Discrimination against un-clanned players?



Anyone come across this?

i play this for fun since cs is wank atm cuz of cheaters.. Anyway,..

not being big headed :)p ) but id say im a decent player at this game, 90% of the time taking most kills, and/or being in top 3.

Now, watching the global chat alot, when ever i see one guildy killed by another its always "nice shot" "well played" etc etc and so on, but noticed when a guilded gets killed by a unguilded player they get abuse hurled at them (in my case anyway:( ), so as anyone would, i stand up for myself, which usualy results in me being kicked/banned from the server, (btw only play on BW servers)

As it just happened again to me, by some idiot in =EU= or something, "kick Winter(me) cuz he is upsetting me(lol?) blah blah <add usual lame comments players come out with>"

to me that justs wrong heh, or is that how you lot play?

to be guilded = "respect" ?


I just ignore them. There are always bad losers. I get cheater comments now and again. That's in every FPS game I play. Or you can have a clan of one. LOL. If you think that might help.



Yeh some people assume that if you do not have a clan it is because u cannt shoot, however when you shoot them they get annoyed an assume you are cheating. I have been called cheat many timesbut i take it as a compliment as if they think i am to good to be playing without cheats i dont care! lol
btw you are welcome on our server any time its a BW server and it good! We try to keep abuse minimal! lol


I got this the other day, i'm a moderately skilled Q3 player but in terms of raw ability that puts me fairly high up in DM MoH on the less strategic levels. I played some Team-DM the other night, the first time i've played the game in literally months, and after a few levels of warming up i was getting called a bot etc by some clanned players. Ho hum :).


I get the cheating line a lot. My defence is 'just cos you suck I must cheat?' I get abuse for no reason sometimes.


Bigfoot...we all know yr a bot, pre-programmed by the corporate bigwigs to always tow the partyline and never say what you really think :p

The *SBS* Doc

Just as sarcastic as ever on these boards too then Pac? :)

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