Do you want unmetered ISDN 128k?



Originally posted by SoWat

...and mine!

The upgrades BTO have performed on some of their gateways have made online-gaming a pleasant experience again. Mind you, not all HGs have been upgraded, and there are a few moans still. You live in Crawley, as I do, are you on HG16?

No I'm not on HG16, I'm on ISDN ,as I said ;)

You live in Crawley?? What area ?? Go on tell me I dare you !
OK I'll go first, I live in.... Langley Green :)


Oi ! j00've nicked my IP !

(btw - anyone know if HG2 has been upgraded ? It feels a bit better but I don't play enough to really tell these days :))


Originally posted by throdgrain

No I'm not on HG16, I'm on ISDN ,as I said ;)

You live in Crawley?? What area ?? Go on tell me I dare you !
OK I'll go first, I live in.... Langley Green :)

D'oh, that'll teach me to read ALL of the messages in a thread!

Oh yeah, I live in Ifield, just up from the golf club.


Thats about a mile and a half from my house.Its a small world..:)


BT may one day (either the next 6 months or next 6 years) DSL enable my local exchange. Cable is not an option for me coz they will never arrive where I am.

56k is really fucking me off at the mo' so its ISDN until they get DSL here. And I aint fucking getting BTO because its worse than shit.

Need a job though.


Staz so long as you get a good terminal adaptor ISDN is great for gaming.My ping is often 45-65 on cs .If you use the cakky usb thing that BT give you it'l be like 100-110.
So,you get a good ping,it's really cheap,and if one isp is playing up you can disconnect and connect to another.Unlike cable modems,where some of my mates have had bad problems lately on the savage servers, pinging at 300.One actually reconnected his modem to play in the match.
If you like big downloads however,it's not so good, but there ya go :)



Iv'e not noticed any difference in gamming on my cable modem, it all plays the same as my old isdn line.

give or take a 20 ping either way, more depends on the server, or the game your playing.

Quake 2 ping now is 20-30 was 40-50

Hl pinging now 30-60 was 40-60

When pings are that low, who the feck cares, it all plays in real time:p

Edit. The only thing that doesn't is the stupid lame excuse for netcode *cough* prediction netcode, that Half life has been blessed with.


Still using my 56K :p

Its really OK, I can't get ADSL but could get ISDN... But bandwidth is'nt a huge issue for me. If it takes a hour to download somethin. I'll just go to the pub or play a game while I wait. Lag is an issue, but I ping 120-130 :) So even thats ok ish....

So I can't be assed to spend loads of money on ISDN. I'll just stick with £15.00 a month for unlimited access :)
until ADSL comes...............


Verdict, Unless you REALLY want to download things that little bit faster, and REALLY REALLY want to lower your ping then ISDN is a waste of time.

NOTE to all ADSL users: ISDN does give better pings than ADSL! as it is a totally DIGITAL system ;)


do you call 15 quid extra a lot of money? for the choice between 60 ping and 200 ? you must be mad m8 :)


Originally posted by throdgrain
do you call 15 quid extra a lot of money? for the choice between 60 ping and 200 ? you must be mad m8 :)

Doh, INCLUDE the ISDN rental, and installation, its more like £50 a month!!! :p

and The difference is only 60-70 ping! 200 ping would SUCK! ;)


honest m8 its not.yeah theres installation but thats like fifty quid or something.once thats paid my avarage phone bill is less than £30 /month including phone calls.I know that will vary according to how many calls you make,but it comes out at about £15 /month for the ISDN.Its very cheap now.
If youe getting a regular 130 ping on a modem u got a very good modem.on what game is that? tell me a server m8 id be impressed to see it :)


Home Highway plus BT Talk Together is £29/month, that's £10-12/month more than the regular BT subscription which you pay for any line (modem, ISDN or ADSL).

ISDN also requires an unmetered subscription, the cheapest 24/7 unmetered service I've seen is Free24-7 who give a "no frills" for £8/month.

So basically, ISDN unmetered 24/7 can be got for £20+/month over the basic rental, but its not really "unmetered" because as with most "unmetered" ISPs there is a cut-off and an abuse limit (Free24-7 is 8 hours/day).

ADSL is around £40-50/month, depending on if you take "wires only" or not and if you have to spend on hardware. With ADSL you get about the same or better ping, around 4-5 times download speed, no cut-off or timeout and true 24/7 connection with unlimited usage.

ADSL includes ISP subscription, so there are no further charges.

The only issue is contention, ADSL can contend at 50:1 whereas ISDN is always 1:1, so it is possible in a (rare) high usage scenario to have an ADSL connection as slow as a modem, however, this will only affect download bandwidth not speed, so you ping will always be high.

Choosing a better ADSL ISP wont get you a better contention, unless you pay more, but may reduce the possibility of the 50:1 ratio ever being achieved.

(sorry, I've just gone through all this with my ISDN to ADSL conversion).

* all figures include VAT.


sigh ... look i wont make a big issue of this so think what you want.
however i have in my hand my last 3 bills for my phone lines,none of which cost more than 30 quid a month.add to that 15 for bt anytime agreed but your still looking at 15-20 a month on top for a ping of 60 rather than modem pings.
Looks like a good deal to me.btw camatoz i dont know if you recently went to adsl ,but the bills came down by about a tenner about 3 months ago.


Thought I might as well inform you that it looks as if the price of Broadband is about to go down dramatically. According to sources, BT will release some information on Thursday. However, the ISP Pipex has already reduced the price of their broadband today.

"Pipex have today done what shouldn't really be possible and dropped the price of their recently announce Wires-Only (Self-Install) R/ADSL broadband variation to under £30 per month."

Looks as though they are suspecting BT to reduce the wholesale price of ADSL. Lets hope other ISPs follow the same route.


Just to add to what the man said, The Register has info on the current Pipex deal and BT's very vague, quite possible, maybe deal.

AND... just to add another little titbit...

I am actually saving money by having ADSL over my modem. How? Why, I'll tell you...

I used to use my mobile all the time because I didn't want to disconnect to make phone calls. Peeps with wives/girlfriends who don't live in the same house will appreciate how much the phone is used. Now I have ADSL I can use my home phone without disconnecting, thus enjoying much cheaper calls than the mobile as well as BT's Friends & Family stuff.

Just something else to consider.


one of the main reasons for getting my cable modem was for the above reason, stops people moaning that the phone is always engaged!


The wires-only ADSL deals are good, the hardware puchases set you back initially but you should see a return after around a year.

The mistake people make is pricing ISDN Home Highway at £25/month, but this deal includes VAT and the BT rental of around £14/month, which you need to add on to the £30/month for ADSL.

However, ADSL includes the ISP charge, which for a 24/7 unmetered service with no restrictions, would be very difficult to emulate using ISDN for under £100/month !

The decider for me was that I have a Nildram account that costs around £11/month that I would always pay extra for, as a backup and a "reliable" e-mail, so going with Nildram for ADSL effectively saves me this charge also.

The current charge for Nildram USB 500 ADSL is £45/month incl. VAT, and their install charges have been kept at £75 until March.


Originally posted by Hashmonster
one of the main reasons for getting my cable modem was for the above reason, stops people moaning that the phone is always engaged!

I used to always suffer from that problem, or my mum would decide in the middle of a T2 match it was a good time to phone some1 and pick the phone up, promptly disconnecting me :(


So let me get this straight:

I've seen BT advertise ISDN for £25 p/m. Is this the charge or do you add this to the £10 p/m I pay for my existing land line?
Also, if I sign up to an ISP that offers flat rate access (Nildram for example) do they charge me for ISDN calls or is it counted like a normal 56k connection?

I'm giving serious thought to ISDN as DSL will probably never happen where I live.


Pats his cable modem. 500kb/sec download... 1.5Mbit upload tehehe. I love downloading at 500kb/sec... heh get most games in 5 mins.


i know Summo, i know a guy in canada who has a 2mbit/400kbit cable connex for 40CAD (£17.61ish) a month. sickens me...


Originally posted by Cod
Do people still have ISDN ? I thought most of Britain was on broadband by now..

Where you bin livin?

Onlt about 30-45% of BT exchanges are on ADSL, and cable has only been rolled out to large populated areas (Cities and shit)

I don't think more than 50-60% of the country has HSI (may be slightly higher).

And ISDN is too damn expensive


Originally posted by stazbumpa
So let me get this straight:

I've seen BT advertise ISDN for £25 p/m. Is this the charge or do you add this to the £10 p/m I pay for my existing land line?
Also, if I sign up to an ISP that offers flat rate access (Nildram for example) do they charge me for ISDN calls or is it counted like a normal 56k connection?

I'm giving serious thought to ISDN as DSL will probably never happen where I live.
No m8 theres no extra charge.To reiterate;
my phone bills (including everything,rental,call charges EVERYTHING) are less than £30.
Only extra is the cost of the isp,which you had already :)

/edit oh ,and no there is no extra charge from your isp.


FAO stazbumpa:

ISDN and 56k modem calls are charged exactly the same and use the same dial-up numbers. I have yet to see an ISP that does not allow ISDN calls, and in fact some ISPs like Nildram have ISDN-only numbers.

0844 numbers are Surftime, they occur no charge by BT unless used outside the designated hours.

0808 number are FRIACO, they occur no charge by BT.

Your base BT Together charge is £13.50/month. You pay this regardless and the only way to avoid it is to use an alternative telco.

So ADSL charges are actually increased by this figure.

BT Together with Home Highway replaces this charge by a figure of £27/month, so it is actually only £13.50/month more that if you did not have ISDN.

ISP charges are on top of this, you can expect to pay anything from £8-15/month for an FRIACO ISP that will give you an unmetered service. Surftime deals are cheaper but increase the BT Together charge by around £4/month for off-peak usage, so it all works out the same.

ADSL has no ISP charges.

All the above figures include VAT and assume you are paying by direct debit.

The only thing I have left out are installation charges, which for Home Highway can be as high as £275, you'll have to figure these in accordingly depending on how long you intend to have the service.


Just been doin some diggin, ISDN seems a lot cheaper since I last checked.

£99 to convert my BT-Line to ISDN, then supposidly £78 per quarter (£26) per month. that's just a basic package, with no BT offers (surftime etc).

So it looks almost possible to pay for that (hehe)

my apologies and thanks to Throdgrain for giving usefull info to all us lazy bastards who can't be arsed to check anything till we get into an argument.

ho hum

*mumbles whilst standing in the corner with a large dunces cap*

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