Do NEVER trust Rhinoe, Southend - he cheated very much people and stole about 300p

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Fledgling Freddie
Sep 14, 2005
Yes I know, its a whine thread. I'm really pissed off at the moment. Rhinoe (his Buffbot is Southend and he has access to Fingerbang, Darkhealz, Valid, Tattyboogle, Ralled, Reyaa .. ) robbed 10pp of me (and I'm very poor). Oh, and his brother is Bahumat (Fear). He robbed, as I know, 20pp of Thohr, 192pp of Yvbane and much more - he will tell you, that he'll do a arti encounter with you, but he lies. He keeps the money and you are fucked up. Please, never trust him!!! He is a 16 year old childish idiot, if you ask me.
Be sure, I dont lie - I'm sure that there will be many chaps who'll tell you, what an <censored> he is. Do never trust him, never invite him in your guild. Dont know why he is so childish, maybe he is drug addicted, I dont know.
Yes I know, my english is bad, I'm a whiner and so on - it's just a warning, dont want that anyone is cheated by him again.
Tell it your friends, ruin his rep etc - I hope, he wont have a nice minute in DAoC again.
I'm really pissed off that guy. :twak: :twak: :twak:
And I know the next post will something be like "QQ more". Thanks for that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
192pp of an Odins player? OMG, where can I meet this guy so I can shake his hand? :worthy:
Well stuff like this happends basicly on a daily basis... just never ever trust anyone with the money "up front" that's just silly :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Did you give them your password? If so, you deserve to have been robbed for being so stupid.


awwww, you poor poor thing.

omfg, you are so freaking stupid. Like Ame said, you deserve to be robbed.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Fledgling Freddie

Join Date: 14th Sep 2005 <<<<

to scared to say who you really are? interesting choice of FH name too.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
Did you say Bahumat? the one in fear or the stupid littel hunter with the name like him? or the mincer in GDE because if you meant the paldin in fear i think you have it all wrong, he wouldn't steal money off anyone


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
RuinHisRep said:
Yes I know, its a whine thread. I'm really pissed off at the moment. Rhinoe (his Buffbot is Southend and he has access to Fingerbang, Darkhealz, Valid, Tattyboogle, Ralled, Reyaa .. ) robbed 10pp of me (and I'm very poor). Oh, and his brother is Bahumat (Fear). He robbed, as I know, 20pp of Thohr, 192pp of Yvbane and much more - he will tell you, that he'll do a arti encounter with you, but he lies. He keeps the money and you are fucked up. Please, never trust him!!! He is a 16 year old childish idiot, if you ask me.
Be sure, I dont lie - I'm sure that there will be many chaps who'll tell you, what an <censored> he is. Do never trust him, never invite him in your guild. Dont know why he is so childish, maybe he is drug addicted, I dont know.
Yes I know, my english is bad, I'm a whiner and so on - it's just a warning, dont want that anyone is cheated by him again.
Tell it your friends, ruin his rep etc - I hope, he wont have a nice minute in DAoC again.

Accussing someone of this should be done on RN and not FH. 2nd if someone scammed a odins I would like his adress to send a big bouquet of flowers and a thank you card.

qq more if you give someone your password blame yourself. Thought yvb(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) was banned. Think odins is scared cause of RN cause they don't know the rules. We allways seem to break some rule according to them but they can never say what rule it is. Even when you give them the link to both CoC and Camlann ruleset :(

Gotrag said:
Did you say Bahumat? the one in fear or the stupid littel hunter with the name like him? or the mincer in GDE because if you meant the paldin in fear i think you have it all wrong, he wouldn't steal money off anyone

Not money.... Hasselhoff posters is a diffrent story..... Should see my empty walls in my house now :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Pretarded, even if u dont got any sympathy for him you can keep your pointless comments to yourself, this was a warning for players, no need to flame him.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
I know both these guys irl...

Bahumat has nothing to do with that post, btw he was just implying thats his brother in which case this is true.

I am only here do clear this up you can believe what you like about the rest but tbh, i change my account password everytime im down there .. :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
Bahumat wouldnt do anything like that, and yes Rhione is his brother, but they both play in a Lan cafe with alot of other ppl.

Now there was a big bust up in this case when yes Rhinoe has some passwords to other ppls accounts, which he used to fam some artis and items when the ppl were not on the accounts. Altho he is being blamed about the stealing of money as far as i can decifpher it was a Player called Dischamp/Diseasedu who stole the money while Rhione was either asleep or afk.

by all means flame rhione for stealing the money as he had the passwords but at least listen to his story as to my best of knowledge it was Dischamp who i have to say i really dnt like as he is a twat irl.

I also play at the lan cafe with these ppl but i wouldnt trust many ppl down there with my password. So "ruinmyrep" who ever u are talk to Rhione and discuss this, i dnt think u will be able to recover the the money but atleast listen to his part (not defending him as such just think u dnt have all the story)

Also did u rightnow it? because if you did not then u are to blame aswell

ah btw - Dnt give out your game passwords (GOA tell us this all the time)


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Yes Rhinoe is my brother but i have not stolen any money, nor do i have anything to do with this.

If someone is a murderer and he has a brother, it does not mean his brother was in on it aswell.

I dont really know much of what has gone on but i know about yvbane's account.

We play in a Lan cafe, Rhinoe was using yvbane's account but as he was playing all night he eventually fell asleep with both accounts logged in.

There are 2 people who also play camlann in the internet cafe, maybe they stole it but i cant prove that...i said to yvbane to make a RightNow to find out who took the money...he did not appear to do this so he is still blaming my brother.

Rhinoe does not have yvbanes money, however he did fall asleep and if someone stole it then its kind of his fault for not logging the account out. The problem is alot of people have yvbanes account, kuhan has this and i would imagine his younger brother nadred as well.

without a Rightnow it's impossible to know if Rhinoe was to blame for leaving the account logged in...i have checked his account as he does not have the money, maybe someone stole it while he was asleep but this wont be known untill a RightNow is raised.

I know alot of people on this server, not everyone may respect me but i know im a nice enough person who alot of ppl like. Im sure everyone in Fear, Nexus, Horde would not really have any bad words to say about me so i hope this shows to anyone unsure that i had nothing to do with this.

If Rhinoe did steal your money then im dissapointed in him.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
not that it matters but iirc yvbane lost 130 plat not 190.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
how exactly do you manage to get scammed out of 130p?


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
enkor said:
how exactly do you manage to get scammed out of 130p?

lets say your details were given to 10 or so ppl, if someone scamms you then its gonna be hard without a RightNow to work out who did it.

its his fault for giving his password out so freely


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
enkor said:
how exactly do you manage to get scammed out of 130p?
He thought he was buying genital enlargement. :D

Oh and Bahumat you know I hate your guts! :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
enkor said:
how exactly do you manage to get scammed out of 130p?

By giving out accounts detials. Also not all ppl from essex are arseholes tyvm

myself and bahumat are from there are we are very nice guys


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
fuk you dan theres more to esx than ur and yan's white clean ass

tyvm ... i also no bahumat and darkhealz irl and neither wud do such a thing darkhealz can be a prat sum of the time but he wud neva rob a bracer of a browed accy let alone 130p i no this for a fact and bahumat dnt u even dare lay blame on him he had nuffin to do wid this and just as he sed becoz his darkhealz brother dnt mean his a bad guy ...


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
ViPeOuT said:
He thought he was buying genital enlargement. :D

Oh and Bahumat you know I hate your guts! :fluffle:

we're not supposed to role play in public, your a cop and im the baddie but this is only when we're alone!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
Ubba said:
fuk you dan theres more to esx than ur and yan's white clean ass

I thought that u loved me........ right the wedding is off u big monkey!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 17, 2005
Bahumat,ur brother must return stolen money since it is his fault for losing passwords. If not then he is a scummer :m00:
Don't get me wrong but you can't say it's only ur brother's problems so you should take responsability for his actions too :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Bahumat said:
we're not supposed to role play in public, your a cop and im the baddie but this is only when we're alone!

Does that include playing dressup? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Raven said:
Fledgling Freddie

Join Date: 14th Sep 2005 <<<<

to scared to say who you really are? interesting choice of FH name too.

Glad to see someone had the brains to point this out.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
Bonelamencer said:
Bahumat,ur brother must return stolen money since it is his fault for losing passwords. If not then he is a scummer :m00:
Don't get me wrong but you can't say it's only ur brother's problems so you should take responsability for his actions too :twak:

Why should Bahumat take responsability for what his brother has done/may have done, it had nothing to do with bahumat so he should do nothing, his brother is old enough to sort out his own problems. Also i think u should read it again. he didnt lose the passwords numb nuts some1 stole the money off the account not saying it was Rhione but could have been anyone that used the accounts that he also had access to aswell.

Also it is his brothers problem nothing to do with Bahumat.

now i know why your called bonelamer casue u cant read


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Bonelamencer said:
Bahumat,ur brother must return stolen money since it is his fault for losing passwords. If not then he is a scummer :m00:
Don't get me wrong but you can't say it's only ur brother's problems so you should take responsability for his actions too :twak:

he never lost any passwords, yvbane gave his details to 10 or so ppl, he got scammed and never RightNow'd so no one knows who has the money, odins generally are hardly respected people and whats stopping one of them taking the money.

Also the guy who made this post said he lost money for an encounter or something.

I dont think i should take responsibility, i never asked for the details, i never asked to be paid to get someone an encounter, i also never stole any money.

There is something called 'Cause and Effect'. If Rhinoe stole some guys money and never did the encounter then he will suffer a bad name for this, i dont think i should be part of Collateral Damage and suffer cause of this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Bonelamencer said:
Bahumat,ur brother must return stolen money since it is his fault for losing passwords. If not then he is a scummer :m00:
Don't get me wrong but you can't say it's only ur brother's problems so you should take responsability for his actions too :twak:

Shit, best write a letter to Rhinoes and Bahumats Parents and brother then, surely they're responsible too :S

If the twat yvbane or what ever his name is actually right nowed it then he wouldnt be in this mess. That is all he needed to do. Did he? no.... he refused to time and time again. So imo he can go swivel.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
don't give your passwords to people from essex

or anyone at all pretty much
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