Do thane's actualy win any duels in meele combat?



Originally posted by old.chesnor

Gladly Solid, we don't all measure how good a class is by how good it is a duelling :p

Skalds are 'better' (imho, of course) than champs because they have more to offer groups, and survive better than champs (meaning skalds own champs at running away from unwinnable encounters). Give champs speed buff, and you might be right. But atm, skalds > champs.

/me points to the # of skalds on the 'dreds vs. the # of champs.

look at the topic of the thread silly, this whole thread is about what's better in duels :p

skalds are on the rogue hits tables (hence the bit of rogue in them)

oh and if there's no music class, how come you knew to compare them to bards and minstrels then?? :p

also who gives a crap if you can run away more often? htf does being a coward make you a better class? it's not as if it takes that long to get back when you die, well unless you're from hib of course :p


I'm a 50 axe spec Thane

I get owned by pretty much anything sporting 2 legs

To date, at lvl 50, I have soloed a total of 3 lvl 50, won a couple encounters were other class ran away.

The 3 lvl 50 1 vs 1 was against shane, a RR5 paly, and Velo a RR3 Armsman.

Didn't even need to use IP against shane... guess his timer was still ticking. Managed to get off 2 mjolnirs and a dd.... sorta put the odds in my favour.

Velo was afk and sitting.... easiest kill ever.

Last up was barrin, lvl 50 wiz. He qc roots me..... then bolts me... I run up to him and slap him silly. Point blank boliting on a thane is a bad idea.

With IP, I can kill other people who haven't got IP... managed to get an infil down to 10% after a successful PA.... I used IP and he used IP.... I was on 40% when he ran.. being snared I could just stand and watch him run.

Other class I beat solo are minstrels.... but they usually end up stunning me and pegging it.

I have a good chance vs most classes if I get get of a couple of mjolnirs, 3 if I'm lucky, (thats maybe 500-600 dmg)


thanes are just smite clerics who cant heal :p

so there

The Exile

I considerd getting slam in respecc but I won't, seeing as many already have it or will get it I don't see why I should take it aswell.
Of course slam and shields in general are nice but I'll stick with just hard hitting.
In small hunting groups I will be at my best doing damage from 150 to 600 and that's on epic armors.
I save Mjolnir for keep defense/raids, the only time where it is actually usefull :D


I am still not convinced Slam is the way to go as it so nerfs my damage potential, problem is I aint got much choice atm and less so when i hit RR5 as I got the best 1H hammer in game but I would rather use 2H, go figure


haven't got a decent 1H axe... though geting one would be relatively simple, seing I'm the highest lvl axe user in the guild

atm, my dex is abysmially low... so shield wouldn't be very effective.... need some DEX items if I'm to respec, that means another 20 somehow, so I got 100 dex


Two things....

Could you not spec shield for slam, weap type and SC ? Your normal dmg would take a hit for sure, but slamming with a small shield for stun, then whip out 2h for dmg. Fiddly, but Heroes seem to use this tactic to good effect..

And secondly, I always thought that Mythic where really confused with stormcalling/smite. Having played a Thane to early 20s before I gave up depressed, and still playing a smite cleric, I think Smite is everything stormcalling should be. Problem is I have the smite line on a healing class. In PvE thanes only really use SC for pulling and a stupidly low pbaoe dd (toothgrinder lol). Seems perverse Mythic give a really good offensive line to a healing class, while stormcalling on a fighter class pales in comparison to smite. I always thought they should basically swap smite and stormcalling. No nerfing required. Clerics would be more inclined to spec rejuv/enhance and Thanes would stop moaning. Just an idea, no flames please.


yeah, give us the un-nerfed smite line

with the stun!



being a shield thane (slam :D) i cant even think of a RvR world without slam. We thanes definatly dont suck pull fo the right moves and know how to play a thane and you can have a very good fun class :D

as for the doubters of slam id seriously would reconsider...


yeah, in a group of 8 i'm excellent, hit a lvl 50 druid for 600 dmg rhe other day, without critting

but its those little things, like people running away, or you getting jumped by class X Y or Z and getting pwned

old.Max Payne

Well, I'm pretty happy about the dmg I do, I didn't lost much duels against ANY tank I came across, only a few beated me in duels.

We don't have that much hp as a armsman or so (1409 unbuffed here) but we can take them on same hp with our spells so it's kinda oki.

Stop saying that we suck :D


never said that.. just we aren't on par with other classes in straight melee.... beating any class without getting in some dmg spells makes the fight hard

can you slam and then mjolnir? or is the timer too small for that?


just to clarify, i usually lose to thanes with slam.
Thane without slam is a joke in melee, sorry to tell you this...


Originally posted by old.chesnor

Skalds are 'better' (imho, of course) than champs because they have more to offer groups, and survive better than champs (meaning skalds own champs at running away from unwinnable encounters).

If a you run away from a champion ---->>Snare+anihilation :p


Esp when a pipsqueak Lurikeen with a Periscope hits u with it, omg the shame :(

old.Max Payne

Originally posted by old.LandShark
just to clarify, i usually lose to thanes with slam.
Thane without slam is a joke in melee, sorry to tell you this...

Come duel me.

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