Div1d [dark] left BWTFCL



dark have left our division, letting us know a few hours before our scheduled game pfffffffffft!!
I don't see any notice from there here but they have !!

 (dark|Storm): hi 
(dark|Storm): just dropped by to say that we dropped bwtfcl 
(dark|Storm): i told CDAL in icq but i don't know if he received the message 
(@^k3^): oo 
(@^k3^): so the match 2nite is off? 

(dark|Storm): yes 
(@^k3^): k :/ 
(dark|Storm): servers are very bad for germans this season 
(@^k3^): k



same happened to GOD with JOB.

Though I found out the day be4 only because I'd noticed that the fixture had bin reset.and went to get em to resubmit and they told me they were leavin bwtfcl.
Gay h0m0s could of come and told me


The gay h0m0 ref didn't tell you he reset it then either I take it? :/

old.feigned innocence

There is a point that is brought up here that's important. The BWTFCL servers are absolutely terrible this season for people playing from overseas. A Portuguese clan in our division dropped for the same reason and our US + Canadian players who play fine in UKTFCL matches, ping at up to 1200 on a full bwtfcl server...from cable conenctions.
Not sure if this is anything to do with the BW hosting move...but it's pants...


It is most likely to do with the move.

Hopefully when all the routing etc. has bin sorted then the servers might get better. Though they might not.

Also the main point of this thread I think is to complain that the clans dropping due to the terrible servers cant be assed to inform clans they've arranged to play against which I think is an important point unlike u.

Its called common courtesy to inform other clans u've dropped if u've got games scheduled.

old.feigned innocence

Twinner - Undersatand your point + feel it. [BCY] turned up for match last night with =[DF]= for opposition to no show...when the ref headed to their irc room (real good of him - thanks earthy !) he found that the peeps there said they'd folded and just cba to let anyone know....

o yes, agree on teh common courtey bit.

I was just adding that it may be worth understanding if more of the drop-outs than normal are due to BW server issues with routing from foreign isp's than usual, as thaa may help us fix one of the root problems of foreign dropouts....

Either way...I think both points are valid...:)


it is a shame a lot of countries have bad routing to BW but there is nothing that BW or BWTFCL can do about it, it is sad for the league but we have to understand that a lot of overseas clans can not compete with such lag. Anything that BW can improve they do but there are major problems with serveral of the major routers around them I believe, however quoted from #BarrysWorld topic:

BTopenworld have contracted Electronic Boutique to run it's multi player online games servers. EB (BW) will be responsible for the hosting, maintenance and upgrading of the servers as well as the user interface.

With any luck this'll be done before Christmas, and with that there is a .. good chance (I hope) of BT giving BW a huge pipe which will dramatically improve the situation (again, I hope) for the future.



Wouldn't it be acceptable untill that time if both clans are willing to use another server, its bad for bwtfcl if large amount of players are unable to play and I don't see how it would hurt if they played on another server .


So, if you get the extra bandwidth.. will you be chucking more money at the servers so (finally) we could use VC (voice comms) in bwtfcl matches?

plz.. get more servers :) pretty plz..... :D :D


soooooo :) admin dooods can we have the table updated? or what happens, I guess the matches the played are null and void and all points reset from their games :)
tata :)

old.feigned innocence

I guess the problem on foreign clans and players having to drop is made worse because all BWTFCL matches must be played on BW servers. I guess their maybe a fine reason for it, but it seems bloody minded to me. If both clans agree, I would have thought playing on another sever, running the appropriate cfg, especially as ref is in attendance.

but anyhow, if oyu wanna play bwtfcl, you play by their rools i guess !!!

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