different thread (hidden whine)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Simple fix i would go with that keeps them different but a bit more balanced.

Uninteruptable casting put on a 15second timer (still much better then QC)

Reduce chamber range to 1000units (possibly 750 but give them benefit of doubt with that and make it 2/3rds of normal cast)

Give them a 1500 range baseline nuke which is affected by Dex

This will make them more effective in many ways, but also balance them out a little with the fact they cant chamber you down from 1500 units which is the major problem.. 1000unit gives you time to turn and run if you dont think you can take them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Corran said:
Simple fix i would go with that keeps them different but a bit more balanced.

Uninteruptable casting put on a 15second timer (still much better then QC)

Reduce chamber range to 1000units (possibly 750 but give them benefit of doubt with that and make it 2/3rds of normal cast)

Give them a 1500 range baseline nuke which is affected by Dex

This will make them more effective in many ways, but also balance them out a little with the fact they cant chamber you down from 1500 units which is the major problem.. 1000unit gives you time to turn and run if you dont think you can take them.

I look into my magic crystal ball and ic.. ic... ic Pip speccing tireless 3


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
pip said:
quess you dont no how long your power will last when you use interrupted

not long i tell ya and i'm a noob

which makes you 1 to cap matter get aom

and stop crying:twak:

another moron saying get aom... i have aom and capped matter on my ranger... still 1 secc kill.

let dex affect theyr casting and reduce chamber dmg alot... as was sayd before


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
thing is like without chambers WL is weak compared to other mages...

The idea of chambers could still work... but like let them have loads of chamber like 5-10... all loaded up with cool things util and stuff. but just not loaded up with fucking PBAOE or any high delve damage shit.

make them powerful by given them options and util... but atm they basically just primed fucking nucleur warheads and if you standing next to one that detonates basically your fucking dead.

WL are not the most OP mage out their imo.. its just people hate them because of the speed of which they can kill you sometimes. like bang dead.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
chambers aren't the problem - it's the 2s base cast ui lifetaps or the fact that the utility line has a huge delve lifetap in it.

Remove the lifetap from hex and they're fixed ;) (would have to spec curse for damage and you can't ui cast damage)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
warlock whiner, fuck off QQ more etc etc.

just accept it, high dmg outload. then they are dead meat.

just fucking face it, stop making shitty threads, because quite frankly, who cares? :\


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
the only way to actually "fix" warlocks is not lowering their damage but shifting their damage from insta to over time

With the latest patch mythic made warlocks even less grpable while keeping their soloing/instakill capabilities nearly untouched

Thats just an example of how it COULD work imho:
- remove the 4 second castime hexing cap and allow those primary spells to be affected by dex so their combined spells become viable
- remove multiple chambers, you can only put up the highest one, lowlvl chambers should have reduced damage (for example 70%/85%/100%) so its worth speccing
- primer casts should have fixed castimes with castimes and powercosts adjusted (ie uninterruptable 2 sec capped castime for 40/30/20% mana)

This would put warlocks in line with the other casters for standard nuking:
209-219(223) dd every 2.8 vs 179-183 lifetab every 2.5 vs 179 dd+160-190 lifetab every 4 sec; (warlocks would do some extra damage due to beeing easier to rupt)
while allowing them to remain oped due to the one chamber and their always up quickcast

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Delete Midgard, remove stealth and we have a good game.

No need to make a rocket science out of it, really.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Andrilyn said:
1 vs 1 Warlocks are dangerous though if I would make a mid group I would never ever get a warlock in it.
When you roam around (so no keep/tower/bridge camping) Warlocks become useless because they are always target #1, once they have casted their chambers their damage output is screwed and some DI is all you need to counter their chamber dumps.
I am not saying the warlock is not an OP class because imo it's very OP especially in keep/tower/bridge fights but the class is designed so wrongly and when I first heard of the warlock being introduced I thought it would be a bit like the Warcraft Warlock which would, imo, fit much better than the piece of crap of a class they made now.

Sorry Andrilyn, but when you meet a grp with a SM, BD, 2 x WL and all RR10 with some good support you will think different about this matter. The WLs kill both Clerics instantly and the rest of the group is dead within seconds. Been there, seen that.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Warlocks are harmless when you have 50-55% matter resists, watch them blow their chambers and all their power on UI lifetaps and then they can't do anything anymore.
I've never been killed instantly with friar resists up (53% matter resists).
Even more fun with a Heretic rr5 in the group, watch them blow everything and you still have 90% health after they are oom and chamberless.

Hench why I said WLs are pointless in FG fights as if they do not kill their targets fast they will not kill anything at all anymore.
Sure in keep/tower/bridge fights where they can reload their chambers without being interrupted and where their PBAE bombs kill everyone as they have to run through small doors etc is very OP though a Warlock that's taking part in a FG roaming group will find it a rather pointless class.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I disagree even if the damage is taken from them. Unbreakable snare and nearsight and spread heal is enuf to group them for me. They can still dump the stuff in form of chambers or UIs or powerless spells.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
They're a silly class that doesn't use the normal game mechanics. But then Mythic have to keep coming up with new crap to keep peeps playing.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
If a Warlock has to resolve to using spreadheal in combat your group is probably already dead plus the fact that the manaless cast is interruptable so you can just deal with them like a normal caster to keep them occupied (pet's, mez spam etc etc).
And grouping them for NS.. Runie would be a ton better for that.
I am not saying a WL is crap by all means no but in an open ground battle I see it as a pointless class and a waste of space in a group.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2005
lol any stealther who gets PA off on a Warlock {Warlock is Dead}


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Then you probably never heard of Purge or decent melee resists for that matter.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
@ Andrilyn

Warlocks suck in grp thats correct but i can't agree to the rest of ur post.
You can't really compare them to other casters when it comes to grping and their roles in grp pvp, especially after the nerf, are becoming smaller...

You miss the point that there can be good players behind warlocks, that do not hit all their tools into ur heretics immunity ability or your stickbots DI.
There might even be some who actually use templates with manapool and manarestore items like tartaros or jacinas allowing them to keep their uninterruptable lifetabbing up much longer

And sry, but ur suggesting a 3on1 here, heretic + friar + your class vs warlock
Do you expect the warlocks having that much of a chance here ? Even if he is a warlock he is not yet god and guess what, he might as well bring his grp, maybe his healer mezzbot to mezz u for the 45 seconds of the heretics RA

There will always be combinations of skills that help overcome others but those are not relevant class issues...
Could also say a healer is the ultimative killing machine coz he can mezz and stun for a caster


Loyal Freddie
Dec 15, 2005
2/3 Sec delay between firing Chambers, only able to put 1 sort of spell (damage/heal/debuff) per chamber, so no DD+PBAOE/Bolt+LT etc, but can Bolt+NS, etc.

Voilá, Warlocks fixed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
old.SevenSins said:
2/3 Sec delay between firing Chambers, only able to put 1 sort of spell (damage/heal/debuff) per chamber, so no DD+PBAOE/Bolt+LT etc, but can Bolt+NS, etc.

Voilá, Warlocks fixed.

there are 2 sec delay between fireing chambers. But warlocks can cast while fireing chambers = seems like no recast ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Celestino said:
You miss the point that there can be good players behind warlocks, that do not hit all their tools into ur heretics immunity ability or your stickbots DI.

There could be but there aren't.

The only 'good' warlock is Hiz and given any other caster even he would have max 1/2 the RPs.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
well you can't take the skill of *most* players into account when talking about the class, else you could say 80% of albion classes are underpowered and need some love...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Celestino said:
@ Andrilyn

And sry, but ur suggesting a 3on1 here, heretic + friar + your class vs warlock
Do you expect the warlocks having that much of a chance here ? Even if he is a warlock he is not yet god and guess what, he might as well bring his grp, maybe his healer mezzbot to mezz u for the 45 seconds of the heretics RA

No healer will ever mez you for 45 seconds not unless all your resists are down and your sorcs and minstrel(s) are dead but besides that;

Yes I was using a group vs group example so of course the Warlock will have a group of his own but that doesn't take away that if you want damage a Runie is alot better in a group as he will not run oom at the rate a Warlock does (considering they are both ToA'ed etc).
Sure a Warlock can spike damage harder as long as he has his chambers but that means after the 2 or 3 chambers his damage will be much less than that of a runie seeing as most Warlocks cast their nuke and release their chamber at the same time resulting in 3 or 4 nukes at once on 1 target (depending if they use manaless cast or base bolt/DD).

Add to it that a Warlock with his chambers up will basically scream "Kill me first!" so if you lost the mez and the other group starts to assist on 1 target 9 out of the 10 times it will be the Warlock that will take it while a runie is, generally speaking, much safer.
A Warlock is, just like any caster, alot better in a keep/tower situation than on open ground but the problem with Warlocks is they are way beyond over the top at keep situations and a bit under par in an open field battle which would mean that Mythic has to make their roaming abilities a bit (not that much but someone said dex based cast which I think would work) better and 'nerf' their keep/tower ability to devour zergs as to say.

Personally I'd much rather see the class completely renewed though chances of that happening is probably 0% as I think the class is designed so wrongly and it could have become a class that would fit in DAoC so much better while at the same time would make playing it and playing against it alot more 'fun'.

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