Do thane's actualy win any duels in meele combat?



well it'd depend on who they're meelee dueling :) i bet they'd beat casters pretty well in a punch up :p

remember that they're a cross between tank and caster, they're not supposed to pure meelee people, but use the hammers of lag to break mezz on the 3fg's of albs behind their target first and go in swingin' those mjolners like theres no tomorrow :D


By duels I take it you mean RvR encounters, of which I've only had experience of the BGs (with my Thane anyway).

I did ok on 1on1 encounters, though stealthers took me down pretty quick (PA->Poison->Dead). I don't think I lost a straight melee with a similar spec char, but that could be because I use hammer, which has a bonus against Alb plate (Most hibs were dead before I could get to them :p)


TPT Pwns all*

*Cept full spec S/S armsman and Thrust polers and Spearos and 50 Valour/LW Champs and Smite Clerics and...

sigh nm Thanes suck :D

nah seriously apart from the above classes which i do struggle against, most classes i have had <Chance Solo Encounters> with have either come out eating dirt or we pretty much evenly matched. I rememebr a time Malevolencia sayign she can pwn any Thane, well we had many <Chance Solo Encounters> (we must hand out in the same bars) and we come off pretty evenly.

Same goes for Slash/Crush Polearmsman, never met a Merc of any kind in a <Chance Solo Encounters>, nor a Blademaster. Never had problems with Solo Misntrels, they usually run away, or they bring and infil friend.


Just curious since I am not very aware of Thane stats...

Unbuffed, what is the average hp for a Thane?

And not ALL of us bring infs... some of us just like thos nice theurgy buffs and jump in feet first. I mean really, what's the fun in going out into the frontier if I don't get a little blood on my sword ? Just playing mana/speed is sooo boring :sleeping:


I have a L27 Thane, while I was in BG1 with him he never lost a single 1on1 with anybody apart from steathers, with them I won some and lost some (more :()

If you use a hammer and pull the combos off right it easy flooring an alb.

Specs at the time of the BG:

Hammer 24+4 (using Njesse`s head 8.3dps 100% quality 1 handed, same for my 2 handed hammer, I have both :))
SC 22+2
Shield 7+2 (I think)


thanes are a hybrid their not supposed to just melee. They are supposed to do a few dds, insta, and then pbae and then melee.


Thanes still go better melee skilsl than skalds do tho, they pack a bigger punch :)

But all in all, in a 1on1 with a pure melee, where the thane doesn't get a chance to pull his spells of, he should end up loosing.

Problem is, it's really getting hard to tell these days, reason? Buffbots. People bring their bb's to BG as well as they do in regular RvR, and sadly, buffs make or break most fights these days.

Btw this is not a whine over buffbots :) Just sad the game has degenerated to something where buffbots are becomming the standard.


as i saw:

spearo = thane dead
champion = 60%-40%
bm = 50%-50%

this means pure mellee combat, so no DDs, only the insta


Originally posted by Solid
I rememebr a time Malevolencia sayign she can pwn any Thane, well we had many <Chance Solo Encounters> (we must hand out in the same bars) and we come off pretty evenly.

Well I now have bout 100 hits more than then, and a better hammer, want a rematch?? ;) oh and for the record, I owned you big time in our first 1 vs 1 fight, but after a few more you caught onto what not to do ;) and then yes, it was far more even..

post 1.52 I really don't see a thane as having any chance tho..

champs get a +62 str/con buff and improved debuffs.. thanes get. uhm... ???


thanes are the only tank class i can beat in melee :p so leave them alone.


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
thanes are a hybrid their not supposed to just melee. They are supposed to do a few dds

That'd be great, only the dd is on a massive timer, so you never get off more than one.


Thanes do the same damage as paladins, but they have a str buff and a self dps add (instead of the group one)

Being hybrids (like bards, friars, paladins, wardens) they get 35% off their weaponskill or thereabouts... but their buff/damage add should improve that a bit.

If you start at range then you should have the advantage, in a milegate fight the thane will do better (heck, they have longer range than clerics, just they don't do quite the same damage, and have to use aoe hammers if they want to repeat more than twice a minute. Since midgard actually have lots of healers, and they have lots of instant crowd control they tend to get yelled at lots.)

Whether this is true or not I have no idea :) but a thane will win if the enemy can't close easily... at point blank range the pure tank will outdamage them.

Do many thanes go sword/shield? or do they always use their axes? guess you can do both in midgard.


Thanes can use Hammers, Swords, Axes and Staves (silly sticks to prod with), and medium sheilds.

Our buffs aint bad, although the cap prevents us going to the last STR buff in the storm calling line, morons at mythic fooked that one up, so we all go 46 or 48 in SC only.

On a studded wearing aggressor we fair well in general, and against plate armour our hammers do a fair amount of damage in mellee. But one on one, we tend to come out worse for wear, no mezz, no speed, lost resist to casts and the 30 sec recast times on both our insta's does us no favours.

Also the best weapons around in Mid tend to be rather slow too, and if you dont get off your major bolts, thunder and mjolliner, tbh were dead meat.

in general, we need the back up of buffs from a good shammy to go well in one on one.

Someone wrote once
"Thanes are 20% caster, 60% tank and 20% waiting to be able to do the next move"
and that does kinda sum us up IMO.


you do get a bit of loving... more damage on toothgrinders, reduced timers on some things...

whether it's enough or not I dunno :)

A thane shouldn't be able to take a warrior one on one though, unless they use all their abilities. After all - the warrior is utterly useless in a ranged-fight, they don't have that versatility.

Thanes are probably quite good for confusing enemy tanks :) start casting - makes them think 'ooh caster, kill kill' - casting animations draw in the tanks like moths to a flame... unfortunately thanes don't go down in two hits.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Since midgard actually have lots of healers, and they have lots of instant crowd control they tend to get yelled at lots.)

One third of this is true.


Speaking as Cleric I expect to take a Thane in melee by just using my instaDD (which he will be using too naturally). No other spells.

Sums it up :/ Always end up feeling sorry for you guys.


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid

One third of this is true.

lol :)

ok you have more healers than we have sorcerors ;)
which equates to lots of instant crowd control

(as opposed to our minstrel short range single target stun, and our pbaoe cleric mezz that's on a 5 minute timer from next patch)


Yup Male is spot on Champs become hands down the best Hybrid Tank in the game, and thats by a good clear mile. The fact they get a buff that dont stack with the Druid Str/Con means they get no favours in group RvR with Druids.

I really hate Mythics idea of boosting classes by either Realm Abilities or by giving them buffs that dont stack with their realms buffing class equivalent.


Well i killed a polearm armsman solo only self buffs. But that was pure luck, with 15 in shield i blocked like hell and getting chain off with revenge and thors answer. Next armsman killed me with alot of damage made to himself. But i guess most solo kills are mostly based on pure luck. Might change with respec.


I've dueled BMs, pallys, s/s heroes, spearos, s/s armsmen, polers, mercs...

Polearmsmen might be very tough. I've killed some in melee but it was lucky. Spearos are impossible.

Basically you're pretty even against most except polers and spearos. Slashers you have advantage against simply because of chain armour.

Btw, Solid is just bitter because he sucks ;D


thanes generally keel me in fairly close fights, but then i'm slash. After respec i'll be thrust and 7 higher melee spec...
almost certain i will be thanes a lot at that stage.
(minstrel btw)


Originally posted by Solid
Yup Male is spot on Champs become hands down the best Hybrid Tank in the game, and thats by a good clear mile.

*cough* Skalds *cough*


Originally posted by old.chesnor

*cough* Skalds *cough*

*cough* skalds aren't hybrid tanks *cough*

they're the music class with a bit of rogue thrown in, not tank

[EDIT: oh and a champ should be able to beat a skald anyways also post patch...]


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

*cough* skalds aren't hybrid tanks *cough*

they're the music class with a bit of rogue thrown in, not tank

[EDIT: oh and a champ should be able to beat a skald anyways also post patch...]

Wrong. You don't play Mid I'm guessing :p

Skalds sure are hybrid tanks. They have nothing in common with Minstrels (rogues) and Bards (Naturalists) apart from speed.Skalds start as vikings, same as warriors, zerkers and thanes. A skald will have similar-ish stats to minstrels/bards, but a well played skald will demolish any minstrel or bard 1on1.

They are the best hybrid in the game, in terms of ability, group utility and just all round goodness. In fact, they are one of the best classes in daoc....

Oh, and btw. There is no 'music' class in the game....


Skalds will get mauled by Champs, if you think any different your kidding yourself.

Skalds get mauled by champs NOW for god sake, they aitn gonna fare any better post patch.


Skalds get more hp than minstrels at least as they get con with their levels (and tend to start with more anyway), while we don't :p Also they are on a higher damage table. Dunno where the idea that they are part rogue came from though... they're a fighter class.

After respec thanes will still kill you Landshark unless they are stupid - expect to see a lot more thanes with slam... :p Currently if a thane doesn't have slam I can usually beat them, especially if they are axe/sword spec. With slam, things are a lot tougher, luckily there are very few thanes with slam at present.


- expect to see a lot more thanes with slam...

Im one of em :D
I've seen Divious in a fight with his lvl50 SlamThane and that very moment i was convinced, Im respecing !!!:cool:

As a 2h thane with 50+12 in hammer i do A LOT of damage....but still, I fail for a lot of foes.
As to the thane beeing a gimp in Emain-RvR i realy do agree......coz were dependant of getting off the two DDs and maybe the PBAoE(if no zzZZZzzZZZ is around :p ) we need some time to get it done. In todays RvR scene where zergs r over in 30 secs, we may get 2 instant DDs (20 sec timer) of and 1 castable DD. Rest damage done is pure melee where we get quite a lot of ass-spanking from foe-casters (we havent got Warrior HP).
And why does always thanes have full POW in RvR? Coz they hardly use SC :p (minus: keep defence / offence and MG camping).

Tip: If u play ur thane in small "gank squads" and meet similar foe groupings...the thane is still a lot of fun to play...and Yes they make a difference. So those thinking thanes suxx......get the HELL out of the Zergs and do something different. Get purge and IP and ur gtg :D (and a skald-mate ofcoz) And never go solo....

Im am gonna play my Sup-RM untill respec... :D Cya round :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Solid
Skalds will get mauled by Champs, if you think any different your kidding yourself.

Skalds get mauled by champs NOW for god sake, they aitn gonna fare any better post patch.

Gladly Solid, we don't all measure how good a class is by how good it is a duelling :p

Skalds are 'better' (imho, of course) than champs because they have more to offer groups, and survive better than champs (meaning skalds own champs at running away from unwinnable encounters). Give champs speed buff, and you might be right. But atm, skalds > champs.

/me points to the # of skalds on the 'dreds vs. the # of champs.

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