Do you remember?

  • Thread starter bracken_woodman
  • Start date


I was sat here bored at work, browsing through the forums and thinking about all the crap that's gone on recently. Yes, we've had the arguments about legion drops, we've seen the comments about new players being idiots, about how this guild or that player are "lame" etc. etc. And I started to wonder if people remember why they started playing the game in the first place. Ripping open the box, loading up the cd and waiting for it to install. Perhaps choosing Albion. Making up your character (10 months later I'm still the same one). Then beginning the adventure. You know, those first tentative steps around Humberton, or Lethantis, wherever, trying to figure out what the controls did. Fighting your first mob, then getting that first "ding" and spending your first spec points. Perhaps making your first group to complete the trainer quest. Wandering further afield, joining with others, equally new, to fight tougher monsters. Seeing your first giant on Salisbury Plains. The first time you entered the fearful barrows. Joining your first guild (again Im still in the same one I first joined). All the time, making mistakes, learning, being helped along,encouraged, yelled at... we've all been there. The first time you went rvr? Waiting endlessly until some higher level took pity on you and took you along for the ride. Helping, encouraging, yelling... all the time learning the lessons and trying to do better. And now here we are. Some of us level 50. Some even higher. Who would think that we all started in the same way - whether it was beta or the retail release. Our first, I mean very first, experience was still the same. Sometimes its good to remember that.


Absolutely, i remember seeing my first Salisbury Giant, i crapped myself thinking it was an uber level 50 monster...then i yelled out and charged it lol.

Also my first ever char (Warwolf - now reborn for the memorys) when in pk, i didnt know how to talk to people cus i was fresh from Ultima Online where you just typed to talk. I think i stood there for about 10 minutes jumping around trying to learn how to talk lol.

As for first RvR i was practically buzzing, i joined the CSS right at the start and Sorono our leader took some of us lowbies through savage to excal, he got sniped and all of us ran around like headless chickens....i legged it straight to 'that big castle thing i can see' Ahhhh too funny...damnit now i cant wait to be a noobie in other mmorpg's just to have the sheer joy of exploring again.

Madonion Slicer

Created my armsmen 11 months ago, bought the game as it was the only game i spotted in the shop that would test my newly installed adsl.

I remeber spawning in Humberton, amazment of the graphics and the feel of the hugeness it had, see other people running around and think wow that is someone sitting somewhere else in the world.

Having no idea what spec points did, i can remeber specing slash first and seeing a Ruby Slash icon in my inventory styles, and having no idea if it worked by itself or if i clicked it, took me about 3 lvls til i noticed i could drag it onto my quick bar and use it.

First thing that amazed me was the Goblin Fishers, remember at night they all run back to there house in the north black mountains, first time i saw that hord of goblins i was like wow i never going to do well at this.

LOL then i remeber there was not much to Albion, Humberton was almost empty except for a few others, then someone showed me through Camelot and out of the East Gate boy was i wrong.

Joined the Red Dragons about lvl7-10, been with them ever since and always will be.

NO Game has ever held my attention like this one has, coming up to a year played in Feb and i still love it.


I rememeber my first guildleader.

We were at salisbury plains hunting, round level 10-15 all. Some horses looked juicy, but the GM insisted that we could not be allowed to kill the horsies, never figured out why.
(And we ofc killed them anyway).

Madonion Slicer

Similar thing happened to me, you know there is a White Pony that roams SP, well i never seen it before and once spotted it around lvl15 or so, chased it down and killed it.

Everyone in my Guild told me that i would never be able to a Stable Horse Ticket now, that they would all refuse to sell them to me, never run so fast to Western Downs to find out.

Shudder at all the walking i would of done if that was true.


I've been meaning to make one of these "do you remember" posts for a long time. Good that you took it up, Bracken. :) Let's see, I remember...

...creating my very first char, what turned out to be a Dwarf Thane (got to level 5, then I lost interest), specced him in swords and then realized I wanted to use hammers. :(

...stepping out of Prydwen Keep with Theodorik, my brand-new Briton acolyte (he also made 5 and became a cleric), taking joy in the rolling hills and the homely atmosphere of Camelot Hills. I also got lost on the way to Prydwen Keep (it was night!) and got killed by a cutthroat.

...killing snakes at the zombie pig farm near Cotswold and seeing a minstrel killing zombie pigs and then running off in a stream of notes; that's the moment I realized I wanted to become a minstrel.

...standing on the ridgeline above the expanse of Salisbury Plains spreading out before me, all the way to the horizon.

...buying a Deluged Drum from Gunnerr as a level 24 minstrel for 20 gold (he had both a drum and a lute but I couldn't afford them both, think Gunnerr was 33 at the time).

...the sheer rush of going RvR for the first time as a level 16, trying to look all directions at once and actually getting to Emain's AMG unharmed. Then I was 2-shotted by some Mid hunter (actually 1-shotted, but Waerloga had PBT running, I think, saving me from the first shot). We moved to MPK, for some reason, and one of the lowbies in our group pulled the PK guards with his shortbow, killing all the Albs present. :p

...participating in my first keep take in RvR with Finster leading a huge zerg of Albs to DC, Royal Bavarians at the front. heart beating when I first entered Lyonesse, a place I had heard so much about, and crept to the hamadryads, keeping a careful eye to my map.

...the excitement of chainpulling Danaoin clerks for the first time, having a constant onslaught of purple mobs come running at you for 15 minutes, and being beleaguered but happy at the end of the chain. :)

...joining my first tree group as a level 43 power battery and seeing Godofredo level shortly thereafter (was spot 3, I think), then having to cope with Forbiddian (level 49) and Veeshan (level 48) bickering. In the end, the tree group broke up, and Forbiddian got his last 0.5 soloing, next time I saw him he was level 50. and Dherkova coming across each other near mill in Emain, then stumbling across a FG of enemies we together nearly managed to mezz. Some smite cleric comes in as me and Dherkova go under, smiting instead of healing us, of course. :(

...going deep into Dartmoor with an uber group, including Matje and Echekiel who were both 50, and making it past the stonelords to the dragon's lair itself!

Ahh, the memories!


hehe i remember

seeing the forgoten promise in mith for the first time, damn that thing looked mean :)
and when my i dinged 30 and i got rezz, think i ran around for a day doing nothing but looking for ppl to rez :)


lol !! ody we must of been in same guild at that lvl azure lion company and the gm was william and we were not allowed to kill horses haha




i remember the intense adrenaline rush rvr gave me first few times, almost shaking :)

still get it from time to time.

some dim memories from beta of being at amg as a lvl17 merc and watching some deep purple 2handed armsman/pally take on all comers from all sides it seemed, looked very cool in his bleached plate putting the smackdown :)

early in retail the enduring memories are fighting (or in fact attempting to hit) the midgard epic mobs also known as: Teza, Fatbelly et all. Ah those were the days :D


deleting my original scout who had +10intelligence (i thought it would give me better roll vesus magic lol) was quite amusing:p

dartmoor and the ponies was always my favourite zone, it was the first place i met the fellow players i would see levels 30-50 out with :D


- i remember starting my wizard, and being lost inside lethantis because it was soo dark.
- I handt turned my gamma up or put my torch on.
- Being shown the short cut from Camp station to avalon marsh at lvl 5 by a purple scout (thank you who ever it was)
- Looking out over sailbury plains seeing stone henge on the horizon.
- Seeing Camelot for the first time
- Being shown the way to Lyonesse for the first time

- Taking part in a keep raid at lvl 33 as my theurgist, twice :) First time we took the keep but there was only one level 50 :( they rest of us were n00bs it took about a group pre guard :D
The second time i spent half the day waiting outside some keep in the mid frontier and then we got zerged when we moved out buy loads of hibs. I still remember the adrenalin and the sweaty palms
- Joining a relic raid . btw whne hibs tried that relic raid on mid the other day seeing that massive alb zerg and starting a cg for them made me go all shaky too.
- Seeking Legion
- Killing legion
- Starting my chanter and seeing Tir Na nog and its onion shaped doams.

Ill have to have a look at my screenies folder to see if took any n00bie ones.



Well yes I was also in the Azure Lion No-Horse Killing Patrols :D

I have pictures from back then too :D

I remember seeing forest giants in Sauvage and thinking they must be the hardest thing in albion..... :)


Hmm... have had too many alts :) so the memories get blurry...

I remember fighting Veviel in the plains, but I've done that with so many alts it gets harder to remember the details :)

I remember first logging in and running around doing lots of tasks...

Seeing the columns leading north from camelot and going 'oooh' :)

Remember killing goblin fishermen and getting scared by aggro lions, a confusing concept.

First proper group killing filidhs on the hill (more than one came at once!) :) hectic but fun.

Stopping xping at level 21 for what seemed like an age, just doing crafting consignments :)



First person i saw in Beta was one called "Coca", norsewoman.

Seeing stonehenge for the first time, really wanted to go past plains, but too many purple mobs :/

Getting lost inside Camelot..

Getting help in barrows by Radium, at lvl 16. We soloed 200g in 2 hours, :p .. (i was very proud).

At lvl 33 (i think) i was with Tiarta and the guild to DM for the first time..

Raid with RoyalB vs. Mid relic (we got it :D), only got 3 hours sleep that night.


First Char.
I made was a WIzard in lathantis , who baffled me at the time beyond belief
Infact I thought that xping was so tough
beacuse I couldnt kill anything , I would run up to a blue con mob , hit him with my spell and then procede to "try" to club him to death with my staff , to no avail died every time .
( What I learnt later was that unlike D+D in daoc you could actually cast the same spell over and over again , where as I thought once i had cast it was gone :) )

2nd char ( about 2 hours later )
Was my Merc . havent looked back since .
Bloody easy to work out after those Caster types .

My favourite memory and worst at the same time , was being up in Snow fortress at 15 , myself and my Xp friend Lundar who I lvled with from 2- 50, dared me to go out SF to have a look and see what this whole "Realm" thing was about and what was out their etc
So I took up the chalange and honestly I was literally peeking around the gates leading out of Snow , With that gut numbing nervous-ness and excitment , after I survived that , I got a little braver and with alot of innocence I decided to go see what a Troll looked like and not only that I wanted to go talk to the elves ( Serious LOTR fantasys going on in my head ) .
Anyway I journeyed a little futher from SF bypassing all the Terrors of Purple Cons that surounded the area , when I saw some forests ahead of me in the distance ( and of course where are you going to find Elves but in the Forest , everyone knows that , Im practically drolling with excitment at this moment ) , Closer and closer , I make my way to the forest , when all of a sudden I see someone ahead , tall and in the middle of the trees , oh yes , oh yes Ive one found I think , I run closer , Look he has a bow , nice one its definatly an elf wait till i tell my friends Ive been with the elves :))))) , Now Im on a bee-line straight to this guy , who proceded to hit me for 1065 damage when I had a total of 400 or so Hp and RIPPED MY FOOKING HEART OUT AND RUINED ALL MY DREAMS ,

But Ive learned to deal with through the lvls and still to this day I look for them everyday , always espically looking for that friendly ELf who shot me with his bow. And people wonder why alot of Albs never leave Emain and constant patrol the area all day long , maybe they need to remember ALL THE CHILDRENS DREAMS THEY RUINED !! YOU BUNCH OF RP , TREE HUGING ....

AHh GooD Times :)


I remember going to snowdonia (at about level 15 or something when my quest sent me to the fortress), peeking outside, looking down the cliff - going 'ooooh' :) and running back inside...

that elf sounds like it was a Tylwyth Teg Statix I'm afraid... probably not a player you can get revenge on :(


Still playing my same character, the first one I started maybe 7 or 8 months ago, not entirely sure.

As with most, spawning in humberton I was awe struck at the graphics and vastness lol and completely baffled by all the different / talk type commands and trying to figure out which /s or /g commands I was meant to be using.

At first I couldn't understand the hype, the combat seemed so weird just standing there with f6 on hitting away till you either die or win, this of cause was before I got my first style and things started to make sense.

How many of these noob mistakes did you all make ?

1) Kept sprinting everywhere thinking it would get you there quicker and thats all it was there for.

2) Didn't figure out how to use /stick and macros till in keltoi.

3) Didn't learn about 'Tasks' till nearly 19

4) Sold your first Glowing Soul Gems thinking they were just normal loot.

5) Wandered into Barrows thinking it was a dungeon for low level 'teens', after all, it IS in Salisbury right?

6) Had to be shown the way to the exits in Camelot for the 6th time after getting lost yet again.

7) Brought horse tickets from every stable thinking you could use them at any of them later.

Feel free to add more :D


Ahh the memorys.

Played neta for a few weeks and i spent all my time around humberton, ludlow an them spiders just over the twin bridge.

Game gets released an I roll a thuerg. (R.I.P. Bobsky) But i spawn in Lathatis (camp forest). I was totaly lost, so i wondered round for a bit, Killing blues an quickly lvled to 5. I found a half decent map of albion on the net. And I walked from camp forest, passed all the purple on salis plains. I got to camelot became a thurg an went back to them spiders i knew so well :)

Scarey days :clap:

Madonion Slicer

8. Had no idea what a healer was until you had about 20 Con left, and wondering why you died to so quick next fight.

I will admit i did not read the manual at all when i started i made some many mistakes, but it was good learning.


my first few kills

My first char was alittle rouge, I didnt read about how to play the game, I just played, Found my first mob in Camp.F. killed the Pixi Imp, after a few of those I dinged, went back to imps...noticed they died alot easyer this time...Dinged, came back again killed some more this time in 3-4 hits no problem, I was "like yeah Im well'ard!" Didnt know about gray cons not givin u exp lol till about 30 mins of gray killin I worked it out =P The shame!!!


All nice to read )

Nice thread ! The memories come pouring back now…

Running around with Theodred and Achmed at night around Adribard’s Retreat, getting killed by purple-con knight ghost things. Then joining 2FG Albs in Avalon Marsh hunting undead and trees. Getting lost in the dark and staying up progressively later each night as we level.

Making friends with Dhrun and Nirrum in Mithra and staying friends till lvl 45. Joining my first guild (Ferus Legionis) having received an invitation from Pelagir who was kind enough to show us around the Barrows. Heading into Llyn Barfog to camp the monastary with guildies – I remember Parcifal the Paladin coming along dressed all in green to lend an uber hand.

Watching a cleric stand in front of a Salsbury Giant enjoying watching the cleric not get hit, then watching – for the first time – the Giant get taken out in 2 hits. That’s when I realised I wanted to carry on Xping so I could do that too !

Then Xping in Keltoi with like 200 ppl trying to camp ant room. Getting lost and killed from CU to Keltoi in the woods ! My fling with Poonanny.

First time I entered Tepok – still perhaps the most atmospheric and beautifully illustrated dungeons. Getting killed in the first main room. There seemed to be more ppl around dungeon rooms in those days…or maybe its cos I’m 50 now and don’t go Tepok / Keltoi anymore.

My golden epic 2H sword @ lvl 40…

Looking at all the seriously high level ppl porting from Sauvage into Emain/Odin wishing to go but a mere pipe dream at level 20. Then finally going RVR for real. Shaking with nerves and adrenalyn as the first FG Mids charge us. Hating RVR. More Xping. Getting my first platinum then my sixth ! Losing my first platinum then my sixth ! Loving RVR

The whole Lyonesse thing. Chainpulling dan clerks. Tanglers till I’m sick of em. Trees and Worms. Don’t mention the damn trees and worms. Losing will to live until 0.5 bub from 50. Then killing medial telemons with Mohaddyn when I finally dinged the big 50 ! Then Sister Blythe epic followed by showing off my armour ! Quite rightly so J

Ah the good old days….long may they remain as much fun and free of cinicism for them as they were for all of us 50 RVR veterans.

Hit ^_^

first thing i heard about barrows was that ppl as high as lvl20 had beed killed there :)


aye i remember when i rolled alb

/me goes of to cry


i remember my 1st days also, i rolled pally, no idea why, coosed crush, well i thought its rare 1, so i pick that 1...never go with flow =)

then i asked 1 of my friends who played in isuelt server, what pallys do...he answered, they twist, so as lvl 6 i started to twist and did it fine =)

then met some peeps when i was at lvl 7 or 8, joined guild, lvl :ed up....and after 50 days played came 50..

1st times i joined rvr in emain i was about 30-35 ish, and Mad and Gromit ( alpha ) asked me wtf im doing in emain, u should be lvl:ing at this hour ( was 2-3 am GMT) i just said, well i wanna learn this also, and XP is took some keeps and wondered and keeled some dudes, i died that time less than lvl 50 =) lol


So it seems lots of us do remember those first, early days. How new it all was. And all the challenges we faced. And that was kind of the point of the post. Some of us still havent stopped learning. For others, new to the game, or going through all the things that we went through as they make their way through the levels, its even more difficult. What doesnt help is people yelling and being abusive because someone made a mistake. Just like when we don't agree with eachother, nothing is gained by flaming and being abusive (and yup, I've done it too.). So if you remember, keep it in mind why you first started all those months ago. That way mistakes and differences will seem just a little less important :D


A few things I can remember, of my early days, yes it was a long time ago, even though I am still only 39...

....First time on Sal plains with a different character, and trying to follow the path until a bandit-thing attacked me and a I remembered trying to get Sir Beckhams attention from far away to help me....

...First time I saw someone go RvR, was at a mates house, he was lvl 15, until then we thought you couldn't to go RvR until lvl 15, well thats what the book said anyway and we saw a green con there, and gort confused. It was a massive 200+ppl raid and there we were, in the middle, unfortunately the whole lot of us ld'ed and got killed once we came back ;/

...Joining my first guild, well making it in fact. Praetorian Guard with my mate, who I mentioned before. I only grouped with other members, and only got about 4 or 5 levels until the guild disbanded. I can still remember some of the pople in that guild.... Maximustheslayer(now50), Elneer(now 50), Caush(Dont know what happened)...and Eileen(or similiar) who joined the guild and started to organise things a bit, until she persuaded everyone to leave and join her guild ;/ I would still like to know who her main was that she said was 'really high'...

...Learning the lingo. Like...What does Ld mean and Wtf is PBAOE!

Those were the good old days....although I sometimes see Elneer and Maxmstheslayer on my friends list, and wonder, If I had of kept with my paladin when I was in the guild with them, around lvl 10, would I be level 50 now? It makes me sad to think :) But now I enjoy playing my merc, and dont go on enough to make an alt, and only play PvP for fun.

So there we go, my daoc life story.


After clicking the Albion grail, the character screen showed me a wonderfull Highlander woman, looking strong and able and with a small yet mysterious smile on her face.

The second thing that caught my eye was the class 'Paladin'. So I spawned in Humberton ... armed with dad's blunt steak knife, a bread board for shield and grannie's knitted vest as armor and the adventure started. Exploring the region I ended up standing in front of Camelot and it was an awesome sight to behold ... as were my first steps in the Church of Albion ; those steps I will never regret.

It was a struggle to keep alive back then gathering armor and weapon drops as cash always seemed to be a problem and with only so few crafters around. Exploring Mithra for the Forlorn, hours of hunting Llyn barfog for Ancient Plate, cleaving away with mighty axes and greatswords and looking at the epic mobs saying to yourself .... "One day ... I'm gonna get you"

Learning the ways of the paladin was not always easy but I remember bumping into people like Tilde, Hienrich or Hatjitjai and dreaming that one day ... far far away ... they would con yellow :) Maybe they have never realised it but they have pulled poor me .. and a lot of others I met later ... through the hard levels just by being present in all their churchfull grandeur ;)

Never in 12 months have I had second thoughts buying or playing this game and even though I do not know a lot of people (and vice versa I think), I have made some great friends in here and had loads of fun and laughs. What more does one need ? :)



bit late in the thread, but statix - lmao, what a tale, nice one, mate...


to odysseus

lol odysseus i remember that:), his name was william wallace back then, he like horses, so we werent allowed to kill them haha


Some beta & pretty early retail piccies (altough couple are pretty recent)...

Hothnogg the infamous ranger getting his ass "kicked" after putting 3-4 arrows in me... That piccy's from lvl34 I think, judging from bubs. And yes they did lure me to him :D Loved that axe (Cyclops Headmans Axe), Licker and Greg had them too and they were higher than me by maybe 2-3 lvls. Magic tried to buy it off me many times, but never had the price - full set of Hollow Plate :p

Some trebuchet action in beta, being operated by Dtm. See the ugly cap I'm wearing? It's studded, AF86 or so from Tegs, has stealth+2 and all... My previous one was Vindi though :p

Retail starts somewhere here...

My first ever RvR kill in retail, a red Nightshade, at lvl24. See the no RP-bug... Man I remember being pissed off!

Maybe 20 or something levels later...

Here's Gobarnachta getting one-shotted...
...and 20 seconds later. Staying stealthed after one-shotting was a funny thing.

Novamir's & Tylar's graves in Emain bowl, the day (or so) after their purple-mob stunt at Crim.

Buffed Infiltrator's are 1337.

. Even the merchants at Koprarens Marknard (sp) in Jordheim don't like hibbies :p

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