different thread (hidden whine)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Ok, so instead of whining about warlocks beeing overpowerd.. etc and having a vamp with capped sists more then 2500 hps, and yet be 1shot from range lets try sumthing else

What would you think make a warlock still be a awesom class to play, yet make it less overpowerd/make other people able to kill it actually.

So again: don't tell here that warlocks are 200% overpowerd, that's allready a known fact. Try give some good points/ideas how Mythic could possible make the class different (YET A COOL CLASS 2 play).

I have one: Make the chamber wow-wise.... It beeing cast over 4 seconds.. and everything the warlock gets hit, the timer goes back a bit.. (ie: timer is on 3 of 4 sec, it gets hit, its on 2 of 4 sec again.)...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
they would have to rework the class which is dangerous.

Its just the insta damage which is fucked up... I mean the ability to press buttons and instantly do like 1000+ damage is going to piss peeps off (specially combined with the UI PBAOE)

but then again if you look at the bigger picture the warlock is not really an effective FG rvr toon.

So I would like to see change that makes like a good warlock a candidate for a spot in any RVR group... but at the same time I would like to see this insane insta damage reduced.

The hex spec bombers are basically bridge camping and making stealther RVR a less enjoyable experience tbh. like basically you cannot attack the class as a ranger (FZ being the only exception, unless they are those dumb fucks that chamber dump after phase shift (something u never know untill you test them which can end in disaster... this just aint right)

Im not sure how to fix I really dont know enough about the class... If you ask a warlock what needs to be changed though they will say nothing etc.. or the usual its ok to be OP I still get zergged (classic Mas quote)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
warlocks are designed as very high frontload in very short time tho,
the only thing i would change on a warlock is remove powerless casting.
No casters should be able to cast with no mana tbh

on a side note, if you wanted challenging fights you wouldnt have rolled a vamp which has just as many i-win buttons against most classes


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
if some warlock could explain to those who dont have1, how chambers etc work. (with the spell names like @ daoc.catacombs.com)
maybe i get a idea of what each "primer" does. and what the reason is for the higher level primers (dunno what's the diffrence tbh)..

maybe then i can give some idea's :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Devilseye said:
if some warlock could explain to those who dont have1, how chambers etc work. (with the spell names like @ daoc.catacombs.com)
maybe i get a idea of what each "primer" does. and what the reason is for the higher level primers (dunno what's the diffrence tbh)..

maybe then i can give some idea's :)
its not realyl particularly good but gives you the basic idea



Dec 22, 2003
I think if they changed the "moc" cast to a "chance not to be interupted cast" i.e 25% 50% 75% depending on spec level, that would make warlocks slightly more balanced.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Warlocks need love!

Give them healer and theurgist pets, self buffs, cone nukes and animist turrets imo (uninterruptable imo)

Nothing beats standing lfg as healer near Bled with 7 warlocks, all soloing :clap:

1 vs 1 warlock are ridiculios overpowered, fg vs fg they are just annoying


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Get rid of the chambers and make all of their spells influenced by dexterity + cost 50% less power. Problem solved?

They can still beat certain classes (ones which are built for long winded fights) but against people who deal damage fast, they would die so it's still keeping with the whole rock/paper/scissors ethos.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 30, 2004
kirennia said:
Get rid of the chambers and make all of their spells influenced by dexterity + cost 50% less power. Problem solved?

They can still beat certain classes (ones which are built for long winded fights) but against people who deal damage fast, they would die so it's still keeping with the whole rock/paper/scissors ethos.

Cursing spec bolt Greater bolt of death delves at 413, you want that spell dex based, well Locks would be even more insanly OP'd


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Gungo said:
Cursing spec bolt Greater bolt of death delves at 413, you want that spell dex based, well Locks would be even more insanly OP'd

ok, bring em down in power to the best of each class.

331DD bolt
335DD pbaoe
219DD nuke

etc etc

It wouldn't matter so much about their diversity because they're still gonna have 4 second cast time modified by dex and cost more power so they'd never be as good as the classes ability which they're using (DDing they wouldnt be as good as a wizz, pbaoe they wouldn't be as good as a chanter and so on). The only problem with that is the uninteruptable part. Could make it so spells only have 75% effectiveness if cast with uninteruptable?


Nov 28, 2004
Working as intended

leave em alone any slight adjustment will just feek em up

ok we might get a kill but once chambers are down we free rp


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
pip said:
Working as intended

leave em alone any slight adjustment will just feek em up

ok we might get a kill but once chambers are down we free rp

ohh ur afraid that u cant insta kill anymore? poor u i feel ur pain :m00:


Nov 28, 2004
no just lets gimp another mid class make it useless so it can't get a kill

then to top that shit it can't get a grp:twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
1 vs 1 Warlocks are dangerous though if I would make a mid group I would never ever get a warlock in it.
When you roam around (so no keep/tower/bridge camping) Warlocks become useless because they are always target #1, once they have casted their chambers their damage output is screwed and some DI is all you need to counter their chamber dumps.
I am not saying the warlock is not an OP class because imo it's very OP especially in keep/tower/bridge fights but the class is designed so wrongly and when I first heard of the warlock being introduced I thought it would be a bit like the Warcraft Warlock which would, imo, fit much better than the piece of crap of a class they made now.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
pip said:
Working as intended

leave em alone any slight adjustment will just feek em up

ok we might get a kill but once chambers are down we free rp
thats the problem realy.. ever seen a warlock without chambers?
(after they killed some1 ofc)...
But i aint suiciding on bledmeer guards just to kill 1 warlock who wants to reload his chambers safely next to realm guards xD


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
pip said:
Working as intended

leave em alone any slight adjustment will just feek em up

ok we might get a kill but once chambers are down we free rp

If you haven't instakilled anything yet when you're chambers are down, perhaps even 2 ppl, you are in fact a WL super noob.

And when they're down you can't be interrupted while casting so free rp?? lol ye right.
To add something on topic: reduce their chamber dmg with 50-70% and remove their uninterruptable casting and let dex effect their spells.


Nov 28, 2004
Comos said:
If you haven't instakilled anything yet when you're chambers are down, perhaps even 2 ppl, you are in fact a WL super noob.

And when they're down you can't be interrupted while casting so free rp?? lol ye right.
To add something on topic: reduce their chamber dmg with 50-70% and remove their uninterruptable casting and let dex effect their spells.
quess you dont no how long your power will last when you use interrupted

not long i tell ya and i'm a noob

which makes you 1 to cap matter get aom

and stop crying:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Comos said:
If you haven't instakilled anything yet when you're chambers are down, perhaps even 2 ppl, you are in fact a WL super noob.

And when they're down you can't be interrupted while casting so free rp?? lol ye right.
To add something on topic: reduce their chamber dmg with 50-70% and remove their uninterruptable casting and let dex effect their spells.
cant realy remember how hard a high RR warlock will hit me..
But from the rr6ish warlocks. i get nuked for 650ish with 25% matter resist (so a nerf of 25~ % less dmg would be fine)

give them quickcast (and MoC). and remove the uninteruptable stuff.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Devilseye said:
cant realy remember how hard a high RR warlock will hit me..
But from the rr6ish warlocks. i get nuked for 600ish with 25% matter resist (so a nerf of 20~ % less dmg would be fine)

give them quickcast. and remove the uninteruptable stuff.

20% per chamber then, I was talking about the full blast :D
Dec 31, 2003
Guys why even try to aproach this in any reasonable manner? The idea with warlocks was obviously to make the new expansion sell. If you there is no demand for an expansion, you create one; introducing new classes that is OBVIOUSLY going to be "OPed"/better then th existing ones is one way of creating a demand.

Mythic will never change the class since why would they? With catacombs they basically tells the community, if you give us $$ then we will make life easier for you, yet in a gamebreaking way. The person who got the task to actually make Warlocks must have knewn that a class that can deal 1500 dmg in 1 second together with a lifetap is unkillable for anyone in a 1v1 situation, and DAoC is a game where balance should been made in a around 1v1 situations since even in 8v8 or 16 vs 8 it will always be 1 class vs another, or 2 classes vs another. The excuse that this game is balanced around 100 vs 100 is ludicris bullshit. Anyone that buys that argument does it b/c it benefits them in some way. Plays the class or profits in some other way.

Only way to bring balance With warlocks, Bainshees and Vampiirs is to remove them from the game, but that will ofcourse not happend. If you try to compair say; friars, Thanes, Paladins, champions and wardens VS Vampiirs there is not mutch balance to be found really. The others classes are balanced in a almost perfect way, the exception might be thanes whom req. abit more work to make competable. Vampiirs on the other hand, even on a relative low melee spec will deal more damage / round then a friar will, and when it comes to DPS burst vampiirs with thier matter damaging DD isn't even on the same page as the rest of the hybrid classes.
I do not understand why you make a great game, maybe one of the best modern MMORPGs so far, then destroy it. DAoC used to have something wich other games like World Of Warcraft for exampel lacks.

Simply do not understand the hard part to grasp about Realm VS Realm and class balance. Whats the point of designing near 40 classes and leave some unplayable and some insanly OPed. Seems Mythic learned nothing from almost 5 years of DAoC.
Well not mutch to say really, no chain is stonger then the weakest link, and imo DAoC weakest link has always been the class balance. But instead of working on the issues that need to be adressed they add alot of fluff and often dodgy content.

Well I once again made an epic whine post, with baised opinions and proberly clueless statements with lack of brackets and a red thread... :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
just remove the uninterruptable spells and let them have their instants. Instead of uninterruptable spells give them quickcast if they dont have..


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
pip said:
no just lets gimp another mid class make it useless so it can't get a kill

then to top that shit it can't get a grp:twak:

Maybe mythic shouldn't put so much overpowered shit into one class in the first place :p


Nov 28, 2004
quickcast shove that leave em alone there fine as they are if anything we need love nothing else

well stealth and speed would be nice

and 500 dam tick


Nov 28, 2004
WullieTheRed said:
Yeah, but when you're 1v1 your opponent is usually dead by the time yer chambers are down.
you lose to em on your vamp ?
Dec 31, 2003
pip said:
quickcast shove that leave em alone there fine as they are if anything we need love nothing else

well stealth and speed would be nice

and 500 dam tick

Pls just be quiet Pip, u as we know warlocks need to be adressed.

fkn troll...:rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
nerf damage off spells and make cast spd of the spells tad bit faster and remove the uninteruptable cast thingy... QC is what other casters have too work with let the warlocks do that.. at least QC requires some skill :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
pip said:
you lose to em on your vamp ?
i do on mine with 2474hp and 25% matter resists (unless i go back to Dementia spec ofc)

so your either saying. your warlock sucks cause you DO lose to vamps..
or you only fought Dementia vamps (which i doubt)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
The whole class would have to be redesigned, its not the WLs damage that makes them OP its the very fact they have they have chambers goes completely against the original game design. There is no simple way of balancing the WL class imo, they'll always be laughably OP in many situations unless they're nerfed to the extent that they're useless in all.

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