Does anyone play both US and European DAOC txt

  • Thread starter old.RolandRidgeBack
  • Start date


i have both copies but when i install the US version after the Euro version they collide, ive installed the US version to c:\mythic\camelotUS but it still seems to be colliding, can anyone help pls.



You have both versions? Give me one good reason why you want to install DAoC Europe.


Originally posted by Breydel
You have both versions? Give me one good reason why you want to install DAoC Europe.

Breydel... stop pimping for the US servers will ya. :sex:

Patch is due any time soon (I hope) and there are now events happening on both servers, so things are looking up.

How many events have you been in since you left to play US servers? :p



I had friends and chars on Europe too. Now 2 months later I have new friends and new chars. And yes those friends are European too. :) But it's nice to hear what's happening on Prydwen once in a while.


I wish I was a oil sjeik or something with lots of money. I'd buy 5000 copies of DAoC US and post the CD keys here just to annoy GOA, LOL. :p

BTW the patch you are getting is only 1.48. No Thidranki, no Darkness Falls, no realm ability points, no epic armors, no 1.51 next tuesday, no.... In fact 1.45 -> 1.48 isn't that big of a deal. I don't remember the patch infos but I think it's mostly a bunch of bug fixes and further itemizing of some dungeons. THE dungeon isn't even in there yet.

Events then. If you find GOA adding some mobs that you need to kill in large groups fun then I'm not sharing your point of view on it. Events can be a nice addition to the game but honestly I don't care about them. Same goes for quests, I don't care about them either, in fact I don't enjoy doing them anymore, even quests I never did before. When I first started DAoC I wanted to live myself into the storyline of the game but since that story is so poor I don't even bother anymore. My warden is now level 45, I only did the trainer quests up to 30 so far (got that 40 epic weapon from a warden from my guild FYI). And for the non-trainer quests I stopped doing them somewhere between 11-20 I think.

DAoC really isn't a game that draws you into the story of the game. I really like the overall background story of the 3 realms in conflict but that's about it. Questing is boring. What I enjoy about DAoC a lot more is trying out different characters on different realms, group with friends, interact with my guild buddies and go RvR.

Events for me in DAoC US are the following: taking some keeps to do a DF crawl with our alliance, player organized fight clubs (one on one combat) where you can test your character against others, getting an entire realm together to assault/defend relic keeps, get into PBAE groups for kickass experience, help guildies do their level 50 epic armor quest when they dinged 50, schedule guild evenings to go to Emain to RvR and get realm ability points, go onto another failed attempt to slay the dragon and loose some XP :p, stuff like that ... About everything scheduled ahead that includes grouping with others and is fun to do is for me an event.

BTW on Albion Nimue players themselves do events. When I played there about a month ago one of the leading RP guilds was always organizing fun things to do for low level players.

If you like the events GOA runs, fine, I can understand that though. But for me personally it's just a marginally small portion of what DAoC as a whole is.

So far my rant. I should post here less often. :p


Well its good to see that you are happy over there anyway :)

But the events that I had in mind is a on going affair which has draw my guild <Griffon Knight> and <Order of the Knights Templar> into a story line which so far has been realy good.

Click on my sig. and check out the fourm to see what I mean. :)

As for the battle grounds I was under the impression that we get them this patch??


Yup, we'll get the battlegrounds in 1.48, including Thidrank.
Wizzies will get a bolt in the fire spell line, poison damage for assassins will go up, new materials for crafters, a guild can claim keeps, nightshades/shadowblades/friars/infiltrators will get more spec points, some classes will recieve resistance buffs/debuffs.

Patch 1.46 changes

Patch 1.47 changes

patch 1.48 changes

Looks to me like 1.45 -> 1.48 is a big deal.
yay for patches


I just been playing US version for the last couple of days and have to say i WONT be going back to Euro...

The game is just superior in every aspect.

I have tried to explain why to myself and attempted to put it into words but the only way I can describe it is... it just feels more polished...

The sound FX are better... (strange but true)
The graphics are better...
The lag is non existant... (even though its in US)

And many more things...

Anyone who can afford it and doesnt mind starting again... I STRONGLY recommend changing.


The graphics will be the same bar the odd skin change...

Version 1.49 (or is it 1.50?) introduced ambient sound effects - they'll be along in a bit here too I'm sure.

Lag non existant - hah! funny. Lag is everywhere, all bow down to the omnipresent lag.

I'd consider going for the RP servers...... but I might just try and find some other roleplayers and try and get my guild to roleplay (myself included... I'm crap at forcing myself to RP)

But the events we're getting over here are making me think 'hrm mibbe there's more to being on the european servers after all...'

That and I can go and start a kobold on Avalon or something and pretend I'm doing something constructive (refreshing my german) rather than just playing games ;)



Breydel, the Euro -> US door is one-way :)
But I haven't found the key for it yet.


Well you were correct about the BGs, they are all 3 in 1.48 anyway. 1.47 has the first and 1.48 the other two. I thought 1.48 had the first and 1.49 the other two. Me bad.

1.50c indeed has better graphics. The spell effects have changed a lot and look way cooler. Also the epic armors are a nice decoration too. :) And sound FX indeed has changed a lot. I believe 1.51 (now on Pendragon, prolly live next Tuesday) also has some more sound tweaks.

But still the big changes (darkness falls, epic armors and realm abilities) are in patches 1.49 and 1.50.

We haven't had that much new content since 1.50 because Mythic was busy with E3 and doing the PvP servers. I hope when Mordred is live they can focus on adding more content again.

The game is just superior in every aspect.
Yup. And you just started so you haven't seen life past level 20 yet. When you can go to the BG, DF and start getting realm ability points the fun really starts coming. Did RvR all weekend with my warden and I now have just below 30K RPs which is enough for R2L5. I already had serenity L2 (passive mana regen to keep my bubble up) and now also bought Mythic Crystal Lore (30% mana boost I think on a 5 minutes timer). Well MCL completely rocks your socks off. :) Next thing I want is thornweed field, the warden unique realm ability.

Now at R2L5 I have:

augmented acuity L2 (4 points and prereq for serenity)
serenity L2 (4 points)
long wind L1 (1 point)

mystic crystal lore L1 (3 points)

3 spare points. I need 14 for thornweed field which means i'll get it at R3L6, that should be quite some time from now. :)

Long wind reduces endurance cost for sprinting which at level 1 is really nice for a warden. We have an endurance regen chant that costs a little bit of mana. Well, with serenity 2 (faster mana regen) and long wind (reduced end cost for sprinting) we wardens can sprint endlessly. I tried it out sprinting all the way from Howth to Connla and it worked. :) That ability rocks when grouped with a bard that has run song up. Extremely usefull for chasing down enemy players, including skalds that kicked into their speed song. :)


Sounds so good... darn... need to convince a certain individual to tag along if I move over.


Yep 1.49 and 1.50 will be nice when we get em... not disputing that :)

I want lots and lots of long wind :) cant be bothered with this running ... I wanna sprint!


can't help on the original question, but as for moving over just because we haven't got the latest patch, well no thanks.

as for it's superior in everyway - wtf or you on about of course it is because it has the latest patch ?!? why would I want to swap servers to start relic raids at 1am in the morning, no thanks - leave all your existing friends behind, no thanks - build a new character from scratch - no thanks.

I think I'll stay, it's already IMHO one of the best games graphically on the market, beside the patch will give me something to look forward and plan where to allocate all my extra spec points :)

I just don't want to go back to having the majority of fun ie. with RvR in the early hours of the moring it's nice finishing around 11.30pm and having a half an hour debrief with my friends/guild and then being able to get up in the morning for work - no patch can make up my health !

I like the euro servers, apart from the bad smite clerics :p

Nemesis Warlock

...well after all its 2 things...

1: Its only a patch thing ... US version has NOTHING mroe than european... except sooner patches... its only a time thing ... no difference.. and they get the crap patches too ... a class gets uber ... collects lots of RP till its corrected... bad for the balance... wont happen with delayed patches in europe

So after all Europe Version will be a (delayed) but EXACTLY SAME version than US (see it positive we know the future ;) )

2: Anyone of u ever thought about timezones? Have fun logging in at 1700 BST , whoch equals 0900 US time and find no one to play.. and dont tell me its useful for raids... it would be if it would be +9 hours ( 17 +9 = 0200 to 20 +9 = 0500 = great time )
but its -9 (17 -9 = 0900 to 20 +9 = 1200 , = sucks)

Have fun



Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are lots of Europeans on Morgan Le Fay and Guinevere (for example). If I log in around 6 p.m. CET on Guinevere, there are more people than on Prydwen and Excalibur at the same time. There are constant keep- and relic-raids on those two servers. In fact, the good thing about time-differences is that there is 24/7 defense in place. When the Europeans go to sleep, the U.S. takes over and vice versa.

Have you ever wondered why there are so few English-speaking players on the European servers? It's because they didn't mind playing on the U.S. servers when the game was first released last year. Once GOA started up the European version, most of them opted to stay over there rather than come here.

Also, it's NOT JUST A PATCH-THING!!!!!!

There are the RP-servers, giving you a chance to play with more mature players than over here, where the few servers force roleplayers and Diablo-esque players to play together.

There is the all wonderful /appeal command, giving you in-game support. Might I add that the in-game support is down to an average of 6 minutes response-time?

There is the multitude of servers, giving you the opportunity to try out any of the realms without deleting all characters.


I'm not one to campaign for the U.S. servers over here, but if you criticise the U.S. servers, at least have your facts straight. The bottom line is that if you think people stay on the U.S. servers only for the patches, then you're very misinformed.


There are, however, no Mythic led events from what I've seen. (correct me if I'm wrong)

I'm quite optimistic about the events over here... they sound quite cool already and this is with GOA not being able to change anything... (as we all know if things reset at the end of the episode it's a bit yawn... but imagine if Humberton Keep were suddenly razed to the ground - probably a bit more drastic than will happen I know.... ok say Steward Willie vanishes :)

King Constantine goes on his 10th year Jubilee visit around the villages or something...

Yeah /appeal is nice... but almost all of the problems I have I can get just by doing /advice and asking whoever's on ... I've fallen through camelot a few times and have yet to need anything from customer support.

My only sends to RightNow were about the dates on the webpage being in american date format and the patch server going boom one time...

So do I feel the lack of /appeal? no. not at all.


admittedly I liked the rp server bit, and you have a point about the constant defence, but there is still the time bands and I could see the difference when the americans logged online and that's when I preferred to play and thats when the action really started - sorry I have my facts in order as I've been there and I'm staying put.

Also what about the in game events? bare in mind it's an american server don't you think they'll happen in american prime time?

here is an excert from GOA's FAQ's before you critize bare in mind that we already had an event just last week that the Griffon Knights reported on, this happened half way through my playtime which was perfectly timed for my enjoyment.

We can introduce new non-players characters (NPCs) for quests or background.
We can create new quests. We will add time limited quests, low level, medium level or high level quests. We will make you travel deep in the insecure frontier zones, in the depth of a dangerous dungeon, make quests related to your factions and of course, quests in which failure is possible. I will explain this in more details in a post to come.

We can introduce new objects, weapons, armours, monsters, factions and the like. While we cannot change the skins and look of the monsters or objects, we can totally alter the statistics of them, as long as we respect the 2nd point of course.

We can add or modify anything in the Dark Age of Camelot’s monster generator. We can alter anything already in the game and we have a very wide freedom about the NPCs actions, reactions and dialogs.

And when these take place I'll be a happy Friar.



The support has actually been a part of my 4 month career as a DAoC player. Just about every time I play DAoC, I do so with a friend of mine.

From the beginning of DAoC Europe commercial release, he and I played in Midgard, Prydwen.. we explored Midgard and gained levels at a rather slow, but still entertaining pace. It took quite some time for us to get to level 16 and at we got there at some point in April. We had grown quite attached to our characters and were enjoying it.

However, one day he jumped on a horse in Vasudheim and next thing he knew, he was in heaven.

Yes, that is correct, he was in heaven.. nothing but clouds all around. He did /stuck, he logged in and out.. everything he tried was a failure.

So what's a guy to do? Well naturally he reported the issue to RightNow (this was a wednesday).. He got the automated reply that things would be looked at within 48 hours.. at this point he was very frustrated. The two days passed but no fix from GOA.. the weekend went by, as did the following week.

During this time, he and I started new characters on Excalibur/Albion.

Then on the Friday, 7 workdays after he reported the problem, he got a reply from RightNow saying it was solved.

We stayed in Albion.

We both joined US at the same time (3 weeks ago now).. Last week, his character was in trouble again. Playing a Midgard Thane, all of a sudden his weapon-specialties menu didn't work. He couldn't see any of his techniques. He sent an /appeal and 20 minutes later it was fixed.

Do you see the difference?

That's why I have more trust in the U.S. Customer Support than the European one. Not because everyone is complaining, but because I've experienced it first hand. I much prefer having the /appeal than using RightNow.

Edit: (Addendum with regards to Bowen's reply)

I'm not criticizing EU-servers in any other way than saying that the support is better in the U.S. If you read my post all I'm saying is that there is more to going U.S. than just the patches.

The critics to U.S. were the ones giving the erronous "facts" when saying things like "keep raids are at 1 a.m. in the morning" and "the only reason to join U.S. is the patches". I merely stated that this was not the case and I then gave some examples why.


On the US servers it doesn't matter what time of the day/night you log on... will always find as many people on as you would on prydwen/excalibur at peak times.


I know it's been asked before, but where is the best place to order the american version (for UK)

Brannor McThife

Just FYI...I'll be taking a look at the US version REAL soon. Would like some advice on where play though. Who plays on what server and what realm kinda thing. Would like to hook up with some people playing Albion...since I've got this urge to try a Minstrel.


Nemesis Warlock

Ehm i checked both sites 6 times now from 0730 to now (1800)

and US

and everytime (everytime) european servers had moer ppl logged on (500 to 300 , 700 to 500, 1100 to 900) than US servers so the argument

"no matter what time u log on in US there will be always more peeps logged on than in europe" is wrong


P.S. it wont help european servers if u all thrive our mates away to US, the opposite will be and then we forced our doom

Brannor McThife

There are lots of permutations here.

Lots of English people leave and go to US DAoC. English servers become ghostly. GOA gives up on English hosting and moves Kemor and Zargar into French and German teams. Everyone else moves to US Version. Mythic take back rights to hosting English in Europe and creates satellite branch in UK for hosting EU English servers.

That's just one scenario.

I'm not leaving. I'm going to see what it's like there. Simple. I want something new, and since I don't want to delete my characters here, and Gorre isn't really worth the time, and since having 2 EU accounts is seen as spying by 99% of the EU community, I have to go to (hehe, HAVE to.. :p ) the US version to play my Minstrel.

/em shrugs.

I'm not going because I'm fed up with GOA or whatever. I'm going to explore. If things reall are way better, then fine, I'll stay. But in the end, how long will I stay with DAoC? Who knows - amazing what a 2 week holiday can do to the brain. ;)



Hi Brannor :)

Now common, don't be shy, just admit you're tired of the pisspoor service GOA provides for us Europeans here. :)

But on a more serious matter, please go join Albion on MLF, they can use some encouragement. Last weekend I (45 celt warden) was in a kickass fight on the AMG in emain. We had the AMG and the Albs were on the other side of it. After a while the Albs outnumbered us 2:1 but didn't dare to attack for 20 minutes. Meanwhile our rangers were happily sniping off those that came too close to the AMG. Having 3 rangers in my group and being on the wall itself (providing bubble for the 3 archers and healing them) I good a steady stream of RPs coming in. And the most funny thing was, when they finally dared to attack us they even lost the battle, LOL. I got over 10K RP there in 1-2 hours I think. :)

You could also come to Hibs MLF Brannor, that server is for me even more fun that Prydwen was. I tried Albion on Nimue when I just bought DAoC US but there Albion was on the losing side, giving an overall depressed feeling by the players there. MLF is a lot better balanced (close to perfect) but the last 2 weeks Hibs have been owning in RvR. First hold of a MASSIVE Alb attack at our relic keep and then battles in Emain like the one described above. But then yesterday again we were taking Midgard keeps just to lure the Middies out and at a very late stage decided to turn it into a relic assault. Was very badly planned by our sight so I think the Midgard relic keep door didn't even got a scratch. :)

Then about doing RvR from 1 AM on. That is so very wrong. Every battle I have been in has been in the evenings. To tell you the truth, I have the feeling there is even more RvR going on on MLF at 21-23PM than there is at 01-03AM. I guess that's because 01-03AM is late for the Euros and still early for the Americans.


Nemesis, how about you compare the numbers at the times Breydel gave?
Originally posted by Breydel
Then about doing RvR from 1 AM on. That is so very wrong. Every battle I have been in has been in the evenings. To tell you the truth, I have the feeling there is even more RvR going on on MLF at 21-23PM than there is at 01-03AM. I guess that's because 01-03AM is late for the Euros and still early for the Americans.


Just came back from defending a possible assault on our relics by Midgard. Dunno exactly when it started (prolly near 21h) but our frontier was secured at 23.30h. Even climbed a realm level. :) (R2L6 now - dammit i want Thornweed Field badly :p)


Nice, what timezone might you be talking about? GMT? CET?


I'm from Belgium, so CET :)

I doubt the 1 hour offset to GMT will be much of a difference though. :)

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