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I have been looking at teh forums since the announcement of Oggys death last week. Kind hearted words flooded in from all directions to pass our condolences.

However, it seems that some ppl just cannot let ANY event go without flaming something;




These threads have to be the worst example of this. People pointing fingers at each other and blaming other parties for what happened before, during and after the event. None of them have proof, logs, pictures or anything to confirm this, but worst of all it severely detracts for the point of the event all together.

Just for once in your lives cant you just get back to the game and play without spoiling what to be was a momentus occasion in the history of DAoC? The fact we set upon each other after has no place here. Thats the nature of people and the game.

I would ask for the mods to close these threads, but we are all entitled to our opinions, just please people, think about the event, the memory of a fellow player and leave behind this bitter twisted attitude you have.


Siiince i don't give a rats ass(not donkey) and my name infact is Toto(tm) <<Thanks Sickofit...(tm) aka Uncle Sicko(TM)(tm)>> i will just say that what the hel..heck is the deal with this Oggy?

So someone died. Ok, have a memorial...not my problem.

So some people came and crashed your mourning and silent moment?(which included some people jumping up and down and running about..way to go..yei.) So what? It's a game, it's war, it's a mother of a sungoats free world! People can be rude sons of female dogs if they want to.

If my kitty just died, and i wanted to "mourn" it conviniently near an outpost (cough) in the middle of a battlezone...well...that explains itself really and if you don't get it, go back home and eat some liqourice.


and i wanted to "mourn" it conviniently near an outpost

LOLLL, the word mourn in quotation marks:)

Jeez are those Jews "mourning" their dead again:rolleyes:


I think it an odd decision on the part of his guild, to attempt to hold a DAoC equivalent of a one-minute silence, in the middle of emain.
However, once they had made this decision and resolved to do it, i think it's purely respectful to go along with it....
As such, i disagree with you Toto :p


Yes, many do disagree with me, but then again so many are wrong! *muah* :p


I got nothing more to say , since the lamers keep talking alot
of "crap"...they seem to enjoy this threads..

And Whoodoo , my to hell to all was to the lamers , and i shouldnt even yell it in a thread like this. Very inmature, sorry for that

as i have said before , very sad that people can do things like this..

Im out



If you were referring to me as a lamer, i prefer the word L'emur. It's more sophisticated :p

And oh...like i care what others think of my opinions so "Joy to the wooorld, one hibbie less! And all was well again!"

How far can i take this...very far...


The guy who played Oggy, nothing against, someone i didn't know..now gone..must be a bad day for the ones who did know him.

Oggy in itself is a character, a hibbie, hibbies are bad.


If you don't get it, as said before, go eat some liqourice.


Look here mate , he died in REAL LIFE , not in the game.

Dead , gone.. you wont see him and have a chance to kill him so much as you want

Dead: Heart stop pounding, closed his eyes. Don't breath anymore.. got it?

Are you gonna laugh when someone you know dies?

Now get a life


Oh? My gods...i thought he died of cancer in the game...

Oh my..i just...i'm sorry, i really thought it was in game talk all the time...

You mean...dead? As in, kicked the bucket? Scadoodled? Bit the bullet?

*turns of the sarcasm light*

Old mcdonald had a farm, ii-ai ii ai o....

Lost plenty of friends and relatives in my life but i never went in the middle of afganistan with 30 closest friends and ask people to not mortar us while we "mourn" the loss.

Don't try to get me all repentive and trying to make me realise how wrong i am and how bad of a person i am...i just care about it and that's that.

HEll, one player gone...whoopidoo...how about WTC? Washington? Afganistan? WW1? WW2?

People die, get over it.

What else...

oh yeah...

Miau! *scratches*

Now go find some other sinner who cares what you think.


See what I mean, I asked for a stop to the flaming of this entire subject, and one person just cant resist.

I take it by this you have never lost anyone to the big C, game or no game, respect is due.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Lost plenty of friends and relatives in my life but i never went in the middle of afganistan with 30 closest friends and ask people to not mortar us while we "mourn" the loss.

Don't try to get me all repentive and trying to make me realise how wrong i am and how bad of a person i am...i just care about it and that's that.

Did you ignore those deaths also?

I only asked why somone have to begin killing people in emain at the cermony.. thats all

Just find it lame


I'm sure you think you're impressing us with your wit, but in fact you're coming across as a prize pillock.

You seem to be getting mixed up between real life and a game, as your remark about 'One less Hibbie' shows.

Rather pathetic really.


Well, now that i have caused some real ruckus here...it's time to ask one thing...

IF i seem to mix real life and game, arn't those who are forgetting this IS a game just the same?

Every middie didn't know of this "event", so don't be so eager beaver to blame everyone just because something happened INGAME.

I said before that i don't know the guy who played Oggy and thus, i really don't care about what happened...i can't bloody well start crying every time a korean kid or a US granny gets klomped now can i?

What i meant by saying "If you don't get it, go eat some liqourice" was one thing noone did get as well...

I acted as a middie, happy of a hibbie death but also stated that i didn't find anything funny about a real life person dying...duely noted, i didn't say that word to word but i can dig the phrase up if you insist.

As it comes to "rather pathetic". Well, that's a point of morale, personal feelings and such. We're not the same so stop treating all as we were like you.

Uncle Sick(tm)

It is always sad when someone dies...

... but a memorial in the middle of Emain? That is just asking for it. Not everyone has BW bookmarked.
There are tons of places in Hibernia, suitable and pretty enough for a memorial (the island with the faerie horses next to Innis for example...).

And Toto... you do come across as a moron. Re-read your post and do some constructive editing.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by varhees
They did post a link here at www.daoc-europe.com also...

What does it prove? I check daoc.home once in a blue moon...

... and even if every single player had been informed - holding the memorial in Emain was still asking for it.
Someone suggested Hadrian's Wall at least - but no, it had to be the bowl in Emain.

In the end the whining is not about Oggy's memorial being disturbed it is rather "OMG I wus an rp cow for a cheatin mid!!1".

If you were a friend of Oggy and knew him personally: I am sorry for your loss.
If you just want to whine about some people not playing by your personal rules: *shrug* Insert your favorite profanity here.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

And Toto... you do come across as a moron. Re-read your post and do some constructive editing.



I don't care about the death, it's "sad" but don't care since i didn't know the surfer.

Holding the event in emain was stupid in my opinion.

You asked to be ganked, klomped and stomped even if posting it on a 10+ threads and sites, not everyone reads them and just play the game.

DAmn you Sicko for being a voice of reason...*pouts*

old.Gombur Glodson

He's a parent, they have to be like that.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
He's a parent, they have to be like that.

Atleast i didn't get grounded from DaoC this time.


Originally posted by Cadire
I'm sure you think you're impressing us with your wit, but in fact you're coming across as a prize pillock.

You seem to be getting mixed up between real life and a game, as your remark about 'One less Hibbie' shows.

Rather pathetic really.
Hail to that.
Some people have as much empathy and sensibility as a vomit bucket.


Well now...

I tried to be nice for a moment there but...

vomit bucket?!

Ooh...red balloon..floating away...anger go byebye...


What was i saying?

Halo | NS


How shitty.

I don't come here often but when I do I don't expect to see stuff like this.

How old was he?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
He's a parent, they have to be like that.

ph34r my parental powers! HarrRr!!

On the Oggy topic... and this is my personal opinion(tm):
You don't need a big memorial to remember someone close.
And that should be quite obvious to everyone.
Remember the person once in a while, bring up old memories and have good thoughts about Oggy.
Once they implement guild housing, call your guild home the Oggy hall *shrugs*.
There are better ways to honor someone than to set up a memorial in Emain that is doomed to fail anyway.

Living on in your friends memories - that's how one achieves true immortality.


Re: ...........

Originally posted by Halo | NS
How shitty.

I don't come here often but when I do I don't expect to see stuff like this.

How old was he?

Don't really know , dont wanna guess either.. wish to know that also


Tohtori, usually I'm quite fond of you, but this thread has left me completely galled. People who read these forums were close to this person, and you've deliberately tried to demean that loss. Thats exceptionally cold of you. Just because you are bereft of feeling for the death of a fellow player, do you really need to belittle his death for everyone else who might have been emotionally involved?

You can agree, or disagree. Maybe it was foolish to have the memorial in emain, maybe it wasn't. Like I said before, the germans and the english could play footie on no mans land at christmas, but the mids, hibs and albs can't be expected to join up and not fight for thirty five minutes...

If you are going to discuss this matter, do it tastefully or don't do it at all. This is some peoples friend that you are so flippantly disregarding. I'm all fine for debate, but blatant controversationalism for the sake of stoking the flames Toto is bang out of order.
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