm abillity called "charge" to blademasters mercenaries and berserkers only bla bla bla.....

All these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their RA's bla bla...

what is warriors then ???support tanks ?

and eble u could not solo me 1on1 :))


First of all , landshark, the ONLY way slam is "nerfed" is purge, determination or resists do _not_ alter the slam stun duration in any way since there's no damage type assigned to styles (stun/attack speed decrease/etc effects)

Secondly, charge = bullshit, they shouldve given it as a timed ability rather then a rr (or at lease decrease the cost)

I do think warriors need some loving ( defender's rage + followups anyone? "on par" ??) but i have no idea on what would be suitable to give them (hey i only read the zerk tl report :) )

as for

"All these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their RA's bla bla...

what is warriors then ???support tanks ?


this didnt only target the charge thing but all ra changes


First of all give the warrior use of short bow. And as a warrior one should be able to use all weapons even the spear... A shield Kobbie warrior is uber in meele. But against a caster no chance since thoose dam throw weapon has such a short distance.


Warriors get to use one or two handed weapons without speccing a second line...

Armsmen get polearms

Heros get spears and moose form...

That's the differences really... and warriors ain't that unique since all midgard tanks can do it....
it's also not wonderfully exciting even if it were unique.
a random 'spice' ability (like dirty tricks or something :)) would be cool.


Well, why give them warriors the ability to use bows when they have their throwing weapons? ... and now, don't cut my throat yelling that throwing weapons are utter waste of spec points and a sure way to gimp your character, I would only agree! :)

Perhaps Mythic just needs to rewamp how throwing weapons actually works. Make the damage scale better with higher spec. make it possible to throw longer with higher spec. Put styles into throwing weapons even?
... And the most important thing: Make throwing weapon insta-throw at spec level 10 with a re-throw timer ...

One might imagine something like this:

Spec Ability
10 - Insta-throw w/ 20s re-throw timer
20 - 3s throw AoE
30 - Insta-throw w/ 60% snare and 20s re-throw timer
40 - 3s throw AoE w/ 60% snare
50 - Insta-throw w/ 10s stun and 20s re-throw timer

See, that would make warriors throwing weapons ability useful. Very useful indeed. And remember, snare/stun effects might be powerfull, but they would come at the costs of high specs in either weapon/shield/parry.

And... how on earth to do AoE with thrown weapons? Toss the grip of hammers into the air!

... and snare effects? As a famous danish policeman said during a demonstration: "Shoot for the legs!"


Why insta throw? No other ranged weapon is insta. Short bows are hardly amazing damage wise. Throwing weapons probably need a bit of tweaking up but they are fine as they are. Remember, warrior is a melee character not a ranged attacker. Snare / stun / AoE on thrown weapons, no chance, horribly unbalancing. If you want all that roll a caster or healer.

AoE by throwing a handful of hammers?
"You throw your handful of hammers!"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You miss"
"You hit random person for 3 damage!"
Healer01 sends "You moron!"
Healer02 sends "Nice move idiot!"
Healer03 sends "Hope you like running to the telepad, fool!"


Well, the AoE was mostly for the fun of it. :)

And why insta-throw? Quite a few reasons:

1) The pace of RvR makes a long casting time, low damage, high cost weapon a waste of time.
2) Light tanks were given ranged attacks in the form of Flurry (?) due to reason 1 and thousand other reasons.
3) Read the Warriors TL for more reasons.



Warriors get to use one or two handed weapons without speccing a second line...

If Warriors could im sure most would spec in two lines to be able to do more damage, cos thats what it basicly adds upto for armsman and heros.

Armsmen get polearms

And plate.

Heros get spears and moose form...

So basicly warriors have inferior weapons, and either inferior armour or inferior HP compared to the other heavy tanks.

Warriors should have something unique to them, and them alone.

1) The pace of RvR makes a long casting time, low damage, high cost weapon a waste of time.
Light tanks were given ranged attacks in the form of Flurry (?) due to reason 1 and thousand other reasons.

No, BMs and Mercs were given Flurry, and it was to frontload their damage and hide the fact that their styles suck.

And Mercs and BMs both already had a ranged attack, it was Berserkers who for most of the game didn't have a ranged weapon, and we didn't even receive Flurry.

But don't worry, Mythic felt bad about nerfing our damage and frenzy, so they gave us thrown weapons, a long cast time, low damage, high cost weapon, so we could be uber ranged fighters too... like Warriors:rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't resist a small whine;)


Seems to me like warriors just need a realm specific weapon, like Armsmen get a polearm, Heroes get a spear. How about warriors get something midgardish .. like .. umm .. something big and pointy with spikes coming out of it.


The difference between insta DDs that several classes get and ranged weapons is instas are in-combat damage boosts designed to be used while fighting, they're generally not hugely useful for ranged standoffs. Decent ranged attacks are all castable or time to shoot weaponry, I really doubt warriors would get the exception to this. Also don't forget, insta = long timer on reuse, 4sec throw time means you can use them repeatedly


1.53 is the pie for warriors... blocking and parrying is fixed, and the changes they are making for that patch in the RAs are making it even sweeter.

Dont u worry, you will be last man standing :)


Originally posted by Subbiz
1.53 is the pie for warriors... blocking and parrying is fixed, and the changes they are making for that patch in the RAs are making it even sweeter.

Dont u worry, you will be last man standing :)
Yup, everyone else will be running. ;)


Originally posted by Subbiz
1.53 is the pie for warriors... blocking and parrying is fixed, and the changes they are making for that patch in the RAs are making it even sweeter.

Dont u worry, you will be last man standing :)

nope that will b the Armsmen with plate

and the Hero with moose

they get the new B/P to u know =/

what warriors need is some thing for only them

i would realy like a lvlbased HP boost

mabe like this

lvl10 2%
lvl20 4%
lvl30 6%
lvl40 8%
lvl50 10%

or a new cool warrior weapon =)


It does seem a bit odd, both of the pure tanks from other realms get their special "no one else" abilities (moose / pole), and as far as I know (never played a warrior, or even considered it), warriors get nada.



Heros get spears and moose as unique abilities! NERF!! :p


Making Warriors fun and unique

I think the original posted query was asking about injecting some fun into warriors. I agree that generally Warriors do their job very nicely - protecting damage dealers in a group with their shields, and other general tank duties.

However, I also agree that other classes in other realms have been given unique abilities as discussed here... I like the idea of a canny old warrior getting some "dirty tricks" as previously mentioned... my suggestion would be to "force fumble" - ie make your opponent fumble their attack...

But then again, we could just go back to our Block - Hit - Parry - Hit - Block scenario... not likely to encourage people to spec a warrior though is it... What about a flaming shield?? :-P

Warriors = Not as sneaky as a Shadowblade, or as wizzy screen effects as a Runemaster, or as welcomed as a healer/shaman... but a vital part of any group! Let's encourage people to get one!


Mercs already get 'increased fumbles' aka 'Dirty Tricks' :)



Oh, I didn't know that!...

How's about some sort of "Battle-Hardened" skill... any suggestions?...


Since when is slam 6 second stun? its 9 seconds, its still 9 seconds and its not affected by any resists/RA.

The one major roblem I have with 1.53 is mythics cheap tactic of using Realm Abilities to fix classes.

Pure melees got fixed by RA

what about the poor sods who dont RvR a lot? thye dotn get fixed, they suffer.

They need fixes to their fundamental abilities, not something u get rewarded for RvR.


agreed solid - prevent flight should be free, and only work on realm enemies (guards/players)

won't upset PvE.

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