Do you remember?

  • Thread starter bracken_woodman
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early days

..and seeing the round table for the first time - I wandered around all day telling people "I've seen the round table...."

Strange that the earliest thing I can remember impressing me was a piece of furniture...


I remember my very first character.. my gimped hunter :)

ahh those were the days.. getting groups of lvl 3s to kill the big and badass lvl 5 monsters.. actually ENJOYING leveling 1-5. Then putting all my spec points in things I thought sounded cool.. I ended up having a lvl 24 spec of:

8 stealth

11 swords

16 spears

16 bow

21 beastcraft

oh I miss my old gimp :)


Yes I remember :)

I can remember running all the way to snowdonia fortress as a lvl 6, only to get in because I didn't know how to open the door. Had a firm belief it was because of my low level :). This of course lasted far into my teens ,...hehehehe. So i ran back to the pig farm outside humberton :).

A horse was of course waayyyy too expensive,.. so I saved all the money for a sword later on ....lmao. Not to mention all the "IDIOTS" wasting all those silver coins on meere colour for their armor.... when they could buy armor instead !!! hehehe

I was lvl 10 ish and the GM was "GOD" :) ( he was level 15 !!!)


First time i saw the game was at a friends house and i was amazed! Never knew such a game was possible. I went home bored sick, no good pc and no inet. Two months later i had it both and was ready to explore the wondrous world of camelot.

In every game i play a wizard type so i knew what i wanted to play. After some reading on forums i finally found out which char to take. A young, n00bie wizard called Temoedjin was born. Six hours later i was lvl6 and very tired, but happy, just launched my first fireball at a bandit leader... Death but i was lost so i didn;t get annoyed by it. I remember my first few lvls i was allways lost and now 6 months later i still get lost in camelot hills....

A few days later i got invited in Defectu Virium Elite, and it was the guild i looked for. Friendly ppl, allways helpfull(DO NOT EVER USE AOE IN PvE or RvR TEMOEDJIN, endquote from Khalen, lol)

And my first experience in RvR i only died, never got a nuke off, and when i did, i just started to cheer and hit that DD button like a madman, DIE DIE DIE...

Now i still love the game, still not 50 btw, but when i look back at those first two weeks, it will be hard to beat for any game...


bracken beautiful
if someone could put that into everybodys head and flash it everyhour we would all be nice ppl
never have i seen a comment as excellent as that
:) :) :) :)


I remember the first few days and weeks well:

Joining my first guild (Dark Prophecy) and persuading them this was a cool name to have. We created that guild on day one of this game and it's still going i'm proud to say :)

Going into Tepoks at lvl 15 or so with a guild group when we were saving up for our 1st emblem and killing mobs in the first room. watching a group 3 RBs rush past us into the "lower" areas of Tepoks only to see them running out 2 minutes later. People used to say "wow you are purple what level are you?" in the 1st week of release! RBs crushed my ego that day by being purple to me! :)

Goin RvR for the 1st time. I remember seeing a big troll called Sun (anyone else remember the name?) who was always purple and scared me witless. All the Mids were red/purple and I was beginning think Alb was a very bad choice indeed.

Albs zerging towards Crim chasing Hibs only to retreat as a Champion Commander chased 40 plus of us away. Being impressed a week later as a couple of RB tanks took 4 hits from the purple beast before dying.

Going to a guild trip in Snowdonia and being killed by some Elf called "Elissias" or something (as i reported in in /gu) and wondering what the hell he was doing harassing me, and what the hell, I knew no-one was 50! shouldn't he being killing monsters like i was! :)

Good times indeed :)


used to be funny that alb zerg of lvl 20s run to crim soneone pulls the cc alb zerg runs away from crim as fast as possible to amg . Rinse and repeat oo the fun

i also remember moments like when Shade (cant member his name exactly) a level 50 hunter stealthed passed the teleport keep and was wondering about in alb taking potshots at people. i was stood outside barrows and he unstealthed infront of me /danced and stealthed again i was liek arg im going to die , but he didnt kill me :)

was othe rmoments like you said first time in emain i stroll down the hill from apk like hmmm i see figures at the bottom and just keep strolling next thing i see this BIG blue ball heading my way and im chewing grass (was sun fatbelly nolpypride etc). damn roonie bolts also remember thinking how cool other realms spells looked etc when they were fighting and going to amg and seeing these spears and hammers raining down from the sky (this was when midgard was highest lvl and hammers did do goood dmg ). my jaw dropped in amazement and i was hooked
also rememberfirst rvr days where everyone was trying furiosly to kill nolbypride (Xanatea's hunter not the guild) and ppl were liek I JUST KILLED NOLBY YAYA


i can relate to a hella lot of the above but heres my pittyfull story.

well me mate i knew on diabloii told me he got daoc and that it rocked and i should give it a try .. so me bught it after much trouble finding it in shops.

fancied albion straight away due to me being welsh i fancied the idea of runing around snowdonia :) . rolled a highlander merc . i got to lvl 4 when i met me mate online . he told me mervs suck so i deleted merc and made a highlander cleric "Zarifra" specc'd her evenly across the spec lines i think i managedto get her to lvl 28 .. my 1st keep raid was funny . it was in pennines taking back a keep from mids... i remember getting lost and killed by a patrol . but at the time cos i hadnt seen a middy or a hibby before or a patrol for that matter when patrol killed me i thougyht it was a middy .and i remember saying in guild chat damn middys sneaky buggers hiding like that... and when we got to keep mylag was awefull. . tons of albs and mids and guards spawning... all albs eventually died and i remember Fatbelly blowing kisses at me and waving... i remmeber it was fatbelly cos iasked in guild chat and they said he a guy from midwho thinks he is uber :) also remember me 1st trp to emain.. i was lvl 26 solo and i managed to get past the gates SOLO no mids hibs about.. i then proceeeded to travel towards crim.. and saw a YELLOW elf :))))) i thought wooho here igo ., but the elf ran from me and i chased and led me to crim where i didnt realise guards kill me :0 thus i died :)... deleted hernot long after due to i messedmyspec up..

then madelsd my scout whome i got me 1st rvr kill with . i was lvl 21 and it wsin hadrians wall atmmg . 2 blue cons and a yellow con hiding by wall.. i killedbluecon dorf.. then ran and stealthed came back and killed other bluecon... then ran stealth return and killed yelow con nots thane. i rmeember it was a thane cos she kept doin the dd thin. and i couldnt fire my bow . then after a while pissing about in emain sniping lvl 50's and running and gettin kiled deletedand made my mincer "Organ" :) lvl'd quiet fastto 37 then deletedhim after i tried rvr a few times and saw my lag wasfar to bad to be pissing about with the huge mincer hotbar.. then irolled Xtc i made hi apure smite cleric . lvl'd him quiet fast to lvl 44 . and found him boring in rvr and fancied trying a caster.. and a guildmate with a 45 theurg wasbored of her char so weswapped accounts.. and i dinged 50 with her at spot 2 trees :) i remember that well. i think i stillgot the pic somewhereof my ding . since then lost aitof interest after playing usa serversand pvp but i still love this game . justmylagpsses me offso bad with my crap cpu .. loads of fun and happy things have happened alsoi could prolly write a full book on it butas u see from above my grammarand spelling aint togoodsoi wont torture ya no more: )))

and dont forget DONTKILL ROOOTERS!

hehe i remember also with my 1st cleric spending the 1st 15-20 lvls trying to heal people with los and not the group screen cos i didnt know i could pull it up , and the amount of times i gotmy group killed because i hit enter by accident and typed 222222222111111122222333333111`11111 insteadof healing is untrue :))


Ahh, so Bracken had a ulterior motive with his intial post, he now lured us all into a nice little trap and got us to have to agree to being nice to newbies! Argh, nooo! :p

Oh, and Vireb, yes, it was Shade who went into Albion on adventure:


Remember when my friend and I started two wizzies, and we tried to do boulderlings at lvl 7 by nuking/running. damn a good laugh :D


Originally posted by Belomar
Ahh, so Bracken had a ulterior motive with his intial post, he now lured us all into a nice little trap and got us to have to agree to being nice to newbies! Argh, nooo! :p

Oh, and Vireb, yes, it was Shade who went into Albion on adventure:

Not really, just a recognition that when I looked at all the crap that's gone on recently it was when I remembered why I first played (and then stayed with) the game that things took on a different perspective - whether it be disagreements with other people or having "noobies" making mistakes. The post was an invitation to do the same - its up to you what you do with it :) . Besides, it's just a fun thing to do anyway ;)


Another favourite memory of mine and one im sure alot of other albs have done this whether they will admit to it or not ;)
Is reaching that lvl where Salisbury giants are green to you and running through the salibury plains masacuring them !!

I know it gave me an over all sense of acomplisment and a warm fuzzy feeling inside :) and every now and again I hear about a Purple con Char. doing the same
on the plains and the lowbies kicking up a fuss and you know it still brings a grin to my face :)

Statix (lvl 15 ) " One day Im going to say to that Giant ' Your MY bitch now ! ' "


Ah yesss... those good old days. Times they were :)

I was happily IRCing when a friend talked suddenly about a game. I was very fond of RPGs already and asked him where are you talking about. Then it all started....

He showed me the website, showed me what you can do, showed me where to download and so I did. I was thrilled because I saw some screens and thought hmm they are just screens maybe it ain't so good as it looks...
After downloading the file I started. I wondered which realm shall I take.. So I thought let's take a Dwarf. (played a dwarf char with AD&D). Ah Berserker sounds cool :) So I started of adventuring. My friend gave me some info how to do certain things and what keys there were. And so I started hacking monsters and dying sometimes when I got ambushed by some. I learned more and more each day. I was fascinated by the surroundings and the things you could do and how simple it actually was to lvl up :)

After some days of soloing I discovered something new. Grouping with other players. So I started to ask where I could meet people. Then my friend talked about dungeons (I thought WOW even with this big world they even have dungeons underground?? I was thrilled). I found one and found some people at it as well. They wanted to team. We played all day with each other and talked on and on about the game :)

Well at some time I got bored because my friends (well at least I saw em as friends in game) didn't wanna team with me or had already a full group. So I thought I'm gonna try another realm, heck there even 3 realms I've seen a little of Midgard now I wanna see another realm. So I picked Albion. Started a Cleric. Always found clerics cool chars in AD&D and loved their everlasting war against the undead. I met new friends there (one dude I teamed with I miss dearly now, can't even remember his name because after that one day we had enjoyed I never saw him again :() I lvled quite fast. Then the first guilds start to pop. I was amazed how cool it was to have a guild with an embleme. Back then I went a lot to Tepok, mostly because it was empty and there were nice cash drops and cash was what I needed :) I farmed and farmed. Came in touch with Tomask (hope you still remember) we teamed up after he died almost a couple of times and had some great fun getting cash there.

At some point I found some IRL friends who I showed the game and they were thrilled at it and downloaded it immediately. Not long after we made our own guild and bought with my own money an embleme. Man was I proud to carry it. Met some more friends, like Brute Force (as seen earlier in this thread), Eleasias (yes I even teamed with Eleasias, although he was still a bit weird sometimes in behavior but others sured me it was normal for his being, no offense, I respect you as a good player :)) Gregorian, pff and more names I have forgotten over time. We were very busy in Snowdonia, hunting chain for me most of the times, killed our first Ravenclan Giant there with some hard ass tanks :) All was well until one day....

Hibernian invaders came. One nasty one was Hotngoth (I liked to call him HotDog :)) he shot us from above on a hill. Adrenaline rushing to get this invader out of our lands. We failed but retreated before he made another move. From that day we had to be careful for spies had found us and would ssurely come back one day (so they did with some more people who kept hunting).

Well this lasted till the end of the beta event. I tried to get to 37 solo in Lyonesse back then (all abandoned and a land that was untouched by albions but a very good place to solo as a cleric because of undead mobs). I remember those days Dtm rocked as one of the highest clerics we had (he was like a rolemodel to me). Ow and the thrill of taking our first keep and all get slaughtered by a purple patrol. The pain it caused, thinking keeps would be this hard to take..

Ah well the beta event was nice. Seeing all those people kill one huge demon (and oh my god how huge he was) I was terrified when I ran up the hill between the 2 Dun Crim roads. All I was thinking I hope I didn't aggro it.

I wanna thank all those people I knew back then, some I lost when the beta ended and some I still know.

Ahhh those days....

- Dralewin Lightbringer lvl 36 Briton Cleric -


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
The post was an invitation to do the same - its up to you what you do with it :) . Besides, it's just a fun thing to do anyway ;)
Yes, I know, was just my little joke. :) I actually love to see new people joining this game, I was so happy to see the recent DAoC EU news piece on the large number of people that joined during Christmas.


I think my first keep raid is the most memorable.

Level 35 and equal highest tank, hacking away at the Lord and whiffing. The delight when I hit for 2 damage and the hilarious wipeout to NPC's.

Meeting up again to discuss where we went wrong and thinking 'How the hell are we ever gonna be able to take a keep?' :)

Doing my 40 epic as a cleric is another one. Aanderud and Justinian offered to help and we set off for Hadrian's Wall. I aggroed a Great Brown and all 3 were one-shotted. All 3 of us just went ROFL simultaneously. Was a fun moment.


I remember alb 1st attempt ever to take a keep in beta, 40 lv30ish in jamland more 20 hibs...yeah u heard right, hibs that time were nice, then we made a line of 20-30 tanks and casters behind but some wrong pull made all keep guards charge us....oh my was bloody hell, we all died but were uber moments for all of us, history was made! :)


Got the DaoC beta, and me and Herbal jumped around my old bedroom like monkey's on sticks. Installed and booted up, started infiltrator, got him to about lvl 12 I think, and stopped becuase I thought, bah 'this sUx', cause I died about 5 or 6 times every hour, hehe, wonder how I ever managed to lvl him.

Got bored of inf and started Northern Lights, a lovely little cleric, who some of you may remember, both me and Herbal playing her, pretty much round the clock for a while, and got her to lvl 34.

Release, started Eastern my minstrel (who is still not sodding 50) and my other 3 chars, to grab the names.

Should have my screenies back up soon......

/Hmm, might even do that tonight....... - Screenies should be up at some point soon.

Edit - Additions

First time I ever met a minstrel in beta, was in Keltoi I think, his name was Relm, who soon became a very good friend of mine, I couldn't get enough speeeeeeeeeed.

/Salutes Relm! Wherever you ended up mate......


Learning the ways of the paladin was not always easy but I remember bumping into people like Tilde, Hienrich or Hatjitjai and dreaming that one day ... far far away ... they would con yellow Maybe they have never realised it but they have pulled poor me .. and a lot of others I met later ... through the hard levels just by being present in all their churchfull grandeur
can't say im not flattered :D


i remember when i first started beta i didnt have a clue i kept pm DTM (RL m8) to help me and give me cash and stuff think i pissed him off a bit tbh :) then i met licker who i thought was a bit er, well weird is been nice but turned out friends with him in the end :)
i spent alot of time lvling with a guy called shell think we lvled up liek 20 lvls or so also one of the nicest ppl i ever met on daoc the levels went by fast for me seen as though i had DTM babysittin me givin me cash and his old armour etc :D anyway made alot of friends along the way reached lvl 35 and decided to end there as there was only a couple of days left thing i remeber most about RvR the first time i ever went rvr i chased a red con hibby who was real low on health up to dun crimmthain alas i didnt know about keep guards and the like then 40 albs died about 30 secs later :/ still a lesson well learnt. it was always albs at the amg in emain the hibs down by crimm valley and the mids tryin to sneak up from the other side they where always there, there were some awesome battles that ill never forget and when we took nottmoor faust we where so proud like 70+ albs tryin to take a keep lol and only just takin it and the failures before just loads of corpes scattered round the keep lord beta was the most fun i had in this game i met so many real nice ppl alot who have sadly left ill never forget the good times we had.

if anyone has beta pics from alb or any other realm post em plz :)

/salute everyone i knew still here or gone maybe we will meet up in another game in the future :)


Hmm, sweet memory lane

I remember my first trembling steps as a fighter in Albion, not having a clue about anything really. Everyone treating me nicely when asking what I now realise was really air-headed questions. The patience showed to me then really motivates to be even nicer to newbies who seem clueless.

I also remember hunting in Avalon Marsh together with the cleric Soryaya and the weird feeling several levels later when seeing those fierce mud golems and giant water leepers conned grey/green for the first time :)

However, my clearest and most vivid memory from my lvl 20ish was the lvl 40ish infil Vakse from Illuminati who came along while me and Soryaya (or was it the alt Sirdoom?) where hunting in the marshes and asked if we needed some money - just like that out of the blue - and gave us 50g each (!)

And then he took the time to meet us in Camelot later that night and went through his vault and gave us lots of goodies - some that lasted me up til my late 30ish - the lion fang for one thing if I remember correctly.

And THEN, he took me for a tour of Lyonesse. I was amazed (and scared). I remember seeing purple con players getting slaughtered by huge numbers of little men and being really glad that Vakse was around... I was told not to wander off from the roads - yeah like I would do that with those HUGE black giants with the giant swords on the back. He gave me the tour telling me what to hunt and when. To be honest I didnt remember crap of all the advice, I was so stunned by the coolness of the place and the sense of danger. Still to date my most memorable ingame experience...

Well, some day I'll give a newbie the same tour...

And hey, while on memory lane. The feeling of amazement when I saw one of those huge black giants come running on the road through Cornwall as a PET(!)

Cheers and thanks for a really nice thread,



awww :( old beta times, gonna have a look later tonight if i have some screenies left from the event.

Hatji, who isnt :D

And, dunno what Shell went, but he was a very nice guy.

*thinks back to beta and the early days of Excalibur... cries :)*

/former King of the Gimps


nice posts all :)

I still remember being a lowbie with no cash saying to myself: NEVER will I pay 5 silver to buy a horse ticket! hehe, those days ;)

1st rvr experience was with Stephen, Feyd, and 2-3 others i cant remember... we was walking odins road towards hmg when we noticed an equal size hib grp xping... we quickly hide behind a tree, but they had noticed us. both our grps must have stood for 20 secs not knowing what to do, till (somehow) we actually got in a fight. i died, but my grpm8s survived. man, after that i remember the adrenalin rush (yes, i know its wierd, but i rly felt it ;) )... my hands shook and man it felt good :)

ohh, yes my 2nd (or later) rvr experience was soloing in odins (lol, yes, solo as a theurg lvl3x) i met this celt and didnt understand why i couldnt hit him or cast spell on him (lol, it was Celt from Albion)... man i cursed him, for the times he scared me shitless (was ora to me i think at the time) :)


OMG I missed the day we ran into Mad. Teamed with him some time at lvl 20. Oh and also those days back in Catacombs with Hatji, Ryo (one very good chap, not seen him for a lifetime in Hib anymore :() and probably more people I've gotten to know in that time.

All I can say is those were the days...

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