Does anyone play both US and European DAOC txt

  • Thread starter old.RolandRidgeBack
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Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Just FYI...I'll be taking a look at the US version REAL soon. Would like some advice on where play though. Who plays on what server and what realm kinda thing. Would like to hook up with some people playing Albion...since I've got this urge to try a Minstrel.


Lo Brannor ;)

I said these EXACT words a couple of weeks ago...
Now I wont come back.

I was gobsmacked by how much better it is... and I've only seen up to lvl 13 so far with my armswoman.

Come join us on Morgan Le Faye Albion.
Hopefully by the time you get the game I will be rich enough to sort you out with some gold to help along the way.

It was difficult starting from scratch with no money, no guild and no friends...

Thankfully I have found the players there are 100% nice people.

I stopped a level 50 to get a screenshot of his epic armour to show people back here and he just handed me 30 gold... :cool:

Here he is btw (names adrore):
and another guy:

Joined a nice guild made some cool european friends and am totally loving it...

Hope to see a few of you there soon :)

Brannor McThife

Order confirmation I wait... I'll be there soon enough. Just arbing with my Skald here in the mean time. ;)

The money would be great. just enough to get me some L5-8 armour...then I can start hitting Tomb of Mithra in a party (L8/9) and I'll be set.

Looking forward to it already. :)



Seems to me that a lot of the people I know and love from closed beta have gone for the swim across the pond. Hmmmm. These forums depress me :(

Brannor McThife

Vell, as I've said. Mine is not a move. I'm merely going there to play the last 3rd of the game I don't know. I've still got lots of friends here, and I'll give totally objectional feedback. ;)

I probably wouldn't be going if we had a 3rd English server. ... ...



Is it just me or does the guy in that first epic armour link look a bit like Ali-G ? :)


Aye me too Vell

Problem for me is this game dont hold enuff Longevity to warrant me startinfg new at this late stage.
If, or more likely when I quit DAoC EU I will quit DAOC altogether, and move to a new game.

It can be seen on US that a lot of players are bored silly of the game there and the high level content is just not there.

Maybe one day, but by then SWG will be out as will Shadowbane.

Its saddens me as I was ranting and raving about this game when it was still in US beta, I had even decided on being a Thane then based on what little I knew of the game.

Ahh the age of innicence, i rememebr it well :eek:


SB looks like butt, SWG looks great but wonder if it will live up to the hype :p
Anyway, Mattus, that second epic armor looked so damn cool... the saracen with wizard armor looked plain stupid though :)
You know... those mage epic armors would look excellent with hoods...

Nemesis Warlock


Brannor :

Im german so i can play Avalon, Lyoness, Stonehenge, Lorgres, Excal and prywd

Enuff space for all my heroes ;))

dont u learn german as well as we do english ?
Ur teacher will never understand why u smacked his face while sayin " u ruined my life , cuz of u i cant play daoc proper on europe ;)"

Just joking ;)

SB and SWG... well

Just think about the daoc hype and how u talk now ... copy into SB and SWG and u know the future.....we imagine great diversity and in the end SWG will end up as every other game ...
x classes
x races

and in the end everybody plays a ranger (or jedi ?) ;)) lol



Well my copy will be here friday-saturday, i can tell..

i will be joining MLF, makeing my cleric again (Rejuv main)
as i heard Smite clerics are popping out the roof, (and i like to be diffrant) just got a question:-

Do i get a free months, and Do i need to enter my visa to get my free month. (Dident have to on Europe DAoC)

God damn it, survived nearly 2 weeks with out DAoC, am started to shake, soon enuth i have a beard, for the love of god, give me
my DAoC!!!



im thinking of moving to the us...

and i do wanna try albion, but i cant decide which char :eek:

ill go reread the whole of classes of camelot alb section

if i do go us itll be MLF/Alb then ;)


You don't need your VISA until you need to start paying the fees. And yes, there is a free month as well.

Solid, the game is only half a year old, that is pretty young for an MMORPG. As for future games like this, I'm not too impressed with Shadowbane and some screenshots from E3 from WoW even were a bit disappointing. SWG looks promising but I'm not sure I'm going to give up a medieval themed MMORPG for something SF yet.

Still having tons of fun with my warden in v1.50, he's almost lvl 46 now. I'm aiming to hit 50 in 1.5 weeks now, unless I do some major RvR in between again (like last weekend). It's even unbelievable how popular this class is for fins PBAE groups. Today I logged on and I didn't even got the chance to say hi to my guild before I got a PM from a stranger to join fins1 (the best of the 4 fin spots in CF). During the couple of hours I was there I got some PMs from fin2 asking me to join. And when I leave my group to go to bed I get 2 other PMs to join a newly started group there at fin2. Incredable how much wardens are wanted in PvE groups, never seen any class on Midgard that much wanted.

Also during the weekend when I had my mind completely set on RvR I got so many PMs to join CF groups it even started getting irritating in a while. :) All PMs from strangers, sometimes some people I vagely know from exping together. :)

For the doubters about playing times here this one. This evening at 20h CET Hibernia did a huge Darkness Falls crawl. There were 30 Albs on our DF entrance that kinda started this. They were wiped and later on lots of Hibbies went deep down to the uber mobs that drop rare items. Think it ended somewhere near 22h CET. I wasn't there as I wanted to focus on exping again in CF after an intense RvR weekend.


Breydel the whole DF thing sounds way too fun, damn you... :(

Nemesis Warlock

AH NOW i know why i didnt go to US again!!

In US every dumbass has a creditcard, but im not US and in Germany Credit Cards are more rare (i dont spend 100 cash for a card thats slightly less than i spend for my online gaming and i dont wanna double my costs)

And "Lastschriftverfahren" is only for germans.....
So without CCard i dont need to read this thread anymore ;))


Hehe... just get a good friend to pay the fees after you transfer money :p

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