Do you know Saaug / Hansi ?

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I've said before that I don't much care for any threads that pick out one particular person and then assess them on the evil-ometer. Its a bit pitch forks and flaming torches for my liking. And you can't seperate the character from the person unless you are 100% sure they are a roleplayer, which due to the supposition over age and maturity, you obviously aren't.

It's just a case of empathy - if you went to a site and found twenty people going on about how much of a dick you were, how would you feel? Perhaps you wouldn't care, but some people really would. I don't ever want to be seen to condone that. Maybe this person is young, maybe he is just an arsehole, maybe he's intellectually or emotionally or socially stunted... the point is that you don't know.

If you guys like these "Oh my god, so and so is an arsehole, Discuss" threads, fair enough, but in my opinion they are just as much griefing as the in-game players, and I don't like the vibe from them.


Some people have had bad experiences with certain characters within the game. Now if they want to see if this is a trait or one of incedence, surely this would be an ideal place to get a wider picture of that players general behaviour to others.

Also the offending conduct of a player can be publicised thus preventing others having future negetive experiences with them.

Damini if you dont approve of this kind of thread simply dont read it then.


I actually think he would be quite flattered to have a topic dedicated to him on these forums


svendoc, you might have missed the mod title next to my name, but reading these threads is kindof what I do. And to set the record straight, Silverhood, you think wrong.
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